Monday, August 12, 2024

80 Years Ago, 30 July 1944 Sunday


PACIFIC–TF 77 (Rear Admiral William M. Fechteler) lands Army 6th Infantry Division (Major General Franklin C. Sibert, USA) near Cape Opmari, northwest New Guinea, and on islands of Amsterdam and Middleburg, in the first phase of Operation GLOBETROTTER.

            Cargo ship Adhara (AK-71) and U.S. merchant vessel Peter White are damaged when the latter accidentally rams the Navy ship off Lunga Point, Guadalcanal.

            Sometime during July 1944, open lighter YC-961 is lost after grounding off Biorka Island, Alaska.

            Submarine Bonefish (SS-223) sinks Japanese fleet tanker Kokuyo Maru about 75 miles northeast of Borneo, 06°07'N,120°00'E.

            USAAF B-25s attack Japanese installations and shipping at Tobele, Halmahera, sinking small cargo vessel Mansei Maru.

ATLANTIC–Off Normandy, mines sink motor minesweeper YMS-304 and damage YMS-378, 49°33'N, 01°14'W.



EIGHTH AF–HQ issues order regularizing under VIII AF Comp Cmd certain special and prov units carrying out special tac activities. This is result of suggestion made on 2 Mar by Gen Doolittle, CG Eighth AF, that units engaged in CARPETBAGGER, H2X (blind-bombing), mgnt leaflet, and weather missions be put under centralized control.

NINTH AF–450-plus A-20’s and B-26’s bomb defenses in Chaumont area in support of US First Army. Fighters fly escort, cover assault area and armed columns, and carry out armed recon in Orleans-Paris area. IX Troop CarrierC flies supply and evacuation missions to Continent, using over 200 transport airplanes.

TWELFTH AF–During 29/30 Jul Light Bombers bomb Savona and surrounding areas. Overcast in W Po Valley causes some Medium Bomber aborts but several bridges at Ovada, Bistagno, Cherasco, and Ferrara are successfully attacked. Fighter Bombers attack road and rail bridges in N Italy, hit shipping between Savona and Ventimiglia, silence 8 flak guns at Ferrara bridge, and hit several transportation targets of opportunity.

FIFTEENTH AF–300-plus B-17’s and B-24’s bomb Duna airfield and aircraft factory at Budapest, and marshalling yards at Brod. P-38’s and P-51’s escort the missions.

TENTH AF–30-plus Fighter Bombers attack Myitkyina and Kamaing-Mogaung area and hit bridge at Sihet. Japanese commandr at Myitkyina orders withdrawal and commits suicide.

FOURTEENTH AF–11 B-24’s pound town of Wuchang. 70-plus P-40’s and P-51’s attack bridge and town area at Liling, railroad yards at Hsuchang, and troop concentrations, storage, and road, river and rail trafflc in areas around Yungfengshih, Puchou, Hengyang, Chuchou, Chaling, Tungting Lake, and Liuyang. More than 20 P-40’s and P-38’s hit shipping and road trafflc around Hanoi, Lang Son, Dong Dang, Mon Cay, and Campha Port.

FEAF–Supply area on Woleai I is again bombed by B-24’s. Other B-24’s and P-38’s attack airfield and oil installations at Boela while more P-38’s attack shipping off E Ceram, off Amboina, and near Talaga. B-25’s hit airfields at Penfoei and Koepang. B-24’s hit Morotai I. P-39’s support Allied ground forces on Biak I and continue to patrol W Geelvink Bay, hitting barges in Bentoni Bay and troops at Idorra. Allied forces (TF TYPHOON) land on N coast of Vogelkop Peninsula near Mar. The landings, made without preparatory bombardment to achieve surprise, meet no opposition. Bombers and fighters continue to pound troop concentrations, barges, ships, fuel dumps, comm and other targets between Wewak and Aitape.

SEVENTH AF–B-25’s and P-47’s from Saipan again hit Tinian. B-25’s from Makin bomb Jaluit.



FRANCE—21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army’s VIII Corps area, 6th and 4th Armd Divs speed toward Granville and Avranches. CCB, 6th Armd Div, attacks through bridgehead of CCA and drives some 3 miles beyond Bréhal along road to Granville. CCB, 4th Armd Div, pushes into Avranches, where bridges over Sée R are captured. In VII Corps area, 1st Inf and 3d Armd Divs continue S on right flank of corps, while units to E mop up. CCA forces crossing of the Sienne at Gavray, and bridge construction is begun; CCB drives quickly toward Villedieu-lès-Poëles. XIX Corps repels strong counterattack on right flank near Percy but makes little forward movement because of strong opposition. V Corps runs into stout resistance as it continues southward. 5th Div succeeds in crossing Torigny-sur-Vire–Caumont road on left flank, but progress elsewhere is negligible. Br Second Army, having regrouped, renews offensive with powerful air support. RAF BC and AEAF bombers drop 2,227 tons of bombs. 8 Corps, on W flank of army, attacks astride Caumont–Le Bény-Bocage road with 11th Armd Div on W and 75th Div on E, pushing beyond La Fouquerie and Les Loges. 30 Corps attacks with 43d Div on W and 50th on E to left of 8 Corps. Progress is slow, particularly on E.

ITALY—AAI: In Br Eighth Army area, NZ 2d Div begins attack on Pian dei Cerri ridge in region W of Route 2.

BURMA—In NCAC area, commander of Japanese forces at Myitkyina issues withdrawal order and commits suicide.

NEW GUINEA—On Vogelkop Peninsula, TF TYPHOON lands on N coast near Mar, omitting preparatory bombardment in order to attain surprise. 1st Inf of 6th Div, with 2d Bn on left, 1st in center, and 3d on right, lands without opposition, first wave going ashore at 0701, one minute late. Left flank advances 800 yards inland to low hills and right flank 2,500 yards W along coast to mouth of Wewe R. Amphibious force (6th Cav Rcn Tr with a mortar section and riflemen of 1st Bn, 63d Inf) lands on Middleburg I., at 0730 and then moves to Amsterdam I. Neither of these small islands is defended. TF TYPHOON has no battle casualties. Gen Sibert takes command ashore at 1020. Air assistance is not required. In Aitape area, 2d Bn of 124th Inf joins its regt on the Driniumor in preparation for counterattack in sector of North Force. South Force patrols actively. Co G, 127th Inf, is surrounded by enemy on high ground W of Afua.

TINIAN—Marines push steadily southward against increasingly stiff resistance, capturing town of Tinian and compressing Japanese into about 5 square miles at S tip of island. Island Commander takes command of Garrison Forces.

GUAM—Gen Geiger issues orders for pursuit of enemy northward on 31st.



Marines capture Tinian town and compress Japanese into southern tip of island. Maj Gen Geiger issues orders for pursuit of enemy northward on Guam.

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