Thursday, August 8, 2024

80 Years Ago, 18 July 1944 Tuesday


PACIFIC–Premier Tojo and the Japanese cabinet resign; General Koiso forms a new cabinet.

            Fleet tug Apache (ATF-67) retrieves disabled LCI(G)-348 from waters off Guam where she had been abandoned the day before. Cruiser gunfire supports the successful extraction.

            Motor gunboat PGM-7 is damaged in collision in Bismarck Sea, 07°15'S, 155°40'E.

            Coordinated submarine attack group, TG 17.3 (Captain Warren D. Wilkin), operating near Luzon Strait, attacks Japanese convoy; submarine Tilefish (SS-307), trailing Rock (SS-274) and Sawfish (SS-276), torpedoes Coast Defense Vessel No.17, 21°50'N, 119°55'E as the latter hunts for Rock, whose attack on enemy ships is not successful. Sawfish torpedoes oiler Harima Maru, 21°56'N, 119°50'E.

            Submarine Cobia (SS-245) sinks Japanese gunboat No.10 Unkai Maru northwest of Chichi Jima, 29°15'N, 139°10'E, and army cargo ship Nisshu Maru west of Chichi Jima, 28°17'N, 139°00'E.

            Submarine Lapon (SS-260) sinks Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Kurama Maru off southern end of Palawan,08°22'N, 116°40'E; and survey ship No.36 Kyodo Maru and auxiliary submarine chaser Kamo Maru northwest of Labuan, Borneo, 08°22'N, 116°45'E.

            Submarine Plaice (SS-390) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking submarine chaser Ch 50, 200 nautical miles northwest of Chichi Jima, 29°22'N, 139°14'E.

            Submarine Ray (SS-271) sinks Japanese merchant tanker Jambi Maru (ex-Dutch Djambi) in the Java Sea north of Bawean Island, 05°21'S, 112°30'E.

            USAAF B-24 sinks Japanese transport No.3 Kaio Maru northwest of Morotai, 03°14'N, 127°41'E.

            USAAF B-25s sink small Japanese cargo vessel Yamahama Maru off Maumere.



NINTH AF–400-plus B-26’s and A-20’s hit various military targets in support of ground forces in Caen area, and later in day bomb rail and highway bridges beyond the front-lines. Large number of fighters fly escort, dive-bomb gun positions at Rouen and Mantesla-Jolie, hit military targets in Chartres area (using rockets), attack gun positions, bridges, and other targets in Benney-Alencon-Saint-Lo area, and fly armed recon and fighter sweeps over wide areas of N and W France.

TWELFTH AF–A-20’s bomb road junction S of Campi and Sarzana and attack La Spezia area during 17/18 Jul. During the day bad weather cancels Medium Bomber missions. Fighter Bombers, operating on reduced scale, hit several bridges, roads, rail lines, and other comm targets and guns N of and in battle area as US Fifth Army forces reach Leghorn.

FIFTEENTH AF–200 B-24’s and B-17’s attack Memmingen airfield Dornier aircraft works at Manzell, and Casarsa della Delizia railroad bridge. Between 260 and 300 fighters oppose the formations attacking targets in Germany, beginning interception at N Adriatic coast, continuing to the targets and back as far as Brenner Pass. 20 US aircraft are lost. Heavy Bomber’s and escorting fighters claim 66 fighters shot down.

TENTH AF–25 P-40’s hit Myitkyina area. 8 P-47’s attack Theinin, and 16 P-51’s support ground forces at Pyindaw. 9 B-25’s bomb Myitkyina and Naungtalaw.

FOURTEENTH AF–In Hengyang Tungting Lake region 30-plus P-40’s strafe shipping between Chaling and Hengyang, bomb town of Hengyang, and hit the airfield and several AA positions in the area. 16 P-51’s and P-40’s hit river shipping from Lienchiangkou to Samshui to Sainam. 13 P-40’s hit fuel dump on railroad near Kangtsun-i.

FEAF–B-24’s strike Yap, bombing town and Blelatsch peninsula; several of the Heavy Bombers bomb Sorol I. Bad weather prevents strikes on Vogelkop Peninsula. Fighter Bombers continue to hit barges, supply routes, and troop concentrations in coastal area from Aitape to Wewak.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s pound Tinian and Pagan. 5 B-24’s, flying out of Kwajalein, hit Wotje. 25 B-24’s, staging through Eniwetok, attack Truk.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: U.S. 6th Armd Div begins landing at UTAH Beach. U.S. First Army, with capture of St Lô by XIX Corps, successfully concludes Battle of the Hedgerows, during which it has gained suitable positions from which to launch breakout attack (COBRA). In VII Corps area, 9th and 30th Divs continue steadily toward Périers–St Lô road, which patrols reach. XIX Corps completes costly struggle for St Lô. On right flank of corps, 35th Div advances rapidly southward all along line, left flank elements reaching N edge of St Lô. After 115th Inf, 29th Div, closes in on the city from NE, TF C (special force of 29th Div) attacks into the city from E and clears it by 1900. St Lô remains under enemy fire that adds to wreckage already wrought by Allied air and arty bombardment. 113th Cav Gp is attached to 29th Div to reconnoiter southward and determine extent of enemy’s withdrawal. Br Second Army begins offensive in Caen area that, despite its limited-objective nature, receives the strongest air support (7,700 tons of bombs) ever provided for ground forces in Normandy. Purpose of the offensive is to draw off German armor from U.S. First Army’s breakout attack (COBRA), scheduled for 24 July. Cdn 2 Corps crosses the Orne to open exits from Caen. Cdn 2d Div is heavily engaged near Louvigny. Cdn 3d Div takes Colombelles and Giberville. 8 Corps, making main effort, attacks through bridgehead of I Corps with 3 armd divs, 11th, 7th, and Gds, from W to E. Although resistance stiffens considerably in afternoon, attack reaches general line Hubert-Folie–Tilly-la-Campagne– La Hogue–Frenouville–Cagny. 1 Corps, in supporting role, clears 3 villages W of Troarn.

USSR—Troops of First Ukrainian Front overrun Brody. To N, First White Russian forces begin westward drive from Kowel. Troops of Third Baltic Front go on the offensive S of Lake Peipus, threatening Ostrov and Pskov. Soviet forces on East Prussian border are brought to a halt at Augustow by German counterattack.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, 34th Div begins final assault on Leghorn with 135th Inf and attached RCT 363 of 91st Div, latter organized as TF Williamson under Brig Gen Raymond Williamson. Attack reaches outskirts of the city, but enemy is able to extricate most of its garrison. Along coast, 804th TD Bn reaches Montenero. Elements of 361st Inf, 91st Div, reach the Arno at Pontedera by 0800; 362d arrives at last ridge commanding the river, where it is ordered to halt. 88th Div comes to a halt on last heights overlooking the Arno above Palaia. FEC renews pursuit of enemy upon finding that he is withdrawing all along front.

            In Br Eighth Army’s 13 Corps area, S African 6th Armd Div on left flank of corps overruns Radda in Chianti. In Arno Valley, 4th Div and Br 6th Armd Div are almost halted by the first of a series of enemy delaying lines above Arezzo, but 4th Div takes Montevarchi, on Highway 69. Ind 8th Div passes to command of corps. 10 Corps begins regrouping and shifting westward for drive on Bibbiena while conducting limited attacks. Ind 4th Div is slowly extending its hold on Alpe di Poti. Enemy is stubbornly defending heights on either side of Citta di Castello but is forced back from M. Arnato. Pol 2 Corps breaks through to Ancona on Adriatic coast. JAPAN—Cabinet of Premier Tojo falls. A new one is subsequently formed under Kuniaki Koiso.

NEW GUINEA—Gen Sibert , 6th Div commander, relinquishes command of TF TORNADO to Maj Gen John C. Persons, 31st Div commander, in order to take charge of TF TYPHOON, comprising reinf 6th Div (less RCT 20, attached to 31st Div), for Sansapor-Mar operation in the Vogelkop, scheduled for 30 July. In Aitape area, PERSECUTION Covering Force closes gap in Driniumor R line and holds W bank of the river from the coast to Afua. Japanese withdraw both E and W under attack by 124th Inf. 127th Inf finishes clearing region between Koronal Creek and the Driniumor and is moving forward to establish patrol base on East Branch, Koronal Creek. In evening Japanese attack 1st Sq of 112th Cav, South Force, from right and rear in Afua area and force it to fall back 250 yards.



Premier Hideki Tojo resigns.

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