Wednesday, August 7, 2024

80 Years Ago, 15 July 1944 Saturday


PACIFIC–Submarine Skate (SS-305) sinks Japanese crabbing ship Miho Maru off Cape Shiretoko, northern Karafuto, Kurils,48°08'N, 148°06'E.

            Motor torpedo boat PT-133 is sunk by Japanese shore battery off eastern New Guinea, 03°28'S, 143°34'E.



NINTH AF–Weather cancels most operations but 4 B-26’s (92 others abort) hit L’Aigle rail bridge during afternoon. 3 Fighter Bombers fly uneventful sweep. Fighters of IX TAC fly area cover and bomb inf, artillery, marshalling yard, railroad, and a bridge in Saint-Lo, Argentan, and Falaise areas.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bomber campaign against Po R Valley bridges (MALLORY MAJOR) reaches successful conclusion (though interdiction program against the bridges is subsequently continued on expanded scale) as most of the rail and road bridges in target area are destroyed or severely damaged by previous attacks and raids which struck bridges at Bozzolo, Desenzano de Garda, Cremona, Borgoforte, Ostiglia, Polesella, Sermide, Ferrara, Aulla, Filattiera, Ficarolo, and Chiavari and marshalling yard at Villafranca di Verona. Fighter Bombers attack road bridges N of battleline and hit gun positions, roads, motor transport, and other targets, while supporting ground forces slowly advancing N along a line extending E from the coast below Leghorn.

FIFTEENTH AF–More than 600 B-17’s and B-24’s bomb 4 oil refineries in Ploesti area and Teleajenul pumping station. P-51’s and P-38’s fly over 300 escort sorties.

TENTH AF–38 P-40’s continue support of ground forces in Myitkyina area. 60-plus P-47’s and P-51’s attack bridges at Manla, Henu, and Mawlu, sweep Lashio, Katha, and Talawgyi areas, and hit motor pool at Kadu and targets of opportunity around Sangin and Mohnyin. 20 B-25’s attack Myitkyina area and hit bridges and supply area at Mawhun.

FOURTEENTH AF–More than 100 B-25’s, P-40’s, and P-51’s blast towns of Sinshih, Chuchou, Siangtan, Siangsiang, Sungroupai, and Chaling, concentrating on military and railroad installations and river shipping. Villages, troop concentrations, and river craft are attacked N and W of Hengyang and from Chaling to Yuhsien. In Salween area 26 P-40’s support Chinese forces and 12 B-25’s bomb Mangshih and Lungling. 12 B-25’s and P-40’s bomb railroad yards at Hsuchang, causing considerable damage.

FEAF–B-24’s blast Yap, scoring numerous hits in Yap town area and on radio station and barracks area. B- 24’s, penetrating heavy weather front, bomb airfield at Efman while B-25’s hit enemy forces along Korrido Anchorage, and A-20’s blast gun emplacements on island off Manokwari. B-25’s, A-20’s, and Fighter Bombers again pound troop concentrations over wide area around Wewak.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s bomb and strafe Tinian. B-24’s, staging through Eniwetok, hit Truk.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: U.S. First Army halts offensive W of Taute R while regrouping extensively in preparation for COBRA. 4th Armd Div is temporarily held in reserve. VIII Corps, now holding initial objectives along Ay R except for town of Lessay, maintains current positions while regrouping to include 8th, 79th, 90th, 4th, and 83d Divs. VII Corps continues offensive with 9th Div while regrouping on rest of front to include 30th and 1st Inf Divs and 2d and 3d Armd Divs. Zone is extended E to Vire R when 30th Div is transferred to corps in place at 2400. 9th Div secures crossroads at Les Champs-de-Losque. In XIX Corps area, 30th Div, before its transfer to VII Corps, attacks with 117th Inf to outskirts of Le Mesnil-Durand, forcing salient into enemy positions. 35th and 29th Divs, with close air and arty support, continue battle for St Lô. 134th Inf, on left flank of 35th Div, gains N slopes of Hill 122, where it is within 2,000 yards of St Lô, but rest of div is held up well to rear in Le Carillon– Pont Hébert area. 29th Div makes main effort on left f lank of XIX Corps with 116th Inf along Martinville Ridge: 2d Bn of 116th Inf succeeds in breaking through to Bayeux–St Lô highway near La Madeleine but is isolated there; 175th Inf holds its positions on left flank of div; 115th, on right flank, makes slow progress SW from La Luzerne. V Corps, upon regrouping, contains 2d and 5th Divs on inactive left flank of army.

            In Br Second Army area, 12 Corps begins attack toward line Bougy–Evrecy–Maizet, between the Odon and the Orne, night 15–16, 15th Div moving forward with illumination from searchlights. USSR—Troops of Second Baltic Front overrun Opochka.

ITALY—Allied air attacks on Po bridges between Piacenza and the Adriatic (MALLORY MAJOR) are successfully concluded, but tactical bombers subsequently continue interdiction program on an expanded scale, hitting bridges W of Piacenza and throughout Po Valley.

            AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, 135th Inf of 34th Div continues rapidly toward Leghorn until hit in evening by counterattack on left flank near heights overlooking the town; enemy is driven off with aid of arty. 442d Inf advances to left rear of 168th as latter begins attack in right half of 442d’s zone. 168th and 133d Regts push toward Pisa with 100th Bn filling gap between them; bypassing Lorenzana, 133d gets nearly 2 miles beyond the town. In center of IV Corps, 91st Div’s 363d Inf takes Bagni di Casciana without opposition, then withdraws in preparation for assisting attack of 34th Div on Leghorn; 361st Inf replaces 362d on div right and takes Morrona, NW of Terricciola. 88th Div continues northward on right flank of corps.

            In FEC area, 8th Moroccan Inf takes Castellina in Chianti while 4th Moroccan mops up E of Poggibonsi. By nightfall FEC is up against enemy delaying line in Certaldo–Tavernelle area.

            In Br Eighth Army area, 13 Corps opens attack on Arezzo at 0100 after strong arty preparation, employing 6th Armd Div on left and NZ 2d on right. Air support begins at dawn. 6th Armd Div drives salient into center of enemy line, and NZ 2d Div takes M. Lignano. After nightfall, Germans begin general withdrawal.

BURMA—Thus far in the siege of Myitkyina, Japanese garrison has suffered 790 dead and 1,180 wounded, and its commander is contemplating withdrawal. No co-ordinated attacks have been attempted by Myitkyina TF since 12th, but daily attacks on a limited scale have gradually constricted Japanese positions.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, PERSECUTION Covering Force is still endangered along the Driniumor by gap, now 1,500 yards wide, between North and South Forces. 124th Inf, North Force, is ordered to extend southward to left flank of South Force. Japanese are becoming active in vicinity of Afua. On Biak, Americans move back into Ibdi Pocket, where Japanese are continuing to resist. Arty bombardment of the enemy position is resumed.





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