Sunday, August 18, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 12 August 1944


PACIFIC–President Roosevelt concludes his inspection of naval activities in the Pacific when he departs Puget Sound on this date to return to Washington.

            Submarine Pompon (SS-267) attacks Japanese convoy in Sea of Okhotsk, damaging merchant cargo ship Mayachi Maru east of Sakhalin, 50°35'N, 144°03'E.

            Submarine Puffer (SS-268) attacks Japanese convoy off Mindoro, sinking merchant tanker Teikon Maru off Cape Calavite, 13°26'N, 119°55'E; Puffer also damages tanker Shinpo Maru, which is beached off Golo Island (see 14August).



EIGHTH AF–Shuttle-bombing mission UK-USSR-Italy-UK is completed. Of 72 B-17’s taking off from Fifteenth AF bases in Italy, 3 have various problems. The others bomb Toulouse/Francazal Airfield and then proceed to UK. 62 P-51’s (part of the shuttle-mission force) and 43 from UK provide escort. No aircraft are lost. 70 Heavy Bombers and 58 P-51’s land in UK. 5 Heavy Bombers and 6 P-51’s, either left in Italy or returning there during mission, subsequently return to UK. Over 500 other Heavy Bombers attack 7 Airfields and marshalling yards in the Paris area. 6 fighter groups provide escort, 1 escorts Ninth AF Medium Bombers. 2 of the groups afterwards strafe transportation targets. In 2 operations nearly 900 Fighter Bombers attack transportation targets in NE France, a large number of which are bombed with good results by over 700, at a loss of 13 fighters.

NINTH AF–IX BC Light Bombers and Medium Bombers attack Oissel rail bridge, Corbeil-Essonnes refueling siding, and numerous points along highways in Argentan area with aim of bottling up enemy troops. fighters fly ground forces cover and armed recon over wide areas of W and N France, also escort IX BC.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers, Light Bombers, and Fighter Bombers attack targets, mainly gun positions, in battle area N of Arno R and in S France.

FIFTEENTH AF–Almost 550 fighter escorted Heavy Bombers bomb gun positions in Savona, Genoa, Marseille, and Sete areas. 100- plus P-51’s strafe radar installations and other coast-watching facilities along French S coast. These and Twelfth AF strikes are preparatory to DRAGOON.

TENTH AF–About 20 Fighter Bombers hit Shwekyina, damage bridge near Manla, bomb railroad yards at Pinwe, strafe river boat near Bhamo, and attack troops in Myothit area. 24 Fighter Bombers support ground forces in Taungni-Pinbaw area.

FOURTEENTH AF–7 B-25’s bomb railroad yards at Hengyang. 19 P-51’s and P-40’s hit Targets of opportunity in this area. 39 P-40’s attack various Targets of opportunity at Chiuchiang, Yungfengshih, Loyang, Siangtan, and Tengchung.

FEAF–FEAF long-range recon is greatly increased thanks to strategic position of newly acquired Schouten Is bases. B-24’s pound Airfield at Babo while B-25’s and P-39’s hit Nabire Airfield. Other P-39’s attack defenses at Mansinam I and shore concentrations along W Geelvink Bay. P-47’s support ground operations in area of Sansapor Pt by bombing Dore. A-20’s and P-47’s hit forces and Targets of opportunity in Sarmi area and along Metimedan R. A-20’s and P-39’s attack troops at Haur, coastal targets in cooperation with PT boats, and fuel dumps at Boram.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s hit shipping, seaplane base, and Airfield at Chichi Jima, B-25’s pound Pagan I while P-47’s hit Rota. B-24’s from the Marshalls bomb Truk while Gilberts-based B-25’s pound Nauru.

ELEVENTH AF–4 B-24’s and 2 F-7A’s over Paramushiru and Shimushu hit targets which include shipping in Higashi Banjo Strait and buildings and runway on Suribachi. Enemy fighters give battle. The B-24’s score 3 kills and 13 probables and damaged. 6 more Medium Bombers fly an uneventful shipping sweep and take photos over Shimushiru I.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps is heavily engaged 3 miles SE of Vire. In 30 Corps area, forward elements of 50th Div are within about 3 miles of Cond. 12 Corps is clearing opposition in vicinity of Thury-Harcourt. In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps is still held up astride road to Falaise but succeeds in linking up with Br 12 Corps to right at Barbery.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, 83d Div continues to inch forward against St Malo Citadel and Dinard. CCA, 6th Armd Div, attacks toward limited objectives at Brest but makes little headway. Late in day, div mission is changed: CCA is to contain Brest while rest of div relieves 4th Armd Div at Lorient and Vannes. VIII Corps is to relieve 5th Div units (XX Corps) at Angers. Patrols of CCA, 4th Armd Div, enter Nantes. XV Corps drives beyond Alençon and Sées toward Argentan. 2d Fr Armd Div thrusts to Carrouges. 5th Armd Div takes Sées. Infantrymen continue to follow armor closely. XX Corps is ordered to make contact with XV Corps in Alençon area and then await new orders. 5th Div moves to St Calais area, leaving containing force behind at Angers.     

            U.S. First Army has completely defeated enemy efforts to break through to Avranches. VII Corps recovers ground lost to enemy and relieves isolated elements of 30th Div. 3d Armd Div assembles for new mission; CCA is detached from 1st Div and CCB from 30th Div. XIX Corps releases 29th Div (less 116th Inf, which relieves 2d Div at Vire) to V Corps in current position. 28th Div, against moderate opposition, drives rapidly southward to Sourdeval on right and positions near St Sauveur-de- Chaulieu on left. CCA, 2d Armd Div, improves positions in St Sauveur-de-Chaulieu area. V Corps, employing 29th Div on right and 2d Div on left, attacks SE, 29th reaching positions overlooking St Sauveur-de-Chaulieu-Tinchebray road and 2d overrunning Truttemer-le-Grand.

ITALY—AAI: In Br Eighth Army area, 13 Corps zone is extended eastward to include sector held by 6th Armd Div. 13 Corps thus has 4 divs: NZ 2d, Br 1st, Ind 8th, and Br 6th Armd. 10 Corps now has but one div, Ind 10th.

CHINA—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek agrees to accept Gen Hurley and Mr. Nelson as Presidential representatives.

NEW GUINEA—On Biak, Sorido airdrome, now consisting of a 4,000-foot strip, is being used by transport planes, but the field is later abandoned.



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