Monday, August 19, 2024

80 Years Ago, Thursday, 17 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Croaker (SS-246) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Yamatero Maru off west coast of Korea,35°33'N,126°10'E.

            RAAF aircraft sink Japanese cargo vessel No.2 Jun Maru off south coast of Miscol Island.

            Japanese river gunboat Hira is damaged by aircraft at Kiukiang, China.

MEDITERRANEAN–Diversionary assault is carried out with Special Operations Group (TG 80.4) penetrating Baie de Ciotat; destroyer Endicott (DD-495) and two motor torpedo boats bombard western half of the beach area; British river gunboats HMS Aphis and HMS Scarab and the 24th Motor Launch Flotilla bombard eastern half. Enemy shore battery fire is heavy but falls short. After group withdraws from beach area, German submarine chasers Uj 6073 and Uj 6081 engage the small task force. Endicott, Aphis, and Scarab engage them and sink both 13 miles off Cap Croisette light.

            Heavy cruiser Tuscaloosa (CA-37) is near-missed by shore battery off southern France; beachhead screen (TU80.6.10) engages four German E-boats off southern France; destroyer Harding (DD-625) sinks two, Carmick (DD-493) and Satterlee (DD-626) one apiece. Destroyer Frankford (DD-497), damaged by E-boat, later captures the craft, which sinks subsequently.



EIGHTH AF–10 B-24’s dispatched against Les Foulons rail bridge abort because of cloud cover over target. 20 fighter groups strafe and bomb between Brussels and Paris, 11 marshalling yards, 2 Airfields and numerous Targets of opportunity and destroy many locomotives, train cars, and road vehicles along with bridges, towers, warehouses and barges.

NINTH AF–400-plus A-20’s and B-26’s bomb road bridges at Montfort-sur-Risle, Pont-Audemer, Nassandres, Beaumont-le-Roger, Le Bourg, Brionne, and Beaumontel, and rail bridge at La Ferriere-sur-Risle. fighters fly ground force cover over SaintMalo and Dreux and armed recon in NW France. IX TAC fighters attack and severely damage Gestapo HQ near Chateauroux.

TWELFTH AF–Despite bad weather, Medium Bombers attack railroad bridges leading to beachhead area of S French coast and hit coastal guns SW of Toulon. Light Bombers hit motor transport during night and drop ammo to invasion forces. Fighter Bombers and fighters on armed recon and patrol score excellent results against motor transport and rail cars and destroy several airplanes on Airfields in S France.

FIFTEENTH AF–53 B-17’s, with fighter cover, bomb Nish Airfield. 250 B-24’s, escorted by P-51’s, bomb 3 oil refineries and Targets of opportunity in Ploesti area.

TENTH AF–47 Fighter Bombers support ground forces in Pinbaw area. 9 B-25’s bomb Katha. 12 Fighter Bombers pound town areas of Nanyinbya and Bilumyo. 12 other Fighter Bombers attack arty positions and storage areas in Momauk area. India is cleared of all Japanese forces.

FOURTEENTH AF–25 B-24’s blast Yoyang. 18 B-25’s bomb railroad yards and storage area at Chiuchiang and 4 hit road and Airfield in Hengyang area and storage buildings at Nanyo. 100-plus P-40’s, P-51’s, and P-38’s on offensive recon attack town areas, bridges, hangars, supply dumps, railroad targets, and road and river traffic in E Burma, around Hsenwi, Tungling, and Tengchung, and throughout Tungting Lake-C Yangtze R area, particularly in Hengyang area. 8 P-40’s attack shipping in Haiphong area and between Dong Trieu and Ha Duong.

FEAF–B-24’s pound Airfields on Amboina, Ceram and Boeroe Is. B-25’s strafe installations at Dili, on Moloe, and in NW Kai Is. Medium Bombers sink transport vessel off Halmahera I. A-20’s bomb Klamono oil fields while Fighter Bombers hit gun positions, storage areas, and other targets at Ransiki and Manokwari and troop concentrations along N shore of MacCluer Gulf. On Biak P-40’s, supporting ground forces landing at Wardo, pound shore positions and troops inland as enemy remnants on Biak break up into small groups. P-39’s strafe troops from Cape Wom to Dandriwad R and near But, and hit gun positions at Marubian.

SEVENTH AF–B-24’s from Saipan bomb Iwo Jima. Makin-based B-25’s hit Ponape.



N FRANCE—Hitler replaces von Kluge as commander of OB WEST with Field Marshal Model. 21 Army Group: Br Second Army presses southward against enemy pocket from vicinity of Flers, Condé, and Falaise. In Cdn First Army’s 2 Corps area, capture of Falaise by Cdn 2d Div narrows enemy’s escape corridor. Crossing Dives R near Morteaux, Cdn 4th Armd Div drives SE toward Trun in conjunction with Pol 1st Armd Div to left.

            12th Army Group: Directs First Army to clear Chambois–Trun area and, in conjunction with British, to complete encirclement and reduction of enemy pocket; orders Third Army to drive on Mantes- Gassicourt while completing capture of Brittany Peninsula; orders regrouping for above missions; adjusts boundaries.

            In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, opposition at St Malo ends with surrender of the Citadel to 83d Div. To speed reduction of Brittany, 2d Div and 2d and 5th Ranger Bns are allocated to corps; 29th Div is to be attached within the next 2 days. In XV Corps area, 5th Armd and 79th Inf Divs maintain their bridgeheads across the Aunay and move elements toward Mantes-Gassicourt. In XX Corps area, 7th Armd Div completes mop-up of Chartres; 5th Div blocks exits. XII Corps mops up in Orléans and Châteaudun. Enemy withdraws across the Loire on S flank.

            In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps establishes positions along Vire–Argentan highway between Ecouché and Flers. 3d Armd Div overcomes strong resistance at Fromental. 9th Div is on highway in Fromental–Briouze area. 1st Div is on its objective to left and in contact with British. Regrouping must take place before further offensive action can be undertaken. V Corps takes over new zone and units previously under control of Prov Corps, Third Army, with orders to close Argentan–Falaise gap. XIX Corps is given responsibility for sector and troops previously held by V Corps. As reconstituted, V Corps consists of Fr 2d Armd Div, 80th Div (less 319th Inf), and 90th Div. 90th Div seizes Le Bourg- St-Léonard, below Chambois, against bitter opposition.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, small German garrison of Port Cros I., surrenders to U.S. Special Service Force. In U.S. VI Corps area, 3d Div, with 7th Inf and attached Fr Commandos, continues to clear left flank toward Toulon, reaching Blue Line in La Londe–Les Maures area. 1st and 2d Bns of 30th Inf assemble E of Brignoles, night 17–18. On right flank, 36th Div, moving elements through Trans-en-Provence to Draguignan, also reaches Blue Line, completing assault phase; makes contact with 1st ABTF near Le Muy.

EASTERN EUROPE—Germans are strongly counterattacking about Siauliai in Lithuania. Troops of Third White Russian Front reach border of East Prussia along Sesupe R.

ITALY—AAI: U.S. Fifth Army orders attack on 8-mile front between Florence and Pontassieve on 72 hours’ notice after 0001, 25 August. During first phase, II Corps, raking main effort, is to take M. Morello, M. Senario, and M. Calvana; Br 13 Corps is to take M. Giovi. Attack is to penetrate Gothic Line during second phase.

            In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps postpones attack across the Cesano, planned for this time, until mine fields can be cleared.

CHINA—Gen Chennault asks Gen Hearn to send U.S. supplies to Chinese to assist them in recapturing Heng-yang, regardless of Nationalist Government’s view on this matter.

NEW GUINEA—On Noemfoor, 503d Para Inf regains contact with enemy and overcomes last organized resistance. On Biak, 1st Bn of 186th Inf less Co B but reinf by Co E, lands from LCM’s at Wardo Bay against token resistance. After this, enemy remnants on Biak break up into small groups without hope of making a further stand. In Vogelkop area, Gen Barnes of XIII Air Task Force reports strip on Middleburg I., ready for fighters, a day ahead of schedule.






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