Saturday, August 10, 2024

80 Years Ago, 24 July 1944 Monday


PACIFIC–TF 52 (Rear Admiral Harry W. Hill) lands 4th Marine Division (Major General Harry Schmidt, USMC) on Tinian. Landing, which initially encounters light opposition, is supported by naval gunfire, carrier aircraft, and land-based aircraft from Saipan. Shore batteries on Tinian damage battleship Colorado (BB-45) and destroyer Norman Scott (DD-690) at 15°02'N, 145°50'E; and tank landing ship LST-481 at 13°24'N, 144°39'E.

            USAAF B-24s (5th Air Force) sink Japanese transport Asahisan Maru in Kau Bay, Halmahera, 01°10'N, 127°54'E.

ATLANTIC–German submarine U-861 attacks convoy JT 99 and eludes search aircraft from escort carrier Solomons (CVE-67).



EIGHTH AF–Eighth AF Heavy Bombers are scheduled to participate in US First Army offensive (Operation COBRA) to penetrate German defenses W of Saint-Lo and secure Coutances. Bad weather causes the ground forces to delay attack until next day, and cloud conditions cause 1,102 Heavy Bomber aborts. In all, 352 Heavy Bombers attack primary target area near Saint-Lo, and 132 bomb other points, including road intersections and railway lines. 405 fighters of 10 groups fly support sorties. Later 3 of the P-47 groups strafe ground targets. 3 fighters and 3 bombers are lost.

NINTH AF–11 groups of bombers scheduled to participate in Operation COBRA have missions cancelled due to weather. 5 groups of Medium Bombers hit rail bridges and 5 groups of Medium Bombers and Light Bombers strike 3 fuel and ammo dumps. Fighters fly escort to IX BC, fly area cover, bomb installations in Laval-NantesLe Mans-Chartres areas, and hit bridges and supply dumps in support of US First Army.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers attack bridges at Chivasso, Peschiera del Garda, Imperia, and Ronco Scrivia, and viaduct at Ovada. A-20’s hit ammo supplies while Fighter Bombers attack rail lines in Po Valley, destroying and damaging numerous railway cars, as US Fifth Army begins regrouping along the Arno.

FIFTEENTH AF–More than 200 B-17’s and B-24’s attack tank repair and ball bearing works in Turin, the harbor at Genoa, airfields at Valence/La Tresorerie and Les Chanoines, and troop concentrations at Sjenica, Prijepolje, Pljevlja, and Andrijevica. Fighters provide escort and strafe Prizren area.

TENTH AF–14 P-51’s hit Kamaing and Mogaung areas while 28 P-40’s hit Myitkyina. 8 B-25’s bomb Mohnyin and Naungtalaw.

FOURTEENTH AF–13 B-25’s and 20 P-40’s bomb railroad facilities at Sienning. 22 P-40’s pound Pailochi airfield, destroying about 30 airplanes and causing heavy destruction in general. 9 B-25’s and 20 P-40’s hit town of Puchi, causing several fires. 46 P40’s hit river and road traffic, enemy concentrations, and targets of opportunity at Changsha, Sinshih, Fulinpu, Hengshan, Liling, Leiyang, and Hengyang. In Canton area 7 P-51’s divebomb White Cloud airfield and town of Tsingyun. 3 P-40’s on armed recon bomb Ben Thuy railroad yards and strafe junks and barges in coastal areas.

FEAF–Operations in the Caroline Is are restricted to snooper strikes by Heavy Bombers. Bad weather cancels scheduled strikes in Vogelkop Peninsula area. B-24’s bomb AA positions at Saumlakki. 18 A-20’s and a B-25 bomb But airfield, P-47’s hit supply areas at Sauri, and P-39’s bomb and strafe bridges and supply dumps in Suain area.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s hit Tinian, on which US Marines land, and Rota. B-25’s from Engebi bomb Ponape.

ELEVENTH AF–2 B-25’s fly a negative shipping search.



FRANCE—U.S. 28th Div arrives on Continent. 21 Army Group: Air preparation for Operation COBRA is begun, but weather conditions are so unfavorable that the attack is postponed. Minor alteration of interarmy boundary becomes effective as Br 30 Corps extends W to take command of part of U.S. 5th Div zone on left flank of U.S. V Corps. 15th Scottish Div makes the relief.

POLAND—Troops of First White Russian Front overrun Lublin. Right f lank elements of First Ukrainian Front cross San R NW of Lwow.

ITALY—AAI: U.S. Fifth Army begins regrouping along the Arno. Army sets new boundary between IV and II Corps, IV on W, but II Corps troops within current IV Corps zone are to remain under operational control of IV Corps until new boundary becomes effective, on or about 25 July; directs relief of infantry divs of IV Corps.

BURMA—In NCAC area, Ch 50th Div is joined by 149th Regt, which relieves portions of 42d and 150th Regts in line in Myitkyina area.

CHINA—Ch garrison of besieged Heng-yang has been without air support since 17th because of weather conditions but continues to resist strongly and has forced enemy to halt briefly to reorganize.

NEW GUINEA—TF TYPHOON embarks at Maffin Bay for Sansapor-Mar operation. In Aitape area, North Force of PERSECUTION Covering Force repels the last enemy attempts, in limited strength, to secure crossing of the Driniumor, night 24–25. The region then becomes relatively quiet. Japanese, at least 2,000 strong, are disposed on South Force’s right flank and rear in Afua area and prevent 2d Bn, 127th Inf, and Tr C, 112th Cav, from breaking out.

TINIAN—Following strong preparatory bombardment, U.S. 4th Mar Div lands on NW coast, beginning at 0830, against light opposition. While landing is in progress, 2d Mar Div conducts diversionary demonstration to S and then returns to landing site and puts 1st Bn, 8th Marines, ashore to operate under control of 4th Mar Div. 4th Mar Div pushes inland and secures beachhead, which includes part of the old Ushi Pt airfield on the N.

GUAM—Gen Geiger orders attack to link the beachheads and secure Orote Peninsula on 26th. 77th Div completes relief of 1st Prov Mar Brig in S beachhead and holds it with 305th and 306th Regts abreast, 305th on N. 3d Mar Div continues to meet bitter opposition while endeavoring to take heights commanding N beachhead.



4th Mar Div lands on Tinian and secures beachhead.

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