Thursday, August 8, 2024

80 Years Ago, 16 July 1944 Sunday


PACIFIC–Infantry landing craft (gunboat) LCI(G)-469 is damaged by shore battery off Guam, as she supports ongoing UDT operations.

            Destroyer Longshaw (DD-559) is damaged when she runs aground on submerged reef, Eniwetok.

            TG 17.16 (Captain William V. O'Regan) attacks Japanese convoys off northern Luzon; Piranha (SS-389) sinks army transport Seattle Maru, 19°17'N, 120°15'E, Guardfish (SS-217) (flagship for TG 17.16) sinks transport Mantai Maru and army cargo ship Jinzan Maru off Cape Bojeador, 19°21'N, 119°43'E; Thresher (SS-200) sinks army cargo ship Shozen Maru, 18°23'N, 119°06'E, and damages merchant cargo ships Sainei Maru and Nissan Maru, 18°23'N,119°32'E.

            Submarine Bonefish (SS-223) sinks Borneo-bound Japanese cargo vessel No.3 Tatsu Maru in Sulu Sea 10 nautical miles south of Palawan, 10°20'N, 119°50'E.

            Submarine Cabrilla (SS-288) attacks Japanese convoy off the west coast of Mindanao, but is not successful against transport Natsukawa Maru, 08°18'N, 122°49'E; counterattacks by what is most likely submarine chaser Ch 31 and auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 64 (see 17 July 1944) prove equally unproductive.

            Submarine Skate (SS-305) sinks Japanese transport Nipp_ Maru, east of South Sakhalin, Kurils, 48°29'N, 147°36'E. Survivors are rescued by Russian ship Dalstroi.

            RAAF Beaufighters damage Japanese gunboat Man-Yo Maru, cargo vessel Tensho Maru, and motor sailboat No.14Sakura Maru off Maumere.

            Japanese cargo ship Hozan Maru is sunk by explosion in Manila harbor, 14°36'N, 120°57'E.



EIGHTH AF–577 B-17’s bomb Munich and surrounding area. Targets include marshalling yards, aircraft engine plants, Munich/Riem airfield, and city of Augsburg. 409 bomb Saarbrucken marshalling yards and adjacent areas. Fighters fly 684 supporting sorties and also strafe Bruges airfield and rail transportation. 11 Heavy Bombers and 3 fighters are lost.

NINTH AF–Gen Williams, CG IX Troop Carrier Command, arrives in Italy from UK, and activates Prov Troop Carrier Div which will take part in invasion of S France. About 375 B-26’s and A-20’s, during morning and evening operations, bomb strongoints in Saint-Lo area, bridges in front-line area, and bridges and fuel dump SE of Rennes. Fighters escort the bombers and fly armed recon over front-lines in Chateaudun-Orleans-Tours areas.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers hit bridges in Po Valley at Peschiera del Garda, Mantua, Torre Beretti, Piacenza, Casale Monferrato, and Bressana Bottarone. Fighter Bombers hit railroads and bridge just N of battleline as US Fifth Army forces take territory SE of Leghorn and push to within sight of Arno R Valley. British Eighth Army elements take Arezzo and thrust through to the Arno R.

FIFTEENTH AF–Around 380 Heavy Bombers attack oil and aircraft targets in Vienna area, bombing Munchendorf airfield, Winterhafen oil depot, Vienna marshalling yard, and Wiener Neudorf engine factory. P-51’s and P-38’s fly more than 150 sorties in escort while 132 other P-51’s sweep Vienna area. More than 100 fighters oppose the raids. 10 US airplanes are lost and several others are missing. US claims of fighters shot down total over 30.

TENTH AF–27 P-40’s continue to hit forces in Myitkyina area. 20-plus P-51’s and P-47’s attack railroad bridges at Namkwin, Manla, and Hopin, and hit general targets of opportunity in Hopin area. 12 B-25’s bomb town of Maingna and bridges at Mohnyin.

FOURTEENTH AF–23 B-24’s pound Changsha, causing heavy damage. 40 P-51’s and P-40’s hit river shipping at Changsha, attack targets of opportunity S of Hengyang, and bomb building area at Ikiawan.

FEAF–B-24’s continue bombing Yap. Other B-24’s pound AA positions at Manokwari. Fighter Bombers bomb supply dumps N of Moemi and attack shipping in Kokas-Babo area. Bombers and fighters again hit troop and supply concentrations in Wewak sector. B-24’s hit Atamboea airfield. Troop Carrier missions to forward bases, especially Biak, increase.

SEVENTH AF–P-47’s continue to pound Tinian.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps continues S toward Périers–St Lô road with 9th Div on right and 30th on left. 9th Div is slowed by enemy below Les Champs-de-Losque. 30th Div deepens its salient between Terrette and Vire Rivers beyond Le Mesnil-Durand. CCB reverts to 3d Armd Div from attachment to 30th Div. In XIX Corps area, 35th Div makes little headway on right flank of corps. 29th tries in vain to relieve isolated 2d Bn, 116th Inf, astride Bayeux–St Lô road and repels tank-infantry counterattacks. In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps attacks with 59th Div toward Noyers and partially envelops this objective. 50th Div, to W, improves positions near Hottot. In 12 Corps area, while 53d Div overruns Cahier, 15th takes Gavrus, Bougy, and Esquay, in region above Evrecy.

USSR—Converging columns of Third and Second White Russian Fronts overrun Grodno, rail and road junction on route to East Prussia.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, 135th Inf of 34th Div, jumping off at 0100, seizes Hill 232 and M. Maggiore (Hills 449 and 413), SE of Leghorn. 168th Inf takes Lorenzana and pushes on to vicinity of Fauglia. 2d Bn of 133d Inf seizes Usigliano and drives to within 3 miles of the Arno Valley. 91st Div continues attack in IV Corps center with 361st Inf on left and 362d on right: 361st gets within sight of Arno Valley floor against diminished resistance and holds its gains against armored counterattacks; 362d gets almost to Capannoli. 88th Div continues steadily northward on right flank of corps, accelerating advance as opposition weakens suddenly during day. Plan for relief of FEC by British is completed. FEC goes on the defensive until relief can be accomplished.

            In Br Eighth Army’s 13 Corps area, Br 6th Armd Div captures Arezzo, where enemy’s delaying action has gained time for him to improve the Gothic Line; elements thrust to the Arno, take bridge intact, and establish bridgehead. Next objective of corps is Florence. In 10 Corps area, fall of Arezzo menaces German positions on the Alpe di Poti. Corps is now able to concentrate on drive toward Bibbiena. On right flank, enemy forces at Scheggia, on Route 3, are threatened.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, 3d Bn of 124th Inf, North Force, guided by Tr E of 112th Cav, advances S to close gap in Driniumor line. Elements succeed in breaking through to South Force lines, killing about 40 Japanese. Japanese are seen crossing the Driniumor about 2,500 yards S of Afua. 1st and 2d Bns, 127th Inf, which have been released from MLR, begin mopping up W of the Driniumor. On Noemfoor, 503d Para Inf finds that enemy has withdrawn from Hill 670 and contact is again lost for a time. Kamiri airdrome is ready to accommodate an entire fighter group.





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