Tuesday, August 6, 2024

80 Years Ago, Thursday, 13 July 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Cobia (SS-245) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking cargo ship Taishi Maru about 190 miles northwest of Chichi Jima, Bonins, 27°25'N, 140°30'E. Among cargo lost on board Taishi Maru are 28 tanks (26th Tank Regiment).

            USAAF B-25s attack Japanese cargo ships off Halmahera, sinking Tokai Maru, 01°25'N, 128°42'E, and damaging Taimei Maru, 01°00'N, 128°00'E.

            British submarine HMS Stoic sinks Japanese fishing boat No.55 Nanyo Maru 18 miles from Muka Cape, 05°28'N,100°11'E.



EIGHTH AF–888 Heavy Bombers, flying in 3 forces, bomb Saarbrucken marshalling yards and aircraft engine plant at Munich. 548 fighters execute escort assignments. In addition 1 flight of P-47’s strafes a marshalling yard N of Karlsruhe, destroying 4 locomotives. 10 Heavy Bombers are lost, along with 5 fighters. 12 enemy aircraft are claimed destroyed.

NINTH AF–Bad weather prevents bomber operations and restricts fighters. Fighters fly armed recon in Sens-Montargis area, hitting rail and highway traffic, warehouses, barracks, and armored cars and tanks. Rail lines and bridges are hit in Saint-Florentin-Dreux-Evreux-Chartres-Mamers-Gassicourt areas. IX TAC fighters furnish area cover, bomb troop concentrations, vehicles, and gun positions in Lessay-Coutances area, and attack rail traffic W of Angers, landing field W of Alencon, marshalling yard at Vendome, and bridge at Tours.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers again bomb bridges in the Po Valley. A-20’s hit ammo plant. Fighter Bombers attack targets, mainly railroads, in areas N of Arno R in adv of the battlefront.

FIFTEENTH AF–581 B-17’s and B-24’s attack targets in NE Italy, hitting marshalling yards at Verona, Mestre, Brescia, and Mantua, Pinzano al Tagliamento railroad bridge, and oil storage at Porto Marghera and Trieste. P-38’s and P- 51’s fly escort. Other P-51’s carry out sweep over Po Valley.

TENTH AF–44 P-40’s and P-51’s support ground forces in Myitkyina area. 40 more A-36’s, P-51’s, and P-47’s hit bridges at Nyaunggon, Mohnyin, Myothit, Mawlu, and Henu, and attack Hopin, Lashio, and Indawgyi Lake areas.

FOURTEENTH AF–16 B-25’s bomb Pailochi airfield, causing large fires and considerable damage. 45 P-40’s attack trucks, compounds, river shipping, and troop concentrations between Hengyang and Siangtan, pound town of Liling and Siangtan airfield, and strafe shipping from Changsha S along Siang Chiang R. 8 B-25’s bomb Chenghsien railroad yards and storage area. 12 B-25’s bomb Tengchung and Mangshih.

FEAF–B-24’s again bomb Yap and Sorol. B-24’s, B-25’s, and A-20’s bomb gun positions and airfield at Babo and in Manokwari area and hit supply depot at Kokas. Fighter Bombers support Allied ground forces in Aitape area while A-20’s and Fighter Bombers pound occupied areas and gun positions in Wewak area and on Mushu I. B-24’s also hit Amahai airfield.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s continue to hit Tinian. Kwajalein-based B-24’s bomb Truk. B-25’s from Makin pound Nauru.



FRANCE—4th Armd Div arrives on Continent. 21 Army Group: U.S. First Army commander approves Outline Plan for COBRA—breakout attack in St. Lô area. Minor amendments altering boundaries are subsequently made. VIII Corps continues steadily southward all along line. VII Corps makes progress on left flank, where 9th Div gets almost to crossroads at Les Champs-de-Losque. Offensive on rest of VII Corps front is virtually suspended. XIX Corps continues costly battle for St Lô. On E, 29th Div passes 175th Inf through 116th in vain attempt to drive W along highway ridge toward the city. In V Corps area, 5th Div replaces 1st Div in line. 1st Div withdraws to Colombières area in preparation for movement to VII Corps zone. In Br Second Army area, Cdn 2 Corps becomes operational with Cdn 2d and 3d Divs under its command. 12 Corps takes command of 8 Corps sector and of 43d, 15th, and 53d Inf Divs; 11th Armd Div; 4th Armd Brig; and 31st Tank Brig. USSR—After several days of street fighting, Vilna falls to troops of Third White Russian Front.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, 34th Div gains about 3 miles toward Leghorn and to E overruns Pastina and Hill 529. 91st Div is committed in center of corps front and attacks toward the Arno with 363d Inf on left and 362d on right; presses close to Chianni and heights to E despite strong opposition. 88th Div, on IV Corps right flank, makes substantial progress against decreasing resistance. In FEC area, 4th Mtn Div overruns S Gimignano and commanding ground nearby as enemy begins withdrawal in that region. Against diminishing resistance, 2d Moroccan Div drives almost to Poggibonsi on W and to outskirts of Castellina in Chianti on E.

            In Br Eighth Army’s 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div pursues enemy northward toward Arezzo, taking crest of M. Castiglione Maggiore without opposition. Corps is directed to press NW to Alpe di Poti with Ind 4th Div while Ind 10th Div protects right flank.

NEW GUINEA—On Noemfoor, 1st Bn of 503d Para Inf encounters main enemy forces remaining on Noemfoor at Hill 670, some 3 miles NE of Namber airdrome. In Aitape area, PERSECUTION Covering Force attacks to restore positions along the Driniumor. North and South Forces succeed in reaching the river, but broad gap exists between them. 1st Bn of 128th Inf, while clearing coastal sector from Anamo to the Driniumor, on N flank of North Force, decisively defeats enemy’s Coastal Attack Force and destroys most of its arty. In region W of the Driniumor, Japanese make a number of small attacks on 2d Bn of 128th Inf, in Tiber area, and are driven off.

SAIPAN—3d Bn of 6th Marines, 2d Mar Div, occupies Maniagassa I., in Tanapag Harbor without serious opposition. This concludes Marine activities on Saipan.

U.S.—President Roosevelt, preparing to depart for Hawaii to discuss Pacific strategy with Gen Mac- Arthur and Adm Nimitz, replies to Chiang Kaishek’s letter of 8th, agreeing to choose a political representative and urging that the way be quickly cleared for Gen Stilwell to take command of Ch forces.





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