Tuesday, August 20, 2024

80 Years Ago, Sunday, 20 August 1944


PACIFIC–RAAF aircraft damage small Japanese cargo vessel Kairyu Maru, Menado Bay, 00°49'N, 127°38'E.

            RAAF Beaufighters sink small Japanese cargo vessel No.3 Yamada Maru off north coast of Ceram.

            USAAF B-24s (14th Air Force) sink Japanese army tanker Chuko Maru near Hong Kong, 22°23'N, 115°34'E.

ATLANTIC–TBM and FM-2 (VC 42) from escort carrier Bogue (CVE-9) sink German submarine U-1229 in North Atlantic,42°20'N, 51°39'W.

MEDITERRANEAN–German submarines U-178 and U-188 and UIT 21 (ex- Italian) are scuttled to avoid capture at Bordeaux, France.

RED SEA–U.S. freighter John Barry clears Suez after transiting the Suez Canal enroute to the Persian Gulf to deliver a shipment of silver to the USSR along with other lend-lease supplies.



NINTH AF–61 B-26’s bomb troop and equipment concentration waiting at Foret de la Lande to be ferried across the Seine. fighters fly armed recon along Seine, support ground troops in battle area, and fly escort mission to over 100 troop carriers on supply and evacuation run.

TWELFTH AF–During 19/20 Aug A-20’s attack lights and motor transport from battleline NW to the Rhone. B-26’s, joined by Fighter Bombers and fighters, hit coastal def guns in Toulon area, while B-25’s bomb Rhone Valley bridges and Airfields achieving especially good results at Airfield near Valence.

FIFTEENTH AF–460-plus B-24’s and B-17’s, some fighter-escorted, bomb Airfield and marshalling yard at Szolnok, and oil refineries at Dubova, Czechowice and Auschwitz.

TENTH AF–24 P-47’s and P-51’s fly close support strikes for ground forces immediately S of Thaikwagon. 4 P-51’s hit Targets of opportunity at Myintha and Aledaw.

FOURTEENTH AF–4 B-25’s and 7 P-40’s damage buildings and a pontoon bridge and strafe about 30 sampans in the Hengyang area. 13 P-40’s hit buildings, trucks, and river shipping in Hengshan area. 60-plus P-40’s and P-51’s attack numerous trucks, rivercraft, and general Targets of opportunity at Tingka, Anjen, Yangtien, S of Yoyang, between Hankow and Chinchiang, and between Sinshih and Changsha.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb town and Airfield of Namlea. B-25’s bomb Langgoer Airfield. B-24’s pound personnel areas and warehouses at Tobelo. P-39’s hit Windissi and enemy shipping off Manokawri while P-40’s pound gun positions, buildings and stores at Manokwari. Other P-40’s support ground forces by hitting troop concentrations at Napido. A-20’s and Fighter Bombers hit personnel center near Marubian, supplies at Wom, and numerous targets during coastal sweeps in Wewak general area.

TWENTIETH AF–61 Chengtu-based B-29’s bomb Imperial Iron and Steel Works at Yawata during the day, followed by 10 more during 20/21 Aug, 5 hitting targets other than the primary. 14 B-29’s are lost, including 1 to AA and 4 to enemy airplanes (1 by air-to-air bombing and 1 by ramming). B-29 gunners claim 17 air victories.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s hit Yap for the first time. A B-24 bombs Alamagan while P-47’s pound Pagan. Marshalls-based B-24’s bomb Truk.

ELEVENTH AF–4 B-25’s fly a negative shipping sweep.



N FRANCE—Gen Montgomery directs 21 Army Group to eliminate Falaise–Argentan Pocket before driving to the Seine; elements of 12th Army Group to drive N across Br front to lower Seine in order to cut off enemy retreat. 21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 1 Corps crosses additional elements over La Vie R. Br 7th Armd Div captures Livarot. Cdn 2 Corps frustrates final desperate enemy attempt to escape from Falaise–Argentan Pocket. Br Second Army heads for the Seine, passing through U.S. forces in Argentan area.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. Third Army’s XV Corps area, 79th Div establishes bridgehead across the Seine near Mantes-Gassicourt. 5th Armd Div continues N toward Louviers. XX Corps attacks E toward the Seine, with 7th Armd Div on N and 5th Div on S, in effort to gain bridgeheads at Melun and Montereau. XII Corps attacks for bridgehead over Yonne R at Sens, 4th Armd Div spearheading.

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s V Corps area, 80th Div overcomes moderate resistance at Argentan. XIX Corps continues N, elements forcing the Aure between Verneuil and Nonancourt.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, 3d Div reaches suburbs of Aix-en-Provence. 7th Inf, upon relief by French in coastal sector, joins 3d Div. 45th Div’s 157th Inf crosses the Durance in St. Paul area, using partially destroyed bridge, and takes Mirabeau and Pertuis; 180th Inf, advancing along S bank of the river, takes Peyrolles and Meyrargues. TF Butler blocks routes running S from Grenoble. 36th Div, relieved of defensive positions on E flank of corps by 1st ABTF, moves NW behind TF Butler. 1st ABTF is placed under direct command of Seventh Army and made responsible for region generally along line from Fayence to La Napoule.

            In Fr Army B’s 2d Corps area, while Chapuis Group of 3d Algerian Div and elements of 1st Armd Div continue W toward Marseille on N flank, Chapuis Group reaching Le Camp, Linares Group continues to work southward through hills overlooking Toulon, and Bonjour Group turns SE toward Toulon. 9th Colonial and 1st Inf Divs isolate Hyères. Frontal assault against E outskirts by 1st Div fails. EASTERN FRONT—Red Army opens offensive against Rumania. Troops of Second and Third Ukrainian Fronts push forward with strong air and arty support toward Iasi and Kishinev. Germans continue efforts to reopen communications with Baltic forces.

ITALY—AAI: U.S. Fifth Army regroups extensively in preparation for attack. IV Corps, with TF 45 and 1st Armd Div under command, takes over most of the army front, spreading thin along 55-mile line. 85th Div, in positions formerly held by NZ 2d Div, is placed temporarily under corps pending arrival of S African 6th Armd Div. In II Corps area, RCT 442 (less 100th (Nisei) Bn), attached to 88th Div, occupies 5-mile sector W of Florence, replacing Br units.

CBI—On Salween front. after mines under enemy positions on Sung Shan are exploded, Ch troops with flame throwers clear this feature, which has held out for so long, but scattered pockets of enemy remain about Sung Shan.

SWPA—CTF 77 issues Operations Plan 8– 44 for Morotai operation.

NEW GUINEA—Gen Krueger declares the Biak operation at an end. Base development is well advanced. Although airfields were not ready in time to support Marianas operation as hoped, they are to contribute materially to subsequent offensive in SWPA and POA. TF HURRICANE, during period 27 May to date, has suffered about 400 killed, 2,000 wounded, 150 injured in action, and 5 missing, aside from those removed from action because of sickness. Japanese, during the same period, have lost about 4,700 killed and 220 captured. 41st Div continues to mop up Biak for some months to come.




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