Thursday, August 22, 2024

80 Years Ago, Tuesday, 22 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Bowfin (SS-287) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking army cargo ship Tsushima Maru in the Nansei Shoto,29°30'N, 129°30'E.

            Submarines Haddo (SS-255) and Harder (SS-257) encounter three Japanese escort vessels off the mouth of Manila Bay. Haddo sinks Sado 35 miles west of Manila, 14°15'N, 120°05'E; Harder sinks Matsuwa and Hiburi about 50miles west-southwest of Manila, 14°15'N, 120°05'E. Loss of the trio of escorts in one day prompts the Chief of Staff,1st Surface Escort Unit, to lament candidly: "Escort vessels, whose prime duty it is to attack and sink enemy submarines, have themselves been being sunk by enemy subs. This year alone a total of 13 have been sunk and three badly damaged. In addition, the Kusagaki, Matsuwa, Sado and Hiburi have been sunk one after the other just recently." The situation mirrors the plight of Japanese antisubmarine operations.

            Submarine Pintado (SS-387) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking merchant tanker No.2 Tonan Maru (see 10 October1942) 200 nautical miles southeast of Shanghai, 29°52'N, 125°22'E.

            Submarine Spadefish (SS-411) attacks Japanese convoy, damaging tanker No.2 Hakko Maru in Luzon Strait, 18°48'N,120°46'E; the tanker takes refuge in Passeleng Bay. Subsequent efforts to salvage her prove unavailing as the tanker will break up in heavy swells on 18 September.

            Submarine Tang (SS-306) sinks Japanese army cargo ship No.2 Nansatsu Maru off Mikizaki, 34°01'N, 136°21'E.

            British submarine HMS Statesman sinks Japanese army cargo ship No.5 Sugi Maru (ex-Panamanian Gran) off Port Blair, 11°41'N, 92°47'E; escorting torpedo boat Kari and submarine chaser Ch.9 carry out unsuccessful counterattacks.

            Japanese merchant cargo ship Kanzaki Maru is sunk by aircraft off east coast of Korea, 36°01'N, 129°41'E.



NINTH AF–IX BC operations are cancelled because of weather. fighters fly sweeps, provide air cover for 2 inf and 1 armd div, strafe numerous military and transportation targets, and fly armed recon from Evreux to Troyes.

TWELFTH AF–Weather restricts operation in SE France. B-26’s attack targets in Po Valley where they destroy 1 bridge and severely damage another. A-20’s hit motor transport SW of Alessandria and in Nice area during 21/22 Aug and hit industrial buildings in S France during the day. fighters hit motor transport W of the Rhone and in scattered parts of SE France.

FIFTEENTH AF–Around 530 B-17’s and B-24’s supported by P-51’s and P-38’s bomb oil refineries at Korneuburg, Odertal, and Blechhammer (2), and oil storage at Lobau.

TENTH AF–P-51’s and P-47’s fly 53 sorties against Tengchung in support of attacking Chinese forces. 28 P-47’s attack buildings, supply dumps, troops, and gun positions near Ingyingon, Nansankyin, and Pinlon. 8 P-47’s strafe Targets of opportunity between Tingka and Bhamo. 2 rocket-firing P-51’s seriously damage several buildings at Aledaw. 9 B-25’s bomb Hopin.

FOURTEENTH AF–11 P-40’s and P-38’s hit bridges and road targets around Tingka, Mangshih, Loiwing, and Pangpying. 6 others attack landing strip and river traffic at an island near Foochow.

FEAF–FBs continue to blast supply and personnel targets in Manokwari and surrounding areas. Fighter Bombers again hit N coastal New Guinea areas, including shipping facilities at Wewak, barge terminal on Mushu I, and trains and troop positions at various coastal points.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s bomb Airfields on Yap and Pagan. P-47’s also pound Pagan Airfield and AA emplacements. Kwajalein-based B-24’s hit Mille.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army’s Br I Corps area, Deauville falls to Belgian Brig, under command of Br 6th A/B Div. 6th A/B Div is engaging enemy in Pont Evêque area. Br 49th Div crosses the Touques near Pont Evêque. Br 7th Armd Div thrusts beyond the Touques, passing through S outskirts of Lisieux. 2 Corps, less elements mopping up Falaise–Argentan pocket, reaches Touques R.

            In Br Second Army’s 30 Corps area, 11th Armd Div, speeding eastward, reaches Laigle.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s V Corps area, Br 30 Corps units relieve 80th Div, from which CCL is detached and reverts to Fr 2d Armd Div. 80th and 90th Divs assemble for maintenance and rehabilitation while awaiting new orders. V Corps, now entirely out of contact with enemy, is given mission of freeing Paris. Fr 2d Armd Div is alerted for the task. 4th Div is transferred to V Corps from VII Corps. Advance into Paris is to begin at conclusion of German-FFI armistice on 23d. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div continues steadily northward, overrunning Breteuil; 28th Div clears Verneuil. 30th Div reaches vicinity of Evreux.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XV Corps area, 79th Div holds Mantes-Gassicourt bridgehead against enemy counterattack. 5th Armd Div continues N toward Louviers despite strong opposition between Eure and Seine Rivers. XX Corps speeds toward Melun and Montereau, 7th Armd Div approaching Melun and 5th Div threatening Fontainebleau. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div, continuing E from Sens, overcomes opposition at Villeneuve. 35th Div reaches W outskirts of Montargis. In VIII Corps area, main body of 29th Div is moving W by motor to Brest.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, 1st ABTF is reinf by 1st SSF, which is committed in center to replace Br 2d Para Brig. RCT 517 is given task of patrolling roads W and S of Larche Pass and maintaining contact with friendly forces to W. In VI Corps area, 3d Div improves positions on left flank of corps. Elements of 157th Inf, 45th Div, and FFI forces clear Apt; 180th Inf reduces light rearguard opposition in Rognes area; 179th moves toward Grenoble to join 36th Div. 36th Div units take Grenoble without opposition and reconnoiter beyond there without incident; RCT 141 starts W to Rhône Valley to back up TF Butler in Montélimar area and emplaces 2 FA bns near Marsanne to fire across the Rhône; RCT 142 arrives at Gap.

            In Fr Army B area, USS Omaha accepts surrender of garrison of Porquerolles I., off Giens Peninsula. In 2d Corps area, while 1st Div continues W toward Toulon along coast against strong resistance, Linares Group of 3d Algerian Div seizes Mt. Faron, last of the big hilltop fortresses N of Toulon, and 9th Colonial Div forces enemy from La Vallette, NE of Toulon. With reduction of Mt. Faron, a way is opened into Toulon through Dardennes ravine. On N flank, Chapuis Group of 3d Algerian Div and elements of 1st Armd Div invest Marseille.

EASTERN EUROPE—Offensive against Rumania by troops of Second and Third Ukrainian Fronts is overwhelming enemy. Iasi falls to forces of Second Ukrainian Front.

ITALY—AAI: In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps occupies S bank of the Metauro from S. Ippolito to the coast. Italian Corps of Liberation, moving up on left flank, reaches Cagli, SW of S. Ippolito.

CBI—Adm Mountbatten returns to Ceylon from London, having presented his views on strategy there. On Salween front, Japanese remnants around Sung Shan, during 21 and 22, make futile counterattacks against Chinese.

SWPA—TF TRADEWIND (Morotai force) issues FO No. 1.




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