Sunday, May 19, 2024

80 Years Ago Today, Sunday, 14 May 1944


14 May 1944



Submarines Aspro (SS-309) and Bowfin (SS-287) attack Japanese convoy, and sink cargo ship Bisan Maru about 90miles northwest of Palau, 08°55'N, 133°42'E.

Submarine Bonefish (SS-223) attacks Japanese convoy bound for the Sibitu Passage, sinking destroyer Inazuma near Tawi Tawi, east of Borneo, 05°03'N, 119°36'E, and evades counterattacks by what is most likely destroyer Hibiki. Ironically, Bonefish had aimed her initial torpedo at a tanker ( Nichiei Maru, Azusa Maru, or Tatekawa Maru ) but ended up hitting Inazuma instead.

Submarine Crevalle (SS-291), en route to her base, is damaged by depth charges off northern Celebes, 00°57'N,125°51'E.

Submarine Sand Lance (SS-381) encounters that portion of convoy 3503 that had been detached to proceed to Guam, and sinks army cargo ship K_ho Maru southwest of Apra harbor, 13°43'N, 144°42'E. Sand Lance survives resultant depth-charging from one or more of the escorts: escort vessel Oki, torpedo boat Otori, and auxiliary submarine chaser No.8 Shonan Maru.


German submarine U-616 attacks convoy GUS 39 off Cape Tenes, Morocco, prompting a search by Oran-based U.S.destroyers (see 17 May 1944) (Captain Adelbert F. Converse).


Twelfth AF

Support for Allied ground assault into Gustav Line continues as aircraft hit at lines of communications N and NW of Rome and blast tgts in immediate battle area. MBs claim hits on bridges, bridge approaches, and viaducts at Chiani, Marsciano, Monte Molino, Castiglione d’Orcia, San Giovanni Valdarno, Poggibonsi, Tabianello, and Arezzo. A-20’s pound cmd posts in battle area. FBs hit stations, tracks, roads, town areas, bridges, gun positions, and T/Os in immediate battle area and in or near Esperia, Terni, Narni, Itri, Terracina, Perugia, Chiusi, Orvieto, San Giovanni Valdarno, Maranola, and other locations N of Rome.

5/14/44 Fifteenth AF

Just over 700 B-24’s and B-17’s attack M/Ys at Vicenza, Padua, Ferrara, Treviso, Mestre, Mantua, and Piove di Sacco, and A/Fs at Piacenza and Reggio Emilia. Ftrs fly over 170 sorties in escort. 48 P- 38’s strafe Aviano and Villaorba A/Fs.

Tenth AF

24 A-31’s bomb troops and gun positions at Lahaw. 12 P-38’s hit Tiddim road at Tonzang, causing roadblock. 48 A-31’s bomb positions at Kalewa and S of Bishenpur. 11 P-40’s hit bridge and road at Kazu and railroad shed at Myitkyina. 25 B-25’s and P-51’s hit troop positions at Hopin. Meiktila and Heho A/Fs are hit by 20-plus P-51’s and P-38’s. The ftrs claim 4 airplanes downed in combat. 

Fourteenth AF

60 P-40’s and P-51’s hit trucks at Yoyang, river shipping, boxcars, and trucks at Pailochi and Sienning, and storage area at Shayang. 20 other P-40’s bomb and strafe towns near Mamien Pass, Pingkai and areas around Mengta and Tating. 6 Japanese bmrs hit Kienow, rendering A/F temporarily unusable.

Fifth AF

B-24’s bomb Bosnik supply areas and Sorido runway. In Wakde-Sawar-Maffln Bay area, villages and AA positions are pounded by B-24’s and B-25’s. FBs, A-20’s, B-24’s, and B-25’s maintain strikes against A/Fs, bridges, trucks, villages, and other tgts in Wewak-Hansa Bay area.

Thirteenth AF

23 B-25’s bomb Tobera airstrip. 44 FBs pound supply and personnel areas at Vunakanau. P-39’s and

P-40’s strafe tgts in N and E Gazelle Peninsula, and ftr patrols over Rabaul area attack several T/Os. In Buka-Bougainville area, 40-plus P-39’s and P-40’s bomb Hangan, Tsirogei, Tokiparo, pier at Kessa Plantation, and near Ibu.

Seventh AF

53 B-24’s from Kwajalein and 43 B-25’s from Makin join Navy aircraft in pounding Jaluit.


NEW GUINEA—Co C, 127th Inf, withdrawing from Marubian, finds its route cut by enemy. Japanese also harass Co A at Ulau Mission. Since these positions are becoming untenable, it is decided to withdraw.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, II Corps makes progress all along line against rearguard opposition. 338th Inf, 85th Div, clears Hill 131 of S Ridge, previously an enemy strongpoint, and outposts Formia–Ausonia road. 2d Bn, 337th Inf, then continues toward next 85th Div objective, Castellonorato, reaching Hill 108, N of Spigno–S. Maria Infante road junction, and patrolling beyond there. 351st Inf, 88th Div, seizes Hill 126, at E end of S Ridge, and S. Maria Infante village, initial objectives. Div, with elements of 3 regts in assault, begins drive on Spigno. 350th Inf advances W across Ausente Creek to N slopes of M. dei Bracchi; 349th occupies M. dei Bracchi and, in conjunction with 351st, clears M. la Civita. In Mtn Corps area, two groups advance W to positions just E of Ausonia road, where they are stopped by enemy. Third group reaches base of Fammera escarpment, leaving containing force at Ausonia. On left flank of FEC area, 4th Mtn Div and 3d Algerian Div mop up region W of M. Majo. In center, 2d Moroccan Div, thrusting toward S. Giorgio, reaches Castellone and Cantalupo Hills; elements are pushing toward Castelnuovo. On right flank, 1st Motorized Div, advancing along the Liri, reaches S. Giorgio.

In Br Eighth Army area, 13 Corps continues to expand and strengthen Rapido bridgehead. Preparations are made for next phase of attack, to isolate Cassino in conjunction with Pol 2 Corps, on 15th, but delay of 78th Div in crossing the Rapido forces postponement of assault.

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