Thursday, August 15, 2024

80 Years Ago, Tuesday, 8 August 1944


PACIFIC–Destroyers Gansevoort (DD-608) and Bancroft (DD-598) and land-based marine aircraft (MAG 13) from Majuro, Marshalls, bombard and bomb Japanese positions on Taroa, Maloelap Atoll.

            Submarine Sterlet (SS-392) sinks Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No.6 Tama Maru west of Chichi Jima, 28°11'N,141°06'E.

EUROPE–U.S. freighter Ezra Weston, in convoy EBC 66, is torpedoed by German submarine U-667 while en route to Falmouth, England, from Avonmouth, at 50°42'N, 05°02'W, and abandoned. British HMS LCT 24 and French trawler Jacques Morgand embark survivors. Canadian corvette HMCS Regina stands by the doomed freighter but U-667 finishes off Ezra Weston with another torpedo. There are no casualties among the merchant or Armed Guard complements, nor among the passengers.



EIGHTH AF–Shuttle mission continues as B-17’s with P-51 escort, leave bases in USSR. While 36 hit Buzau airfield others hit airfield at Zilistea. No fighters are encountered during mission. 359 B-24’s from UK bomb 10 Vweapon sites and 4 airfields in NE France. 6 P-51 groups provide escort. 2 groups bomb and 3 groups strafe rail facilities and rail and motor transportation with good results. 497 B-17’s bomb troop concentrations and strongpoints and Targets of opportunity S of Caen. 2 P-51 groups give support, 1 later strafing traffic in Rouen area. 10 Heavy Bombers and 4 P-51’s are lost, mostly to AA fire. 4 groups of Fighter Bombers (163 planes) strafe and bomb marshalling yards, a bridge, and Targets of opportunity N and W of Dijon and in Paris-miens-Saint-Quentin area. Eighth AF during the day and RAF during 7/8 Aug drop over 5,200 tons of bombs, mainly in support of Canadian First Army (accompanied by a Polish armd div) offensive toward Falaise.

NINTH AF–Gen Vandenberg assumes command of Ninth AF. 406 B-26’s and A-20’s bomb rail embankment and bridges at 8 locations in N and W France, attack radar installations between Argentan and Alencon, and give tac support to ground forces near Saint-Malo. fighters escort IX BC, give defensive air cover, and fly armed recon E of Paris and in battle area.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers attack targets in Po and Rhone Valleys, hitting bridges and railroad tracks in or near Alessandria, Avignon, and Pont-Saint-Esprit, and along Var R. A-20’s hit storage dump and nearby town of Savigliano. Fighter Bombers hit barge in San Stefano al Mare harbor and pontoon and railroad bridges nearby, and attack Mantua causeway and nearby bridges, scoring many hits and destroying several vehicles.

FIFTEENTH AF–Bad weather limits operations to recon missions.

TENTH AF–B-25’s are weathered out of their primary target, the town of Shwekyina. The Medium Bombers hit alternates, destroying Meza bridge and damaging 3 others, and bombing railroad tracks at several points between Naba and Meza. Weather severely curtails Fighter Bomber missions.

FOURTEENTH AF–6 B-25’s and 7 P-40’s bomb storage area in Hengshan and destroy several trucks in the area. 29 P- 40’s hit gun positions and Targets of opportunity in Hengyang vicinity. 14 P-51’s and P-40’s hit bridge, trucks, and river craft at Siangtan while 8 blast trucks, barges, and compound between Siangtan and Hengyang. 12 P- 40’s attack river shipping from Sinti to Hankow. 15 P-40’s bomb storage areas and radio stations at Amoy and Swatow.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb Yap and GagilTomil Is, concentrating on airstrips, airfields at Galela, Lolobata, and Babo, and towns of Urarom and Manokwari. A-20’s bomb radio station near Hollandia and hit troop concentrations in Musu area. Fighter Bombers bomb bridges and buildings at Boram, troops at But, and guns at Dagua.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-25’s bomb Guam where effective resistance ends. B-25’s from the Marshalls hit Ponape while B-24’s bomb Truk.



FRANCE—Gen Montgomery orders U.S. forces to drive almost due N on Alençon as quickly as possible in order to make a short envelopment of enemy in Falaise–Mortain area while the broad envelopment toward the Seine is in progress.

            21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps makes limited progress toward Condé-sur- Noireau. 12 Corps continues to hold bridgehead E of the Orne, but efforts to thrust S along E bank toward Thury-Harcourt in conjunction with drive down W bank fail because of determined enemy counterattacks. In Cdn First Army’s 2 Corps area, Cdn 2d Div seizes Fontenay-le-Marmion and Requancourt. 51st Div overruns Garcelles-Secqueville. At 1355, following air preparation, Cdn 4th Armd and Pol 1st Armd Divs pass through infantry, former on right, to exploit southward toward Falaise, but soon meet strong opposition from enemy’s MLR. Air support of the Cdn offensive during night 7–8 and on this date is the second heaviest of Normandy, exceeded only by support of British on 18 July. U.S. Eighth Air Force and RAF BC drop more than 5,200 tons of bombs.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, ultimatum calling for surrender of Brest is ignored. 6th Armd Div prepares for all-out assault on the city on 9th until enemy threat to rear forces a change in plans. Enemy div is found to be moving toward Brest via Plouvien. 1st Bn of 28th Inf, 8th Div, is attached to 6th Armd Div but does not join it until later. Bitter fighting continues in outskirts of St Malo. RCT 121, attached to 83d Div, meets strong opposition as it advances on Dinard. XV Corps envelops and overruns Le Mans and crosses Sarthe R in that area. 79th Div enters Le Mans. 2d Fr Armd Div is attached to corps to help it secure line Sées– Carrouges, both inclusive. 80th Div of XX Corps is to take over Le Mans bridgehead. In XX Corps area, 5th Div invests Angers and Nantes.

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s VII Corps area, enemy continues efforts to deepen penetration of U.S. lines without avail. 30th Div elements are still isolated near Mortain. 35th Div, released to VII Corps by XX Corps, and elements of 2d Armd Div are attacking eastward near Mortain. XIX Corps makes small gains in Gathemo–Vire region.

FRANTIC—U.S. Eighth Air Force planes, returning from Eastern Command bases in USSR to England via Italy, attack airfields in Rumania.

CHINA—Japanese complete capture of Hengyang. This has far-reaching effects on Chinese politics.

NEW GUINEA—In Aitape area, most of TED Force reaches the Driniumor near Afua.

GUAM—Effective enemy resistance comes to an end. 77th Div clears Mt. Santa Rosa and virtually all of its sector.




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