Tuesday, August 13, 2024

80 Years Ago, Wednesday, 2 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Tautog (SS-199) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking army cargo ship Konei Maru (ex-Italian Furiere Consolini) off Miki Saki, Honshu, 33°57'N, 136°20'E.

ATLANTIC–Destroyer escort Fiske (DE-143) is sunk by German submarine U-804, 800 miles east of Cape Race, Newfoundland,47°11'N, 33°29'W.



EIGHTH AF–2d and 3d Bomb Divs fly 2 late afternoon operations against targets in France. 289 B-17’s and B-24’s attack 12 targets including oil dumps and depots, supply depots, railway bridges, junctions, canal lock, A/Fs, and MARSHALLING YARDs. 3 P-51 groups provide escort, 2 of them later strafing rail and highway traffic NE of Paris. In the second mission, over 390 Heavy Bombers attack 15 V-weapon sites, 5 bridges, an A/F, and a rail junction and bridge. 5 P-51 groups provide escort and 3 of these groups later strafe rail transportation targets. Overall losses for the day’s operations total 6 Heavy Bombers and 6 fighters, most to AA fire. No enemy aircraft are encountered.

NINTH AF–IX BC halts bombing of bridges, fuel dumps, and similar targets in Brittany except on request of 12th Army group, as US Third Army wants use of bridges access to all fuel they may find in their adv across France. Around 300 A-20’s and B-26’s attack bridges at Mezieres-sur-Seine, Mainvillers, Cinq Mars-la- Pile, Nantes, and Lisle, and ammo dumps at Caudebec-les-Elbeuf and Le Lude. fighters fly armed recon in wide areas surrounding Paris and SW as far as Laval, escort IX BC, and provide cover for armd columns and close support for ground forces.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers strike at bridges near border between Italy and France, doing some damage at Gilette, Taggia, Alessandria, and at 2 points along the Var R. Fighter Bombers pound bridges and A/Fs in NW Italy and S France and attack Targets of opportunity in the area.

FIFTEENTH AF–330-plus B-17’s and B-24’s attack Genoa harbor and hit targets in S France, including Le Pouzin oil storage, Portes-les-Valences torpedo factory and MARSHALLING YARD, Le Pontet oil storage, and Avignon railroad bridges. P-38’s and P-51’s provide escort.

TENTH AF–P-51’s, P-47’s, and A-36’s support ground forces in Taungni area. P-51’s and P-47’s on patrols and armed recon hit various Targets of opportunity around Katha, Mainghka, Meza, Helon, Mohnyin, Bilumyo, and Namma. P-40’s attack gun positions and strongpoints at Myitkyina.

FOURTEENTH AF–11 B-25’s and 32 P-40’s and P-38’s bomb and strafe town of Tengchung. 9 P-40’s and P-38’s damage bridge at Tingka. Yangtze R shipping and supplies are attacked at Shihlipu by 8 P-40’s.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb A/F at Yap I. A-20’s bomb Nabire A/F while in Wewak area bombers and fighters hit bridge and A/F at Boram and bridges, comm lines, troop concentrations, and other targets along coastline, especially between But and Cape Karawop. Medium Bombers and Heavy Bombers carry out wide sweeps over the Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Is, hitting A/Fs at Maumere, Amahai, and Liang, and shipping off Ceram and Amboina. Heavy Bombers hit Cape Chater and Lautem while Medium Bombers bomb camp near Poeloeti. Fighter Bombers hit Mapia I and coastal vessels and shore targets at Talaud.



FRANCE—Gen Eisenhower urges Gen Montgomery to press the attack.

                21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps is meeting stronger opposition above Vire. 11th Armd Div pushes to N outskirts of the town and patrols cross Vire–Vassy road. Gds Armd Div is brought to a halt short of Estry. Corps is reinf by 3d Div. In 30 Corps area, on right flank of corps, 43d Div continues southward toward Mont Pincon, while 7th Armd Div continues toward Aunay. On corps left flank, 50th Div takes Amaye-sur-Seulles, W of Villers-Bocage.

                12th Army Group: To exploit success of. VIII Corps, orders Third Army to secure line St Hilairedu- Harcourt–Fougères–Rennes and then clear Brittany Peninsula, bypassing St Malo if it cannot be taken easily.

                In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, continuing W along Brittany Peninsula, 6th Armd Div bypasses Dinan to S when strong opposition develops there. 83d Div is attached to corps to follow 6th Armd Div, replacing 79th Div. 79th Div is transferred to XV Corps for drive on Fougères. TF A (TD’s, cavalry, and engrs), under Brig Gen Herbert L. Earnest, is formed to clear bypassed resistance along N coast of Brittany Peninsula. 4th Armd Div gains additional ground near Rennes. 13th Inf of 8th Div, motorized, moves forward to Rennes area.

                In U.S. First Army’s ’s VII Corps area, 1st Div and attached elements of 3d Armd Div speed southward toward Mortain. 4th Div continues toward St Pois. 9th Div cuts road NE of Villedieu. Corps releases 2d Armd Div to XIX Corps. XIX corps advances steadily SE from Percy–Tessy area against moderate opposition from retreating enemy. In V Corps area, continuing S toward Vire with 35th Div on W and 2d on E, corps crosses the Vire and Soulevre Rivers.

ITALY—AAI: In Br Eighth Army’s 13 Corps area, enemy begins limited withdrawal behind the Arno as NZ 2d Div maintains pressure on ridge below Florence.

GERMANY—Hitler orders counterattack between Mortain and Avranches to isolate U.S. forces in Brittany.

CBI—On Salween front, aircraft supporting Ch assault on Teng-chung succeed in breaching the thick wall at 5 places.

NEW GUINEA—On Biak, 2d Bn of 163d Inf lands at Korim Bay. In Aitape area, South Force of PERSECUTION Covering Force remains on the defensive, repelling determined enemy attacks that probably cost Japanese some 300 killed. TED Force prepares to attack S in region E of the Driniumor.

GUAM—Garrison Force takes responsibility for Orote Peninsula and Cabras I., to release additional units for movement northward. Gen Geiger orders the attack pressed toward Yigo area, where Japanese are reportedly concentrating. On right flank of corps, 77th Div, with 305th Inf on right and 307th on left, attempts to reach 0–3 line, beyond Mt. Barrigada, but finds Japanese controlling the road junction at Barrigada village, below the mountain, from wellconcealed positions in jungle and halts over 2 miles short of objective. On left flank of corps, 3d Mar Div moves steadily northward, taking Tiyan airfield.



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