Wednesday, August 14, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 5 August 1944


PACIFIC–Aircraft from TG 58.1 (Rear Admiral Joseph J. Clark) and TG 58.3 (Rear Admiral Alfred E. Montgomery) and cruisers and destroyers (Rear Admiral Laurance T. DuBose) repeat strikes on Japanese installations on Chichi Jima and Haha Jima, Bonins. Planes from carrier Bunker Hill (CV-17) inflict further damage upon fast transport T.4,27°07'N, 142°12'E, and damage T.2 off Chichi Jima, 27°05'N, 142°09'E.

            Fast Carrier Task Force is reorganized into First Fast Carrier Task Force, Pacific Fleet (Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher) and Second Fast Carrier Task Force, Pacific Fleet (Vice Admiral John S. McCain).

            Submarine Barbel (SS-316) sinks Japanese merchant passenger/cargo ship Miyako Maru off Tokuno Jima, 27°36'N,128°54'E.

            Submarine Cero (SS-225) attacks Japanese convoy off Mindanao and sinks oiler Tsurumi in Davao Gulf, 05°53'N,125°41'E.

            British submarine HMS Terrapin bombards Japanese installations at Gunung Sitoli, engaging shore batteries and guardboat Shime Maru.

            PBY sinks small Japanese cargo vessel No.2 Eiko Maru off Latoelahat, 03°47'S, 128°06'E.

            PVs, attacking Japanese guardboats in the Kurils, damage Hyuga Maru, 50°35'N, 159°05'E.

            USAAF B-25s (5th Air Force) sink Japanese army cargo ship Shirohama Maru off Boetoeng, Api Island, southern Celebes, 04°40'S, 122°47'E.

MEDITERRANEAN–Rear Admiral Don P. Moon, who had worked tirelessly to develop plans for the assault upon the strongly defended coast of southern France, commits suicide on board his flagship, attack transport Bayfield (APA-33); his death is attributed to combat fatigue. He is replaced as task group commander by Rear Admiral Spencer S. Lewis.



EIGHTH AF–In the morning 1,062 Heavy Bombers strike Magdeburg-Brunswick-Hannover region, bombing oil, aircraft, and engine works and airfield. 14 fighter groups provide support, 657 airplanes completing sorties. The Heavy Bombers and fighters encounter about 100 fighters and claim 30 destroyed. The fighters of 6 groups fly strafing missions against highway and rail trafflc and several airfields. 14 Heavy Bombers and 6 fighters are lost. During afternoon 38 B-17’s, escorted by P-51 group bomb 6 V-weapon sites and an airfield in France. No losses are suffered.

NINTH AF–In order that operations controlled by Ninth AF be developed in close association with HQ 12th Army group, the Ninth’s HQ at Uxbridge and Grandcamp-les-Bains are closed and a single HQ opened the following day (6 Aug) at Saint-Sauveur-Lendelin near both Adv HQ 12th Army group and Adv HQ AEAF. 50th and 53rd TC Wgs of IX TCC are attached to MAAF for purpose of forming, with 51st TC Wg, a Prov TC AirDiv to handle the airborne phase of the invasion of S France. 300-plus A-20’s and B-26’s bomb Saint-Malo harbor and Foret de Sille fuel dump during 4/5 Aug, and during the day, rail bridges at 6 cities in N and W France, and marshalling yard at Compiegne. fighters furnish cover for ground forces and fly armed recon over wide areas of N France.

TWELFTH AF–Weather again restricts operations. A-20’s on armed recon in Po Valley during 4/5 Aug attack lights and vehicles. Fighter Bombers fly a few unsuccessful missions against bridges.

TENTH AF–14 B-25’s bomb town area of Taungni and stores area at Bilumyo. 50 P-51’s also pound Taungni area. 21 P-47’s attack Targets of opportunity throughout widespread area around Bhamo.

FOURTEENTH AF–15 B-25’s bomb town of Wanling. 3 hit Lashio airfield. 36 P-40’s again pound Tengchung. In Tungting Lake area 50-plus P-40’s attack comm targets, troops, and numerous trucks.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb personnel and supply areas on Yap. Other B-24’s bomb oil facilities at Boela while B-25’s hit villages and small boats near Seleman Bay and afterwards bomb Besar I. B-24’s attack seaplane anchorage at Kokas while P-39’s strafe barges in W Geelvink Bay area. Despite bad weather, P-39’s manage to hit Luain gun positions and ammo dump. A few B-24’s bomb Sasa airfield.

SEVENTH AF–B-25’s from Saipan fly 2 strikes against Guam.

ELEVENTH AF–A weather mission is followed by a shipping sweep flown by 2 Medium Bombers which is aborted early due to weather.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps is clearing enemy pockets. In 30 Corps area, Aunay falls to 7th Armd Div, which pushes on toward Thury-Harcourt. 12 Corps closes along the Orne on 7-mile front between Grimbosq and Caen.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps is attacking W, SW, S, and E simultaneously. 6th Armd Div continues W toward Brest, bypassing Carhaix and reaching Huelgoat area. 83d Div attacks outer defenses of St Maio; TF A continues W along N coast of Brittany. Brittany Peninsula is cut off as CCA, 4th Armd Div, reaches Vannes. In XV Corps area, 90th Div TF seizes Mayenne. 79th Div is approaching Laval.

            U.S. First Army adjusts boundary between U.S. and Br forces and gives new mission to V Corps. In VII Corps area, 1st Div, reinf, continues to consolidate positions in Mortain area and probe southward with patrols. 4th Div overruns St Pois and advances slightly beyond there. 9th Div pushes on through ForĂȘt de St Sever. 30th Div is transferred to VII Corps from V Corps. In XIX Corps area, 29th Div progresses toward Vire despite strong opposition. V Corps is to drive through Vire to take region between Tinchebray and St Jean-du-Bois, employing 2d and 29th Divs. 29th is to remain under XIX Corps until it captures Vire. 35th Div reverts to Third Army.

ITALY—AAI: In Br Eighth Army area, 10 Corps takes crest of M. il Castello.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, main body of TED Force is held up short of main E–W trail E of Afua by stubborn enemy rear guards, who are keeping Driniumor crossing, point open, but the flanking column reaches the trail about 1,500 yards E of the river.

GUAM—306th Inf enters center of 77th Div line and moves NW to pinch out 307th Inf, but is slowed by enemy rear guards. Dense jungle on div right delays 305th Inf. 3d Mar Div continues steadily northward on left flank of corps.






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