Thursday, May 30, 2024

80 Years Ago, Friday 5 May 1944



Appointment of Admiral Toyoda Soemu as Commander in Chief of the Combined Fleet is announced. U.S. motor torpedo boats blockading the southeastern coast of Bougainville encounter five or more heavily armed Japanese barges. In the ensuing action, the barges and enemy shore batteries on Rantan and Bougainville catch the three PTs in a cross fire, sinking PT-247, 06°38'S, 156°01'E.

Submarine Pogy (SS-266) attacks Japanese convoy, sinks transport Shirane Maru off Shionomisaki, Honshu, 33°27'N,135°32'E.


During convoy GUS 38's continued passage westward, destroyer escort Laning (DE-159) locates German submarine U-967, but the U-boat torpedoes and sinks destroyer escort Fechteler (DE-157) 120 miles northwest of Oran, Algeria,36°07'N, 02°40'W.


Eighth AF

33 B-24’s bomb V-weapon installation at Sottevast.

Ninth AF

Gen Wood assumes command of IX AF Service Command.

Twelfth AF

A-20’s bomb supply dump W of Albano Laziale. XII TAC A-36’s, P-47’s, and P-40’s fly 24 missions cutting rail lines N and NE of Rome, and hitting guns N of Anzio beachhead and N of Gaeta, and a dump near Frascati. Bridges at Orvieto and W of Lake Bolsena are damaged by direct hits, a barge at San Stefano al Mare is hit, several trucks destroyed or damaged, rail lines are cut in several places near Sesti Bagni, and airplanes are hit at Canino landing ground. DAF P-47’s attacks S of Pisa.

Fifteenth AF

465th Bomb Gp (B-24) becomes operational, making total of 20 Heavy Bomber gps operational in Fifteenth AF.

640-plus B-24’s and B-17’s (the largest force of Heavy Bombers dispatched by Fifteenth AF to date) attack marshalling yard at Ploesti and troop concentrations and town area at Podrorica. Ftrs fly over 240 sorties in support.

Tenth AF

18 A-31’s hit concentrations SE of Buthidaung. 15 P-38’s hit targets along Tiddim road while 40-plus A- 31’s pound gun positions, camps, villages, and supply dumps SW of Bishenpur and at Kalewa. 3 B- 25’s bomb Thayaung airfield area. More than 80 P-40’s, P-51’s, A-36’s, and B-25’s carry out support of ground forces, hit gun positions and supply dumps, attack troop concentrations, and blast numerous targets of opportunity throughout the Mogaung Valley. 11 A-31’s bomb Naba and vicinity while 3 B-25’s and 6 Fighter Bombers hit ammo dump N of Mohnyin. 12 P-38’s bomb large warehouse E of Monywa. 6 B-24’s lay mines in harbor off Koh Si Chang I.

Fourteenth AF

11 B-24’s bomb docks and shipping at Haiphong. 14 P-40’s damage bridges at Hsenwi and Wan Pa- Hsa and hit barracks and destroy several trucks at Kentung. 8 B-25’s and 23 Fighter Bombers attack warehouse area at Chiuchiang, causing large fires. 25 CACW B-25’s and P-40’s thoroughly pound Sinyang M/ Y and storage area. 10 P-40’s sweep road from Loyang to Juchou, claiming 40-50 vehicles and numerous troops destroyed.

Fifth AF

B-24’s bomb Mokmer A/ F while B-25’s hit supply areas at Wakde I and along coast of Maffin Bay. A- 20’s and Fighter Bombers again pound targets around Wewak and along coast of Hansa Bay, hitting supply and personnel areas, warehouses, and occupied villages.

Thirteenth AF

24 B-25’s bomb gun positions at Buka. 34 P-39’s hit various targets on Bougainville and Buka, including buildings at Porton, Chabai, and Kohiso, pillbox at Pau I, and road near Tsundawan. Supply area at Chabai is bombed by 12 other P-39’s. P-40’s bomb buildings at Kieta and at nearby Rigu Mission. Ftr patrols continue over N Solomons and the Bismarcks.

Seventh AF

During 4/5 May B-24’s from Kwajalein stage through Eniwetok and bomb Truk. During the day B-25’s from Eniwetok strike Ponape, and 10 from Makin hit Jaluit and Wotje, using Majuro as rearming base between the attacks.


ADMIRALTY Is.—8th Cav begins final mop up of Manus, which is largely clear of enemy.

BURMA—In NCAC area, K Force of TF END RUN reaches trail junction N of Ritpong; patrol starts cutting trail through jungle so that enemy can be taken by surprise from rear.

ITALY—AAI: Gen Alexander issues Operation Order No. 1, AAI, for drive through Gustav Line to Rome and pursuit of enemy thereafter to line Rimini–Pisa.

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