Friday, August 9, 2024

80 Years Ago, 23 July 1944 Sunday


PACIFIC–Destroyer Bush (DD-529) is damaged by premature detonation of 5-inch shell during shore bombardment exercises off Kahoolawe, T.H.

            High speed minesweeper Chandler (DMS-9) is damaged by fire, Marianas, 15°08'N, 145°28'E.

            British submarine HMS Storm sinks Japanese cargo ship Kiso Maru and fishing vessel Taiho Maru near Port Owen,14°00'N, 96°50'E.

            Japanese guard boat Wakayoshi Maru is sunk by mine, Hayatomo Seto, Inland Sea.

            Japanese cargo vessel Takazan Maru is damaged by RAAF mine in Tiore Strait, Celebes, 04°25'S, 122°17'E. Later (indeterminate date) inflicted by what are most likely USAAF planes result in her ultimate sinking by 5 October.

ATLANTIC–U.S. freighter William Gaston is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-861 while she is en route from Buenos Aires to Baltimore, 26°37'S, 46°13'W; there are no casualties among either the merchant or Armed Guard complements (see 25 July 1944).



EIGHTH AF–243 Heavy Bombers attack airfields at Juvincourt-et-Damary, Laon/Athies, and Creil, while a single B-24 bombs T/O. 1 Heavy Bomber is lost. Fighters fly 187 sorties in support of the Heavy Bombers. No enemy aircraft are encountered.

NINTH AF–330-plus A-20’s and B-26’s bomb rail bridges along Argentan-Paris and Lisieux-Bernay-Evreux railroads, and hit fuel dumps at Foret de Conches. Fighters escort bombers, attack rail lines, enemy installations, and movements in Argentan-Alencon-Chartres-Evreux areas, and bomb bridges, strongoints, and a supply dump in support of US First Army.

TWELFTH AF–A-20’s bomb and strafe motor transport in Po Valley during 22/23 Jul. B-25’s and B-26’s hit bridges and bridge approaches in the Valley, at or near Antoniassi, Acqui, Molare, Ferrara, Ostiglia, Borgoforte, and Cervo. Fighter Bombers, operating in small numbers, hit comm lines between battle area (along Pisa-Florence line) and Po Valley.

FIFTEENTH AF–42 B-24’s bomb Berat oil refinery. 15 P-51’s provide target cover for the Heavy Bombers and afterwards strafe roads and targets of opportunity in Yugoslavia near Albanian border.

TENTH AF–100-plus Fighter Bombers hit enemy positions in Myitkyina area, support ground forces at Szigahtawng, bomb Kamaing and Mogaung areas, blast troops and supplies at Kalang, Kyungon, and Tinzai, and hit targets of opportunity at Pegu, Namma, Sahmaw, Taungni, and Hopin. 9 B-25’s hit Myitkyina and Naungtalaw areas while 8 bomb Namting.

FOURTEENTH AF–62 P-40’s attack warehouses, trucks, and troops in Changsha-Sinshih-Fulinpu area, bomb airfield and river craft at Siangtan, hit enemy-held areas of Hengyang, and strafe and bomb troop compounds and villages N of it. 6 B-25’s and 21 P-40’s hit warehouses and railroad yards in Yellow R area. 10 P-40’s hit Japanese positions on Salween front in support of Chinese forces.

FEAF–B-24’s again bomb Yap I, hitting town area and airfield. airfields and shipping terminals over widespread areas of Vogelkop Peninsula and nearby islands are pounded by B-24’s, B-25’s, A-20’s, and Fighter Bombers. But airfield is again the main target in NE New Guinea. Comm, supplies, barges, and troop concentrations from Wewak to Yakamul are also bombed and strafed throughout the day.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based P-47’s hit Tinian. B-25’s begin arriving on Saipan. B-25’s from Makin attack Nauru. B- 24’s staging through Eniwetok, bomb Truk while others, flying out of Kwajalein, hit Wotje.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: Cdn First Army (Gen Henry D. G. Crerar) takes control of Br 1 Corps on extreme E flank.

USSR—Pskov, last prewar Soviet city held by Germans, falls to forces of Third Baltic Front.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, 34th Div finishes clearing to the Arno with little difficulty; 363d Inf takes Marina di Pisa by 0330 and reaches S Pisa below the Arno by 1330. All bridges over the Arno have been destroyed. Enemy is placing heavy fire on S Pisa and on port of Leghorn. 88th Div begins clearing right flank of IV Corps below the Arno and is briskly engaged at some points.

            In Br Eighth Army’s 13 Corps area, Tavernelle falls to NZ troops. S African 6th Armd Div makes progress on heights near Greve, taking crests of M. Domini and M. Fili. 4th Div reaches S. Giovanni.

CBI—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, in message to President Roosevelt, reaffirms his willingness to place Gen Stilwell in command of Ch forces but specifies 3 conditions that must be met: (1) Chinese communists, before coming under authority of Gen Stilwell, must agree to obey orders of Chinese Government; (2) Stilwell’s role must be clearly defined; (3) Chinese must have full authority for lend-lease distribution. Adm Mountbatten outlines 2 plans of attack: CAPITAL, an attack across the Chindwin; and DRACULA, an attack on Rangoon area by seaborne and airborne forces. On Salween front, Ch 8th Army, renewing attack on Sung Shan with 3 regts supported by direct fire of howitzers, makes substantial progress.

SWPA—Gen MacArthur radios his proposed schedule of operations to Washington: invasion of Morotai on 15 September, Talauds on 15 October, and Mindanao on 15 November.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, Trs A and B of 112th Cav, upon relief by 1st Bn of 127th Inf N of Afua, attack W toward isolated Tr C while 2d Bn, 127th Inf, moves in from SE. Cavalrymen recapture Afua with little difficulty; 2d Bn reaches perimeter of Tr C. North Force frustrates further enemy efforts to secure crossing of the Driniumor, night 23–24. On Biak, final mop up of Ibdi Pocket is begun. On Noemfoor, patrols of 503d Para Inf regain contact with enemy about 4 miles NW of Inasi village, on E coast.

TINIAN–Surface vessels, arty, and aircraft successfully execute final preinvasion bombardment.

GUAM—3d Mar Div fights stubbornly to expand N beachhead; completes occupation of Cabras I., where guns are emplaced to support future operations. 306th Inf, 77th Div, lands at Agat and begins relief of 1st Prov Mar Brig in S beachhead.





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