Tuesday, August 20, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 19 August 1944


PACIFIC–U.S. submarine attacks on Japanese convoy HI 71, begun the previous day, continue off the west coast of Luzon as Bluefish (SS-222) sinks fast fleet tanker/seaplane carrier Hayasui, 80 nautical miles northwest of Cape Bolinao,17°34'N, 119°23'E, and damages hospital ship Awa Maru, 17°36'N, 119°38'E.

            Submarine Redfin (SS-272) lays mines off Sarawak, Borneo.

            Submarine Spadefish (SS-411) sinks Japanese landing craft depot repair ship Tamatsu Maru west of Luzon, 18°48'N,119°47'E.

MEDITERRANEAN–Battleship Nevada (BB-36), French battleship Lorraine, and heavy cruiser Augusta (CA-31) conduct reconnaissance in force off Toulon to support the U.S. Army's Third Division and French troops making a drive on that port. Escorted by four destroyers, Nevada, Lorraine, and Augusta shell the harbor and batteries at St. Mandrier; heavy cruiser Quincy (CA-71) provides counter- battery fire on Giens, from position south of Isle Port Cros.20

EUROPE–German submarines U-123 and U-129 are scuttled to avoid capture at Lorient, France.



NINTH AF–50th and 53d TC Wings, on loan to MAAF to participate in invasion of S France, are ordered to return to UK. No IX BC operations. fighters cover ground forces in battle areas and fly armed recon long Seine R and surrounding areas and in wide areas around Paris, Orleans, and Tours.

TWELFTH AF–A-20’s hit marshalling yards while B-25’s and B-26’s bomb road and rail bridges throughout SE France. Fighter Bombers and fighters continue to pound enemy comm N and W of beachhead and guns in the immediate battle area as US Seventh Army’s TF Butler crosses Durance R and moves N to Sisteron and Digne.

FIFTEENTH AF–Bombing Ploesti area for fourth consecutive day, 65 B-17’s supported by 125 P-51’s blast 2 oil refineries.

TENTH AF–4 P-47’s support ground forces SW of Thaikwagon. 4 others strafe trucks carrying troops between Bhamo and Myothit.

FOURTEENTH AF–25 B-24’s bomb Puchi, severely damaging warehouse area. 11 B-25’s hit Sienning. 3 hit railroad tracks and runway N of Hengyang. More than 70 P-40’s and P-51’s on armed recon attack river shipping, troops, trucks, and other Targets of opportunity at or near Pengtse, Hengyang, Chaling, Yoyang, Siangtan, and Changsha.

FEAF–Weather restricts operations. P-40’s bomb port of Napido. P-39’s bomb and strafe coastal positions along W shore of Geelvink Bay. A-20’s operating in force in support of ground troops pound targets in Sawar- Sarmi sector. P-39’s support ground forces in Wewak area.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based P-47’s bomb installations on Anatahan and drop fire-bombs on Tinian to aid ground forces in mopping-up operations.

ELEVENTH AF–A weather sortie and a 4-plane shipping sweep are flown with negative results.



N FRANCE—German Field Marshal von Kluge commits suicide. As a result of general uprising of Fr resistance forces in Paris, Germans ask for and are granted truce to last until 23d so that they may withdraw troops. Falaise–Argentan trap is closed as Cdn 2 Corps elements make junction with U.S. V Corps troops at Chambois. German Seventh Army and elements of Fifth Panzer Army are encircled. 21 Army Group:

            In Br Second Army’s 30 Corps zone, 11th Armd Div reaches Argentan–Bailleu area. In 12 Corps area, 53d Div is approaching Bailleu–Trun region. In Cdn First Army’s 2 Corps area, Cdn 4th Armd Div takes St Lambert-sur-Dives, on Trun-Chambois road, and holds it against lively counterattacks. [ 18–19 AUGUST 1944 ] [ 252 ] Patrol of Pol 1st Armd Div makes contact with U.S. V Corps at Chambois. In Br I Corps area, forward elements are crossing La Vie R, although considerable resistance continues to rear.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army’s XV Corps area, 79th Div TF enters Mantes-Gassicourt, which is clear of enemy. 5th Armd Div starts N along W bank of the Seine toward Louviers to cut off enemy retreat across the river. In XX Corps area, 5th Div completes mop up of Chartres. In XII Corps area, Maj Gen Manton S. Eddy takes command of corps, relieving Gen Cook.

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s V Corps area, 80th Div is closing in on Argentan; 90th reaches Chambois and at 1930 contacts Pol patrol, closing Falaise–Argentan gap. XIX Corps attacks N toward Evreux from Brezolle, W of Dreux, with 2d Armd Div on left and 30th Div on right, to cut off enemy from the Seine between Paris and Elbeuf. 28th Div is concentrating in Mortagne area.

S FRANCE—U.S. Seventh Army directs VI Corps to seize Aix-en-Provence while French Army B continues drives on ports of Toulon and Marseille and takes responsibility for region S of Highway 7. In VI Corps area, 3d Div completes capture of Brignoles and speeds W along Highway 7 toward Aix-en- Provence. 179th Inf, 45th Div, overcomes opposition at Barjols and thus opens route to lower Durance Valley; continues advance to Rians. Main body of TF Butler crosses the Durance at Oraison and moves N along W bank to Sisteron. Detachments moving N from Riez and along E bank of the Durance to intercept enemy forces moving southward from Grenoble converge on Digne, where enemy surrenders. 141st Inf, 36th Div, clears Callian after indecisive fighting throughout day.

            In Fr Army B’s 2d Corps area, 1st Armd Div is protecting N flank of corps. 3 Algerian Div, after driving through Méounes, on northern road to Marseille, splits into 3 groups, called Linares, Bonjour, and Chapuis, Linares turning S into hills N of Toulon. 9th Colonial Div starts W from Collobrières area to outflank enemy in Hyères–Toulon region from the N. On S flank, 1st Div moves along coastal road toward Hyères until stopped by heavy fire near the town, then sends elements N to outflank enemy.

ITALY—AAI: In Br Eighth Army’s Pol 2 Corps area, 3d Carpathian Div is slowed in coastal sector by opposition at S Constanzo.






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