Monday, August 26, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 26 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine chaser PC(S)-1404 transports a marine reconnaissance party to Aguijan Island; after recovering the leathernecks, she bombards the island.

            Light cruiser Boise (CL-47) is damaged when rammed accidentally by harbor tug Heroine, Sydney, Australia.

            Submarine tender Pelias (AS-14) is damaged by grounding in San Francisco Bay.

            Submarine Batfish (SS-310) causes further damage to grounded destroyer Samidare on Velasco Reef, Palau, 08°30'N,134°37'E (see 18 August). Submariners observe Japanese blowing up the remainder of the wreckage.

            Submarine S-18 (SS-123) is damaged when accidentally rammed by medium landing craft LSM-135, Naval Repair Base, San Diego, California.

EUROPE–Motor torpedo boats PT-511, PT-514 and PT-520 take part in night engagement (that lasts into the following day) that turns back the last German attempt to reinforce the besieged garrison at Le Havre; the PTs sink German artillery ferries AFP 98 and AFP 108.



EIGHTH AF–Heavy Bombers are dispatched in 4 operations against targets in France and Germany. In first operation 95 B-24’s bomb synthetic oil plant at Ludwigshafen, marshalling yards at Ehrang and Konz-Karthaus, and other targets at Alzey and Meisenheim. 2 fighter groups fly support, with 1 group later strafing Speyer Airfield. In second operation 171 B-17’s escorted by 1 P-51 group bomb 8 gun positions at Brest while clouds prevent over 150 other Heavy Bombers from bombing. In the third operation over 400 B-17’s and B-24’s bomb 2 synthetic oil plants, 2 oil refineries, a fuel depot, 2 Airfields, and Targets of opportunity in NW Germany. 7 fighter groups escort, with 1 group later conducting strafing attacks. In last operation an attack by 30 B-17’s against 3 liquid oxygen plants in Belgium is aborted because of thick haze. 1 P-51 group gives uneventful support.

NINTH AF–IX TCC is relieved of its assignment to the Ninth AF upon transfer of the command and its serv organizations from IX AFSC to First Allied Airborne Army commanded by Gen Brereton. IX BC strikes fuel dumps at Saint-Gobain, Fournival/ Bois-de-Mont, and Compiegne/Clairoix, and troop and equipment concentrations at Rouen. fighters fly escort to BC, ground forces and assault area cover, and armed recon in Rouen, Dijon, Chatillon-sur-Seine and S Loire areas.

TWELFTH AF–During 25/26 Aug Fighter Bombers on armed recon over W Po Valley and over Nice area bomb vehicles and other Targets of opportunity, and during day bomb ammo dumps in SE France and in NC Italy. Medium Bombers hit guns in Marseille area but several missions into Rhone Valley are aborted due to bad weather. Fighter Bombers and fighters fly armed recon over N Italy and SE France, attacking rail lines, roads, guns, vehicles, and other Targets of opportunity.

FIFTEENTH AF–470-plus Heavy Bombers escorted by P-38’s and P-51’s attack viaducts and bridges at Venzone, Avisio, and Latisana, and hit train ferry and terminal at Giurgiu, Airfield at Otopeni, barracks and troops in Baneasa area and viaduct at Borovnica.

FOURTEENTH AF–3 B-24’s bomb storage area at Amoy. 3 B-25’s bomb barracks area near Wenchow harbor and damage bridge near Sincheng. 31 Fighter Bombers attack railroad targets, troops, sampans, and other Targets of opportunity in or near Yangtien, Yungfengshih, Siangsiang, Anjen, Laiyuan, Kinhwa, and Pengtse.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb Koror and Peleliu Airfields. Other B-24’s bomb Haroekoe and Liang Airfields. A-20’s in close ground support hit troop concentrations in the Sarmi sector. Fighter Bombers hit Targets of opportunity in Wewak and Suain areas. P- 39’s maintain patrols over W shore of Geelvink Bay.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s bomb Iwo Jima Airfield. P-47’s blast AA guns and troops on Pagan and Aguijan. A B- 24 on armed recon bombs Woleai and Yap.

ELEVENTH AF–3 B-24’s hit Kashiwabara staging area during early morning, starting several fires. Later 6 B-25’s strafe and bomb E coast of N Kurils, sinking a patrol boat. 1 out of 4 interceptors and one of the B- 25’s are hit. 7 more B-24’s bomb targets on Kashiwabara and on Otomari Cape, including docks, piers, boats, and a fuel dump. 6 P-38’s unsuccessfully attempt to intercept 4 unidentified aircraft W of Attu.



N FRANCE—Gen Montgomery directs Cdn First Army to clear Pas-de-Calais; Br Second Army to push into Belgium; U.S. First Army to support Br drive, moving forward on axis Paris–Brussels. 21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps prepares to cross the Seine S of Rouen. Patrols of 4th Armd Div cross in evening.

            In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps expands and strengthens bridgehead at Vernon.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps is relieved by Br forces and releases 30th Div to XV Corps. XV Corps maintains Mantes-Gassicourt bridgehead and mops up. In V Corps area, while Fr 2d Armd Div mops up scattered opposition within Paris, 4th Div returns to positions SE of the city and protects Seine bridgehead and airfields in the area. In VII Corps area, additional elements of 3d Armd Div cross the Seine and push northward rapidly.

            U.S. Third Army, with gasoline running low, receives a shipment by air. VIII Corps continues to make slow progress toward Brest against firm opposition. In XX Corps area, 7th Armd Div thrusts quickly NE toward Château-Thierry and the Marne. Nogent-sur-Seine falls to 5th Div. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div mops up Troyes; 35th Div patrols on right flank.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, air and arty continue to help interdict northward withdrawal of enemy. 3d Div continues steadily northward toward Montélimar overcoming rear-guard opposition at Orange. 36th Div is unable to restore line along the Roubion at Bonlieu, and Germans withdraw additional units through the gap. TF Butler is ordered to restore block on Highway 7 at La Coucourde. Corps takes direct control of 757th Inf ( — 3d Bn), 45th Div. 2d Bn of 157th, moving W to reinforce 36th Div, seizes Allex, N of the Drôme and E of Livron, blocking lower reaches of the Drôme. 1st Bn assists in defending Crest.

            In Fr Army B’s 2d Corps area, organized resistance within Toulon comes to an end, but Germans retain San Mandrier Peninsula S of the city. At Marseille, further progress is made and fortified heights of Notre Dame de la Garde, within the city, capitulate. Forward elements of corps reach the Rhône in Avignon–Arles area and begin crossing.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of Third Ukrainian Front, advancing along the Prut R toward Galati, reach the Danube. Troops of Second Ukrainian Front are moving through Focsani–Galati gap. Bulgaria begins surrender negotiation with Allies.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, Br 13 Corps consolidates positions N of the Arno. In IV Corps area, S African 6th Armd Div is committed to line and begins relief of 85th Div, latter reverting to II Corps. Br Eighth Army secures bridgeheads across the Metauro in zones of Br 5, Cdn 1, and Pol 2 Corps with little difficulty.



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