Wednesday, August 14, 2024

80 Years Ago, Sunday, 6 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Pintado (SS-387) attacks Japanese convoy off southwest coast of Kyushu, sinking army cargo ship Shonan Maru 30°53'N, 129°45'E, and damaging escort vessel Etorofu east of Kusagaki Jima, 30°51'N, 129°26'E.

            Submarine Rasher (SS-269) sinks Japanese army cargo ship Shiroganesan Maru west of Luzon, 14°10'N, 117°12'E.

            Dutch Mitchells sink Japanese army cargo ship No.15 Uwajima Maru in Banda Sea, 04°31'S, 129°53'E.

MEDITERRANEAN–USAAF B-17s and B-24s bomb targets in southeastern France, including submarine pens at Toulon, where they sink German submarines U-471, U-952, and U-969.

EUROPE–Motor torpedo boats PT-510, PT-512, and PT-514 engage E-boats of the German 15th Patrol Boat Flotilla and turn them back to Le Havre. Battle concludes early the next morning.

            U.S. freighter William L. Marcy is torpedoed (possibly by a schnellboote from the 2d or 6th Flotillas) off Juno Beach, at 49°23'42"N, 00°26'36"W; although the sole passenger is killed, there are no casualties among the 28-man Armed Guard, or among the 47-man merchant complement. The ship is later towed to Falmouth, England (17 August) and Swansea, Wales (21 August) where she is written off as a total loss.



EIGHTH AF–The Eighth strikes 5 aircraft and engine factories, torpedo plant, 7 oil refineries, and an airfield in Berlin and Hamburg-Kiel areas, and 2 V-weapon sites in Pas de Calais area. 953 Heavy Bombers attack their targets. 25 fail to return. The 554 fighters in support lose 6 of their number. Total claims of enemy airplanes destroyed amount to 34. The bombing is very effective and 10 major targets are severely damaged during one of the best days the Eighth experiences. In conjunction with the operations against the Berlin and Hamburg-Kiel areas, the Eighth begins its second shuttle-bombing mission to the USSR. 78 B-17’s are dispatched, but 3 return to UK due to mechanical troubles. The Heavy Bomber formation is met by a P-51 group 60 mi E of Jutland. 75 B-17’s bomb aircraft factory at Rahmel, near Gdynia, with good results. Another P-51 group picks up the formation as it withdraws toward USSR. No aircraft are lost and the Heavy Bombers land at Poltava and Mirgorod while the P-51’s land at Piryatin.

NINTH AF–Medium Bombers and Light Bombers hit bridges, fuel and ammo dumps, and a locomotive depot at Beauvais, Beaumont-sur- Sarthe, Courtalain, Foret de Perseigne, and Blois. fighters escort IX BC and furnish cover to ground troops in Vire, Rennes, and Redon areas.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers strike bridges in SE France in Rhone Valley and areas to the E, in or near Tarascon and Arles, and along Var R. Fighter Bombers enjoy successful day against targets in NW Italy and SE France, including bridges, railroad lines, motor transport, trains, roads, airfields, and town areas, plus shipping at Imperia, Genoa, and La Spezia.

FIFTEENTH AF–60 fighters take off from Soviet FRANTIC bases, attack Craiova marshalling yard and other railroad targets in Bucharest- Ploesti area, and land at Italian bases. Close to 700 B-17’s and B-24’s, operating against targets in SE France, attack oil storage at Le Pouzin, Le Pontet, and Lyon, railroad bridges at Le Pouzin, Avignon, Tarascon, Rambert, and Givors, marshalling yards at Portes-les-Valences and Miramas, and submarine pens at Toulon. 43 P-38’s dive-bomb airfields at Orange/Plan de Dieu, and Valence. P-38’s and P-51’s fly about 200 sorties in support of bombing missions.

TENTH AF–6 B-25’s bomb town area of Mohnyin while 2 others destroy bridge at Hsenwi. 21 P-51’s hit 4 railroad bridges in the Naba-Pinbaw area, destroying 2 of them. P-51’s and P-47’s hit numerous Targets of opportunity at Mohnyin, Hopin, Bhamo, Myothit, Katha, Indaw, and other points in N Burma. A few P-40’s strafe Targets of opportunity in Myitkyina area.

FOURTEENTH AF–28 P-40’s again pound Tengchung. 47 P-40’s and P-51’s hit trucks, troop compounds, and gun positions in Hengyang area. 19 P-40’s attack sampans and trucks around Changsha. 20 others hit supplies, trucks, barracks, and Targets of opportunity at Chefang and Mangshih, between Changsha and Hengyang, and between Siangyin and Siangtan.

FEAF–Yap supply area is bombed by B-24’s. Heavy frontal weather activity over Vogelkop Peninsula and the Moluccas cancels strikes in that area. On the mainland of New Guinea, Medium Bombers and fighters, though restricted by weather, support ground operations near Sarmi, hit gun positions at Dagua, and strafe fuel dumps and Targets of opportunity at Cape Djeruen.

SEVENTH AF–B-25’s from Saipan strike Guam twice. B-25’s flying out of the Marshalls hit Ponape, and others from the Gilberts hit Nauru. B-24’s from Kwajalein bomb Wotje.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: Gen Montgomery orders drive to the Seine. Br Second Army undergoes enemy counterattacks between Vire and Mont Pincon. In 8 Corps area, enemy armor penetrates positions of 11th Armd Div in Vire area, but lost ground is later recovered. Gds Armd Div is strongly engaged at Le Busq, on Vire– Aunay road. 15th Div has moved forward to Estry area but is unable to dislodge enemy from that town. 3d Div is attacking southward toward Vire. In 30 Corps area, 43d Div gains feature on Mont Pincon massif. 7th Armd Div continues attack toward Thury-Harcourt. In 12 Corps area, 59th Div attacks across the Orne in Grimbosq area late in day and establishes shallow bridgehead.

            12th Army Group: Group orders establishment of bridgehead over Sarthe R in Le Mans–Alençon area.

            In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, CCB, on right flank of 6th Armd Div, overcomes opposition S of Morlaix and at Lesneven; CCA makes slow progress along secondary routes to S. 83d Div continues to hammer at St Maio stronghold. TF A gets beyond St Brieux as it continues W along N coast on Brittany. RCT 121, 8th Div, is attached to 83d Div for attack on Dinard, W of St Maio. 4th Armd Div is advancing on Lorient. XV Corps, with major elements now across the Mayenne, is driving rapidly on Le Mans. 79th Div takes Laval. XX Corps (Maj Gen Walton H. Walker), consisting at present of 5th Div, is reinf by 35th Div in order to protect S flank of army.

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s VII Corps area, 1st Div, relieved by 30th Div in Mortain area, continues swiftly SE with 3d Armd Div to Ambrières-le- Grand and Mayenne, relieving elements of 90th Div (XV Corps) at Mayenne. 4th Div is pinched out W of St Pois. 9th Div pushes southward toward Sourdeval against strong resistance. In XIX Corps area, 29th Div breaks into Vire and clears the city. With fall of Vire to XIX Corps, V Corps is out of contact with enemy.

FRANTIC—Returning from USSR to Italian bases, fighters of U.S. Fifteenth Air Force raid rail targets in Bucharest–Ploesti area of Rumania. 76 B–17’s and supporting fighters of U.S. Eighth Air Force attack aircraft factory at Gdynia (Poland) and then land at Soviet bases.

ITALY—AAI: Issues orders for preliminary operations before assault on the Gothic Line.

CBI—In NCAC area, Br 36th Div, which is moving S down RR corridor, seizes Sahmaw. In 11 Army Group’s Br Fourteenth Army area, Gen Slim directs 33 Corps to pursue enemy to the Chindwin; occupy Sittaung and, if possible, Kalewa; cross the Chindwin in Kalewa area.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, Japanese rear guards that are protecting withdrawal from Afua attack TED Force before dawn and bitter fighting ensues until TED Force column laboriously outflanks enemy and forces him to withdraw in afternoon. When new enemy trail is found to have been cut about 800 yards to S of main trail, TED Force prepares to cut it and move in on Afua from SE. South Force, which has been reinf by 3d Bn of 128th Inf, starts S astride Driniumor R, meeting disorganized resistance. P.I.—U.S. aircraft begins night harassing attacks on Davao area of Mindanao.

GUAM—III Amphib Corps drives to 0–4 line, gaining control of more than two thirds of Guam. Small but determined force of Japanese with tanks attacks 305th Inf, on 77th Div’s right flank, during early morning and inflicts heavy casualties before retiring abruptly. 305th then moves forward about 1,000 yards to 0–4 line with little difficulty. 306th Inf reaches div left boundary, pinching out 307th Inf.



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