Wednesday, August 14, 2024

80 Years Ago, Monday, 7 August 1944


PACIFIC–Heavy cruiser Baltimore (CA-68), with President Roosevelt embarked, arrives at Kodiak, Alaska, where the Chief Executive transfers to destroyer Cummings (DD- 376).

            Submarine Barbel (SS-316) sinks Japanese cargo vessel No.11 Sakura Maru, 15 kilometers southwest of Tokuno Jima, 27°36'N, 121°46'E.

            Submarine Bluegill (SS-242) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking transport Yamatama Maru southwest of Mindanao,06°05'N, 124°23'E.

            Submarine Croaker (SS-246), despite presence of escort vessel and shore-based air cover, sinks Japanese light cruiser Nagara about 35 miles south of Nagasaki, Japan, 32°09'N, 129°54'E.

            Submarine Guitarro (SS-363) attacks Japanese convoy and sinks escort vessel Kusagaki off Capones Island, Luzon,14°51'N, 119°51'E; Guitarro survives depth-charging by other escorts (perhaps destroyer Asakaze, escort vessel Yashiro and/or Coast Defense Vessel No.14).

            Submarine Puffer (SS-268) sinks Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No.2 Ky_ Maru off Zamboanga, 07°50'N,122°07'E.

            Submarine Sailfish (SS-192) damages Japanese army cargo ship Kinsh_ Maru in Luzon Strait, 20°09'N, 121°19'E; transport Shinten Maru sinks.

            Submarine Sand Lance (SS-381) is damaged by aerial bombs off northern Celebes, 01°18'N, 121°30'E.

            Submarine Seawolf (SS-197) lands men and supplies at Tawi Tawi, P.I.

            Tank landing craft LCT-182 founders and sinks in heavy weather, Solomon Islands.

            Japanese army cargo ship Kinshu Maru is sunk by aircraft, 20°09'N, 121°19'E.

            Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 94 is lost to marine casualty in Luzon Strait, 20°00'N, 122°00'E.

            USAAF B-24 aircraft damages Italian passenger liner Conte Verde (scuttled in September 1943), Shanghai.

MEDITERRANEAN–Motor torpedo boats PT-511, PT-520, and PT-521 attack German coastal convoy off Cap D'Antifer; in the engagement with the 14th Motor Minesweeping Flotilla that lasts into the next day, PT-520 and PT-521 are damaged.



EIGHTH AF–Shuttle mission continues from USSR. In accordance with Soviet request, target is oil refinery in Poland. 57 B-17’s and 37 P-51’s are dispatched. 55 Heavy Bombers (2 return to base early) bomb refinery at Trzebinia. P- 51’s engage 6 to 8 enemy fighters over target and claim destruction of 3 of them. The airplanes return to FRANTIC bases in USSR. In UK 902 Heavy Bombers, supported by 10 fighter groups, are dispatched to bomb oil dumps and bridges in France. Cloud conditions cause multiple aborts, but 483 Heavy Bombers bomb 11 oil dumps, 5 bridges, 3 airfields, and an marshalling yard. 3 Heavy Bombers are lost. 8 groups of Fighter Bombers attack marshalling yards and rail transportation N and E of Paris.

NINTH AF–To maintain close association with ground forces, IX TAC and XIX TAC constitute mobile units to accompany Adv HQ of US First and Third Armies, respectively, as they adv rapidly to the E. Gen Brereton relinquishes command of Ninth AF to become CG First Allied Airborne Army. 380-plus A-20’s and B-26’s bomb bridges at Nogent-sur-Seine and Neuvy-sur-Loire. fighters escort IX BC, furnish defensive cover in Vire, Laval, and Rennes areas, and support ground forces in assault area.

TWELFTH AF–A-20’s bomb shipping at Monaco, Genoa, Finale Ligure, and Alassio during 6/7 Aug. During day, B- 25’s and B-26’s bomb bridges at Les Censies, Ventimiglia, La Voultesur-Rhone, Livron, Avignon, and Pont-Saint-Esprit. Fighter Bombers hit rail and road bridges, marshalling yards at Alessandria and Albenga, shipping at Imperia and Nice, and airfields in NW Italy and S France.

FIFTEENTH AF–353 B-17’s and B-24’s bomb 2 synthetic oil refineries at Blechhammer; over 300 fighters provide support. 76 B- 24’s hit Alibunar airfield and Novi Sad oil facilities. Heavy Bombers and fighters claim nearly 30 aircraft shot down.

TENTH AF–B-25’s destroy 2 bridges, damage 2 others, and hit Targets of opportunity in areas around Naba and Mawhun. Fighter Bombers attack Mohnyin, Myothit, and Pinbaw, hit motor pool at Namana, damage 2 bridges S of Bhamo, and attack Targets of opportunity during sweeps of Onbauk airfield and town of Bhamo. Fighter Bombers also support ground forces in Taungni area.

FOURTEENTH AF–87 P-40’s hit Hengyang and trucks, troops, and gun positions in the surrounding area. 21 P-40’s bomb Changsha, 4 hit rivercraft at Siangsiang, 4 bomb wall at Tengchung, and 6 attack Hsiaoshuipu.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb power plant, AA positions, and barracks area on Yap, phosphate plant on Fais I, and airfields at Galela and Lolobata, where 35-50 aircraft are destroyed or damaged.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-25’s hit Guam twice during the day.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Br Second Army’s 30 Corps area, 43d Div completes capture of Mont Pincon, inflicting and suffering heavy casualties during enemy counterattacks. 12 Corps maintains bridgehead across the Orne and attacks S along the river toward Thury-Harcourt.

            In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps, with Cdn 2d Div on right and Br 51st Div on left, attacks S toward Falaise at 2330 after half hour of preparatory bombardment by heavy bombers.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, 6th Armd Div closes in on Brest. Rear elements arrive outside the city too late in day to begin concerted assault, thus giving enemy time to strengthen defenses and bring up reinforcements. TF A is approaching Morlaix. 83d Div continues battle for St Malo. 4th Armd Div invests Lorient. XV Corps is rapidly approaching Le Mans.

            In U.S. First Army area, Germans open strong counterattack with massed armor toward Avranches early in morning in effort to break through to the sea and split U.S. forces. Attack penetrates line at junction of XIX and VII Corps, overrunning Mortain and rolling on to Juvigny and Le Mesnil- Tôve before it can be stemmed with assistance of aircraft. In VII Corps area, 30th Div bears brunt of enemy counterblows and elements are isolated in Mortain area. To help stabilize center of corps line, 4th Div and 2d Armd Div are committed at once, latter being transferred from XIX Corps, and prep-arations are made to return 35th Div to First Army. RCT 12, 4th Div, and CCB, 3d Armd Div, are attached to 30th Div, 4th Div is reinf by RCT 39, 9th Div. Progress is made on flanks of enemy penetration, 9th Div advancing slightly near Mortain and 1st Div crossing the Mayenne and reaching St Fraimbault-de-Prières on S. XIX Corps pushes southward to relieve enemy pressure in Mortain area. In V Corps area, 9th Inf of 2d Div releases elements of 29th Div (XIX Corps) in Vire for movement to S.

USSR—By this time, Germans have about stopped Soviet summer offensive. Soviet armies have driven over 400 miles from the Dnieper to the Vistula and consequently supply and communications lines are becoming overextended.

FRANTIC—Some of the Eighth Air Force planes that bombed Gdynia on 6th attack oil refineries at Trzebinia (Poland).

ITALY—AAI: U.S. Fifth Army tentatively postpones D Day of offensive to 19 August; makes minor changes in plan of attack; promises to make available from army reserve 34th Div to II Corps and RCT 442 ( — ) and RCT 370, 92 Div, to IV Corps. II Corps is still to make main effort while IV Corps, whose 1st Armd Div is to be replaced by RCT 442, demonstrates in Pontedera–Cascina area.

NEW GUINEA—On Biak, 2d Bn of 162d Inf starts N along Sorido–Korim Bay track to make contact with 163d Inf, which is moving S. In Aitape area, TED Force cuts the new Japanese trail below main trail and drives westward toward the Driniumor. South Force continues to patrol actively while awaiting arrival of TED Force at the Driniumor. Japanese appear to be in full flight.

GUAM—III Amphib Corps, with air and naval gunfire support, attacks in greatest strength yet employed on Guam to clear N third of the island. 77th Div makes main effort toward Yigo and Mt. Santa Rosa on right flank of corps. After destructive preparatory bombardment, 77th Div attacks at noon with 306th Inf on left, 307th in center, and 305th on right. 307th, assisted by 306th, overcomes opposition along Finegayan–Yigo road and seizes Yigo. 305th advances slowly through jungle in coastal sector toward Mt. Santa Rosa. Enemy tanks are again active after nightfall, but U.S. lines hold firm. 3d Mar Div in center of corps front and 1st Prov Mar Brig on left flank drive northward.






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