Wednesday, August 21, 2024

80 Years Ago, Monday, 21 August 1944


PACIFIC–Off Mindoro, submarines Guitarro (SS-363), Haddo (SS-255), Harder (SS-257) and Ray (SS-271) carry out series of attacks on Japanese convoy: Guitarro sinks merchant cargo ship Uga Maru, 13°21'N, 120°18'E; Haddo sinks merchant cargo ships Kinryu Maru and Norfolk Maru and damages merchant tanker Taiei Maru, 13°22'N, 120°19'E; and Ray sinks Japanese merchant tanker Taketoyo Maru, 13°23'N, 120°19'E.

            Submarine Muskallunge (SS-262) attacks Japanese Manila- to-Singapore convoy, sinking Japanese army transport Durban Maru off Cam Ranh Bay, French Indochina, 11°45'N, 109°46'E.

            PB4Ys damage Japanese guardboat No.10 Sumiyoshi Maru and small cargo vessel Shinyama Maru northwest of Marcus Island.

            PB4Ys damage Japanese cargo vessel Tateishi Maru in Davao harbor.

            RAAF Beaufighters and Kittyhawks attack Japanese shipping off Kaimana, 03°40'S, 133°50'E.

            Japanese army cargo ship Tokuhei Maru is sunk, probably by USAAF aircraft, Tayeh, Yangtze River.

MEDITERRANEAN–Destroyer Eberle (DD-430) takes 140 Armenian prisoners from Porquerolles, France.



INTERNATIONAL–A series of conferences begins at Dumbarton Oaks. Delegates from US, UK, USSR, and China discuss postwar issues.

NINTH AF–Bad weather grounds all bombers and fighters. Less than 20 transports fly supply and evacuation missions.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers hit roads and bridges in Po Valley while A-20’s during 20/21 Aug strike motor transport in the W part of the Valley and bomb Alessandria barracks during the day. Fighter Bombers and fighters again blast enemy comm lines and gun positions in S France, marshalling yard and rail lines at Alessandria and Casale Monferrato, and motor transport and train cars in NW Italy and SE France.

FIFTEENTH AF–117 B-24’s, escorted by P-51’s, bomb Nish Airfield. 102 B-24’s, with P-51 escort, hit Hajduboszormeny Airfield which 46 other P-51’s sweep, some making low-level strafings on parked aircraft.

TENTH AF–6 B-25’s knock out and damage 3 river bridges at Mu area and at Hsipaw, 36 P-51’s support ground forces near Pinlon, Ingyingon, and Nansankyin. 8 P-51’s bomb storage area at Chyahkan.

FOURTEENTH AF–8 B-25’s bomb Anjen and Targets of opportunity in surrounding area. 7 others attack Hengyang Airfield, town of Nanyo, and several buildings and other Targets of opportunity near Yangtien. 90-plus Fighter Bombers hit town areas, river and road trafflc, and other Targets of opportunity at Pengtse, Kinhwa, Tengchung, Anjen, Hengyang, and Yangtsishih; S of Sintsaing, N of Tungting Lake, between Hankow and Sinti, and in Changsha area.

FEAF–B-24’s blast supply dumps and AA guns on Wasile Bay coast. B-25’s hit Kaoe Airfield and town. B-25’s hit villages and supply areas on Karakelong I. Fighter Bombers blast warehouses and other targets in Manokwari area. A-20’s and Fighter Bombers hit supply dumps in SawarSarmi sector and attack troops along coast, particularly from Babiang to Luain.

SEVENTH AF–B-24’s from Saipan hit Yap, P-47’s bomb Pagan, and Makin-based B-25’s hit Nauru.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps, leaving Pol 1st Armd and Cdn 3d Divs to complete reduction of Falaise–Argentan Pocket, drives E toward the Seine at Rouen.

            In Br Second Army’s 30 Corps area, 11th Armd Div, spearheading for corps, bypasses Gacé and drives on toward Laigle.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s V Corps area, 80th Div is relieved of responsibility for its sector near Argentan by Br 30 Corps. 102d Cav Gp, which has closed in Sées area, begins rcn NE of Sées and E of Exmes. VII Corps commits 9th Div in defensive role in Mortagne area. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div bypasses Verneuil and advances toward Breteuil. 28th Div moves up to clear Verneuil. 30th Div overruns Nonancourt.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XV Corps area, while 79th Div improves and expands bridgehead across the Seine in Mantes-Gassicourt area, 5th Armd Div continues N toward Louviers. In XX Corps area, 7th Armd Div drives to Arpajon–Rambouillet area. 5th Div overruns Etampes. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div captures Sens. 35th Div pushes through Pithiviers.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, 1st ABTF begins clearing coastal sector around La Napoule in preparation for drive on Cannes. In VI Corps area, 30th Inf of 3d Div, assisted by FFI forces, takes Aix-en-Provence, from which most Germans have withdrawn. Gen Truscott orders 3d Div to halt on line Le Puy–Rognac until strength of enemy armor can be determined. 45th Div columns are moving on Avignon, Apt, and Volonne. TF Butler, turning over roadblocks below Grenoble to 36th Div, drives W through Die and Crest to the Rhône Valley, destroying enemy vehicle convoy N of Livron. 36th Div shuttles to Grenoble corridor to relieve TF Butler and continues across the Durance toward Grenoble; is ordered to provide reinforcements for TF Butler in Rhône Valley.

            In Fr Army B area, 2d Corps continues drive on Toulon and Marseille. 1st Div takes Hyères, on E approach to Toulon. Groupe de Commandos takes Mt. Coudon and Linares Group of 3d Algerian Div neutralizes Mt. Caumes, both hilltop fortresses N of Toulon. Bonjour Group, 3d Algerian Div, gets rcn elements to Bandol, on coast W of Toulon, completing investment of Toulon. Chapuis Group, 3d Algerian Div, and elements of 1st Armd Div continue W on N flank of 2d Corps toward Marseille, reaching Aubagne.

EASTERN EUROPE—Continuing counteroffensive, Germans regain Tukums, 35 miles E of Riga.

ITALY—AAI: Orders U.S. Fifth Army, which has been pretending to build up forces in vicinity of Pisa and Fucecchio, to extend its feigned concentrations, particularly in Florence area, to cover preparations for main Br Eighth Army push. In U.S. Fifth Army’s II Corps area, 88th Div sends 350th Inf to Leghorn to assist IV Corps. Br 13 Corps prepares for limited operations across the Arno, since enemy appears to be withdrawing.

            In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps continues northward in Adriatic sector, forcing enemy to withdraw behind the Metauro R, night 21–22.

NEW GUINEA—In Wakde-Sarmi area, RCT 20 reverts to 6th Div from attachment to 31st Div.



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