Thursday, May 30, 2024

80 Years Ago, Sunday 28 May 1944



Destroyer Stockton (DD-646) is damaged by shore battery, Biak Island, Schouten Islands, New Guinea, 01°00'S,136°00'E.

PV-1 (VB 148) accidentally bombs submarine Permit (SS-178) off Truk, 06°45'N, 151°52'E, but the damage sustained by Permit does not prevent her from continuing her war patrol.


U.S. motor torpedo boats sink German corvette UJ.2210 in Ligurian Sea.


Eighth AF

Almost 900 Heavy Bombers attack aircraft works, synthetic oil plants, military vehicle plants and repair depots at Ruhland, Dessau, Cologne, Merseburg, Zeitz, Konigsberg, Lutzkendorf, Magdeburg, and nearly 30 different targets of opportunity. An estimated 450 fighters oppose the mission with about 350 concentrating in Magdeburg area. 32 US bombers are lost.

Ninth AF

Over 600 B-26’s and A-20’s bomb marshalling yards, naval yards, railway bridges, and V-weapon sites in France and Belgium. 8 aircraft are lost. P-47’s dive-bomb several targets in same general area.

Twelfth AF

Medium Bombers hit bridges, viaducts, and railroad lines at several locations in C Italy, including Narni, Cortona, Terni, Ladispoli, Torrita di Siena, Magnano, Recco, Arezzo, Rapallo, Vado, Bucine, and Castiglion Fiorentino. Light Bombers hit ammo dump while Fighter Bombers continue close support to advancing ground forces, encountering considerably less enemy motor transport behind lines because of the heavy attrition of recent days. Many roads, railroads, and bridges are hit as well as numerous other targets along the battlefront which now stretches from W coast SW of Carroceto to the NE almost to Valmontone, then SW to just above Sezze, and from there rambles E to NE to E coast below Pescara.

Fifteenth AF

More than 100 B-24’s bomb Genoa harbor and Vercelli marshalling yard. P-38’s fly fighter sweeps against airfields in Kurilovec area and vehicles, comm lines, and targets of opportunity in Knin-Bihac-Banjaluka area.

Tenth AF

10 B-24’s pound Kalemyo while 3 B-25’s hit Tiddim road. 50-plus Fighter Bombers and a few B-25’s hit various targets at or near Mogaung, Myitkyina, Hopin, and Sahmaw. 76 Fighter Bombers and 24 B-25’s bomb marshalling yards at Namma and Katha, hit several targets in Mohnyin-Hopin area, and bomb railroad between Naba and Namma.

Fourteenth AF

14 P-40’s in support of ground forces in Salween area strafe oil storage at Hsiangta, bomb and strafe Watien area, and destroy 1 bridge and damage another on Shweli R N of Tengchung. 2 B-25’s sink a patrol boat and damage another near Saint John I.

Fifth AF

In support of ground forces on Biak I, B-24’s and B-25’s hit villages, supply areas, troop concentrations, and gun positions on Biak, Noemfoor, and Japen Is. A-20’s, B-25’s, and Fighter Bombers blast troop concentrations, AA positions, and supply dumps in Wewak area. A-20’s supporting ground forces in heavy fighting in Sarmi area, hit positions with minimum-level strikes. B-24’s bomb Boela. Thirteenth Air TF B- 24’s bomb airfield on Woleai.

Thirteenth AF

3 B-24’s, followed by 23 B-25’s and 12 P-38’s, blast airfield at Lakunai. 33 P-39’s and P-40’s join 40-plus dive bombers in strike on Tobera airstrip. 5 Medium Bombers hit Namatanai supply and personnel area. Fighter Bombers hit Tsundawan supply area, huts and buildings at Gohi, Nova, and Monoitu, suspected barge hideout near Tonolai, and AA guns at Ballale I.

Seventh AF

29 B-25’s stage from Eniwetok, bomb Jaluit, and land at Makin. B-24’s from Eniwetok bomb Saipan and Guam. Those bombing Guam turn S to Los Negros to rearm while the others return to Eniwetok. B-25’s flying from Engebi bomb Mille. Heavy Bombers escort Navy photo planes over the Marianas.

Eleventh AF

2 B-24’s fly recon and drop bombs on Shimushu and Matsuwa. 1 B-25 and P-38’s fly guardship coverage mission, 2 other B-25’s fly a negative anti-shipping sweep.


NEW GUINEA—While 186th Inf expands beachhead on Biak, 162d continues W toward airfields. Strong opposition develops at road junction W of Mokmer village, but leading elements (3d Bn) of 162d Inf get to within 200 yards of Mokmer airfield. Japanese counterattack strongly, forcing 3d Bn back and splitting it. 2d and 1st Bns try to clear terrace behind 3d but make little headway under fire from East Caves on dominating cliff N of Mokmer village. Small craft take ammunition and medical supplies to 3d Bn, and platoon of tanks is sent W along coastal road. Deciding that the position is untenable, Gen Fuller recalls 3d Bn to positions held night of 27th and requests reinforcements. In Wakde-Sarmi area, 158th Inf continues costly efforts to advance after preparatory arty bombardment. When forward positions become untenable, attack is halted, and assault forces are ordered back to Snaky R line. Gen Patrick requests RCT 163, scheduled for Biak, kept in Wakde area pending arrival of elements of 6th Div.

BURMA—On Salween front, Gen Wei, having decided to commit Ch 71st Army, less 88th Div already over the Salween, across the river below Hwei-tung Bridge to seize Lung-ling while a containing force attacks Japanese on Sung Shan, prepares for ferrying operations at Shihtien, 8 miles S of Hwei-tung Bridge. The Salween is rising sharply because of monsoon rains.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, VI Corps meets increased resistance on left flank. 180th and 157th Regts, 45th Div, advance to RR W of Albano road, but 157th is forced back in counterattack. 179th Inf moves forward to fill gap along RR between 45th and 34th Divs. 34th Div, with 133d Inf on left and 168th on right, battles enemy strongpoints below Lanuvio. 3d Div patrols actively on right flank of VI Corps. 1st SSF repels enemy thrust down Valmontone road. FEC continues clearing Lepini Mountains. On right, 2d Moroccan Div is approaching Ceccano.

In Br Eighth Army’s 13 Corps area, Germans withdraw from Arce, night 28–29. In 10 Corps area, NZ 2d Div reaches the Melfa and establishes bridgehead.

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