Saturday, August 10, 2024

80 Years Ago, 25 July 1944 Tuesday


PACIFIC–Aircraft from TF 58 (Vice Adm Marc A. Mitscher) attack Japanese installations and shipping in the western Carolines, at Yap, Ulithi, Fais, Ngulu, Sorol, and Palau; strikes continue until 28 July. F6Fs from small carrier San Jacinto (CVL-30) damage destroyer Samidare 30 miles north of Babelthuap, Palau, 08°15'N, 134°37'E (see 18 and 26 August 1944). F6Fs from carrier Bunker Hill (CV-17) sink guard boat Ryojin Maru, 07°30'N, 134°30'E.

            USAAF B-25s sink Japanese salvage vessel Hoshin Maru 70 nautical miles east of Hong Kong, 22°00'N, 115°50'E.

ATLANTIC–Small seaplane tender Matagorda (AVP-22) rescues all 67 survivors of U.S. freighter William Gaston, sunk on 22 July by German submarine U-861 approximately 150 miles southeast of Florianapolis, Brazil.

            U.S. freighter Robin Goodfellow is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-862 while en route from Cape Town, South Africa, to New York, at 20°03'S, 14°21'W. All hands (including the 27 Armed Guard sailors and the 41-manmerchant complement) perish.

EUROPE–U.S. freighter David Starr Jordan is bombed and strafed while anchored off Utah Beach, Normandy; two of the 500soldiers embarked on board are killed by bomb fragments, while 13 other men from among the 43-man merchant complement and 26-man Armed Guard are injured.



EIGHTH AF–Heavy Bombers support US First Army assault (Operation COBRA) with saturation bombing in VII Corps area in Marigny-Saint-Gilles region, just W of Saint-Lo. 1,495 Heavy Bombers attack primary target and 13 bomb alternate target. Due to personnel error, bombs from 35 Heavy Bombers fall within US lines. 102 US troops, including Gen McNair, are killed and 380 wounded. 485 fighters execute escort assignments, including protection of Ninth AF Medium Bombers. Afterward 4 of the 10 groups strafe ground targets, and 2 groups sweep inland and engage German fighters. 5 Heavy Bombers and 3 fighters are lost to AA fire. Fighters claim 12 aircraft destroyed in the air and 2 on the ground. Late in the afternoon 106 Heavy Bombers dispatched to bomb target in Brussels area are recalled because of heavy cloud formations.

NINTH AF–During the morning 11 groups of Medium Bombers and Light Bombers attack tac targets in vicinity of Saint-Lo in support of US First Army. In afternoon 4 groups bomb bridges on the Seine and Loire. 42 Medium Bombers of IX BC, repeating errors of previous day, short-bomb behind US lines. Casualties again are concentrated in 30th Inf Div. Fighters strafe and bomb military targets in Saint-Lo area in support of COBRA, fly area patrol and sweeps S of battle area, and carry out armed recon against installations in Laval-Ghent-Amiens areas.

TWELFTH AF–A-20’s hit storage dump and rail lines while Medium Bombers pound bridges in NW Italy at Borgo San Dalmazzo, Fossano, Albenga, Casale Monferrato, Cervo, Legnano, Rovigo, and Chivasso. Fighter Bombers continue to attack comm in Po Valley, hitting numerous targets and completely destroying railroad bridge at Crema.

FIFTEENTH AF–420 B-17’s and B-24’s bomb Hermann Goring tank works in Linz while other Heavy Bombers hit Villach marshalling yard and targets of opportunity in Austria and Yugoslavia. Fighters provide escort and carry out sweeps. 175-200 enemy fighters oppose the attacks. 21 US aircraft are lost. Heavy Bombers and fighters claim over 60 fighters shot down. Operating from Russian FRANTIC bases, 34 P-51’s and 33 P-38’s attack airfield at Mielec and return to Russia.

TENTH AF–24 P-40’s and P-51’s hit targets around Myitkyina, Kamaing, and Mogaung.

FOURTEENTH AF–24 B-24’s bomb Yoyang, blasting storage area and railroad yards. 51 P-40’s and P-51’s attack road and river trafflc, troop compounds and cavalry units at Chaling, Siangsiang, Changsha, Siangyin, and Sinshih and NW of Hengyang. 27 P-40’s escorting the B-24’s over Yoyang claim 6 interceptors shot down. 11 Fighter Bombers support Chinese ground forces in Salween area.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb airfield and other targets on Woleai. Bad weather again cancels strikes in Vogelkop Peninsula, but Troop Carriers complete 48 missions to Biak I despite the weather. Comm and troop concentration along coast in general area of Wewak are attacked throughout the day.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s continue to hit Tinian and Pagan. B-24’s, based at Kwajalein, bomb Truk.



SHAEF—Gen Eisenhower directs that U.S. forces in Normandy be regrouped under a new U.S. army group, 12th. Gen Bradley will head the new command and set the time of its activation.

FRANCE—21 Army Group: U.S. First Army launches breakout assault (COBRA) in VII Corps zone as weather conditions improve. Saturation bombing by Eighth and Ninth Air Forces precedes the ground assault and stuns enemy. More than 4,000 tons of bombs are concentrated in a small area, some falling short and inflicting casualties on U.S. forces. Gen McNair, who has recently replaced Gen Bradley as commander of U.S. 1st Army Group, an organization confined to paper to deceive enemy, is killed by a bomb while watching the attack. Gen DeWitt later replaces Gen McNair. VII Corps attacks across Périers–St Lô road on narrow front at 1100 to force passage through enemy positions in Marigny–St Gilles region. 9th Div on right, 4th in center, and 30th on left advance steadily and force enemy back about 2 miles to line La Butte–La Chapelle-en-Juger–Hébécrevon. VIII Corps is reinf by attachment of 6th Armd Div, now assembled at Le Mesnil. In Br Second Army area, Cdn 2 Corps attacks at 0330 with 2d Div on right and 3d on left, pushing a short distance along Falaise road against stubborn opposition and then breaking off attack. This action helps to divert enemy from COBRA.

FRANTIC—U.S. Fifteenth Air Force fighter bombers from Soviet bases attack Mielec airdrome (Poland), near Lwow, with good effect.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of Second Baltic Front cut Dvinsk–Riga road. Lwow is enveloped by forces of First Ukrainian Front. Four Soviet columns are converging on Brest Litovsk.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, II Corps takes over sector of 88th Div on right flank of army, previously right flank of IV Corps. 88th Div finishes clearing its zone below the Arno and releases TF Ramey.

            In Br Eighth Army area, 13 Corps continues drive on Florence, reaching next delaying line, extending through S. Casciano, in zones of NZ 2d Inf and S African 6th Armd Divs.

BURMA—In NCAC area, Myitkyina TF is further strengthened by arrival of 1st Bn, 90th Regt, Ch 30th Div. By now it is evident that Japanese are preparing to abandon Myitkyina.

NEI—Warships of Br Eastern Fleet bombard Sabang naval base, off N tip of Sumatra, causing extensive damage. Carrier-based aircraft attack airdromes near Sabang.

NEW GUINEA—TF TYPHOON conducts practice landing near Toem in preparation for invasion of the Vogelkop. In Aitape area, relief of Tr C of 112th Cav is finally accomplished after 4 days of strenuous efforts as Cos B and E, 127th Inf, make contact and open escape route. To exploit this success, 1st and 2d Bns, 127th Inf, attack S to Afua–Palauru trail, but enemy remains in considerable strength in this region. On Noemfoor, 503d Para Inf loses contact with Japanese, who withdraw from Inasi area. Kornasoren airfield is ready to accommodate one fighter group.

TINIAN—After repelling determined Japanese counterattack with heavy losses to enemy, 4th Mar Div continues attack and, against light opposition, considerably expands beachhead, which now includes about half of the new airfield. Additional elements of 2d Mar Div land; rest of 8th Marines is placed under operational control of 4th Mar Div.

GUAM—While 77th Div defends S beachhead, 3d Mar Div continues attacks against heights commanding N beachhead and efforts to close the 4-mile gap between it and 77th Div, but progress is still limited.



4th Mar Div expands beachhead on Tinian. Japanese unsuccessfully counterattack III AC positions on Guam.

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