Thursday, August 8, 2024

80 Years Ago, 17 July 1944 Monday


PACIFIC–UDTs begin demolishing natural and artificial obstacles on prospective landing beaches on Guam. UDT 4 arrives in high-speed transport Kane (APD-18); UDT 6 in high-speed transport Clemson (APD-31). Infantry landing craft(gunboat) LCI(G)-348, damaged by grounding and Japanese shore battery fire off Guam, is abandoned (see 18 July1944).

            Ammunition-carrying U.S. freighter E.A. Bryan explodes at the Port Chicago, California, ammunition depot; the adjacent freighter Quinalt Victory is also destroyed. Armed Guards on board both vessels are wiped out. Among the casualties are 250 African-American sailors. When survivors refuse to return to work in the wake of the blast, they are convicted of mutiny. The explosion destroys the greater part of smoke-making material earmarked for shipment to Pearl Harbor for use in amphibious operations, rendering it impossible to provide that material for Operation STALEMATE before the ships leave for the staging area in the Solomon Islands.

            Submarine Cabrilla (SS-288) continues attack on Japanese convoy off west coast of Mindanao, sinking army transport Maya Maru and damaging transport Natsukawa Maru, 07°42'N, 122°05'E.

            Submarine Gabilan (SS-252) sinks Japanese minesweeper W.25 northwest of Zenizu, Japan, 33°51'N, 138°35'E.

            TG 17.16's attacks on Japanese shipping west of Luzon continue: submarine Guardfish (SS-217) sinks merchant cargo ship Hiyama Maru, 18°21'N, 119°49'E; Thresher (SS-200) sinks cargo ship Nichizan Maru near Luzon Strait; SaineiMaru and Nissan Maru, damaged by Thresher the previous night, sink.

            British submarine HMS Telemachus sinks Japanese submarine I-66 in Strait of Malacca, 02°47'N, 101°03'E.



EIGHTH AF–In the morning 592 Heavy Bombers operating in 3 forces attack 12 railroad bridges, 3 rail junctions, a railway chokepoint, a V-weapon supply site, a marshalling yard, an airfield, and an oil storage dump in France. 463 fighters complete sorties in support of bombers; elements of 4 groups afterwards strafe ground targets, claiming 23 locomotives, 18 trucks, and 55 train cars destroyed. During the evening 126 Heavy Bombers attack 12 V-weapon sites in NW France. 5 P-51 groups provide escort.

NINTH AF–With operations limited by weather, 69 Medium Bombers hit fuel dumps at Rennes while 37 Light Bombers strike fuel dumps at Bruz and marshalling yard at Dolde-Bretagne. Fighters escort transports, fly area cover, attack fuel dumps and landing field at Angers, dive-bomb defenses at Coutances in support of US First Army, attack Nevers marshalling yard, and hit troop concentrations in support of First Army assault in Saint-Lo area.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers concentrate on Po Valley bridges, hitting road and rail bridges and viaducts at or near Alessandria, Ostiglia, Bogliasco, Borgoforte, Moline, Imperia, Asti, Mollere, and Casale Monferrato. Fighter Bombers continue to hit targets N of battle area, concentrating on bridges and rail lines, while US Fifth Army elements take Luciana, and reach Arno R Valley, but make little progress toward Leghorn. British Eighth Army forces pursue enemy toward Florence.

FIFTEENTH AF–162 B-24’s attack marshalling yard and railroad bridges at Avignon and railroad bridges at Arles and Tarascon. P- 51’s and P-38’s provide escort.

TENTH AF–60-plus P-40’s, P-47’s, and P-51’s continue to hit forces in Myitkyina area, pound Tagwin, and bomb marshalling yard at Mohnyin.

FOURTEENTH AF–22 B-24’s bomb Changsha. 7 B-25’s and 21 P-40’s pound railroad yards at Kaifeng. 6 B-25’s and 12 P-40’s hit Tengchung.

FEAF–Operations against the Carolines are restricted to snooper missions against Yap and Woleai. B-24’s bomb gun positions around Manokwari and airfield at Moemi. B-25’s sink large lugger in Kaiboes Bay. A- 20’s, B-25’s, and P-39’s hit troop concentrations and supplies between Aitape and Wewak at Abau, Parakaviu, Nyaparake, and E of Tadji and bomb Boram airfield and Cape Moem. Fuiloro is bombed by B- 25’s.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s bomb and strafe Tinian. 48 B-25’s from Makin stage through Engebi to bomb Ponape. 47 of the Medium Bombers (1 aborts) attack airfield facilities, AA positions, and other targets throughout the atoll.

EIGHTH AF–437 Heavy Bombers attack targets in Germany, including Hemmingstedt oil refinery, Kiel port area, Peenemunde experimental establishment, scientific HQ at Zinnowitz, targets of opportunity of Cuxhaven, and marshalling yards at Stralsund. 454 fighters fly supporting sorties. 3 Heavy Bombers and 3 fighters are lost. 571 B-24’s (in conjunction with Ninth AF and RAF BC) bomb enemy equipment and troop concentrations in support of assault by British Second Army in Caen area. 90 RAF Spitfires fly uneventful support for the Heavy Bombers.



FRANCE—Rommel’s participation in the war ends. Severely wounded when his car is strafed by aircraft, he is unable to continue his duties as commander of Army Group B and von Kluge takes over this post in addition to his other duties. 21 Army Group: U.S. First Army places 4th Armd Div under command of VIII Corps. In VII Corps area, 9th Div breaks through enemy’s MLR on right flank of corps and drives quickly toward St Lô highway, while 30th Div deepens salient on left flank to La Houcharderie. In XIX Corps area, 35th Div penetrates enemy positions on right flank of corps; 137th Inf, along the Vire, reaches objective near Rampan. Enemy withdraws salient at Le Carillon, 29th Div makes further vain attempts to relieve isolated 2d Bn, 116th Inf, and push on into St Lô from W; 3d Bn, 116th Inf, reaches 2d Bn but cannot move forward from there and it too becomes isolated; 115th Inf gets elements to Martinville Ridge. In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps makes limited progress near Noyers. In 12 Corps area, 15th Div tries unsuccessfully to break into Evrecy. 53d clears most of right f lank of corps N of the Odon and begins relief of 15th Div. 8 Corps completes preparations for attack in new zone E of the Orne.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, 135th Inf of 34th Div makes little progress toward Leghorn; armored units on coast cover its flank; 442d Inf takes Luciana; 168th and 133d Regts reach S edge of Arno R Valley, 168th after stiff battle for Fauglia. 361st Inf, 91st Div, drives through Ponsacco toward Pontedera; 362d advances through Capannoli and across Era R toward the Arno. Enemy resistance to 88th Div stiffens, but 3d Bn, 349th Inf, seizes Palaia. On extreme right of IV Corps, TF Ramey, consisting so far of armored units, is reinf by bn of 351st Inf and takes Montaione.

            Br Eighth Army commander concludes that the Gothic Line must be assaulted by two corps up axes Florence–Firenzuola and Florence–Bologna. 13 Corps pursues enemy toward Florence. In 10 Corps area, Ind 4th Div reaches the Alpe di Poti and begins clearing that hill mass. Pol 2 Corps, with close air support, begins assault on Ancona.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, PERSECUTION Covering Force closes gap in line along the Driniumor, but enemy forces another in it, night 17–18. Japanese are getting into position for attack on Afua.





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