Thursday, May 30, 2024

80 Years Ago, Tuesday 2 May 1944



Submarine Tautog (SS-199) completes destruction of Japanese army transport Ryoyo Maru Matsuwa Jima, Kurils,48°04'N, 153°16'E.


Destroyer Parrott (DD-218) is damaged in collision with U.S. merchantman John Morton off Norfolk, Virginia,36°51'N, 76°18'W.


Eighth AF

50 B-24’s bomb V-weapon installation at Saint-Pol/Siracourt.

Ninth AF

More than 250 B-26’s and A-20’s bomb marshalling yards at Busigny, Valenciennes, and Blanc-Misseron. Over 400 P-47’s and P-51’s divebomb airfields and marshalling yards in France and the Low Countries.

Twelfth AF

Attacks against rail lines and bridges in N Italy continue. Medium Bombers bomb approach to bridge in N Oriveto, bridges in S Ficulle and in Marsciano, and marshalling yards in Florence/ Campo di Marte and W and NW Florence. Light Bombers hit ammunition dump NE of Rome. P-40’s and P-47’s hit rail lines N of Rome, bridges SW of Rome, guns N of Anzio, road at Montefiascone, road bridge at Cecina, trucks and planes at Malignano landing ground, and several other dumps, roads, and rail lines in N Italy.

Fifteenth AF

More than 250 B-24’s, most with fighter escort, attack La Spezia dock and harbor installations, marshalling yards at Castel Maggiore and Parma, railroad bridges at Faenza and Orbetello, and several targets of opportunity. Over 300 other Heavy Bombers are forced to abort because of weather.


TCC, until this date a major subordinate component of EAC, is placed under Third Tac AF, another EAC component.

Tenth AF

24 A-31’s hit villages and defensive positions near Buthidaung.

Fourteenth AF

3 B-24’s claim 2 freighters sunk in S end of Formosa straits.

Fifth AF

140-plus A-20’s and Fighter Bombers it bridges, barges, gun positions, roads, personnel, supplies, huts, and tent areas from Wewak to Hansa Bay throughout the day. 2 B-25’s bomb airfields at Wewak and Boram. 8 others it Wakde I oil stores, huts, AA positions, trucks, and other targets of opportunity. airfield on Biak I is bombed by 2 B-24’s.

Thirteenth AF

22 P-39’s bomb village N of Kieta, airstrip and buildings of Koromira and Rigu Missions. P-40’s also hit Kieta area. Ftr sweeps over Rabaul area continue. Fighter Bombers hit Vunakambi Plantation supply area with incendiaries. B-25’s pound Talili area.

Seventh AF

B-24’s, staging through Eniwetok from Kwajalein, bomb Truk during the night. During the day B-25’s based at Makin hit Jaluit and Wotje, using Majuro as a shuttle base to rearm between strikes. B-25’s from Engebi pound Ponape.


U.S.—JCS directive orders Gen Stilwell to stockpile supplies in China in order to support Pacific operations. Hump tonnage at this time is inadequate for current U.S. operations in China.

ADMIRALTY Is.—8th Cav withdraws to Hauwei I., having accounted for 285 enemy dead and sustained losses of 4 killed and 7 wounded.

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