Sunday, August 18, 2024

80 Years Ago, Monday, 14 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Bluefish (SS-222) sinks Japanese tanker Shinpo Maru, previously damaged by Puffer (SS-268) on 12August, off Golo Island, 13°39'N, 120°22'E.

            Submarine Cod (SS-224) sinks Japanese landing ship T.129 in Banda Sea, about 40 miles south of Boeroe Island and80 miles southwest of Ambon Bay, 04°17'S, 126°46'E.

            Submarine Croaker (SS-246) sinks Japanese gunboat No.7 Daigen Maru southwest of Inchon, Korea, 37°25'N,125°12'E.

            Submarine Ray (SS-271) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking merchant cargo ship Zuisho Maru off northwest coast of Borneo, 03°51'N, 112°58'E, and damaging cargo vessel Uga Maru, 03°51'N, 112°58'E (see 21 August).

            Japanese cargo ship Miikesan Maru is sunk by mind laid by USAAF B-24 (14th Air Force) off Takao, Formosa,22°00'N, 120°00'E.

ATLANTIC–Tank landing ship LST-921 is sunk by German submarine U-667 about 11 miles southwest of Hartland Point, England,51°05'N, 04°47'W.



EIGHTH AF–Over 1,100 Heavy Bombers attack 9 Airfields, 2 aero engine factories, 1 oil plant, 2 bridges, 2 rail junctions and other secondary and Targets of opportunity in SW Germany, E France, and Bordeaux region. fighters fly 388 sorties in support and destroy 10 aircraft, 19 locomotives, and numerous other ground targets. 6 Fighter Bomber groups attack targets within 130mi radius of Paris, 136 Fighter Bombers bombing various transportation targets.

NINTH AF–IX BC Medium Bombers and Light Bombers hit several highway and rail bridges, junctions and sidings mostly beyond battlelines in France to delay and complicate German retreat. fighters escort bombers, fly armed recon over Falaise, Broglie, and Chartres areas, and support ground forces, especially 7 armored and infantry divisions, over wide areas of N and W France. A XIX TAC squadron uniquely effects surrender of a number of German ground troops, Germans on roads being strafed by squadron NE of Carrouges wave white flags, whereupon planes buzz the road and shepherd enemy troops into a column which then proceeds to US lines to surrender.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers hit coastal defense guns while Fighter Bombers pound various gun positions, tracks, enemy HQ, and Targets of opportunity in the Toulon-Nice area. fighters strafe radar installations and Targets of opportunity along the French S coast as DRAGOON forces approach. During 13/14 Aug A-20’s hit Targets of opportunity in W Po Valley and fuel dump N of Italy battle area.

FIFTEENTH AF–540 B-24’s and B-17’s bomb gun positions in Toulon and Genoa areas as DRAGOON convoy heads for French Mediterranean coast. 145 P-38’s and P-51’s strafe radar installations at several coastal points.

TENTH AF–B-25’s bomb Mohnyin and Indaw. 18 P-51’s pound targets in Myothit area. 46 other Fighter Bombers hit various N Burma targets including Naba junction, active area near Pinbaw, building and Targets of opportunity at Thaikwagon, command post at Hopin, motor pool at Nansiaung Forest, ammo and other supplies in Mohnyin area, and bridges S of Bhamo one of which is slightly damaged.

FOURTEENTH AF–24 B-25’s blast Lungling while 16 P-40’s hit fortified pass and Targets of opportunity to the S. 12 B-25’s bomb railroad yards at Siangtan. 31 P-40’s and P-51’s hit railroad yards, river shipping, and general Targets of opportunity at Hengyang. 13 P-40’s attack Tengchung. 13 others hit trucks, troops, and rivercraft at Pailochi and Siying and 4 bomb bridge at Hsenwi.

FEAF–B-25’s and B-24’s attack Ternate I, AA positions, oil dumps, barracks, supply areas, and other targets throughout the Halmaheras. B-24’s pound Airfield at Babo while A-20’s and Fighter Bombers, along with RAAF airplanes, blasting bivouac, and troops at Terabu, Kaiten, and Wewak Pt.

SEVENTH AF–The Seventh is reorganized as a ‘mobile tac airforce,’ retaining only units that will function in the combat area. VII BC includes 11th, 30th, 41st, and 494th Bomb groups; VII FC includes 15th and 318th fighter groups and 8th Night fighter Squadron; and the recently activated VII Air Service Area Command is composed of 4 service groups. Saipan-based B-24’s bomb Iwo Jima and B-25’s hit Pagan. P-47’s hit Rota. From the Marshalls, B-25’s hit Ponape and B-24’s bomb Wotje.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps continues southward toward Tinchebray while V Corps of U.S. First Army pushes toward same objective from W. 30 Corps is closing in on Vassy and Condé. In 12 Corps area, 59th Div takes Thury-Harcourt. Advance is continued toward Falaise. In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps, making main effort on Falaise from N, begins attack to outflank opposition on Caen–Falaise highway. Cdn 2d Div secures bridgehead across Laize R and pushes to within 4 miles of Falaise. In support of troops, RAF BC drops 3,723 tons of bombs.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, 6th Armd Div’s CCB and CCR move to Vannes and Lorient, respectively, to relieve 4th Armd Div’s units. CCB finds Vannes deserted and moves on to Lorient, relieving CCR. Lorient containing force now consists of CCB, 15th Tank Bn, and 86th Cav Rcn Sq (mechanized). 83d Div continues struggle for St Malo Citadel and Dinard. 8th Div ( — ) joins in assault on Dinard. XV Corps mops up in Alençon–Sées–Argentan area and prepares to drive E on Dreux. XX Corps begins drive toward Chartres with 7th Armd and 5th Inf Divs, armor spearheading. XII Corps continues E toward Orléans with elements of 4th Armd Div.

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div drives steadily northward through Carrouges to Ranes against strong opposition as enemy struggles to keep escape routes open. 9th Div is following up. 1st Div gets forward elements well beyond La Ferté- Macé. 4th Div, disposed along the Varenne, is out of contact with enemy. In XIX Corps area, CCA of 2d Armd Div pushes E, overrunning Domfront, Lonlay-l’Abbaye, and Get. 28th Div, except for 109th Regt, which moves S toward Forêt de Mortain, goes into reserve. 30th Div moves forward behind armor. In V Corps area, 29th Div, advancing E from positions below Sourdeval–Tinchebray highway, reaches St Jean-du-Bois. 2d Div continues toward Tinchebray but is soon stopped by lively opposition.

MEDITERRANEAN—After rendezvousing off Corsica, DRAGOON convoys head for target area of southern France.

POLAND—British begin dropping supplies to Pol forces within Warsaw.

NEW GUINEA—In Vogelkop area, crippled B–24 makes successful landing on Middleburg I. airstrip.






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