Friday, August 9, 2024

80 Years Ago, 19 July 1944 Wednesday


USA–SS John Barry sails from Philadelphia for Norfolk to join a convoy to the Mediterranean. She is loaded with 3 million newly minted silver Saudi Rials and $26,000,000 in silver bullion as well as a load of general cargo that includes structural steel, pipes, half tracks, crawler tractors and Studebaker 2 ½ ton trucks.

PACIFIC–Destroyer escort Wyman (DE-38) sinks Japanese submarine I-5, 360 miles east of Guam, 13°01'N, 151°58'E.

            Submarine Flasher (SS-249) sinks Japanese light cruiser Oi in South China Sea, 280 miles east of Cape Varella, French Indochina, 13°12'N, 114°52'E.

            Submarine Guardfish (SS-217) attacks Japanese army cargo ship Teiryu Maru in South China Sea, southwest of Formosa, 20°00'N, 118°29'E.

            Submarine Tautog (SS-199) sinks Japanese guard boat No.1 Hokuriku Maru northeast of Tori Jima, 31°30'N, 140°00'E.

            RAAF Mitchells sink Japanese auxiliary minesweeper Wa.4 off Dili, Timor, 08°38'S, 125°26'E; small cargo vesselNo.53 Ebisu Maru off southwest coast of Alor Island; and motor sailboat Bokkai Maru southwest of Alor,08°30'S,124°27'E.

            Aircraft sink Japanese ship Tenyo Maru off Saipan

            USAAF B-24s damage Coast Defense Vessel No.16, 156 miles southwest of Yap, Carolines.



EIGHTH AF–More than 1,100 Heavy Bombers, operating in 5 forces, attack targets in Germany, including 2 plants producing hydrogen peroxide (an ingredient in V-weapon fuels), a chemical plant, 2 aircraft factories, 4 ball bearing plants, 6 marshalling yards, 4 airfields, and a river dam. Attacks in the Munich area are followed, within 90 mins, by Fifteenth AF attacks. 731 fighters, operating in 19 separate units, support the Heavy Bombers; 8 of these units afterwards strafe ground targets, including parked aircraft, locomotives and rolling stock, and road vehicles. 15 Heavy Bombers and 7 fighters are lost. The Heavy Bombers claim destruction of 6 aircraft, and the fighters claim 17 destroyed in aerial combat and 39 on the ground.

NINTH AF–In the afternoon 262 B-26’s and A-20’s bomb bridges on the Loire and Seine and a fuel dump at Bruz. Fighters provide escort and, though limited by bad weather, hit rail lines and scattered enemy installations and movements in Amiens-Tours-Chartres area and along Ghent-Brussels railroad.

TWELFTH AF–Weather again restricts Medium Bomber operations, but in late afternoon B-26’s hit bridges at Piacenza and Ostiglia. B-25’s bomb bridge at Sassuolo. Fighter Bombers are limited to a few railroad targets as US Fifth Army takes Leghorn and moves N.

FIFTEENTH AF–More than 400 B-17’s and B-24’s bomb an ordnance depot, an aircraft factory, a motor works, and an airfield in the Munich area. P-51’s and P-38’s fly more than 300 sorties in support. Enemy fighter opposition is weak but flak is heavy and accurate. 16 US airplanes are shot down and several are missing.

TENTH AF–30-plus P-40’s and P-51’s hit Myitkyina area and support ground forces near Kamaing. Myitkyina is also bombed by 9 B-25’s.

FOURTEENTH AF–80-plus P-40’s hit shipping in Tungting Lake area, attack targets of opportunity, supply areas, and troop concentrations around Hengyang, bomb radio station, storage facilities, and shipping at Changsha, hit airfield at Siangtan, and sink about 15 sampans between Changsha and Siangtan. 31 P-40’s and P-51’s bomb and strafe Samshui town and dock area and hit several troop compounds in Lienchiangkou vicinity. 4 P-40’s over NE Indochina coast claim 25 junks sunk.

FEAF–B-24’s, striking in 2 waves, attack airfield on Yap. Several of the B-24’s become separated from the formations and bomb Ngulu and Sorol Is. Weather again cancels strikes on Vogelkop Peninsula area. Fighter Bomber’s hit stores, gun positions, and targets of opportunity along Dandriwad R and support Allied ground forces in Sarmi-Sawar sector.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s continue to bomb and strafe Tinian.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps mops up within St Lô. 113th Cav Gp finds that enemy withdrawal southward has been a’ limited one. 35th Div is ordered to take over entire corps sector, relieving 29th Div. It is to be reinf by 29th Div Arty and 113th Cav Gp. In Br Second Army’s Cdn 2 Corps area, 2d Div takes Louvigny, on N bank of the Orne, and Fleury and Ifs, on S bank. 3d Div clears Faubourg de Vaucelles and Cormelles. In 8 Corps area, Cagny falls to Gds Armd Div. 1 Corps continues to fight for Troarn.

USSR—Moscow announces encirclement of some 4 or 5 German divs W of Brody.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, Leghorn falls to 34th Div without serious opposition, but retreating Germans have carried out a thorough demolition program within the city and on harbor facilities. 3d Bn of 135th Inf enters first, at 0200, and is followed by 363d Inf. 100th Bn is given responsibility for policing Leghorn and 363d Inf for left flank of 34th Div while 135th Inf assembles to SW. Patrols of 363d Inf moving N of Leghorn toward the Arno meet little opposition. To E, zone of 168th Inf is expanded to include that previously held by 133d Inf. 91st and 88th Divs patrol actively in center and on right flank of corps.

            In FEC area, 4th Mtn Div seizes Certaldo; 2d Moroccan Div takes S. Donato, NW of Castellina.

            In Br Eighth Army’s 13 Corps area, S African 6th Armd Div begins clearing main ridge of the Chianti hills on left flank of corps, but stubborn enemy opposition limits progress elsewhere. Elements of Br 6th Armd Div secure new crossing site over the Arno at Laterina.

SWPA—GHQ issues Outline Plan for Occupation of Southwest Morotai.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, South Force of PERSECUTION Covering Force attacks S on right flank and recovers ground lost on 18th in Afua area, but in afternoon Japanese attempt to encircle Tr A, 112th Cav, necessitating another attack. Tr A drives enemy back 600 yards SW of its original positions astride Afua–Palauru trail.





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