Thursday, August 22, 2024

80 Years Ago, Wednesday, 23 August 1944


PACIFIC–Destroyer Cassin (DD-372), destroyer escort Cabana (DE-260), and infantry landing craft (gunboat) LCI(G)-346 and LCI(G)-438 bombard Japanese installations and positions on Aguijan Island, Marianas; ships repeat bombardment (LCI(G)-348 replaces LCI(G)-438 on 24 and 25 August) daily until 26 August.

            Battleships Tennessee (BB-43) and California (BB-44) en route from Eniwetok to Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, collide; damage to California will prevent her from participating in upcoming Palau operations.

            Submarine Haddo (SS-255) torpedoes Japanese destroyer Asakaze as the enemy warship is escorting tanker Niyo Maru, 20 miles southwest of Cape Bolinao, Luzon, P.I., 16°06'N, 119°44'E. Asakaze sinks near Dasol Bay after attempts at salvage fail.

            Submarine Tang (SS-306) attacks Japanese convoy off Honshu, sinking cargo ship Tsukushi Maru off Hamamatsu,34°37'N, 137°52'E.

            PB4Y-1s (VB 102) attack Japanese convoy in the Bonnins and sink Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No.5 Shonan Maru northwest of Chichi Jima, 27°07'N,142°06'E.

MEDITERRANEAN–German garrison on Isle de Proquerolles, except isolated stragglers, surrenders to Commander TG 86.3 in light cruiser Omaha (CL-4); the island will then be occupied by Senegalese troops.

            Destroyer escort Solar (DE-221) is damaged by collision with underwater object.

            High speed transport Tattnall (APD-19) is damaged by collision with underwater object off southern France.

EUROPE–U.S. freighter Louis Kossuth, bound for Utah Beach, Normandy, is torpedoed by German submarine U-989 at 50°16'N, 01°41'30"W. Of the 334 embarked troops, 13 are injured; there are no casualties to either the merchant complement (40 men) or the 28-man Armed Guard, and the ship is towed to Cowes, England, by British tug Empire Winnie.



EIGHTH AF–150-plus Fighter Bombers bomb and strafe rail transportation from Saint-Omer to Reims. Over 80 bomb Hamm marshalling yards and 9 others, and strafe miscellaneous ground and river targets.

NINTH AF–IX BC sends 4 B-26’s to drop leaflets on Lisieux-Bernay area. fighters fly ground forces cover, sweeps, armed recon over battle areas and along Seine R, and attack arty positions. Over 160 transports fly supply and evacuation missions and several hundred recon aircraft fly tac, visual, photographic, and arty adjustment recon missions.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers attack road and rail bridges N of Arno R and roads leading N from Florence, and also hit bridges in Rhone Valley. Widespread haze in parts of France and Italy prevents accurate bombing. Fighter Bombers continue to attack comm, gun positions, and road movements in Provence battle areas.

FIFTEENTH AF–472 B-24’s and B-17’s supported by P-51’s and P-38’s bomb S industrial area of Vienna, Wiener- Neudorf aircraft engine factory, Vosendorf oil refinery, and Markersdorf Airfield, and attack targets at Ferrara, missing river bridge but hitting synthetic rubber factory.

TENTH AF–32 P-47’s support British advances down railroad in Pinbaw area hitting gun positions, troops, and HQ buildings, immediately N or Pinbaw, and along Nansonti Creek. 6 P-47’s pound Onsansaing, 8 P-51’s bomb encampment near Kadu, and 4 hit Lungling and Mangshih. 5 others attack guns, fuel dump, and other Targets of opportunity along Burma Road from Wanling to Lungling while 7 more hit buildings and vehicles during sweeps of the general Mangshih-Chefang area. 12 P-51’s hit Targets of opportunity SW of Lungling and 2 P-40’s strafe trucks at Chefang.

FOURTEENTH AF–7 B-25’s and 21 Fighter Bombers attack villages, compounds, other Targets of opportunity near Hengyang, Lingyang, and Anjen. More than 40 Fighter Bombers hit villages, shipping, troops, supplies, and other Targets of opportunity around Ichang, Yangtien, Siangtan, and Yiyang, and S of Sungpai and Siangyin.

FEAF–B-24’s pound Galela area and Langgoer Airfield and Saumlakki. Fighter Bombers hit Airfield at Nabire, Moemi, and Urarom, village of Moari, and town of Manokwari. B-25’s, A-20’s, and Fighter Bombers continue to attack barge hideouts, troops, villages, and general Targets of opportunity around Wewak.

SEVENTH AF–B-24’s from Saipan bomb Yap and Iwo Jima while P-47’s hit Pagan and Aguijan. Gilbert-based B-25’s attack Ponape.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 1 Corps continues to make slow progress in coastal sector. 2 Corps is heavily engaged in vicinity of Orbec.

            In Br Second Army’s 12 Corps area, mechanized patrols reach Bernay. In 30 Corps area, 50th Div reaches Verneuil–Breteuil area, where it halts while U.S. XIX Corps moves across its front toward Elbeuf. 12 Army Group: Attaches XV Corps and its 5th Armd and 79th Inf Divs to First Army, effective 0600 24th; alters boundary between First and Third Armies to run along line Chartres–Melun (both towns to First Army).

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s V Corps area, Fr 2d Armd Div, reinf by Tr B of 102d Cav Sq, starts toward Paris along 2 routes to assist FFI forces in taking the city but is halted in Versailles–Bois de Meudon area by strongpoints and roadblocks. 4th Div, preceded by 102d Cav Gp (less Tr B) follows Fr armor along southern route and reaches Arpajon, S of Paris. In XIX Corps area, one 2d Armd Div column, bypassing Conches, which 28th Div clears, reaches Le Neubourg, while another drives toward Elbeuf. 30th Div finds Evreux free of enemy and makes contact with 5th Armd Div (XV Corps) on right.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XV corps area, 79th Div maintains Seine bridgehead at Mantes-Gassicourt while 5th Armd Div continues clearing region W of the Seine. In XX Corps area, 5th Div takes Fontainebleau and continues toward Montereau. 7th Armd Div closes in on Melun. In XII Corps area, 35th Div overruns Montargis.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, engineers are preparing way for entry of 1st ABTF into Cannes, which patrols report clear of enemy. 1st SSF prepares to attack Grasse, important road junction on Route Napoleon (Highway 85). VI Corps concentrates on intercepting German withdrawal up Rhône Valley to Lyon, 141st Inf, 36th Div, closes in the valley and occupies MLR from Drôme R to Montélimar area; TF Butler is disposed to support 141st Inf and provide flank protection; 2d Bn of 141st, assisted by French Maquis and arty fire of TF Butler from Condillac Pass, attacks southward toward Montélimar on Highway 7 but fails in the first of many efforts to take the town. To free additional elements of 36th Div for action in Rhône Valley, 180th Inf of 45th Div relieves 142d Inf of defensive positions in N part of E (right) flank of corps. 179th Inf is attached to 36th Div in Grenoble area. 3d Div works NW toward the Rhône and finds Martigues clear.

            In Fr Army B’s 2 Corps area, 9th Colonial and 1st Inf Divs break into E part of Toulon and press forward to center of city. After battery on Cap de l’Esterel, at E tip of Giens Peninsula, surrenders, Fr troops land on the peninsula and clear it without opposition. Chapuis Group of 3d Algerian Div, assisted by Goums and CCI of 1st Armd Div, breaks into suburbs of Marseille from E and N. Efforts to induce the garrison to surrender fail.

RUMANIA—King Michael surrenders Rumania unconditionally to Soviet forces.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, advance elements of 92d Div—RCT 370—take over part of zone held by 1st Armd Div.

CBI—War Department notifies Gen Stilwell that operations to open land route to China must be limited to construction of 2-way, all-weather road to Myitkyina and opening trail from there to China. This decision is made in order to increase manpower for Pacific offensives but limits tonnage to China over Ledo Road. Gen Hearn presents message from President Roosevelt to Chiang Kai-Shek, urging that Gen Stilwell be put in command of Chinese forces soon and commenting on conditions proposed by Chinese. Gen Hearn also informs Gen Chennault that his proposal to send U.S. supplies to E China for recapture of Heng-yang is refused. On Salween front, Japanese commander at Lungling calls for reinforcements.

NEW GUINEA—On Noemfoor, 503d Para Inf begins concentration in Kamiri airdrome area, leaving 3 cos behind to patrol S part of Noemfoor.






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