Friday, May 24, 2024

80 Years Ago Today, Wednesday 24 May 1944



Operations against the Japanese NA line continue; destroyer escort England (DE-635) sinks submarine RO-116, 225miles north-northwest of Kavieng, 00°53'N, 149°14'E.

Submarine Flying Fish (SS-229) is damaged by premature explosion of own torpedo, Philippine Sea, 12°54'N,134°52'E, but remains on patrol.

Submarine Gurnard (SS-254), in attack on Japanese convoy in the Celebes Sea, sinks fleet tanker Tatekawa Maru just off the coast of Mindanao, 05°45'N, 125°43'E.

Submarine Lapon (SS-260), in South China Sea, sinks Japanese cargo ship Bizen Maru 07°20'N, 109°20'E and merchant cargo ship Wales Maru 07°16'N, 109°04'E.

Submarine Narwhal (SS-167) lands men and supplies on Samar, P.I.

Submarine Perch (SS-313) attacks Japanese convoy no. 88 in South China Sea, 22°15'N, 118°05'E, but without success. It is the convoy's last adventure with U.S. forces.

Submarine Raton (SS-270) attacks Japanese convoy about 220 miles east of Singapore and 150 miles west of Sarawak, sinking escort vessel Iki and damaging escort vessel Matsuwa, 01°17'N, 107°53'E. Japanese transport Taichi Maru is sunk in collision near Chinhai, China, 30°00'N, 116°48'E.


Eighth AF

400 B-24’s attack airfields at Orly, Melun, Creil, and Poix. 447 B-17’s bomb Berlin while 72 attack targets of opportunity in the area. Enemy opposition is heavy and 33 Heavy Bombers are lost.

Ninth AF

More than 450 Medium Bombers attack airfields, coastal defenses, and V-weapon sites in France. P-38’s and P-47’s dive-bomb 4 landing fields in France.

Twelfth AF

Medium Bombers, Light Bombers, and Fighter Bombers fly numerous sorties in support of rapidly advancing ground forces and in attacks against rail lines, bridges, and roads in NC Italy. Medium Bombers hit at least 5 bridges, create several road blocks and cause havoc in comm to N of battle area. Light Bombers blast bivouac area. Fighter Bombers have great success in attacks on motor transports, mainly in battle area, and in conjunction with British airplanes destroy over 300 and damage as many more.

Fifteenth AF

620-plus B-17’s and B-24’s attack Avisio viaduct, Atzgersdorf aircraft components factory, town of Neunkirchen, airfields at Munchendorf, Graz, Wollersdorf, Bad Voslau and Zagreb, and Varazdin marshalling yard. Escorting fighters fly over 250 sorties. Enemy fighter opposition is especially heavy against Bad Voslau force, downing 6 Heavy Bombers.

Tenth AF

60-plus A-31’s bomb enemy positions in Palel-Chassud area, hit village near Moirang, and attack truck park beside Tiddim road. 20-plus P-40’s in Myitkyina vicinity destroy 3 barracks buildings and knock out a railway bridge and a machinegun post. A single B-24 bombs Gwa in Arakan area.

Fifth AF

A-20’s hit airfields at Namber and Kamiri. More than 200 A-20’s, P-38’s, P-47’s P-39’s, and B-25’s continue to blast targets of opportunity in Wewak Hansa Bay area throughout the day.

Thirteenth AF

In Rabaul area 19 P-38’s, P-40’s, and 22 B-25’s attack Hospital Point gun positions. 2 other B-25’s hit town of Rabaul. Fighter patrols hit various targets of opportunity in Rabaul area and S New Ireland. 51 P-39’s, P-40’s, and P-38’s, and a single B-24, attack various Buka-Bougainville tgts including Buka airfield, E Bougainville coastal bridges, and Cape Lalahan radar station.

Seventh AF

B-25’s from Makin pound Wotje and Jaluit, using Majuro as a shuttle base for rearming between the strikes. B-25’s based at Engebi hit Ponape.

Eleventh AF

2 bombers fly weather and photo recon over Shimushu and bomb Matsuwa area.


WAKE—Carrier aircraft of Fifth Fleet attack Wake.

NEW GUINEA—158th Inf (TF TORNADO, assisted by tanks and flame throwers, drives slowly W along coast to Tirfoam R. In Aitape sector, Nyaparake Force continues withdrawal to defensive positions at mouth of creek about 3,000 yards W of Yakamul.

CBI—In NCAC area, Japanese drive 3d Marauder Bn from Charpate, thus recovering N approach to Myitkyina.

On Salween front, Ch 226th and 228th Regts make unsuccessful frontal attacks against ridge that forms SE end of Pingka valley.

ITALY—AAI: U.S. Fifth Army takes direct control of 36th Engr Combat Regt, with attachments, from VI Corps; orders it to push S via Littoria to link up with II Corps. VI Corps continues attack toward Cisterna after 30-minute arty preparation. 1st Armd Div drives well beyond Highway 7, CCA thrusting toward Velletri against stiffening resistance and CCB toward Cori against weakening opposition. In center, 3d Div’s 30th and 7th Regts close in on Cisterna. 133d Inf, 34th Div, takes over right flank attack toward M. Arrestino from 1st SSF and advances to RR beyond Highway 7. In II Corps area, elements of 337th Inf, 85th Div, take Terracina— from which enemy has withdrawn—virtually completing current mission of corps. Engineers and rcn elements are opening road to Anzio beachhead. In FEC area, some troops of Mtn Corps are driven from crest of M. Pizzuto but recover it with aid of U.S. 88th Div; others fight seesaw battle for Vallecorsa. Germans continue effective defense of Pastena against 2d Moroccan Div thrusts. 3d Algerian Div makes little progress on right flank of FEC.

In Br Eighth Army area, Cdn 1 Corps takes Pontecorvo early in day and reduces enemy positions as far N as Aquino, which Germans retain. Attacking through breach made by infantry, Cdn 5th Armd Div reaches Melfa R and establishes bridgehead across it, night 24–25, against heavy fire.

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