Monday, August 19, 2024

80 Years Ago, Wednesday, 16 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Croaker (SS-246) sinks Japanese auxiliary minesweeper Taito Maru west of Korea, 36°16'N, 125°49'E.

ATLANTIC–Tank landing ship LST-391 is damaged by mine off Cherbourg, 49°38'N, 01°37'W.

MEDITERRANEAN–Off southern France, motor torpedo boats PT-202 and PT-218 are sunk by mines, Gulf of Frejus, 43°23'N, 06°43'E; motor minesweeper YMS-24 is sunk by mine, 43°25'N, 06°43'E; submarine chaser SC-525 is damaged; infantry landing craft LCI-951 is damaged by mine off YELLOW Beach. USAAF L-4 Piper Cubs, launched from tank landing ships, spot gunfire for light cruiser Marblehead (CL-12).



EIGHTH AF–Over 950 Heavy Bombers attack 11 oil refineries, aircraft plants and several Targets of opportunity in C Germany. 16 fighter groups fly over 600 support sorties. 24 Heavy Bombers are lost. fighters claim 32 air victories.

NINTH AF–The 4 groups of 98th Combat Bomb Wing move during 16-30 Aug from UK to the Continent. About 130 Medium Bombers and Light Bombers hit Foret de Roumare ammo dump and rail bridges at Pont-Audemer, Thibouville, Brionne, Nassandres, and Le Bourg. fighters escort IX BC, give air cover to armd div and inf forces, and fly patrol and armed recon over N and W France.

TWELFTH AF–In support of DRAGOON forces, fighters and Fighter Bombers continue to blast enemy defenses and comm on the beaches and in the invasion area of S France. A-20’s hit lights and vehicles during 15/16 Aug from N of beachhead to Rhone R and during the day raid ammo stores. Medium Bombers pound Rhone R bridges and gun positions throughout the general area.

FIFTEENTH AF–89 B-24’s, with fighter escort, bomb chemical works at Friedrichshafen. 108 B-17’s, supporting DRAGOON, attack railroad bridges at Saint-Vallier, Saint-Pierre-d’Albigny, Grenoble, and Isere-Valence. 42 P-51’s escort MATAF C-47’s on supply dropping mission to DRAGOON beachheads.

TENTH AF–As last Japanese resistance in India ceases, 16 B-25’s bomb Indaw. 20 P-51’s hit Airfields at Lashio, Nawnghkio, Shwebo, Anisakan, and Onbauk. 37 P-40’s and P-51’s hit strong points, pillboxes, and machinegun positions in Pinbaw area. 19 P-47’s and P-51’s attack Targets of opportunity at Katha, bridge S of Bhamo, town of Tagwin, railroad Targets of opportunity between Naba and Hopin, enemy-held monastery, and ammo dump at Pegu.

FOURTEENTH AF–18 B-25’s bomb Wanling area and warehouses while 12 hit Chaling area and warehouses at Siangtan. 90 P-40’s and P-51’s hit bridges, fortified positions, troops, trucks, rivercraft, supplies, gun positions, and other Targets of opportunity in Hsenwi and Lungling areas and in widespread area around Tungting Lake and C Yangtze R.

FEAF–B-24’s and B-25’s bomb Miti and Lolobata Airfields, warehouses and shipping facilities at Ternate I, shipping in Wasile and Weda Bays, installations on Ajoe and Japanese positions at Tanimbar Is. Off Alor I B-25’s sink small vessel. A-20’s support ground forces in Maffln Bay area while P-39’s hit troops and positions from Manokwari to Windissi and bomb Airfield at Ransiki, Moemi, and Waren.

SEVENTH AF–B-24’s from Saipan hit Chichi Jima and Pagan. Marshall based B-24’s bomb Truk.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group:

            In Br Second Army’s 8 Corps area, 3d Div finds Flers clear of enemy. In 30 Corps area, Condé-sur-Noireau falls to 11th Armd Div without opposition. 12 Corps, continuing SE toward Falaise, gets almost to Falaise– Condé railway line. In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps has virtually surrounded Falaise. Br I Corps begins general advance eastward toward the Seine in coastal sector. 6th A/B Div, on coast, finds enemy firmly established along the Dives in Cabourg area. 49th Div crosses the Dives at Mézidon. 51st Div seizes St Pierre-sur- Dives and continues toward Lisieux. 7th Armd Div is operating on corps right flank.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, 83d Div continues to batter at St Malo Citadel; releases 121st Inf to 8th Div. Elements of 8th Div are now in Brest area. XV Corps reaches Eure R and establishes bridgehead. Dreux falls to 5th Armd Div. XX Corps assembles near Chartres and establishes bridgehead across Aunay R. In XII Corps area, Orléans falls in co-ordinated assault by CCA, 4th Armd Div, and 137th Inf, 35th Div. RCT 320, 35th Div, reaches outskirts of Châteaudun.

            In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps continues northward with little difficulty except in Fromental area, where 3d Armd Div is strongly opposed. XIX Corps reaches its objectives and is pinched out by British; releases CCA, 2d Armd Div, to parent unit. V Corps remains in place. 116th Inf of 29th Div defends corps front.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, Army CP is established ashore W of St Tropez. Enemy garrison of Port Cros I., is resisting stoutly from fort on W end of island. 1st ABTF consolidates in rear of beachhead and overcomes opposition at Le Muy. VI Corps orders exploitation inland. 7th Inf, 3d Div, is slowed by roadblocks as it continues W along coast beyond Cap Nègre; attached Fr Commandos are clearing Cap Bénat, W of Cap Nègre. 15th Inf assembles near Collobrières. 30th Inf overruns La Guarde Freinet, Les Mayon, Gonfaron, and Collobrières to establish itself along Blue Line. 45th Div completes clearing its zone, closing along Blue Line. 36th Div is in contact with 45th Div to left and French survivors of Rosie Force on right. 142d Inf overruns Fréjus and Puget while 143d clears St Raphaël. 141st continues N along coast, seizing Theoule and taking up defensive positions near La Napoule. Fr Army B (Gen de Lattre de Tassigny), under command of U.S. Seventh Army, begins landing 2d Corps over VI Corps beaches in preparation for drive on Toulon and Marseille from Blue Line.

ITALY—AAI: Operation Order No. 3 presents plan, secretly drawn up on 4th, for breaking through Gothic Line: Br Eighth Army initially is to make main effort in Adriatic coastal sector. U.S. Fifth Army, previously unaware of this alteration in plans, is forced to change its strategy. Gen Clark issues instructions to mask build-up of II Corps from enemy. New interarmy boundary becomes effective, and 85th Div of II Corps relieves NZ 2d Div in Montelupo area. Fifth Army, upon reaching Bologna area, is to continue to Modena and exploit beyond there.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, 128th Inf returns to Blue Beach from former sector of North Force along the Driniumor., 43d Div, with 169th, Inf on W flank, 172d S of Tadji strips and along the Nigia, and 103d along the Driniumor, patrols without meeting organized resistance except at mouth of the Dandriwad.






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