Sunday, August 11, 2024

80 Years Ago, 28 July 1944 Friday


PACIFIC–President Roosevelt, Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Leahy and General MacArthur meet in Honolulu to discuss Pacific strategy. Ultimately, General MacArthur prevails upon the President and Admiral Nimitz to accord priority to the liberation of the Philippines.

            Destroyer escorts Wyman (DE-38) and Reynolds (DE-42) sink Japanese submarine I-55, 400 miles east of Tinian,14°26'N, 152°16'E.

            Submarine Aspro (SS-309) damages previously damaged Japanese gunboat Peking Maru aground off Vigan Point, Luzon, 17°33'N, 120°21'E; Peking Maru remains aground, a total loss, gutted and abandoned.

            Submarine Crevalle (SS-291) attacks Japanese convoy off northwestern Luzon, sinking merchant cargo ship Hakubasan Maru off Piedra Point, 16°23'N, 119°40'E.



EIGHTH AF–653 B-17’s bomb synthetic oil plant at Merseburg while 57 others bomb Wiesbaden marshalling yards and aircraft engine factory at Taucha. 437 fighters fly supporting sorties and strafe ground targets, destroying 8 locomotives and 7 trucks. 7 B-17’s and 2 P-51’s are lost. Bomber and fighter claims of aircraft destroyed total 7. 111 B-24’s dispatched to bomb targets in Brussels are recalled, along with escorting fighter group, because of complete cloud cover over the target. 180 B-24’s dispatched against targets in France fail to bomb targets because of heavy cloud. Fighters fly 237 sorties in support, and also strafe trains, destroying 2 locomotives and some rolling stock. No aircraft are lost.

NINTH AF–Gen Schramm assumes command of IX ADC. IX BC operates in support of US First Army, bombing rail bridges, supply dumps and ammo dumps in Foret de Conches, Dreux, and Le Mans areas. Fighters escort bombers, fly armed recon in Le Mans, Laval, and Dreux areas and furnish cover over assault areas and armed columns.

TWELFTH AF–Light Bombers bomb scattered lights and vehicles in Po Valley during 27/28 Jul. During day Light Bombers, Medium Bombers, and Fighter Bombers hit targets in Po Valley, concentrating on bridges. Some Fighter Bombers attack motor transport in Rhone Valley.

FIFTEENTH AF–345 B-17’s and B-24’s attack 2 oil refineries at Ploesti and marshalling yard at Florina. P-51’s and P-38’s provide support for the Ploesti raid.

TENTH AF–More than 100 Fighter Bombers hit Myitkyina, Kamaing, Mogaung, and Taungni areas. 16 others attack targets of opportunity at Bhamo, Indaw, Mohnyin, and hit bridge at Sihet. 8 B-25’s pound troop area at Sihet.

FOURTEENTH AF–18 B-25’s, with fighter support, pound Yoyang railroad yards. Other B-25’s in groups of 1 to 3 hit Yellow R bridge and White Cloud, Tien Ho, and Hankow airfields. 18 P-40’s hit Pailochi airfield, destroying several airplanes. 30-plus P-40’s and P-51’s on armed recon hit troop concentrations, river and road traffic and other targets of opportunity at Leiyang, Chaling, Chinlanshih, and in Tungting Lake area.

FEAF–Targets in Woleai I are bombed by 4 squadrons of B-24’s; airfield and supply area are well covered. B-24’s and A- 20’s pound airfields at Manokwari and Babo, bivouac areas at Kasoeri, and shipping in Kaimana Bay. P- 39’s hit Windissi and other Geelvink Bay villages. A-20’s and Fighter Bombers blast stores, troop concentrations, comm targets, barges, and targets of opportunity in Wewak, Cape Moem, and But areas. Laha and Cape Chater are hit by B-24’s while B-25’s bomb supply dumps at Maumere.

SEVENTH AF–B-25’s and P-47’s based on Saipan bomb and strafe Tinian.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: U.S. First Army orders exploitation of breakthrough and rapid pursuit of disorganized enemy. VII Corps, instead of continuing SW to coast, is to drive S to left of VIII Corps. VIII Corps commits 6th and 4th Armd Divs through infantry to spearhead pursuit, 6th on W. CCA, 6th Armd Div, speeds S through 79th Div to positions SW of Coutances. CCB, 4th Armd Div, races down PĂ©riers–Coutances road and takes Coutances by 1700. With fall of Coutances, COBRA has largely accomplished its purpose. Infantrymen of VIII Corps move forward behind armor. 106th Cav Gp protects W flank of corps, advancing along coast to mouth of Sienne R W of Coutances. Many of the enemy are trapped as junction is made with VII Corps on E flank. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd and 1st Inf Divs make contact with VIII Corps near Coutances. CCB of 2d Armd Div reaches St Denisle- Gast. XIX Corps, attacking to exploit breakthrough, extends W to include 30th Div and CCA, 2d Armd Div, in current positions. CCA thrusts S through Villebaudon to vicinity of Moyen. 30th Div drives S along W side of Vire R toward Tessy-sur- Vire. In V Corps area, 35th Div continues S along E bank of the Vire to Ste Suzanne-sur-Vire. 2d Div, whose 9th Inf has been relieved by 10th Inf of 5th Div, takes St Jean-de-Baisants. 5th Div straightens line in limited advance.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of First White Russian Front overrun Brest Litovsk. Jaroslaw and Przemysl, on W bank of the San, fall to forces of First Ukrainian Front.

NEW GUINEA—On Biak, organized resistance ends as mopping up of Ibdi Pocket draws to a close, but general mopping up continues for some time. The Ibdi Pocket had been held by some 800 Japanese; of these, 300 are estimated to have been killed during period 22–28 July and 154 are dead by actual count. In Aitape area, South Force of PERSECUTION Covering Force shortens lines to improve defensive positions and insure safety of its supply base, pulling back again from Afua.

TINIAN—Marines continue to advance rapidly against light resistance from retreating enemy and clear Gurguan Pt airfield.

GUAM—On Orote Peninsula, Marine and Army tank reinforcements are supplied to 4th Marines of 1st Prov Mar Brig and spearhead attack during afternoon that brings 4th Marines abreast 22d Marines at E end of the airstrip. Final beachhead line is gained as 3d Mar and 77th Inf Divs join the N and S beachheads. 3d Mar Div, reinf by 3d Bn of 307th Inf, clears Mt. Chachao and Mt. Alutom, opening road from Adelup Pt to Mt. Tenjo. Co A of 305th Inf, 77th Div, moves to top of Mt. Tenjo with little difficulty and is relieved there by 2d Bn, 307th Inf.



Marines on Tinian continue rapid advance against light resistance from retreating enemy.

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