Saturday, August 31, 2024

80 Years Ago, Monday, 28 August 1944


PACIFIC–USAAF B-25s sink auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 77 at south entrance of Paramushiro straits, Kurils, 50°31'N,150°12.7'E.

ARABIAN SEA–U.S. freighter John Barry, en route from Aden to the Persian Gulf (see 19 & 24 July and 20 & 26 August), is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-859 at 15°10'N, 55°18'E. Two members of the merchant crew are lost during the abandonment, but 39 of the 41- man merchant complement and the entire 27-man Armed Guard survive (see 29 August).

MEDITERRANEAN–German garrisons at Marseilles, including outlying islands and St. Mandrier battery (the sole remaining enemy pocket in Toulon), surrender at 1100.



EIGHTH AF–Weather prevents Heavy Bomber operations. 8 P-51 groups fly strafing sweeps against rail and road trafflc in areas in or around Brussels, Antwerp, Namur, Mezieres, Metz, Strasbourg, Trier, and Bad Kreuznach. Claims include 8 aircraft and nearly 150 locomotive destroyed. 16 P-51’s are lost. Fighter Bombers fly 2 strafing and bombing operations. The first is flown by 6 groups against rail and road traffic in and around Strasbourg, Saarbrucken, Sarrebourg, Metz, and Trier. In the second, 5 groups attack rail and road traffic in NW France, Belgium, and the Netherlands including bombing 13 marshalling yards.

NINTH AF–B-26’s and A-20’s of IX BC bomb fuel dumps at Doullens, Barisis-aux-Bois, ammo dump at Querrieu, ammo and fuel dump at Compiegne/Foret de Laigue, and alcohol distillery and fuel storage depot at Hamm. fighters escort BC and about 400 transports on supply and evacuation runs, attack Airfields at Bourges and Peronne, support ground forces, and fly armed recon from Amiens to E of Dijon.

TWELFTH AF–B-25’s bomb railroad bridges in Lyon area. B-26’s destroy several airplanes at Villafranca di Verona Airfield and bridge at Parma. A-20’s hit motor transport and other Targets of opportunity during 27/28 Aug, fly armed recon over Po Valley and blast command post SE of Genoa. Fighter Bombers hit vehicles in Rhone Valley, bomb and strafe roads and bridges in battle area N of Arno R and hit shipping in Imperia and Savona harbors.

FIFTEENTH AF–560-plus Heavy Bombers escorted by P-38’s and P-51’s strike Moosbierbaum oil refinery and adjacent chemical works, oil refinery at Szony, railroad bridges and viaducts at Szolnok, Zambana, Avisio, and Ora, and marshalling yards at Miskolc.

TENTH AF–4 P-47’s bomb tank pool at Momauk, while 5 others hit Myintha. 2 P-47’s support ground forces in Pinbaw area.

FOURTEENTH AF–8 B-25’s bomb Tien Ho, White Cloud, Hankow, and Pailochi Airfields. 8 more attack river and road traffic from Chiuchiang to Hankow and from Hengyang to Puchi. 32 P-40’s pound Targets of opportunity at Hengyang and Pailochi. 23 P-40’s attack Taying storage buildings and 10 P-40’s and P-51’s hit Anjen and nearby Targets of opportunity.

FEAF–B-24’s hit Koror, Airfield on Peleliu, and seaplane base on Arakabesan. Fighter Bombers hit Kokas, vessels off Point Karakra, barracks at Nabire, storage facilities at Moemi and Manokwari and Boram fuel dumps. A-20’s and Fighter Bombers attack small vessels along E coast of Ceram.

TWENTIETH AF–Gen Hansell assumes command of XXI BC. Gen Norstad succeeds Hansell as CoS of Twentieth AF.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s pound Iwo Jima by day and night. P-47’s hit Pagan and Maug Is. A B-24 on armed recon bombs Yap. Gilberts-based B-25’s strike Ponape; Marshalls-based B-24’s hit Truk.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps expands bridgehead toward Rouen.

            In Br Second Army area, 12 Corps expands its bridgehead across the Seine. In 30 Corps area, entire 43d Div is across the Seine; bridgehead extends about 4 miles in width and 3 miles in depth.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army area, XV Corps continues to improve positions in Mantes-Gassicourt bridgehead. 2d Armd Div is attached to corps to pass through 79th Div and spearhead breakout. In V Corps area, Gen Gerow, in letter to Gen Pierre Joseph Koenig, Military Governor of Paris, turns over the city to the French. Fr 2d Armd Div and 4th Div continue attacks NE of Paris. 5th Armd and 28th Inf Divs are attached to corps. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div pursues disorganized enemy to Soissons.

            In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps continues to batter Brest. 29th Div takes direct command of TF Sugar from 175th Inf; 116th Inf is pushing E along Le Conquet–Recouvrance highway. CCB, 6 Armd Div, leaves Lorient for Third Army zone. XX Corps is speedily closing in on Reims. In XII Corps area, CCA columns, followed by 80th Div, continue rapidly toward the Marne at Châlons-sur-Marne and Vitry-le-François.

S FRANCE—U.S. Seventh Army directs that another trap be set for retreating enemy before he reaches the Belfort Gap. While 2d Corps of Fr Army B drives N along W bank of the Rhône, VI Corps is to move N via Lyon, Beaune, and Dijon to make contact with OVERLORD forces and block off enemy from the Rhine. FFI and TF Bibo troops are driven from Briançon by enemy. In VI Corps area, 3d Div clears rear-guard opposition from Montélimar, enabling 36th Div to seize hill masses to N and NE. Corps’ attention shifts to Drôme R line, where final phase of Montélimar battle is being fought. 142d Regt, 36th Div, surrounds Livron, blocking Highway 7 N of the Drôme, but most of German Nineteenth Army has escaped northward through the Montélimar trap. TF Butler and 143d Inf isolate Loriol, S of Livron. Withdrawing enemy traffic remains a lucrative target for aircraft and arty. 45th Div’s 180th Inf moves to Grenoble; 179th continues northward toward Lyon.

            In Fr Army B’s 2d Corps area, all resistance in Toulon area comes to an end with surrender of San Mandrier Peninsula to 9th Colonial Div. Germans also surrender Marseille. 80th German garrison commanders are captured. During the battle for these important ports, in which FFI forces have given valuable assistance, 2 German divs have been eliminated. 9th Colonial Div is given temporary mission of guarding Toulon–Marseille area. Other elements of 2d Corps continue to cross the Rhône in Avignon– Arles area.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of Second Ukrainian Front drive into Transylvania through Oituz Pass in the Carpathian Mts.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s Br 13 Corps area, 17th Brig of 8th Ind Div, attacking night 28– 29, takes Tigliano, N of Pontassieve. 6th Armd Div, securing right flank of corps, gets column beyond Rufina, on Highway 67. Br Eighth Army continues to gain ground toward Gothic Line, Pol 2 Corps, on right, reaching Arzilla R.



Friday, August 30, 2024

80 Years Ago, Sunday, 27 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Guitarro (SS-363) attacks Japanese convoy bound for Coron Bay, sinking merchant tanker No.25 Nanshin Maru, damaging No.3 Nanshin Maru, and forcing tanker No.25 Nanshin Maru aground, 12°26'N, 119°55'E.

            Submarine Stingray (SS-186) lands men and supplies on northwest shore of Luzon.

            PVs sink Japanese vessel Tensho Maru between Odomari and Onnekotan Island, Kurils.

            High speed minesweeper Boggs (DMS-3) and submarine chaser PC-783 are damaged in collision, San Diego, California.

ATLANTIC–Tank landing ship LST-327 is damaged by mine, while en route from Cherbourg to Southampton, England.

MEDITERRANEAN–Destroyer Ericsson (DD-440) captures fishing vessel attempting to escape Toulon, France, and takes 50 German submariners as POWs. Motor torpedo boat PT-552 sinks four German explosive motorboats at entrance to Toulon, harbor, but control boat escapes.



EIGHTH AF–Over 1,200 Heavy Bombers fly against Berlin area targets but abort mission due to high clouds. Over 150 of the Heavy Bombers attack Targets of opportunity in German coastal area and Danish peninsula, including 4 Airfields, 2 marshalling yards, 2 islands, 3 cities, and scattered targets. 11 P-51 groups provide escort and strafe ground targets in Germany, destroying several including 24 locomotives. 5 B-17’s and 10 P-51’s are lost. 8 Fighter Bomber groups strafe and bomb rail transportation in E France and the Saar, claiming, among other targets, over 100 locomotives and over 200 train cars destroyed.

NINTH AF–IX BC attacks troop concentrations in Rouen area, Rouen bridge, Boulogne-sur-Mer/Boursin navigational beam station, and Bucyles-Pierrepont and Foret de Samoussy fuel dumps. fighters cover ground forces and fly sweeps and armed recon in Senlis area and S of Loire R claiming 16 aircraft (11 in the air) destroyed, and losing 6.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers hit gun emplacements in Marseille area and bomb bridges at Berceto. Fighter Bombers continue armed recon in Po Valley and over roads leading N from battle line N of the Arno R. Light Bombers bomb Targets of opportunity in Po Valley during 26/27 Aug, fly armed recon and during the day hit ammo stores in NC Italy.

FIFTEENTH AF–530-plus fighters supported Heavy Bombers attack 2 oil refineries in Blechhammer, railroad bridge at Ferrara, and viaducts at Avisio, Venzone, and Borovnica.

TENTH AF–23 P-47’s support ground forces in Pinbaw area, hitting Kondangyi and troops and strongpoints near Pinbaw.

FOURTEENTH AF–7 B-25’s bomb Hengyang, Tien Ho, White Cloud, and Pailochi Airfields. 9 others hit road and river trafflc in Yoyang, Hankow, Changsha, and Hengyang areas. 120-plus P-40’s and P-51’s hit Targets of opportunity in the above areas plus Yangtien, Chachiang, Anjen, Leiyang, Sintsiang, Siangsiang, and Siangtan, damaging or destroying numerous trucks, many rivercraft and hitting several troop concentrations.

FEAF–FBs hit Miti and Airfields at Babo, Ransiki, Sagan, and Manokwari. Fighter Bombers hit bivouacs near Boram, troops between Abau and Boikin, and a fuel dump and barges at Kairiru I.

SEVENTH AF–A Saipan-based B-24 bombs Iwo Jima while another, after photo recon of Woleai, bombs Yap. P-47’s bomb AA positions on Pagan and strafe buildings on Alamagan.

ELEVENTH AF–5 B-24’s bomb and photograph Kashiwabara in 2 raids. 4 B-25’s on a shipping sweep E of the N Kurils bomb and strafe picket boats damaging 1 and leaving another sinking.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 1 Corps elements reach the Seine in coastal sector. In 2 Corps area, Cdn 4th Armd and 3d Inf Divs begin crossing the Seine between Elbeuf and Pont de l’Arche and clear Tourlaville.

            In Br Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 15th Div begins crossing the Seine E of Louviers and establishes bridgehead in Muids–Porte-Joie area with ease. A second crossing site, about a mile upstream, is found to be strongly defended and is abandoned. 30 Corps continues to expand and strengthen bridgehead at Vernon.

            12th Army Group: Allocates priority in supply to First Army. Supplies are becoming increasingly short.

            In U.S. First Army area, XV Corps attacks with 30th Div on right and 79th on left to enlarge Mantes-Gassicourt bridgehead. In V Corps area, against scattered resistance, Fr 2d Armd Div and 4th Div, former on right, drive NE to outskirts of Paris, French overcoming strong opposition at Le Bourget airfield. Generals Eisenhower and Bradley visit Paris and confer with Gen Charles de Gaulle. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div speeds NE toward Soissons with 4th Cav Gp spearheading and 1st and 9th Divs following, crossing the Marne in Mieux area and taking that town.

            In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps completes encirclement of Brest. TF Sugar, 29th Div, cuts main Le Conquet–Recouvrance highway. 83d Div moves forward to protect S flank along Loire R W of Orléans. In XX Corps area, 7th Armd Div drives NE toward Reims on broad front, followed by 5th and 80th Divs. Armored forces reach the Marne at Château-Thierry, secure crossings, and overrun that town. In XII Corps area, CCA of 4th Armd Div heads from Troyes NE toward Châlonssur- Marne, followed by 80th Div. 35th Div protects S flank of army from Orléans to Troyes.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, 3d Div, coming up from the S, secures positions from which to attack Montélimar. 36th Div restores line along the Roubion. TF Butler reaches Highway 7 at La Coucourde but is unable to block it. So effective is arty fire, however, that a block is formed by wrecked enemy vehicles. Aircraft and arty are taking an increasingly heavy toll of enemy columns in Montélimar–Livron sector. 45th Div ( — ) is probing toward Lyon from Grenoble; 179th Inf takes Bourgoin, midway between Grenoble and Lyon. 180th Inf, holding defensive positions in N part of right flank of corps in Briançon area, is relieved by Prov .Flank Protection Force, called TF Bibo, in order to move to Grenoble area. TF Bibo, commanded by Lt Col Harold S. Bibo and under Seventh Army control, consists of Tr A of 117th Cav Rcn Sq; elements of 2d, 3d, and 83d Chemical Bns; 2 platoons of 180th Inf AT Co; and battery of 171st FA Bn.

            In Fr Army B area, 2d Corps continues to clear environs of Toulon and city of Marseille. At 1745 bombardment of San Mandrier Peninsula, S of Toulon, is halted and Germans agree to surrender the peninsula, effective on 28th. At Marseille, Fort St Nicolas surrenders, but scattered opposition remains. In evening, German command requests interview to discuss surrender terms.

EASTERN EUROPE—Focsani falls to troops of Second Ukrainian Front; Galati, third largest city in Rumania and chief port on the Danube, to those of Third Ukrainian Front.

ITALY—AAI: Br Eighth Army makes steady progress northward toward main Gothic Line positions. BURMA—In NCAC area, Br 36th Div, continuing down Mogaung–Mandalay RR corridor, takes Pinbaw.

NEW GUINEA—1st Bn, 158th Inf, relieves elements of 503d Para Inf remaining in S part of Noemfoor.



Monday, August 26, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 26 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine chaser PC(S)-1404 transports a marine reconnaissance party to Aguijan Island; after recovering the leathernecks, she bombards the island.

            Light cruiser Boise (CL-47) is damaged when rammed accidentally by harbor tug Heroine, Sydney, Australia.

            Submarine tender Pelias (AS-14) is damaged by grounding in San Francisco Bay.

            Submarine Batfish (SS-310) causes further damage to grounded destroyer Samidare on Velasco Reef, Palau, 08°30'N,134°37'E (see 18 August). Submariners observe Japanese blowing up the remainder of the wreckage.

            Submarine S-18 (SS-123) is damaged when accidentally rammed by medium landing craft LSM-135, Naval Repair Base, San Diego, California.

EUROPE–Motor torpedo boats PT-511, PT-514 and PT-520 take part in night engagement (that lasts into the following day) that turns back the last German attempt to reinforce the besieged garrison at Le Havre; the PTs sink German artillery ferries AFP 98 and AFP 108.



EIGHTH AF–Heavy Bombers are dispatched in 4 operations against targets in France and Germany. In first operation 95 B-24’s bomb synthetic oil plant at Ludwigshafen, marshalling yards at Ehrang and Konz-Karthaus, and other targets at Alzey and Meisenheim. 2 fighter groups fly support, with 1 group later strafing Speyer Airfield. In second operation 171 B-17’s escorted by 1 P-51 group bomb 8 gun positions at Brest while clouds prevent over 150 other Heavy Bombers from bombing. In the third operation over 400 B-17’s and B-24’s bomb 2 synthetic oil plants, 2 oil refineries, a fuel depot, 2 Airfields, and Targets of opportunity in NW Germany. 7 fighter groups escort, with 1 group later conducting strafing attacks. In last operation an attack by 30 B-17’s against 3 liquid oxygen plants in Belgium is aborted because of thick haze. 1 P-51 group gives uneventful support.

NINTH AF–IX TCC is relieved of its assignment to the Ninth AF upon transfer of the command and its serv organizations from IX AFSC to First Allied Airborne Army commanded by Gen Brereton. IX BC strikes fuel dumps at Saint-Gobain, Fournival/ Bois-de-Mont, and Compiegne/Clairoix, and troop and equipment concentrations at Rouen. fighters fly escort to BC, ground forces and assault area cover, and armed recon in Rouen, Dijon, Chatillon-sur-Seine and S Loire areas.

TWELFTH AF–During 25/26 Aug Fighter Bombers on armed recon over W Po Valley and over Nice area bomb vehicles and other Targets of opportunity, and during day bomb ammo dumps in SE France and in NC Italy. Medium Bombers hit guns in Marseille area but several missions into Rhone Valley are aborted due to bad weather. Fighter Bombers and fighters fly armed recon over N Italy and SE France, attacking rail lines, roads, guns, vehicles, and other Targets of opportunity.

FIFTEENTH AF–470-plus Heavy Bombers escorted by P-38’s and P-51’s attack viaducts and bridges at Venzone, Avisio, and Latisana, and hit train ferry and terminal at Giurgiu, Airfield at Otopeni, barracks and troops in Baneasa area and viaduct at Borovnica.

FOURTEENTH AF–3 B-24’s bomb storage area at Amoy. 3 B-25’s bomb barracks area near Wenchow harbor and damage bridge near Sincheng. 31 Fighter Bombers attack railroad targets, troops, sampans, and other Targets of opportunity in or near Yangtien, Yungfengshih, Siangsiang, Anjen, Laiyuan, Kinhwa, and Pengtse.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb Koror and Peleliu Airfields. Other B-24’s bomb Haroekoe and Liang Airfields. A-20’s in close ground support hit troop concentrations in the Sarmi sector. Fighter Bombers hit Targets of opportunity in Wewak and Suain areas. P- 39’s maintain patrols over W shore of Geelvink Bay.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s bomb Iwo Jima Airfield. P-47’s blast AA guns and troops on Pagan and Aguijan. A B- 24 on armed recon bombs Woleai and Yap.

ELEVENTH AF–3 B-24’s hit Kashiwabara staging area during early morning, starting several fires. Later 6 B-25’s strafe and bomb E coast of N Kurils, sinking a patrol boat. 1 out of 4 interceptors and one of the B- 25’s are hit. 7 more B-24’s bomb targets on Kashiwabara and on Otomari Cape, including docks, piers, boats, and a fuel dump. 6 P-38’s unsuccessfully attempt to intercept 4 unidentified aircraft W of Attu.



N FRANCE—Gen Montgomery directs Cdn First Army to clear Pas-de-Calais; Br Second Army to push into Belgium; U.S. First Army to support Br drive, moving forward on axis Paris–Brussels. 21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps prepares to cross the Seine S of Rouen. Patrols of 4th Armd Div cross in evening.

            In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps expands and strengthens bridgehead at Vernon.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps is relieved by Br forces and releases 30th Div to XV Corps. XV Corps maintains Mantes-Gassicourt bridgehead and mops up. In V Corps area, while Fr 2d Armd Div mops up scattered opposition within Paris, 4th Div returns to positions SE of the city and protects Seine bridgehead and airfields in the area. In VII Corps area, additional elements of 3d Armd Div cross the Seine and push northward rapidly.

            U.S. Third Army, with gasoline running low, receives a shipment by air. VIII Corps continues to make slow progress toward Brest against firm opposition. In XX Corps area, 7th Armd Div thrusts quickly NE toward Château-Thierry and the Marne. Nogent-sur-Seine falls to 5th Div. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div mops up Troyes; 35th Div patrols on right flank.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, air and arty continue to help interdict northward withdrawal of enemy. 3d Div continues steadily northward toward Montélimar overcoming rear-guard opposition at Orange. 36th Div is unable to restore line along the Roubion at Bonlieu, and Germans withdraw additional units through the gap. TF Butler is ordered to restore block on Highway 7 at La Coucourde. Corps takes direct control of 757th Inf ( — 3d Bn), 45th Div. 2d Bn of 157th, moving W to reinforce 36th Div, seizes Allex, N of the Drôme and E of Livron, blocking lower reaches of the Drôme. 1st Bn assists in defending Crest.

            In Fr Army B’s 2d Corps area, organized resistance within Toulon comes to an end, but Germans retain San Mandrier Peninsula S of the city. At Marseille, further progress is made and fortified heights of Notre Dame de la Garde, within the city, capitulate. Forward elements of corps reach the Rhône in Avignon–Arles area and begin crossing.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of Third Ukrainian Front, advancing along the Prut R toward Galati, reach the Danube. Troops of Second Ukrainian Front are moving through Focsani–Galati gap. Bulgaria begins surrender negotiation with Allies.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, Br 13 Corps consolidates positions N of the Arno. In IV Corps area, S African 6th Armd Div is committed to line and begins relief of 85th Div, latter reverting to II Corps. Br Eighth Army secures bridgeheads across the Metauro in zones of Br 5, Cdn 1, and Pol 2 Corps with little difficulty.



Sunday, August 25, 2024

80 Years Ago, Friday, 25 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Picuda (SS-382), in attack on Japanese convoy at the western entrance to the Babuyan Channel, sinks destroyer Yunagi 20 miles north-northeast of Cape Bojeador, P.I., 18°45'N, 120°44'E, and merchant tanker Kotoku Maru, 18°46'N, 120°46'E; later, submarine Redfish (SS-395) comes upon the convoy attacked earlier by Picuda and damages army cargo ship Batopaha Maru north-northeast of Cape Bojeador, 18°31'N, 120°32'E; Manshu Maru tows the crippled Batopaha Maru to Bangui Bay where she is beached.

            Submarine Tang (SS-306) sinks Japanese merchant tanker No.8 Nanko Maru off Honshu, 33°55'N, 136°18'E.

            General stores issue ship Talita (AKS-8) is attacked by accident by U.S. merchant tanker Amatilla en route from Eniwetok to Espiritu Santo.

EUROPE–U.S. and French troops liberate Paris, France.

            Motor torpedo boats PT-513, PT-516, and PT-519 engage German coastal craft off Le Havre; PT-513 and PT-516 are damaged.



EIGHTH AF–Over 1,100 Heavy Bombers attack 4 aircraft plants, 3 Airfields, 2 experimental stations and 15 Targets of opportunity in Germany. 19 Heavy Bombers are lost. 15 fighter groups fly over 600 supporting sorties downing 11 enemy aircraft. 4 groups later strafe ground targets including numerous parked airplanes of which 30 are claimed destroyed. In a follow-up operation 92 Heavy Bombers attack 5 liquid oxygen plants in Belgium and N France. 5 fighter groups fly escort.

NINTH AF–About 240 A-20’s and B-26’s attack various enemy strongholds in and around Brest supporting ground forces’ attempt to capture Brest harbor. fighters provide air cover for 5 divs, fly armed recon along Seine R, and sweeps in wide areas around Paris which is liberated. fighters of IX TAC raid, and set afire with napalm tanks, the reported HQ of FM Model (CinC West) and Verzy.

TWELFTH AF–A-20’s hit Targets of opportunity during 24/25 Aug, and during the day fly armed recon over Po and Rhone Valleys, and hit ammo stores in S France. B-25’s and B-26’s attack Rhone R bridges at Avignon, Culoz, Saint- Alban-du-Rhone, Pont d’Ain, and Loyes, and hit gun positions around Marseille. Fighter Bombers on armed recon in SE France battle area and along battleline N of Arno R attack gun positions, roads, and bridges.

FIFTEENTH AF–More than 300 B-17’s and B-24’s supported by P-38’s and P-51’s bomb aircraft factories at Brno and Kurim and Airfields at Brno and Prostejov.

TENTH AF–9 B-25’s bomb Kondangyi. 4 P-47’s knock out bridge S of Bhamo and hit several Targets of opportunity in the area. 2 P-51’s bomb probable factory at Hopin. 6 flights of P-51’s attack buildings and Targets of opportunity at Pinlon and Kyagyigon. 32 other P-51’s support ground forces at Ingyingon and along Hsai-hkao and Namsang R.

FOURTEENTH AF–3 B-24’s bomb Kowloon docks. 3 B-25’s and 12 P-40’s hit buildings, troop compounds, and general Targets of opportunity in Yangtien area. 4 B-25’s and 21 P-40’s attack similar targets in and around Anjen. 2 B-25’s bomb fighter strip at Leiyang and 2 others hit town of Nanyo. 40 P-51’s and P-40’s attack wide variety of Targets of opportunity throughout Hengyang, Siangyin, Siangtan, and Siangsiang areas, Chenghsien, Lishui, Samshui, Chiangmen, Luichow Peninsula, and Red R delta.

FEAF–B-24’s strike Koror and Malakal I. B-24’s pound Lolobata. B-25s on shipping sweep over Lembeh Strait claim a merchant ship sunk and hit several small vessels. In Lesser Sunda Is a few B-25’s on shipping sweep attack several small vessels. A-20’s and Fighter Bombers hit Babo Airfield, Sagan, and Otawiri. P-39’s strafe troops near But.

SEVENTH AF–B-24’s from Saipan hit Airfield on Iwo Jima while P-47’s blast AA positions and troops on Pagan. A B-24 bombs Yap. Gilbertsbased B-25’s bomb Ponape.

ELEVENTH AF–1 B-24 flies recon over Shasukotan, Onnekotan, and Harumukotan Is but drops no bombs due to accurate AA fire.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Br Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 15th Div gets into position to cross the Seine at Louviers. In 30 Corps area, 43d Div establishes bridgehead across the Seine at Vernon under cover of arty fire.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps overruns Elbeuf, its objective; makes contact with Br forces to N. In V Corps area, Fr 2d Armd Div, bypassing resistance in Versailles area, gets forward elements into Paris from SW at 0700. 4th Div enters from S soon afterward, following Tr A, 38th Cav, which enters at 0730. FFI forces and jubilant French civilians assist in methodical clearing of scattered strongpoints within the city. German commander in Paris, Lt Gen Dietrich von Choltitz, surrenders formally to Brig Gen Jacques- Philippe Leclerc of Fr 2d Armd Div at 1515. 22d Inf, 4th Div, establishes bridgehead across the Seine S of Paris. V Corps releases 80th and 90th Divs to Third Army, which assigns them respectively to XII and XX Corps. In VII Corps area, CCB of 3d Armd Div crosses the Seine below Paris at Tilly. 1st and 9th Divs are assembling S of Paris.

            In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps launches strong attack on Brest at 1300 after preparatory bombardment for an hour. 2d, 8th, and 29th Divs, on E, N, and W, respectively, batter at strong outer defenses of the city, making little headway. 29th Div employs TF Sugar (special 175th Inf force that consists of 2 cos of 2d Ranger Bn and elements of 86th Cav Rcn Sq as well as 175th Inf units and is commanded by Lt Col Arthur T. Sheppe of 175th Inf) on extreme right to clear Le Conquet Peninsula, where formidable Batterie Graf Spee is located. TF B continues clearing peninsulas S of Brest. XX Corps defends Seine bridgeheads at Melun and Montereau. 5th Div crosses Yonne R at Missy. In XII Corps area, CCA of 4th Armd Div overcomes strong opposition in Troyes.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, 3d Div drives through Cavaillon, Orgon, and Avignon without opposition. Germans attack 36th Div’s line along the Roubion at its weakest point, Bonlieu, routing the engineers and separating 141st and 142d Regts. Elements of 143d are moved forward to help plug gap. Efforts of 1st Bn, 141st Inf, and TF Butler to block Highway 7 in La Coucourde area fail. 3d Bn of 157th Inf, 45th Div, is attached to 36th Div and moves to La Coucourde area. Since 141st Inf is under constant pressure and unable to gain control of hills N and NE of Montélimar, reinforcements are moved to Crest, on the Drôme, among them 143d Inf ( — ). Arty and aircraft are helping troops interdict enemy withdrawal up the Rhône.

            In Fr Army B area, 2d Corps continues to battle enemy at Toulon and Marseille.

EASTERN EUROPE—Tartu, junction of Riga– Tallinn line, falls to forces of Third Baltic Front. Rumania declares war on Germany.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s Br 13 Corps area, driving up Route 69, which parallels the Arno, 6th Armd Div reaches Route 70 E of Pontassieve. Br 1st Div and Ind 8th Div deepen bridgehead across the Arno to left. Br Eighth Army begins main assault on Gothic Line from Metauro R line, employing Br 5, Cdn 1, and Pol 2 Corps, from left to right, night 25–26. Enemy, taken by surprise, offers only ineffective opposition.

NEW GUINEA—Gen Krueger declares the Aitape operation at an end. During this action, Allied forces have lost about 440 killed,. 2,550 wounded, and 10 missing as against Japanese losses, by U.S. count, of 8,821 killed and 98 captured. Japanese 18th Army has paid with 21/3 divs for vain attacks to regain Aitape area and is no longer a major threat on New Guinea. On the Vogelkop, Japanese make their first air attack on region held by TF TYPHOON.



80 Years Ago, Thursday, 24 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine chaser SC-1009 is damaged by grounding off Kahului, Maui, T.H.

            Submarine Harder (SS-257) is sunk by Japanese Coast Defense Vessel No. 22 off west coast of Luzon, 15°50'N,119°43'E.

            Submarine Ronquil (SS-396) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking army cargo ship No.3 Yoshida Maru off Keelung, Formosa, 25°29'N, 123°15'E, and merchant cargo ship Fukurei Maru off Sankaku Island, 25°13'N, 121°49'E.

            Submarine Sailfish (SS-192) attacks Japanese convoy in Luzon Strait, sinking transport Toan Maru, 21°23'N,121°37'E.

            Submarine Seal (SS-183) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Tosei Maru off southeast coast of Hokkaido, 42°30'N,144°05'E.

            British carrier force attacks Padang, Sumatra, sinking Japanese merchant cargo ship Shiretoko Maru off the harbor and damaging Senko Maru and Chisho Maru.

            Japanese casualties include minelayer Itsukushima is damaged by aircraft off Menado, N.E.I.

            Japanese auxiliary vessel Senko Maru is damaged by aircraft north of Boetoeng harbor.

            Japanese army cargo ship No.21 Kongo Maru is sunk by aircraft, Philippine location unspecified.

MEDITERRANEAN–Destroyer Rodman (DD-456) is incapacitated by inoperative 5-inch director, off southern France.

            Motor torpedo boat PT-555 is damaged by mine at Cap Couronne buoy; a French vessel attempting to rescue crew is mined as well, 43°19'N, 05°30'E.



EIGHTH AF–Almost 400 Heavy Bombers attack armament factory and 17 oil installations, aircraft assembly plants and aero engine works and over 20 Targets of opportunity in Germany, losing 27 Heavy Bombers, but claiming 10 enemy airplanes destroyed. VIII FC flies over 600 sorties in support of mission, claiming 10 combat victories. 4 groups strafe Airfields near Brandenburg and Nordhausen, an marshalling yard near Brunswick, and the Neuenhaus-Nordhorn area. Ground targets destroyed include 14 airplanes, 7 locomotives, trucks, and boats.

NINTH AF–Weather cancels IX BC mission against 4 fuel dumps N of the Seine. fighters give air cover to ground forces, mainly for 3 armd and 2 inf divs, bomb Seine bridges, and fly armed recon along Seine and around Troyes, Orleans, and Tours. About 275 transports fly supply and evacuation missions.

TWELFTH AF–A-20’s during 23/24 Aug hit motor transport and T/O in Rhone Valley and at Genoa, Milan, and Turin. Medium Bombers bomb bridges at Montpellier, Avignon, Lunel, Solignano Nuovo, and Castel del Rio, and score direct hits on gun positions in Marseille area. fighters bomb and strafe gun positions, vehicles, roads and bridges throughout SE France.

FIFTEENTH AF–530-plus B-17’s and B-24’s bomb 8 oil refineries at Kolin and Pardubice, Vinkovci marshalling yard, Szeged, and Ferrara railroad bridge and several Targets of opportunity. Around 70-80 fts attack the Czechoslovakian missions. US Heavy Bombers and escorting fighters claim nearly 40 air victories.

TENTH AF–9 B-25’s bomb Kangon. 3 P-47 flights support British troops NE of Pinbaw, hitting forces and gun emplacements near Namyin Te and Nansankyin. 4 P-47’s bomb Nankan. 4 P-51’s strafe vehicles along Shweli R and bomb storage area S of Hopin.

FOURTEENTH AF–Town areas, river and road traffic, railroad targets, and other Targets of opportunity in or near Hengyang, Chuchou, Siangtan, and Yangtien are attacked by 8 B-25’s and 25 P-40’s. 19 other P-40’s hit similar Targets of opportunity at Yungcheng, Anjen, along C Yangtze R, and S of Mangshih.

FEAF–Shipping in Lembeh Strait is attacked by B-25’s, while B-24’s bomb Lolobata Airfield.

TWENTIETH AF–Advanced air echelon of Gen O’Donnell’s 73d Bomb Wing HQ flies into the Marianas, the first Twentieth AF contingent to arrive. Ground echelon arrives by water on 16 Sep.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based P-47’s pound Aguijan and Pagan. Marshallbased B-24’s bomb Truk while B-25’s hit Nauru.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br I Corps extends right flank to St Georges-du-Vièvre, on Risle R. In 2 Corps area, Cdn 2d Div seizes Bernay and establishes bridgehead across Risle R at Nassandres. Contact is made with U.S. XIX Corps in Elbeuf area.

            In Br Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 15th Div is concentrating near Le Neubourg in preparation for attack across the Seine at Louviers.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps moves closer to Elbeuf and is interdicting Seine crossing sites with arty fire. In XV Corps area, 5th Armd Div reaches Houdebouville. In V Corps area, Fr 2d Armd Div gets a little closer to city limits of Paris against strong opposition. 102d Cav Gp units, screening for 4th Div, reach the Seine S of Paris. Ordered by Gen Bradley to push into Paris at once, 4th Div, less one RCT, attacks toward the city from S in conjunction with Fr attacks from SW One RCT of 4th Div retains mission of securing crossings of the Seine S of Paris.

            In U.S. Third Army area, XX Corps gains bridgeheads across the Seine at Melun and Montereau, 7th Armd Div establishing former and 5th Div, latter. In XII Corps area, CCA of 4th Armd Div drives E toward Troyes while CCB, to right, reaches St Florentin area and 35th Div moves up to Courtenay; CCR is moving forward to join rest of 4th Armd Div.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, 1st ABTF’s 509th Para Bn, followed by 1st Bn of 551st Para Inf, advances into Cannes without opposition and pushes on to Antibes. 1st SSF takes Grasse with ease; seizes Valbonne and makes contact with friendly forces from Cannes area. RCT 517, which has relieved elements of 36th Div in Fayence–Callian area, advances on left flank of 1st ABTF, taking St Vallier on Route Napoléon. In VI Corps area, 36th Div establishes MLR along Roubion R and faces S to prevent enemy movement northward: 141st Inf, on right, defends sector W from Bonlieu; 142d protects left sector of line from Bonlieu to Pré-Alps. Elements of 111th Engr Bn are disposed in front of Bonlieu. Forward elements of 3d Div reach the Rhône at Arles.

            In Fr Army B’s 2d Corps area, organized resistance in E part of Toulon comes to an end, but Germans retain W part and dock area. Chapuis Group, 3d Algerian Div, pushes well into Marseille. CC2, 1st Armd Div, relieves U.S. 3d Div at Aix, Gardanne, and Rognac.

EASTERN EUROPE—Kishinev falls to Soviet frontal and flanking attacks.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s Br 13 Corps area, 1st Div and Ind 8th Div begin fording the Arno E of Florence to secure positions on N bank before main Fifth Army attack starts—there is no opposition.

            Br Eighth Army completes preparations for attack on Gothic Line on 3-corps front. Screened by Pol 2 Corps on army right flank, Cdn 1 Corps, employing Cdn 1st Div in line, takes over narrow front just W of Pol 2 Corps. 5 Corps, with 46th Div and Ind 4th Div in line, moves to W of Cdn 1 Corps on front of about 20 miles. 10 Corps, consisting of Ind 10th Div and mixed brig group, continues to hold left flank of army. Italian Corps of Liberation, upon relief by 5 Corps, is held in army reserve.

CBI—On Salween front, Japanese reinforcements start from Mangshih to Lung-ling front.

NEW GUINEA—In Vogelkop area, Gen Sibert leaves Sansapor-Mar sector to take command of X Corps, hq of which has recently arrived from U.S. Brig Gen Charles E. Hurdis takes over Gen Sibert’s posts as commander of TF TYPHOON and 6th Div.






Thursday, August 22, 2024

80 Years Ago, Wednesday, 23 August 1944


PACIFIC–Destroyer Cassin (DD-372), destroyer escort Cabana (DE-260), and infantry landing craft (gunboat) LCI(G)-346 and LCI(G)-438 bombard Japanese installations and positions on Aguijan Island, Marianas; ships repeat bombardment (LCI(G)-348 replaces LCI(G)-438 on 24 and 25 August) daily until 26 August.

            Battleships Tennessee (BB-43) and California (BB-44) en route from Eniwetok to Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, collide; damage to California will prevent her from participating in upcoming Palau operations.

            Submarine Haddo (SS-255) torpedoes Japanese destroyer Asakaze as the enemy warship is escorting tanker Niyo Maru, 20 miles southwest of Cape Bolinao, Luzon, P.I., 16°06'N, 119°44'E. Asakaze sinks near Dasol Bay after attempts at salvage fail.

            Submarine Tang (SS-306) attacks Japanese convoy off Honshu, sinking cargo ship Tsukushi Maru off Hamamatsu,34°37'N, 137°52'E.

            PB4Y-1s (VB 102) attack Japanese convoy in the Bonnins and sink Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No.5 Shonan Maru northwest of Chichi Jima, 27°07'N,142°06'E.

MEDITERRANEAN–German garrison on Isle de Proquerolles, except isolated stragglers, surrenders to Commander TG 86.3 in light cruiser Omaha (CL-4); the island will then be occupied by Senegalese troops.

            Destroyer escort Solar (DE-221) is damaged by collision with underwater object.

            High speed transport Tattnall (APD-19) is damaged by collision with underwater object off southern France.

EUROPE–U.S. freighter Louis Kossuth, bound for Utah Beach, Normandy, is torpedoed by German submarine U-989 at 50°16'N, 01°41'30"W. Of the 334 embarked troops, 13 are injured; there are no casualties to either the merchant complement (40 men) or the 28-man Armed Guard, and the ship is towed to Cowes, England, by British tug Empire Winnie.



EIGHTH AF–150-plus Fighter Bombers bomb and strafe rail transportation from Saint-Omer to Reims. Over 80 bomb Hamm marshalling yards and 9 others, and strafe miscellaneous ground and river targets.

NINTH AF–IX BC sends 4 B-26’s to drop leaflets on Lisieux-Bernay area. fighters fly ground forces cover, sweeps, armed recon over battle areas and along Seine R, and attack arty positions. Over 160 transports fly supply and evacuation missions and several hundred recon aircraft fly tac, visual, photographic, and arty adjustment recon missions.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers attack road and rail bridges N of Arno R and roads leading N from Florence, and also hit bridges in Rhone Valley. Widespread haze in parts of France and Italy prevents accurate bombing. Fighter Bombers continue to attack comm, gun positions, and road movements in Provence battle areas.

FIFTEENTH AF–472 B-24’s and B-17’s supported by P-51’s and P-38’s bomb S industrial area of Vienna, Wiener- Neudorf aircraft engine factory, Vosendorf oil refinery, and Markersdorf Airfield, and attack targets at Ferrara, missing river bridge but hitting synthetic rubber factory.

TENTH AF–32 P-47’s support British advances down railroad in Pinbaw area hitting gun positions, troops, and HQ buildings, immediately N or Pinbaw, and along Nansonti Creek. 6 P-47’s pound Onsansaing, 8 P-51’s bomb encampment near Kadu, and 4 hit Lungling and Mangshih. 5 others attack guns, fuel dump, and other Targets of opportunity along Burma Road from Wanling to Lungling while 7 more hit buildings and vehicles during sweeps of the general Mangshih-Chefang area. 12 P-51’s hit Targets of opportunity SW of Lungling and 2 P-40’s strafe trucks at Chefang.

FOURTEENTH AF–7 B-25’s and 21 Fighter Bombers attack villages, compounds, other Targets of opportunity near Hengyang, Lingyang, and Anjen. More than 40 Fighter Bombers hit villages, shipping, troops, supplies, and other Targets of opportunity around Ichang, Yangtien, Siangtan, and Yiyang, and S of Sungpai and Siangyin.

FEAF–B-24’s pound Galela area and Langgoer Airfield and Saumlakki. Fighter Bombers hit Airfield at Nabire, Moemi, and Urarom, village of Moari, and town of Manokwari. B-25’s, A-20’s, and Fighter Bombers continue to attack barge hideouts, troops, villages, and general Targets of opportunity around Wewak.

SEVENTH AF–B-24’s from Saipan bomb Yap and Iwo Jima while P-47’s hit Pagan and Aguijan. Gilbert-based B-25’s attack Ponape.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 1 Corps continues to make slow progress in coastal sector. 2 Corps is heavily engaged in vicinity of Orbec.

            In Br Second Army’s 12 Corps area, mechanized patrols reach Bernay. In 30 Corps area, 50th Div reaches Verneuil–Breteuil area, where it halts while U.S. XIX Corps moves across its front toward Elbeuf. 12 Army Group: Attaches XV Corps and its 5th Armd and 79th Inf Divs to First Army, effective 0600 24th; alters boundary between First and Third Armies to run along line Chartres–Melun (both towns to First Army).

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s V Corps area, Fr 2d Armd Div, reinf by Tr B of 102d Cav Sq, starts toward Paris along 2 routes to assist FFI forces in taking the city but is halted in Versailles–Bois de Meudon area by strongpoints and roadblocks. 4th Div, preceded by 102d Cav Gp (less Tr B) follows Fr armor along southern route and reaches Arpajon, S of Paris. In XIX Corps area, one 2d Armd Div column, bypassing Conches, which 28th Div clears, reaches Le Neubourg, while another drives toward Elbeuf. 30th Div finds Evreux free of enemy and makes contact with 5th Armd Div (XV Corps) on right.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XV corps area, 79th Div maintains Seine bridgehead at Mantes-Gassicourt while 5th Armd Div continues clearing region W of the Seine. In XX Corps area, 5th Div takes Fontainebleau and continues toward Montereau. 7th Armd Div closes in on Melun. In XII Corps area, 35th Div overruns Montargis.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, engineers are preparing way for entry of 1st ABTF into Cannes, which patrols report clear of enemy. 1st SSF prepares to attack Grasse, important road junction on Route Napoleon (Highway 85). VI Corps concentrates on intercepting German withdrawal up Rhône Valley to Lyon, 141st Inf, 36th Div, closes in the valley and occupies MLR from Drôme R to Montélimar area; TF Butler is disposed to support 141st Inf and provide flank protection; 2d Bn of 141st, assisted by French Maquis and arty fire of TF Butler from Condillac Pass, attacks southward toward Montélimar on Highway 7 but fails in the first of many efforts to take the town. To free additional elements of 36th Div for action in Rhône Valley, 180th Inf of 45th Div relieves 142d Inf of defensive positions in N part of E (right) flank of corps. 179th Inf is attached to 36th Div in Grenoble area. 3d Div works NW toward the Rhône and finds Martigues clear.

            In Fr Army B’s 2 Corps area, 9th Colonial and 1st Inf Divs break into E part of Toulon and press forward to center of city. After battery on Cap de l’Esterel, at E tip of Giens Peninsula, surrenders, Fr troops land on the peninsula and clear it without opposition. Chapuis Group of 3d Algerian Div, assisted by Goums and CCI of 1st Armd Div, breaks into suburbs of Marseille from E and N. Efforts to induce the garrison to surrender fail.

RUMANIA—King Michael surrenders Rumania unconditionally to Soviet forces.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, advance elements of 92d Div—RCT 370—take over part of zone held by 1st Armd Div.

CBI—War Department notifies Gen Stilwell that operations to open land route to China must be limited to construction of 2-way, all-weather road to Myitkyina and opening trail from there to China. This decision is made in order to increase manpower for Pacific offensives but limits tonnage to China over Ledo Road. Gen Hearn presents message from President Roosevelt to Chiang Kai-Shek, urging that Gen Stilwell be put in command of Chinese forces soon and commenting on conditions proposed by Chinese. Gen Hearn also informs Gen Chennault that his proposal to send U.S. supplies to E China for recapture of Heng-yang is refused. On Salween front, Japanese commander at Lungling calls for reinforcements.

NEW GUINEA—On Noemfoor, 503d Para Inf begins concentration in Kamiri airdrome area, leaving 3 cos behind to patrol S part of Noemfoor.






80 Years Ago, Tuesday, 22 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Bowfin (SS-287) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking army cargo ship Tsushima Maru in the Nansei Shoto,29°30'N, 129°30'E.

            Submarines Haddo (SS-255) and Harder (SS-257) encounter three Japanese escort vessels off the mouth of Manila Bay. Haddo sinks Sado 35 miles west of Manila, 14°15'N, 120°05'E; Harder sinks Matsuwa and Hiburi about 50miles west-southwest of Manila, 14°15'N, 120°05'E. Loss of the trio of escorts in one day prompts the Chief of Staff,1st Surface Escort Unit, to lament candidly: "Escort vessels, whose prime duty it is to attack and sink enemy submarines, have themselves been being sunk by enemy subs. This year alone a total of 13 have been sunk and three badly damaged. In addition, the Kusagaki, Matsuwa, Sado and Hiburi have been sunk one after the other just recently." The situation mirrors the plight of Japanese antisubmarine operations.

            Submarine Pintado (SS-387) attacks Japanese convoy, sinking merchant tanker No.2 Tonan Maru (see 10 October1942) 200 nautical miles southeast of Shanghai, 29°52'N, 125°22'E.

            Submarine Spadefish (SS-411) attacks Japanese convoy, damaging tanker No.2 Hakko Maru in Luzon Strait, 18°48'N,120°46'E; the tanker takes refuge in Passeleng Bay. Subsequent efforts to salvage her prove unavailing as the tanker will break up in heavy swells on 18 September.

            Submarine Tang (SS-306) sinks Japanese army cargo ship No.2 Nansatsu Maru off Mikizaki, 34°01'N, 136°21'E.

            British submarine HMS Statesman sinks Japanese army cargo ship No.5 Sugi Maru (ex-Panamanian Gran) off Port Blair, 11°41'N, 92°47'E; escorting torpedo boat Kari and submarine chaser Ch.9 carry out unsuccessful counterattacks.

            Japanese merchant cargo ship Kanzaki Maru is sunk by aircraft off east coast of Korea, 36°01'N, 129°41'E.



NINTH AF–IX BC operations are cancelled because of weather. fighters fly sweeps, provide air cover for 2 inf and 1 armd div, strafe numerous military and transportation targets, and fly armed recon from Evreux to Troyes.

TWELFTH AF–Weather restricts operation in SE France. B-26’s attack targets in Po Valley where they destroy 1 bridge and severely damage another. A-20’s hit motor transport SW of Alessandria and in Nice area during 21/22 Aug and hit industrial buildings in S France during the day. fighters hit motor transport W of the Rhone and in scattered parts of SE France.

FIFTEENTH AF–Around 530 B-17’s and B-24’s supported by P-51’s and P-38’s bomb oil refineries at Korneuburg, Odertal, and Blechhammer (2), and oil storage at Lobau.

TENTH AF–P-51’s and P-47’s fly 53 sorties against Tengchung in support of attacking Chinese forces. 28 P-47’s attack buildings, supply dumps, troops, and gun positions near Ingyingon, Nansankyin, and Pinlon. 8 P-47’s strafe Targets of opportunity between Tingka and Bhamo. 2 rocket-firing P-51’s seriously damage several buildings at Aledaw. 9 B-25’s bomb Hopin.

FOURTEENTH AF–11 P-40’s and P-38’s hit bridges and road targets around Tingka, Mangshih, Loiwing, and Pangpying. 6 others attack landing strip and river traffic at an island near Foochow.

FEAF–FBs continue to blast supply and personnel targets in Manokwari and surrounding areas. Fighter Bombers again hit N coastal New Guinea areas, including shipping facilities at Wewak, barge terminal on Mushu I, and trains and troop positions at various coastal points.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s bomb Airfields on Yap and Pagan. P-47’s also pound Pagan Airfield and AA emplacements. Kwajalein-based B-24’s hit Mille.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army’s Br I Corps area, Deauville falls to Belgian Brig, under command of Br 6th A/B Div. 6th A/B Div is engaging enemy in Pont Evêque area. Br 49th Div crosses the Touques near Pont Evêque. Br 7th Armd Div thrusts beyond the Touques, passing through S outskirts of Lisieux. 2 Corps, less elements mopping up Falaise–Argentan pocket, reaches Touques R.

            In Br Second Army’s 30 Corps area, 11th Armd Div, speeding eastward, reaches Laigle.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s V Corps area, Br 30 Corps units relieve 80th Div, from which CCL is detached and reverts to Fr 2d Armd Div. 80th and 90th Divs assemble for maintenance and rehabilitation while awaiting new orders. V Corps, now entirely out of contact with enemy, is given mission of freeing Paris. Fr 2d Armd Div is alerted for the task. 4th Div is transferred to V Corps from VII Corps. Advance into Paris is to begin at conclusion of German-FFI armistice on 23d. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div continues steadily northward, overrunning Breteuil; 28th Div clears Verneuil. 30th Div reaches vicinity of Evreux.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XV Corps area, 79th Div holds Mantes-Gassicourt bridgehead against enemy counterattack. 5th Armd Div continues N toward Louviers despite strong opposition between Eure and Seine Rivers. XX Corps speeds toward Melun and Montereau, 7th Armd Div approaching Melun and 5th Div threatening Fontainebleau. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div, continuing E from Sens, overcomes opposition at Villeneuve. 35th Div reaches W outskirts of Montargis. In VIII Corps area, main body of 29th Div is moving W by motor to Brest.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, 1st ABTF is reinf by 1st SSF, which is committed in center to replace Br 2d Para Brig. RCT 517 is given task of patrolling roads W and S of Larche Pass and maintaining contact with friendly forces to W. In VI Corps area, 3d Div improves positions on left flank of corps. Elements of 157th Inf, 45th Div, and FFI forces clear Apt; 180th Inf reduces light rearguard opposition in Rognes area; 179th moves toward Grenoble to join 36th Div. 36th Div units take Grenoble without opposition and reconnoiter beyond there without incident; RCT 141 starts W to Rhône Valley to back up TF Butler in Montélimar area and emplaces 2 FA bns near Marsanne to fire across the Rhône; RCT 142 arrives at Gap.

            In Fr Army B area, USS Omaha accepts surrender of garrison of Porquerolles I., off Giens Peninsula. In 2d Corps area, while 1st Div continues W toward Toulon along coast against strong resistance, Linares Group of 3d Algerian Div seizes Mt. Faron, last of the big hilltop fortresses N of Toulon, and 9th Colonial Div forces enemy from La Vallette, NE of Toulon. With reduction of Mt. Faron, a way is opened into Toulon through Dardennes ravine. On N flank, Chapuis Group of 3d Algerian Div and elements of 1st Armd Div invest Marseille.

EASTERN EUROPE—Offensive against Rumania by troops of Second and Third Ukrainian Fronts is overwhelming enemy. Iasi falls to forces of Second Ukrainian Front.

ITALY—AAI: In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps occupies S bank of the Metauro from S. Ippolito to the coast. Italian Corps of Liberation, moving up on left flank, reaches Cagli, SW of S. Ippolito.

CBI—Adm Mountbatten returns to Ceylon from London, having presented his views on strategy there. On Salween front, Japanese remnants around Sung Shan, during 21 and 22, make futile counterattacks against Chinese.

SWPA—TF TRADEWIND (Morotai force) issues FO No. 1.




Wednesday, August 21, 2024

80 Years Ago, Monday, 21 August 1944


PACIFIC–Off Mindoro, submarines Guitarro (SS-363), Haddo (SS-255), Harder (SS-257) and Ray (SS-271) carry out series of attacks on Japanese convoy: Guitarro sinks merchant cargo ship Uga Maru, 13°21'N, 120°18'E; Haddo sinks merchant cargo ships Kinryu Maru and Norfolk Maru and damages merchant tanker Taiei Maru, 13°22'N, 120°19'E; and Ray sinks Japanese merchant tanker Taketoyo Maru, 13°23'N, 120°19'E.

            Submarine Muskallunge (SS-262) attacks Japanese Manila- to-Singapore convoy, sinking Japanese army transport Durban Maru off Cam Ranh Bay, French Indochina, 11°45'N, 109°46'E.

            PB4Ys damage Japanese guardboat No.10 Sumiyoshi Maru and small cargo vessel Shinyama Maru northwest of Marcus Island.

            PB4Ys damage Japanese cargo vessel Tateishi Maru in Davao harbor.

            RAAF Beaufighters and Kittyhawks attack Japanese shipping off Kaimana, 03°40'S, 133°50'E.

            Japanese army cargo ship Tokuhei Maru is sunk, probably by USAAF aircraft, Tayeh, Yangtze River.

MEDITERRANEAN–Destroyer Eberle (DD-430) takes 140 Armenian prisoners from Porquerolles, France.



INTERNATIONAL–A series of conferences begins at Dumbarton Oaks. Delegates from US, UK, USSR, and China discuss postwar issues.

NINTH AF–Bad weather grounds all bombers and fighters. Less than 20 transports fly supply and evacuation missions.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers hit roads and bridges in Po Valley while A-20’s during 20/21 Aug strike motor transport in the W part of the Valley and bomb Alessandria barracks during the day. Fighter Bombers and fighters again blast enemy comm lines and gun positions in S France, marshalling yard and rail lines at Alessandria and Casale Monferrato, and motor transport and train cars in NW Italy and SE France.

FIFTEENTH AF–117 B-24’s, escorted by P-51’s, bomb Nish Airfield. 102 B-24’s, with P-51 escort, hit Hajduboszormeny Airfield which 46 other P-51’s sweep, some making low-level strafings on parked aircraft.

TENTH AF–6 B-25’s knock out and damage 3 river bridges at Mu area and at Hsipaw, 36 P-51’s support ground forces near Pinlon, Ingyingon, and Nansankyin. 8 P-51’s bomb storage area at Chyahkan.

FOURTEENTH AF–8 B-25’s bomb Anjen and Targets of opportunity in surrounding area. 7 others attack Hengyang Airfield, town of Nanyo, and several buildings and other Targets of opportunity near Yangtien. 90-plus Fighter Bombers hit town areas, river and road trafflc, and other Targets of opportunity at Pengtse, Kinhwa, Tengchung, Anjen, Hengyang, and Yangtsishih; S of Sintsaing, N of Tungting Lake, between Hankow and Sinti, and in Changsha area.

FEAF–B-24’s blast supply dumps and AA guns on Wasile Bay coast. B-25’s hit Kaoe Airfield and town. B-25’s hit villages and supply areas on Karakelong I. Fighter Bombers blast warehouses and other targets in Manokwari area. A-20’s and Fighter Bombers hit supply dumps in SawarSarmi sector and attack troops along coast, particularly from Babiang to Luain.

SEVENTH AF–B-24’s from Saipan hit Yap, P-47’s bomb Pagan, and Makin-based B-25’s hit Nauru.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps, leaving Pol 1st Armd and Cdn 3d Divs to complete reduction of Falaise–Argentan Pocket, drives E toward the Seine at Rouen.

            In Br Second Army’s 30 Corps area, 11th Armd Div, spearheading for corps, bypasses Gacé and drives on toward Laigle.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s V Corps area, 80th Div is relieved of responsibility for its sector near Argentan by Br 30 Corps. 102d Cav Gp, which has closed in Sées area, begins rcn NE of Sées and E of Exmes. VII Corps commits 9th Div in defensive role in Mortagne area. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div bypasses Verneuil and advances toward Breteuil. 28th Div moves up to clear Verneuil. 30th Div overruns Nonancourt.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XV Corps area, while 79th Div improves and expands bridgehead across the Seine in Mantes-Gassicourt area, 5th Armd Div continues N toward Louviers. In XX Corps area, 7th Armd Div drives to Arpajon–Rambouillet area. 5th Div overruns Etampes. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div captures Sens. 35th Div pushes through Pithiviers.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, 1st ABTF begins clearing coastal sector around La Napoule in preparation for drive on Cannes. In VI Corps area, 30th Inf of 3d Div, assisted by FFI forces, takes Aix-en-Provence, from which most Germans have withdrawn. Gen Truscott orders 3d Div to halt on line Le Puy–Rognac until strength of enemy armor can be determined. 45th Div columns are moving on Avignon, Apt, and Volonne. TF Butler, turning over roadblocks below Grenoble to 36th Div, drives W through Die and Crest to the Rhône Valley, destroying enemy vehicle convoy N of Livron. 36th Div shuttles to Grenoble corridor to relieve TF Butler and continues across the Durance toward Grenoble; is ordered to provide reinforcements for TF Butler in Rhône Valley.

            In Fr Army B area, 2d Corps continues drive on Toulon and Marseille. 1st Div takes Hyères, on E approach to Toulon. Groupe de Commandos takes Mt. Coudon and Linares Group of 3d Algerian Div neutralizes Mt. Caumes, both hilltop fortresses N of Toulon. Bonjour Group, 3d Algerian Div, gets rcn elements to Bandol, on coast W of Toulon, completing investment of Toulon. Chapuis Group, 3d Algerian Div, and elements of 1st Armd Div continue W on N flank of 2d Corps toward Marseille, reaching Aubagne.

EASTERN EUROPE—Continuing counteroffensive, Germans regain Tukums, 35 miles E of Riga.

ITALY—AAI: Orders U.S. Fifth Army, which has been pretending to build up forces in vicinity of Pisa and Fucecchio, to extend its feigned concentrations, particularly in Florence area, to cover preparations for main Br Eighth Army push. In U.S. Fifth Army’s II Corps area, 88th Div sends 350th Inf to Leghorn to assist IV Corps. Br 13 Corps prepares for limited operations across the Arno, since enemy appears to be withdrawing.

            In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps continues northward in Adriatic sector, forcing enemy to withdraw behind the Metauro R, night 21–22.

NEW GUINEA—In Wakde-Sarmi area, RCT 20 reverts to 6th Div from attachment to 31st Div.