Tuesday, August 20, 2024

80 Years Ago, Friday, 18 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Hardhead (SS-365) sinks Japanese light cruiser Natori about 200 miles east of Samar, P.I., 12°29'N,128°49'E; accompanying fast transport T.3 continues on for Palau. Destroyers Uranami and Kiyoshimo rescue most of Natori’s survivors (See 31 August and 12 September 1944).

            U.S. submarines Rasher (SS-269) and Redfish (SS-395) encounter Japanese convoy HI 71 off west coast of Luzon. Rasher sinks escort carrier Taiyo, transport Teia Maru, cargo ship Eishin Maru at 18°16'N, 120°21'E, and oiler Teiyo Maru southwest of Cape Bojeador, 18°09'N, 120°13'E, and damages transport Noshiro Maru southwest of Cape Bojeador, 18°09'N, 119°56'E; Redfish damages merchant tanker Eiyo Maru west of Luzon Strait, 20°28'N, 121°04'E.

            Submarine Ray (SS-271) sinks Japanese merchant tanker Nansei Maru off southern tip of Palawan, 08°48'N,117°02'E.

            Dutch submarine Zwaardvisch sinks Japanese vessel Kim Hup Soen in Strait of Malacca, 04°00'N, 99°32'E.

            Japanese destroyer Samidare is damaged when she runs aground on Velasco Reef, north of Palau, Carolines (see 26August).

MEDITERRANEAN–Off southern France, amphibious force flagship Catoctin (AGC-5) is damaged by JU-88, 43°17'N, 06°38'E; the JU- 88had followed closely behind USAAF P-38s and an RAF Beaufighter during an air raid alert. Elsewhere off the beachheads minesweeper Steady (AM-118) is damaged when a broken fire main floods jamming equipment compartment, and destroyer MacKenzie (DD-614) is damaged by operational casualty (starboard engine) during attackon submarine contact. U.S. freighter Albert A. Michelson is damaged off St. Tropez, by bomb during German air raid; while there are no casualties among the 27-man Armed Guard, 5 of the 43-man merchant complement are wounded badly enough to warrant their being left in a shoreside hospital for treatment.



EIGHTH AF–More than 700 Heavy Bombers attack 15 assigned targets including bridges, Airfields, fuel dumps, an aero engine plant, and several Targets of opportunity, in France and Belgium supported by 8 fighter groups (1 other group escorts Medium Bombers of Ninth AF). 3 of the escorting groups later strafe 3 Airfields in France, destroying 48 parked airplanes. 12 Fighter Bomber groups successfully attack Airfields and transportation facilities in the Seine-Brussels area encountering about 100 fighters. 15 Fighter Bombers are lost. 10 fighters are claimed destroyed.

NINTH AF–Nearly 100 B-26’s and A-20’s strike fuel dump, ammo dump, rail and road overpass, rail embankment, and junction beyond battleline to disorganize retreating German forces. Over 1,000 fighters fly cover over ground forces in Argentan-Paris area, along Seine R, and armed recon over N and W France.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers blast coastal guns in Toulon area and shipping in Toulon harbor. Fighter Bombers closely support beachhead troops, hit rolling stock and rail lines, and generally disrupt comm as US VI Corps overruns primary defenses in coastal area of SE France. fighters maintain beachhead patrols and area cover for bombers.

FIFTEENTH AF–370 fighter-escorted B-17’s and B-24’s bomb 5 oil refineries around Ploesti. 89 B-24’s, with fighter cover, bomb Alibunar Airfield.

TENTH AF–16 P-47’s and P-51’s knock out road bridge, attack town areas, and hit general Targets of opportunity in Bhamo area. 4 P-47’s knock out both approaches to bridge in Hsenwi. Troop concentration in Moda is pounded by 15 P-47’s and P-51’s and an A-36. 39 P-47’s, P-40’s and P-51’s closely support ground forces in various Pinbaw area sectors. 8 P-47’s sweep Lashio Airfield, strafing several Targets of opportunity.

FOURTEENTH AF–12 B-25’s bomb storage areas at Mangshih. 6 pound storage area at Changsha. 60-plus P-40’s, P- 51’s, and P-38’s on armed recon attack troops, town areas, bridges, and other Targets of opportunity in E Burma, Lashio, Tengchung, Lungling, and Mangshih areas, and in Tungting Lake-C Yangtze R area at points including Yoyang, Chaling, Yuhsien, Hengshan, Chuchou, and Hsuchang.

FEAF–FBs and A-20’s pound troops and storage area at Suain and hit def lines near Sarmi. Armed recon missions continue over wide stretches of SWPA including Amboina-Ceram, Palau Is, and Halmahera I. Several Targets of opportunity are attacked.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s from Saipan bomb and strafe Pagan I.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group:

            In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps, now pinched out, is held in army reserve. Its transport is used by units driving toward the Seine. 30 Corps is rapidly reducing enemy pocket from N. 11th Armd Div reaches Putanges and Ecouché. 12 Corps, also compressing the enemy pocket, continues SE toward Argentan. In Cdn First Army’s 2 Corps area, Cdn 4th Armd Div seizes Trun and continues SE in conjunction with Pol 1st Armd Div to left. Stiff fighting develops in Chambois area as enemy makes furious attempts to keep escape corridor open, counterattacking vigorously from within and without the pocket.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, 2d Div, moving from First Army zone to Brest to relieve 6th Armd Div, is attached to corps. 8th Div is concentrated N of Brest, and TF A is in Morlaix area. In XV Corps area, 5th Armd and 79th Inf Divs drive quickly toward the Seine at Mantes- Gassicourt. In XX Corps area, 7th Armd Div takes over bridgehead at Dreux; 5th Div moves to Chartres. In XII Corps area, 35th Div finishes mopping up in Orléans and begins movement to Janville area. 4th Armd Div continues to clear region near Orléans. U.S. First Army, while reducing Argentan– Falaise Pocket, regroups in preparation for future action. VII Corps mops up, maintains contact with British at Briouze, and prepares to renew offensive. V Corps, with 90th Div on right and 80th on left, attacks northward to close Falaise–Argentan gap. 90th pushes into Forêt de Gouffern while 80th advances through Bordeaux toward Argentan. Fr 2d Armd Div assists with fire and provides flank protection; CCL is attached to 90th Div.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh .Army area, VI Corps overruns enemy’s primary defenses in coastal sector. While 7th Inf of 3d Div continues W along Highway 98 (St Tropez–Toulon), 30th and 15th Regts drive W along Highway 7, S of Argens R. 30th Inf begins assault on Brignoles, where fighting continues throughout night 18–19. CC1, Fr 1st Armd Div, which has moved forward between 3d and 45th Divs, overcomes enemy opposition in Cabasse– Carces region. 45th Div’s 179th Inf begins assault on Barjols, where enemy is putting up strong delaying opposition. Prov Armd Group, headed by Deputy Commander, VI Corps, Brig Gen Frederick B. Butler, and called TF Butler, starts NW from Le Muy area to spearhead advance inland toward Grenoble, reaching Riez. 36th Div, which is to follow TF Butler northward, moves elements against Callian, E of Fayence, where group of paratroopers is surrounded by enemy. 143d Inf, upon relief by 141st, moves to assembly area at Draguignan.

            In Fr Army B area, 2d Corps begins drive toward Marseille with 3d Algerian Div.

EASTERN EUROPE—Sandomierz, on W bank of the Vistula, falls to troops of First Ukrainian Front. Germans continue to counterattack strongly in Siauliai area of Lithuania in effort to reopen communications with Baltic forces.

ITALY—AAI: U.S. Fifth Army takes command of 13 Corps, Br Eighth Army, in place. In II Corps zone, 85th Div relieves 91st Div in line below Fucecchio and 91st begins training near Certaldo.

            In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps starts preliminary attack toward Gothic Line in Adriatic sector, crossing Cesano R with Italian Corps of Liberation (previously Utili Div) on left, 5th Kresowa Div in center, and 3d Carpathian Div on right.



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