Saturday, September 7, 2024

80 Years Ago, Sunday, 3 September 1944


PACIFIC—TG 12.5 (Rear Admiral Allen E. Smith), comprising light carrier Monterey (CVL-26), three heavy cruisers, and three destroyers, pound Japanese installations on Wake Island.

            Mine damages Japanese destroyer Hasu off Yangtze estuary, 31°19'N, 121°43'E.

MEDITERRANEAN—Storm damages submarine chaser SC-535 off southern France, 43°17'N, 06°38'E.

            Storm sinks tank landing craft LCT-151, 39°22'N, 08°00'E.



EIGHTH AF—Over 300 B-17’s bomb Ludwigshafen/Opau synthetic oil plant. 5 escorting P-51 groups claim 7 combat victories. Nearly 400 B-17’s bomb 16 gun batteries and defense installations in Brest area, escorted by P- 51 group, which claims 7 aircraft destroyed. 3 P-47 groups strafe transportation targets in Tilburg, Namur and Cologne areas. Bad weather cancels fighter bomber mission against strongpoints in Brest area. Over 50 B-24’s fly supplies to Orleans/Bricy airfield.

NINTH AF—Medium bombers and light bombers supporting ground troops pound strongpoints and bridges in Brest area. Fighters fly armed reconnaissance, ground support, and sweeps in N and E France, Belgium, and W Germany.

TWELFTH AF—Medium bombers pound railroad and road bridges in W Po Valley while fighter bombers blast motor transport and rolling stock in Turin area. On 2/3 September A-20’s on armed reconnaissance of N Italy, start fires in Genoa harbor. Fighter bombers blast German vehicles retreating up Rhone Valley. Capture of Lyon is completed by French elements of US Seventh Army.

FIFTEENTH AF—Over 300 heavy bombers hit key escape routes of retreating German forces in the Balkans, and bomb rail communications and supply lines S from Budapest, 3 bridges in Belgrade area, bridges at Szajol and Szeged, and badly damage ferry docks at Smederovo. 3 B-17’s evacuate interned airmen from Bucharest. 40 P- 38’s divebomb Smederovo ferry and strafe Kovin and Baviniste airfields and a landing ground, destroying many parked aircraft, motor transport, vehicles, and fuel tanks. 75 P-51’s strafe roads, railroads, vehicles, bivouac areas, railroad repair shops, and miscellaneous targets in Skoplje-Nish-Krusevac-Belgrade areas.

TENTH AF—4 B-26’s attack and slightly damage Tahpalai bridge NE of Hsipaw. 1 B-26 knocks out center span of a railroad bridge in the area and another causes considerable damage at Indaw.

FOURTEENTH AF—12 B-24’s pound marshalling yards at Nanking. 7 B-25’s destroy at least 45 trucks and damage about 100 others during armed reconnaissance from Hengyang to Tungting Lake and Yoyang. 2 others bomb Hengyang airfield. More than 100 P-40’s, P-51’s, and P-38’s attack troops, railroad targets, bridges, and other targets of opportunity in areas around Changning, Hengyang, Sungpai, Chuki, Yangtien, Hengshan, and near Haiphong and in Red R Valley.

FEAF—B-24’s pound Langoan airfield and Lembeh Strait warehouses and shipping. B-25’s hit village of Tobelo. Fighter bombers hit Babo, Waren and Nabire airfields, Manokwari storage and personnel areas, strafe areas along MacCluer Gulf, and fly coastal sweeps in Wewak area, strafing troops, supplies, and occupied areas. Fighter bombers hit oil tanks and radio station at Boela.

THIRTEENTH AF—XIII Bomber Command moves from Los Negros to Wakde.

SEVENTH AF—Saipan-based B-24’s bomb Iwo Jima. P-47’s hit Pagan and Maug Is with rockets. A lone B-24 on armed reconnaissance bombs Yap.



N FRANCE-BELGIUM—21 Army Group: Gen Montgomery orders British Second Army to drive speedily to the Rhine and secure crossing; Canadian First Army to continue to clear coastal region. In Canadian First Army area, British 1 Corps closely invests Le Havre, moving 51st Division from St Valery to positions on right of 49th Division. Preparations are begun for all-out assault on the elaborate fortifications of the city and port. In 2 Corps area, 4th Armored Division establishes bridgehead across the Somme in Pont Remy area, E of Abbeville, and halts there temporarily. Polish 1st Armored Division, coming up on left, crosses the river W of Abbeville.

            In British Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 7th Armored Division, directed on Ghent, continues NE to Lillers, on Bethune–Aire road. 30 Corps, pressing quickly NE, crosses French-Belgian border. On left, 11th Armored Division, advancing on Antwerp, reaches positions E of Alost despite opposition in Lille–Tournai area. Guards Armored Division drives into Brussels and blocks exits from the city.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps remains generally S of Tournai, containing pocket SW of Mons on W. V Corps is ordered to new zone on right flank of First Army, where it is to face E and advance as quickly as possible to the Meuse. In VII Corps area, Mons (Belgium) falls to 3d Armored Division. 1st Division exerts pressure against large body of disorganized enemy pocketed in Mons–Bavai–Forêt de Mormal area.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, 7th Armored Division columns feinting toward Sedan are recalled, returning on 4th after getting enough gasoline to do so. Airfield near Reims is sufficiently repaired by this time to receive cargo planes.

S FRANCE—U.S. Seventh Army, with capture of Lyon by French forces, completes original mission. Permission is granted for VI Corps to continue pursuit to Belfort Gap via Lons–Le Saunier–Besançon route. 2d Corps of French Army B is to advance up NW bank of the Saône on axis Dijon–Epinal. In VI Corps area, 36th Division continues northward toward Macon. 117th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, spearheading advance to right, reaches Bourg-en-Bresse and Montrevel but is strongly attacked by Germans fleeing from Meximieux and suffers and inflicts heavy losses. 3d Division is moving forward in center of corps. In French Army B area, 2d Corps, driving NW on left flank of army to make contact with OVERLORD forces, seizes Villefranche, N of Lyon.

ITALY—AAI: In British Eighth Army’s 5 Corps area, 46th Division secures small bridgehead across Conca R in Morciano region. Canadian 1 Corps continues to pursue enemy northward, 5th Armored Division clearing Misano.

NEW GUINEA—Plans for invasion of Morotai I. are now ready. In Vogelkop area, Mar airdrome for bombers is completed on schedule.




Friday, September 6, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 2 September 1944


PACIFIC—Submarine Guardfish (SS-217) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Shirakami Maru north of Chichi Jima, 29°48'E,140°20'E.

            Submarine Finback (SS-230), while lifeguarding for Chichi Jima strike, rescues Lieutenant (jg) George H.W. Bush, A-V(N), USNR, of VT 51; Bush will eventually become the 41st President of the United States.

            British submarine HMS Sirdar sinks Japanese guard boat No.5 Kaiyo Maru off northwestern Sumatra, 03°55'N,096°20'E; and submarine HMS Strongbow sinks Japanese army cargo ship No.1 Toso Maru off west coast of Siam,07°57'N, 98°49'E.

            Aircraft flying from TG 38.4’s carrier Enterprise (CV6) further damage Japanese landing ship T.4 previously damaged by aircraft off Chichi Jima.

            Aircraft sink Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No.2 Misago Maru north of Mindanao.


EIGHTH AF—A P-47 group strafes gun positions and road and rail trafflc in Bruges-Ghent-Courtrai-Roulers area.

NINTH AF—IX TAC, moving with US First Army, transfers HQ to Versailles. On 11 September HQ follows the ground forces to Jamioulx. Weather grounds bombers. Fighters fly armed reconnaissance and area support to ground forces in Belgium and NW, NE, and E France.

TWELFTH AF—B-25’s bomb 3 bridges in Po Valley, following raid during 1/2 September by A-20’s which hit pontoon bridge and targets of opportunity in the Valley. Fighter bombers blast roads, bridges and gun emplacements in Po Valley, docks at Savona, and shipping off shore. France-based fighter bombers, hampered by poor weather, hit barracks and rail lines in Lyon area.

FIFTEENTH AF—XV FC (Prov) is activated and given control of the 306th Fighter Wing (Prov) and 306th Fighter Wing (Prov)— shortly to be organized—and their 7 fighter groups. 380-plus heavy bombers hit Kraljevo railroad bridge and marshalling yard, railroad bridge at Mitrovica, road bridge at Supovac, and 3 marshalling yards at Nish. 27 P-38’s dive-bomb Cuprija road bridge while 57 P-38’s and 112 P-51’s strafe road and railways in Nish and Belgrade areas. Other P- 51’s escort Nish and Supovac bombing missions.

TENTH AF—8 B-25’s hit targets along Burma Road S of Wanling, including the road itself and bridges at Kawnghka and Namhpakka. Another B-25 hits alternate target, an area in Indaw. 24 B-24’s haul fuel to Kunming.

FOURTEENTH AF—2 B-25’s bomb runway at Hengyang airfield. 30 P-40’s attack gun positions, troop concentrations, and sampans in Hengyang and Changning areas. 20 P-40’s hit similar targets S of Changsha, W of Pengtse, and in Siangtan area. 12 P-51’s damage bridge at Yangtien.

FEAF—B-24’s operating in strength bomb warehouses at Lasang, shipyards and personnel areas at Bunawan, and airfield at Likanan. B-25’s hit warehouses and shipyards along Lembeh Strait, while other B-26’s hit position near Pitoe airfield on S Morotai I. B-24’s bomb Koror. Fighter bombers hit Sorong area and forces at Cape Pus and Boikin.

SEVENTH AF—2 Saipan-based B-24’s hit Yap and Pagan. P-47’s hit AA positions on Pagan with rocket and strafing attacks. Marshalls-based B-25’s bomb Ponape and Nauru.



N FRANCE-BELGIUM—21 Army Group: In Canadian First Army’s British 1 Corps area, 49th Division continues along Le Havre Peninsula toward the port, reaching enemy outposts. 51st Division takes St Valery-en-Caux. In 2 Corps area, Canadian 4th Armored Division reaches the Somme E of Abbeville and Polish 1st Armored Division is rapidly approaching the river W of Abbeville.

            In British Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 7th Armored Division drives NE from the Somme to positions beyond St Pol. 30 Corps continues northward so rapidly that planned drop of airborne forces in Tournai area is not necessary. Guards Armored Division reaches Tournai. 11th Armored Division drives to Lille area.

            12th Army Group: Gen Eisenhower, at a commanders’ conference, outlines plans for Third Army and V Corps of First Army to drive to West Wall (Siegfried Line) after supply situation improves.

            In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps gets advance elements into Belgium and drives toward Tournai. V Corps releases French 2d Armored Division, in Paris area, to First Army reserve. Corps continues steadily NE, overrunning Noyon and St Quentin, until ordered to halt on general line Landrecies–Le Cateau–Cambrai. VII Corps pursues enemy into Belgium, crossing border near Maubeuge and Hirson. 3d Armored Division drives to vicinity of Mons. 9th Division, to right, swings NE to positions near Charleroi. 1st Division moves forward to left rear of armor.

            U.S. Third Army is immobilized for lack of fuel. VIII Corps continues to batter outer defenses of Brest. 2d Division takes Hill 105, dominating E approach to the city. 8th Division is battling for Hill 80 and 29th Division for Hill 103. Elements of 83d Division invade Ile de Cézembre, which surrenders. In XX Corps area, while 3d Cavalry Group reconnoiters to the Moselle, 7th Armored Division feints to N from Verdun to confuse enemy, halting short of Sedan when fuel runs out. In XII Corps area, 80th Division ( — ) relieves Combat Command A of 4th Armored Division in Commercy bridgehead; 319th Infantry crosses the Meuse to N at St Mihiel. 2d Cavalry Group patrols to the Moselle. Combat Command B, 6th Armored Division, relieves 35th Division of task of protecting S flank between Orléans and Auxerre.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, 1st ABTF regains contact with enemy and clears strongpoint at La Turbia. Provisional Flank Protection Force (TF Bibo) is relieved by 2d Morrocan Division in Briançon area. French are to protect right flank of U.S. Seventh Army and maintain contact with 1st ABTF to S. In VI Corps area, 36th Division halts just E and SE of Lyon to permit French 2d Corps to take the city, which patrol reports largely clear. 179th Infantry, 45th Division, restores positions at Meximieux. In French Army B area, Lt Gen Aim de Goislard de Monsabert takes command of 2d Corps, consisting of 1st Armored and 1st Infantry Divisions.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, TF 45, whose 100th (Nisei) Battalion patrols to the Serchio I, crosses additional elements over the Arno and clears N part of Pisa. Combat Command A, 1st Armored Division, clears most of M. Pisano. Elements of S African 6th Armored Division gain slopes of M. Albano. In II Corps area, patrols of Regimental Combat Team 442, 88th Division, make contact with elements of British 1st Division, 13 Corps, at Sesto. Later, 88th Division relieves 442d Infantry for shipment to France with 349th Infantry and is reinforced by attachment of 91st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, reinforced. British 13 Corps meets firm opposition N of Florence on hills Morello, Senario, Calvana, and Giovi.

            In British Eighth Army area, enemy withdrawal in front of 46th Division of 5 Corps, Canadian 1 Corps, and Polish 2 Corps permits these units to advance rapidly. Canadian 1 Corps, with Canadian 1st Division directed along Route 16 and Canadian 5th Armored Division on an inland route, speeds toward Rimini, forward elements reaching Conca I and establishing bridgehead. Polish 2 Corps finds Pesaro undefended and extends positions in coastal sector to Castel di Mezzo. Corps is now pinched out by rapid advance of Canadians.

MEDITERRANEAN—Gen Wilson, Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, names Lt Gen R. M. Scobie Commander of Land Forces, Greece. His hq, the reconstituted British 3 Corps hq in Middle East, is designated Force 140 and contains 2d Parachute Brigade from Italy, 23d Armored Brigade from Egypt, and certain Greek forces, such as local police. Eventually Force 140 is augmented by Greek Sacred Regiment and Greek Mountain Brigade, latter coming from Italy. Naval and air forces are allotted to Force 140, former commanded by Rear Adm J. M. Mansfield and later by Air Commodore G. Harcourt-Smith. Gen Scobie is to secure Athens area and maintain law and order in preparation for return of Greek Government. Brig Gen Percy L. Sadler, USA, will act as deputy commander of combined hq of AMLG (Allied Military Liaison Headquarters, Greece) to handle relief and rehabilitation matters.

NEW GUINEA—In Wakde-Sarmi area, Gen Krueger declares operation terminated. Brig Gen Donald J. Myers relieves Gen Persons as commander of TF TORNADO. On Noemfoor, a second 7,000- foot runway is completed at Kornasoren airdrome. In Vogelkop area, first plane, a C–47, lands at Mar airdrome.



80 Years Ago, Friday, 1 September 1944


PACIFIC—Naval Operating Base, Saipan, is established.

            Heavy cruiser New Orleans (CA-32), light cruiser Biloxi (CL-80), and four destroyers drawn from TG 38.4, bombard Japanese installations at Iwo Jima and Chichi Jima (the bombardment will be repeated the following day). The ships draw no return fire and U.S. gunfire damages landing ship T.105 off the latter place.

            Submarine Narwhal (SS-167) lands men and supplies on east coast of Luzon.

            Submarine Pilotfish (SS-386) sinks Japanese auxiliary vessel Ina Maru north-northwest of Chichi Jima, 30°32'N,140°55'E.

           Submarine Tunny (SS-282): Aerial bomb damage, Luzon Strait, 21°50'N, 119°18'E, forces termination of her patrol.

            Other Japanese casualties include merchant cargo ship Sekino Maru sunk by aircraft in Celebes Sea, 01°06'N,122°21'E; and merchant cargo ship Tientsin Maru sunk by mine off Woosung, China.

ATLANTIC—Coast guard cutter Northland (WPG-49) locates German weather ship Kehdingen off Great Koldeyey Island, Greenland, and pursues her through the ice floes. Kehdingen, however, is scuttled by her crew to avoid capture. German submarine U-703's attack on Northland is thwarted by ice.

MEDITERRANEAN—Mine sinks motor minesweeper YMS-21, Toulon, 43°06'N, 05°54'E.



EIGHTH AF—950-plus heavy bombers sent against targets in E France and Germany are recalled because of bad weather. 1 heavy bomber bombs railroad at Hasloch. 11 fighter groups offer support, 1 group strafing a locomotive. A P-47 group on sweep strafes transportation targets in Brussels-Antwerp area. 7 P-47 groups bomb and strafe rail lines in N and E France and airfield W of Nancy claiming 5 combat victories and 5 destroyed on the ground.

NINTH AF—IX Troop Carrier Command comes under administrative control of USSTAF and under operational control of First Allied Airborne Army, to increase efficiency, especially for planning, training, and preparation of airborne operations. SHAEF now can deal directly with all elements of an airborne force through a single unified command instead of through various army groups and air forces (i.e. 12 and 21 Army Groups, Ninth AF, and RAF components). Medium bombers attack fortifications in Brest area which artillery fire had been unable to reduce. Escorting fighters fly sweeps and armed reconnaissance in N and E France, and fly cover for 6 divisions in Brussels, Amiens, Saint- Quentin, Cambrai, Reims, and Verdun areas.

TWELFTH AF—During 31 Aug/1 September A-20’s hit gun positions and targets of opportunity in W Po Valley. Weather grounds B-26’s during day but B-25’s score excellent results against road and railroad bridges N and NE of Venice. Fighter bomber and fighters bomb and strafe roads, troop concentrations, supply dumps, and German HQ in battle area N of Florence, and fly armed reconnaissance from Ventimiglia along coast to La Spezia.

FIFTEENTH AF—480-plus heavy bombers attack Boara Pisani, railroad bridges at Tesica/Moravac, Mitrovica, and Kraljevo, railroad bridges at Szolnok, and Mezotur, marshalling yards at Szajol, Debreczen, Berettyoujfalu, and Novi Sad, and airfield at Nish. 51 P-51’s successfully strafe Debreczen airfield. 16 B-17’s evacuate interned US airmen from Rumania. Fighters support bombing and evacuation missions.

TENTH AF—A few P-47’s attack Bhamo and strafe river boats in the area.

FOURTEENTH AF—4 B-24’s claim a small freighter sunk in Formosa Strait. 12 B-25’s bomb Kai Tek airfield and a supply depot S of Canton. B-25’s hit road S of Nanyo, runway at Hengyang, and targets of opportunity near Anjen. 61 P-40’s and P-51’s attack bridges, roads, shipping, airfields troops, and other targets of opportunity at or near Yangtien, Nanyo, Hengyang, Anjen, Changning, and Chiuchiang.

FEAF—50-plus B-24’s bomb Sasa, Matina, and Likanan airfields. Others, failing to reach Mindanao, hit Beo. Fighter bombers hit Boela and airfield at Amahai. A-20’s, P-40’s and B-25’s bomb runways at Babo and Urarom.

SEVENTH AF—Saipan-based P-47’s carry out rocket and strafing strike against Pagan. A lone B-24 on armed reconnaissance bombs Yap. Marshalls-based B-24’s bomb Truk.

ELEVENTH AF—A B-24 bombs Kashiwabara during 31 Aug/1 September. A B-25 bombs a shack on SW coast of Paramushiru and sinks a nearby ship. 5 other B-25’s on this mission turn back due to overcast.



U.K.—British Chiefs of Staff propose airborne and amphibious assault (coded DRACULA) on Rangoon.

N FRANCE—21 Army Group (Northern Group of Armies): In Canadian First Army’s British I Corps area, 49th Division, upon crossing the Seine, turns W toward Le Havre while 51st drives toward St Valery-en- Caux. In 2 Corps area, 2d Division takes Dieppe, and port is opened within a week. 3d Division thrusts to Le Trèport. 4th Armored and Polish 1st Armored Divisions are driving quickly toward the Somme, former in the lead.

            In British Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 7th Armored Division crosses the Somme near Airaines. 53d Division, echeloned to left rear, protects left flank of corps. 30 Corps drives rapidly NE with 11th Armored and Guards Armored Divisions spearheading. 11th Armored reaches St Polish – Arras road and Guards Armored bypasses Arras. 50th Division is following up. 12th Army Group (Central Group of Armies): Passes to direct command of SHAEF from command of Gen Montgomery.

            In U.S. First Army’s XIX Corps area, 2d Armored Division, followed closely by infantry, reaches positions NW of Cambrai. V Corps speeds toward St Quentin. 4th Division, motorized and reinforced by Combat Command A of 5th Armored Division, takes the lead, thrusting to vicinity of Chauny. Other elements of corps improve positions at and near Compiègne, where bridge construction is in progress. VII Corps swerves from NE to N. Combat Command B of 3d Armored Division drives quickly through Vervins to La Capelle; to right, Combat Command A, in conjunction with 9th Division, reaches Etreaupont–Aubenton area. 1st Division, on corps left flank, reaches Voyenne.

            U.S. Third Army is practically immobilized by acute shortage of gasoline. Enforced lull permits enemy to build up behind the West Wall. In XX Corps area, Combat Command R of 7th Armored Division advances to Etain along Verdun–Metz highway. 3d Cavalry Group, using captured gasoline, patrols eastward toward the Moselle. In XII Corps area, Combat Command A of 4th Armored Division expands Commercy bridgehead over the Meuse, and 80th Division crosses into it. Combat Command B crosses the Meuse S of Commercy. 35th Division protects S flank of army. VIII Corps continues preparations for renewing all-out assault on Brest when ammunition is more plentiful; makes slight gains in limited attack in conjunction with aerial bombardment. Aircraft, warships, and artillery pound Ile de Cézembre, off St Malo, in preparation for amphibious assault by 83d Division force.

S FRANCE—(Southern Group of Armies): In U.S. Seventh Army area, VI Corps is rapidly closing in on Lyon. 36th Division gets forward elements to heights commanding the city. 3d Division is moving forward behind 45th Division. 45th Division, leaving 179th Infantry to defend Meximieux, moves up E bank of the Ain without opposition. In determined attacks supported by tanks and self propelled guns, Germans isolate 179th Infantry within Meximieux at great cost; FFI forces are sent to help 179th. In French Army B area, 2d Corps continues toward Lyon in region W of the Rhône, overrunning Serrières and Firminy.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, IV Corps begins pursuit of enemy across the Arno. 1st Armored Division, spearheading, crosses Combat Command A and Combat Command B, which push toward M. Pisano and Altopascio, respectively. On coastal flank, TF 45 finishes clearing its zone S of the Arno and crosses 100th (Nisei) Battalion over the river to E of Pisa. S African 6th Armored Division, with task of taking M. Albano, begins to cross the Arno W of Empoli during afternoon. In II Corps area, 88th Division, holding narrow zone along the Arno assigned to II Corps with Regimental Combat Team 442 ( — ), also crosses the Arno in pursuit of enemy. British 13 Corps turns Florence over to Italians.

            In British Eighth Army area, British 5 Corps and Canadian 1 Corps penetrate main defenses of the Gothic Line on M. Gridolfo and Tomba di Pesaro, commanding Foglia I valley. Polish 2 Corps, employing elements of 3d Carpathian Division, crosses the Foglia for drive eastward toward the coast, but is held up by enemy on E slopes of Pozzo Alto.

BALKANS—Allied successes on other fronts, particularly those of Red Army, force German Army Group F to begin withdrawing from Greece and islands of Ionian and Aegean Seas. Main withdrawal route, rail line through Skoplje and Belgrade in Yugoslavia, is so effectively hit by U.S. Fifteenth Air Force during first half of September that air withdrawal is begun from fields in Athens area. All 3 fields are left unserviceable by Fifteenth Air Force attacks during latter half of month.

NEW GUINEA—Regimental Combat Team 123 of 33d Division, untried in combat, arrives at Maffin Bay from E New Guinea to protect 31st Division as it stages for invasion of Morotai I.






Thursday, September 5, 2024

80 Years Ago, Thursday, 31 August 1944


PACIFIC–TG 38.4 (Rear Admiral Ralph E. Davison) attacks Iwo Jima and Chichi Jima (strikes will be repeated on 1 and 2September) to neutralize Japanese installations there and provide a diversion in advance of planned operations in the Palau, Morotai, and Philippine areas. Off Iwo Jima, F6Fs from Franklin (CV-13) sink auxiliary minesweeper No.8Toshi Maru, 25°00'N, 141°50'E, and merchant cargo ship Suruga Maru, 24°46'N, 141°19'E.

            U.S. submarines attack Japanese convoy bound for Manila. In Luzon Strait south of Formosa, Barb (SS-220) sinks auxiliary minesweeper No.20 Hinode Maru, 21°21'N, 121°11'E; and army cargo ship Okuni Maru, 21°14'N, 121°22'E. Queenfish (SS-393) sinks army tanker Chiyoda Maru, 21°21'N, 121°06'E, and damages army tanker Rikke Maru,21°30'N, 121°19'E. Sealion (SS-315) sinks minelayer Shirataka, 21°05'N, 121°26'E.

            Submarine Redfish (SS-272) lands supplies and evacuates people from Palawan Island.

            PBYs sink small Japanese cargo vessels No.2 Kairyu Maru and Kabuchi Maru off Ceram.

            RAAF Mitchells sink small Japanese cargo vessel No.8 Sanko Maru off north coast of Alor Island.

            Other Japanese casualties include guardboat No.2 Kyoshin Maru sunk by U.S. aircraft off Halmahera; merchant cargo ship Suruga Maru sunk by aircraft off Iwo Jima, 24°46'N, 141°19'E.; and merchant cargo ship Hoyo Maru damaged by aircraft, Tayeh, Yangtze River.



NINTH AF–99 B-26’s and A-20’s bomb ammo dump at Foret d’Arques and gun positions at Ile de Cezembre. fighters fly armed recon in Amiens, Saint-Quentin, Albert, and Arras areas, ground forces cover for 3 armd divs, battleship cover, and also dive-bomb Ile de Cezembre.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers attack railroad bridges in Po Valley, cutting the bridge at Mira. A-20’s attack Targets of opportunity in Po Valley during 30/31 Aug and along with Fighter Bombers hit comm N of Arno R. Other Fighter Bombers attack comm targets in France as US Seventh Army pushes toward Lyon.

FIFTEENTH AF–45 P-51’s strafe Airfield at Reghin, while 97 others strafe Airfields at Oradea and Kecskemet. fighters claim a record number of over 150 aircraft destroyed on the ground. Starting Operation REUNION, 36 B-17’s evacuate US airmen interned in Rumania from Bucharest (which falls to the Soviet Army today) to Kari.

TENTH AF–6 B-25’s bomb Targets of opportunity at Katha and 3 hit bridges at Bawgyo and Hsenwi.

FOURTEENTH AF–12 B-24’s bomb Takao harbor, damaging dock area and claiming 2 tankers sunk. 14 B-25’s attack Tien Ho, White Cloud, Kai Tek, and Hengyang Airfields. 8 B-25’s attack numerous trucks S of Sint-siang and near Sinshih, hit roads S of Nanyo and damage a freighter near Sinshih. 60-plus Fighter Bombers attack trucks, barracks, supplies, rivercraft, bridges and troops in or near Sinshih, Changsha, Yangtien, Hengyang, Nanyo, Siangtan, Teian, and Shihhweiyao.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based P-47’s strafe gun positions at Airfield on Pagan. Yap and Pagan are bombed by single B- 24’s.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 1 Corps continues to crosses the Seine on left flank of army. 2 Corps attacks eastward from Seine bridgehead with 4th Armd Div on right, 3d Div in center, and 2d Div on left. 4th Armd Div drives quickly to Forges and Buchy. 3d Div speeds along St Saens–Londinières road; 2d Div drives toward Dieppe via Tôtes.

            In Br Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div takes the lead and, together with 4th Armd Brig, speeds toward the Somme, reaching Poix– Aumale line. In 30 Corps area, 11th Armd Div reaches Amiens and seizes bridge across the Somme intact. Gds Armd and 50th Inf Divs also reach the river, former crossing E of Amiens.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div continues NE on left flank of corps to positions W of Montdidier, well ahead of 79th and 30th Divs, which reach area between Beauvais and Creil. V Corps passes 5th Armd Div through 28th and 4th Divs and continues NE with all three. On left, 28th Div, in conjunction with CCB of 5th Armd Div, closes along Oise R in Chantilly–Compiègne area and crosses elements at Pont Ste Maxence. Among towns overrun are Chantilly, Creil, Pont Ste Maxence, Verberie, and Compiègne. CCB establishes bridgehead in vicinity of Pont Ste Maxence. On V Corps right flank, CCA drives to the Aisne W of Soissons, passing through 4th Div, which follows to Villers- Cotterêts area.

            In VII Corps area, while 1st Div consolidates in Laon and Soissons area, 3d Armd and 9th Infs Divs continue pursuit NE to general line Montcornet–Rethel.

            In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps temporarily suspends operations against Brest and regroups. In XX Corps area, CCA of 7th Armd Div, followed closely by 5th Div, establishes bridgehead across the Meuse at Verdun. 90th Div remains in Reims area. XX Corps advances then comes to a halt to await gasoline. In XII Corps area, CCA of 4th Armd Div reaches the Meuse at Commercy and Pont-sur-Meuse and establishes bridgehead. 80th Div, following on left, reaches Bar-le-Duc area.

S FRANCE—Hq, 6th Army Group, arrives. In U.S. Seventh Army area, patrols of TF Bibo find Briançon free of enemy. VI Corps speeds up the Rhône Valley toward Lyon. 45th Div is concentrating in Meximieux area to protect right flank of corps, prepared to move on Bourg-en-Bresse. 3d Div, upon relief in Rhône Valley, assembles at Voiron, pre-pared to assist either 36th or 45th Div.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of Second Ukrainian Front overrun Bucharest, capital of Rumania.

ITALY—AAI: Gen Clark orders U.S. Fifth Army to follow withdrawing enemy. IV Corps patrols cross the Arno, night 31 August–1 September, in preparation for crossing in force and confirm the fact that enemy is withdrawing. Br 13 Corps also confirms rumors of enemy withdrawal. One 1st Div column pushes through Fiesole to Highway 6521 (Florence–Borgo S. Lorenzo); another takes M. Muscoli and M. il Pratone with ease. Br Eighth Army penetrates Gothic Line with elements of Br 5 and Cdn 1 Corps; Pol 2 Corps continues hard battle for Pesaro.

NEW GUINEA—Gen Krueger declares Noemfoor operation at an end. TF CYCLONE has suffered 63 killed, 343 wounded, and 3 missing; has killed about 1,730 Japanese and captured 186. In Vogelkop area, CG Sixth Army, declares Sansapor operation terminated. From 30 July to date, TF TYPHOON has killed about 385 Japanese and Formosans and captured 215 as against a loss of 14 killed, 35 wounded, and 9 injured.



80 Years Ago, Wednesday, 30 August 1944


PACIFIC–Submarine Narwhal (SS-167) lands men and supplies on east coast of Luzon.

ATLANTIC–U.S. tanker Jacksonville, steaming in convoy CU 36, is torpedoed by German submarine U-482 while en route to Loch Ewe, Scotland, at 55°30'N, 07°30'W; the gasoline cargo explodes, giving little chance for the 49-man merchant complement or the 29-man Armed Guard to abandon the blazing ship, which breaks in twain at the second massive explosion. Destroyer escort Poole (DE-151) rescues a fireman and one Armed Guard gunner, Jacksonville's only survivors. Escort vessels use depth charges and gunfire to scuttle the after section of the ship; the forward section sinks on its own accord.



EIGHTH AF–About 200 Heavy Bombers supported by 16 P-51’s bomb 8 V-weapon sites in Pas de Calais area. Later in the day over 600 B-17’s supported by 7 P-51 groups bomb U-boat base and shipyards at Kiel, and aircraft plant and other industry in the Bremen area.

NINTH AF–About 75 A-20’s and B-26’s bomb fuel dump near Arquesla-Bataille, Rouxmesnil-Bouteilles, and gun positions around Ile de Cezembre. Weather grounds fighters.

TWELFTH AF–Weather grounds Medium Bombers. Light Bombers hit Targets of opportunity during 29/30 Aug and fuel storage while Fighter Bombers pound roads and railroads in Po Valley and, on armed recon over Rhone Valley, attack rail lines and motor and horsedrawn vehicles, as US Seventh Army elements continue up Rhone Valley toward Lyon.

FIFTEENTH AF–Over 100 B-24’s and B-17’s bomb railroad bridges at Cuprija, Novi Sad, and Vranjevo. Nearly 100 P- 51’s strafe Kecskemet and Oradea Airfields.

TENTH AF–Several P-47’s bomb and strafe town of Man Sai.

FOURTEENTH AF–B-25’s attack Hengyang, Pailochi, and Hankow Airfields, roads in Nanyo and Changsha areas, and boats between Changsha and Hengyang, and Kichun and Wuhsueh. In Kweiyi and Sintsiang areas 33 P- 40’s claim 58 trucks destroyed, 175 damaged, and at least 100 Japanese killed. 10 P-51’s hit scattered T/O’s in same areas. 21 P-40’s hit barracks, trucks, and a bridge in Siangsiang and Siangtan region. 34 P-40’s and P-51’s attack a variety of targets, including railroad traffic and facilities, occupied areas, and trucks, at Yangtien, between Hengshan and Nanyo, NE of Ichang, SW Hengshan, and near Hengyang.

FEAF–Koror and Malakal are pounded by B-24’s. B-24’s hit Wasile Bay storage and personnel areas while B-25’s make low-level attack on Kaoe town. P-38’s bomb oil tanks, barracks, and AA positions at Boela. P-47’s hit Urarom runway and Manokwari storage area, P-38’s bomb Airfields at Babo and Ransiki, and P-39’s hit Targets of opportunity along W coast of Geelvink Bay.

SEVENTH AF–A B-24 on armed recon from Saipan bombs Yap. P-47’s strafe positions and storage areas on Pagan. Kwajalein-based B-24’s hit Mille.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army’s Br I Corps area, 51st and 49th Divs, latter with Royal Netherlands Brig, begin crossing the Seine. In 2 Corps area, 2d Div crosses into Seine bridgehead, having cleared W bank of the river. 3d Div takes Rouen without opposition.

            In Br Second Army area, 12 Corps drives eastward from bridgehead with 4th Armd Brig spearheading and 53d Div following. 25-mile advance brings forward elements to Gournay. In 30 Corps area, 11th Armd Div, which is relieved on right flank by Gds Armd Div, is ordered to speed on to the Somme at Amiens and advances through night 30–31.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps, with 2d Armd Div on left, 79th Div in center, and 30th Div on right, drives rapidly NE against light resistance. 2d Armd Div makes greatest gains, reaching positions less than 10 miles from Beauvais. V Corps continues pursuit of enemy northeastward, passing 28th Div through Fr 2d Armd Div to advance abreast 4th Div, 5th Armd Div moves forward to spearhead drive on Compiègne. VII Corps seizes Laon.

            In U.S. Third Army’s VIII Corps area, TF B finishes clearing Daoulas Peninsula S of Brest. 29th Div gets elements to crest of Hill 103, commanding feature in Brest defenses, but enemy retains E slopes. In XX Corps area 7th Armd Div speeds toward Verdun against scattered resistance. XII Corps drives eastward toward the Meuse, advance elements of 4th Armd Div reaching St Dizier area. To left, 80th Div is moving SE toward Bar-le-Duc. On right flank, 35th Div pushes SE from Troyes. XV Corps hq and troops are concentrating in Nangis area.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, on Mediterranean coast, elements of 1st ABTF drive through Nice to Beaulieu without opposition. In VI Corps area, battle of Montélimar comes to a close as 1st Bn of 143d Inf, 36th Div, reaches junction of Drôme and Rhône Rivers. TF Butler is disbanded. Next big objective of VI Corps is Lyon, toward which 36th Div is rapidly moving along E bank of the Rhône while Fr 2d Corps pushes toward it along W bank. FFI within Lyon are alerted to assist Fr and U.S. columns when they arrive at the city. Advance elements of 45th Div cross Rhône and Ain Rivers NE of Lyon and establish roadblocks at Meximieux, Lagnieu, and Ambérieu. 157th Inf reverts to 45th Div and moves northward to join it.

            In Fr Army B area, 2d Corps continues its crossing of the Rhône in preparation for drive up W bank. Elements take Nimes and Montpellier. 3d Algerian Div is moving to Grenoble area to relieve 45th Div of VI Corps.

EASTERN EUROPE—Ploesti, center of Rumanian oil industry, falls to troops of Second Ukrainian Front.

ITALY—AAI: Br Eighth Army begins attack on main defenses of Gothic Line against stiffening resistance. While Pol 2 Corps continues attack on Pesaro in coastal sector, Cdn 1 and Br 5 Corps thrust across the Foglia.

SWPA—81st Div begins final rehearsals for Palau operation in Guadalcanal area.



Wednesday, September 4, 2024

80 Years Ago, Tuesday, 29 August 1944


PACIFIC–Destroyer escort Conklin (DE-439) accidentally fires upon U.S. freighter Dominican Victory because of unfamiliarity with recognition signals north of the Marshalls.

            Infantry landing craft LCI-566 is damaged by grounding, south of Oahu, 20°56'N, 157°00'E.

            Submarine Jack (SS-259) sinks Japanese minesweeper W.28 and army cargo ship Mexico Maru northwest of Menado, Celebes, 02°15'N, 122°50.

            PBY sinks Japanese auxiliary sailing vessel Toyokuni Maru at entrance to Ambon Bay, 03°22'S, 129°39'E.

            Aircraft sink Japanese merchant cargo ship Koryu Maru, Kiukiang, China.

            Mine damages Japanese tanker Kaiko Maru in Strait of Malacca, 03°40'N, 100°06'E.

ARABIAN SEA–Dutch freighter Sanetta and U.S. freighter Benjamin Bourn between them rescue the 66 survivors from the U.S. freighter John Barry, which had been sunk by German submarine U-859 the day before.

MEDITERRANEAN–Marine detachments from heavy cruiser Augusta (CA-31) and light cruiser Philadelphia (CL-41) accept the surrender of two German-held islands in Marseilles Harbor and disarm the garrisons.

            U.S. motor torpedo boats PT-302, PT-303, and PT-304 attack two corvettes and one destroyer off Cap Mele, compelling the enemy ships to reverse course and steam for Genoa, Italy. The PTs will continue their patrol into the next morning but make no further sightings.



EIGHTH AF–5 Fighter Bomber groups attack rail transportation in N France, Belgium, and W Germany. 2 Airfields, 3 marshalling yards, rail lines at several points, and a large number of rail and road vehicles are attacked.

NINTH AF–Bad weather allows only minimum bomber and fighter operations. B-26’s attack 1 fuel dump while a few fighters fly sweeps over NW France. Over 100 transports complete supply and evacuation missions.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers hit 4 bridges and a viaduct in NE Italy while Light Bombers hit fuel station. Fighter Bombers hit roads and bridges in N Italy and support ground forces in Arno R Valley. P-47’s of 87th Wing fly Medium Bomber escort and armed recon, claiming 100 vehicles destroyed. XII TAC fighters attack targets in Rhone Valley.

FIFTEENTH AF–550 Heavy Bombers strike comm targets in Po Valley and in the Hungarian Plain, oil refineries and comm targets in the Silesian Plain, including Bohumin area, steel works and marshalling yard, Moravska-Ostrava marshalling yard, oil refineries and industrial area including tank works, Szolnok and Szeged marshalling yards, and railway bridges at Szeged, Borovnica, Salzano, and Ferrara. P-38’s bomb Latisana bridge.

TENTH AF–8 B-25’s attack targets in Katha and hit 2 bridges just N of the town area. 8 P-51’s attack Bilumyo. 5 P- 47’s destroy road bridge at Mainghka and 5 others hit buildings in Bhamo.

FOURTEENTH AF–24 B-24’s escorted by 45 fighters, blast railroad yards at Yoyang. 15 B-25’s bomb Pailochi, White Cloud, Tien Ho, and Hankow Airfields. 10 others hit trucks and other Targets of opportunity from Hengyang to Yoyang, from Hankow to Chinchiang, and near Anjen. 18 P-40’s hit storage area and Targets of opportunity around Tangyang. 17 attack trucks and buildings from Siangtan to Changsha. 14 P-40’s claim 8 fighters downed over Shayang. 22 others attack trucks, supplies, and troops at Wuhu, Ichang, S of Isuho, SW of Lungling, and N of Hengshan.

FEAF–B-24’s bomb Koror, Malakal, seaplane base on Arakabesan, and supply area N of Ngesebus Airfield. B- 24’s bomb barracks at Amboina and P-38’s hit seaplane base at Halong.

TWENTIETH AF–Gen LeMay becomes CG XX BC.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s bomb Iwo Jima and Pagan during the evening. P-47’s strafe AA positions on Pagan while a B-24 on armed recon bombs Yap. Gilberts based B-25’s bomb Nauru.



N FRANCE—Gen Eisenhower directs that main effort be made in N.

            21 Army Group:

            In Br Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 15th Div has completed crossing of the Seine and holds loop of river W of Les Andelys. In 30 Corps area, 11th Armd Div, reinf by 8th Armd Brig, takes the lead, heading toward the Somme at Amiens and reaching Mainneville area.

            12th Army Group: Issues instructions for operations beyond the Seine. Gasoline shortage is acute and Third Army is given priority on supply by air.

            In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps takes over zone of XV Corps at noon and assumes command of 2d Armd and 30th and 79th Inf Divs. 2d Armd Div drives through 79th Div to Magny en Vexin. 30th Div, to right, reaches line Wy-dit-Joli-Village– Saillancourt. XV Corps reverts to Third Army control and is held in reserve. V Corps, leaving Fr 2d Armd Div behind in Paris, drives NE with 4th Div to Mitry Mory–Le Plessis area. 28th Div parades NE through Paris to its assigned attack position W of 4th Div. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div, spearheading drive on Laon, crosses Aisne R east of Soissons.

            U.S. Third Army orders advance continued to the Meuse. In VIII Corps area, 2d Rangers of TF Sugar, 29th Div, take Pointe de Corsen as assault on Brest continues against unabated resistance. XX Corps speeds NE to Reims, which 5th Div captures. In XII Corps area, CCA of 4th Armd Div overruns Châlons-sur-Marne and Vitry-le-François.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, 1st ABTF, on Mediterranean coast, begins crossing Var R. Plans are made at commanders’ conference at Seventh Army hq for junction of OVERLORD and DRAGOON forces. In VI Corps’ Rhône Valley sector, organized resistance at Loriol and Livron, on Highway 7, comes to an end. 36th and 3d Divs are mopping up enemy rear guards. 3d Div is to assemble at Voiron, NW of Grenoble, upon relief by French; 36th is to continue N toward Lyon. To right, 45th Div continues to probe northward with 179th and 180th Regts.

            In Fr Army B area, 2d Moroccan Div, in process of debarking, is ordered to extreme right flank of Seventh Army; 3d Algerian Div is to advance to its left; 9th Colonial Div is to be committed gradually.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of Third Ukrainian Front take Constanta, Black Sea port.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s Br 13 Corps area, 6th Armd Div column reaches Consuma, on Highway 70.

            In Br Eighth Army area, as Pol 2 Corps attempts to clear Pesaro, on Adriatic coast, Cdn 1 and Br 5 Corps thrust to Foglia R, behind which enemy is moving reinforcements in effort to stem Br advance. Ind 10th Div of 10 Corps finds Bibbiena, on Route 71, abandoned by enemy.

CHINA—Japanese 11th Army, consisting of 7 divs, starts S down RR from Heng-yang, threatening U.S. Fourteenth Air Force bases at Kweilin and Liuchow.




Saturday, August 31, 2024

80 Years Ago, Monday, 28 August 1944


PACIFIC–USAAF B-25s sink auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 77 at south entrance of Paramushiro straits, Kurils, 50°31'N,150°12.7'E.

ARABIAN SEA–U.S. freighter John Barry, en route from Aden to the Persian Gulf (see 19 & 24 July and 20 & 26 August), is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-859 at 15°10'N, 55°18'E. Two members of the merchant crew are lost during the abandonment, but 39 of the 41- man merchant complement and the entire 27-man Armed Guard survive (see 29 August).

MEDITERRANEAN–German garrisons at Marseilles, including outlying islands and St. Mandrier battery (the sole remaining enemy pocket in Toulon), surrender at 1100.



EIGHTH AF–Weather prevents Heavy Bomber operations. 8 P-51 groups fly strafing sweeps against rail and road trafflc in areas in or around Brussels, Antwerp, Namur, Mezieres, Metz, Strasbourg, Trier, and Bad Kreuznach. Claims include 8 aircraft and nearly 150 locomotive destroyed. 16 P-51’s are lost. Fighter Bombers fly 2 strafing and bombing operations. The first is flown by 6 groups against rail and road traffic in and around Strasbourg, Saarbrucken, Sarrebourg, Metz, and Trier. In the second, 5 groups attack rail and road traffic in NW France, Belgium, and the Netherlands including bombing 13 marshalling yards.

NINTH AF–B-26’s and A-20’s of IX BC bomb fuel dumps at Doullens, Barisis-aux-Bois, ammo dump at Querrieu, ammo and fuel dump at Compiegne/Foret de Laigue, and alcohol distillery and fuel storage depot at Hamm. fighters escort BC and about 400 transports on supply and evacuation runs, attack Airfields at Bourges and Peronne, support ground forces, and fly armed recon from Amiens to E of Dijon.

TWELFTH AF–B-25’s bomb railroad bridges in Lyon area. B-26’s destroy several airplanes at Villafranca di Verona Airfield and bridge at Parma. A-20’s hit motor transport and other Targets of opportunity during 27/28 Aug, fly armed recon over Po Valley and blast command post SE of Genoa. Fighter Bombers hit vehicles in Rhone Valley, bomb and strafe roads and bridges in battle area N of Arno R and hit shipping in Imperia and Savona harbors.

FIFTEENTH AF–560-plus Heavy Bombers escorted by P-38’s and P-51’s strike Moosbierbaum oil refinery and adjacent chemical works, oil refinery at Szony, railroad bridges and viaducts at Szolnok, Zambana, Avisio, and Ora, and marshalling yards at Miskolc.

TENTH AF–4 P-47’s bomb tank pool at Momauk, while 5 others hit Myintha. 2 P-47’s support ground forces in Pinbaw area.

FOURTEENTH AF–8 B-25’s bomb Tien Ho, White Cloud, Hankow, and Pailochi Airfields. 8 more attack river and road traffic from Chiuchiang to Hankow and from Hengyang to Puchi. 32 P-40’s pound Targets of opportunity at Hengyang and Pailochi. 23 P-40’s attack Taying storage buildings and 10 P-40’s and P-51’s hit Anjen and nearby Targets of opportunity.

FEAF–B-24’s hit Koror, Airfield on Peleliu, and seaplane base on Arakabesan. Fighter Bombers hit Kokas, vessels off Point Karakra, barracks at Nabire, storage facilities at Moemi and Manokwari and Boram fuel dumps. A-20’s and Fighter Bombers attack small vessels along E coast of Ceram.

TWENTIETH AF–Gen Hansell assumes command of XXI BC. Gen Norstad succeeds Hansell as CoS of Twentieth AF.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based B-24’s pound Iwo Jima by day and night. P-47’s hit Pagan and Maug Is. A B-24 on armed recon bombs Yap. Gilberts-based B-25’s strike Ponape; Marshalls-based B-24’s hit Truk.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, 2 Corps expands bridgehead toward Rouen.

            In Br Second Army area, 12 Corps expands its bridgehead across the Seine. In 30 Corps area, entire 43d Div is across the Seine; bridgehead extends about 4 miles in width and 3 miles in depth.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army area, XV Corps continues to improve positions in Mantes-Gassicourt bridgehead. 2d Armd Div is attached to corps to pass through 79th Div and spearhead breakout. In V Corps area, Gen Gerow, in letter to Gen Pierre Joseph Koenig, Military Governor of Paris, turns over the city to the French. Fr 2d Armd Div and 4th Div continue attacks NE of Paris. 5th Armd and 28th Inf Divs are attached to corps. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div pursues disorganized enemy to Soissons.

            In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps continues to batter Brest. 29th Div takes direct command of TF Sugar from 175th Inf; 116th Inf is pushing E along Le Conquet–Recouvrance highway. CCB, 6 Armd Div, leaves Lorient for Third Army zone. XX Corps is speedily closing in on Reims. In XII Corps area, CCA columns, followed by 80th Div, continue rapidly toward the Marne at Châlons-sur-Marne and Vitry-le-François.

S FRANCE—U.S. Seventh Army directs that another trap be set for retreating enemy before he reaches the Belfort Gap. While 2d Corps of Fr Army B drives N along W bank of the Rhône, VI Corps is to move N via Lyon, Beaune, and Dijon to make contact with OVERLORD forces and block off enemy from the Rhine. FFI and TF Bibo troops are driven from Briançon by enemy. In VI Corps area, 3d Div clears rear-guard opposition from Montélimar, enabling 36th Div to seize hill masses to N and NE. Corps’ attention shifts to Drôme R line, where final phase of Montélimar battle is being fought. 142d Regt, 36th Div, surrounds Livron, blocking Highway 7 N of the Drôme, but most of German Nineteenth Army has escaped northward through the Montélimar trap. TF Butler and 143d Inf isolate Loriol, S of Livron. Withdrawing enemy traffic remains a lucrative target for aircraft and arty. 45th Div’s 180th Inf moves to Grenoble; 179th continues northward toward Lyon.

            In Fr Army B’s 2d Corps area, all resistance in Toulon area comes to an end with surrender of San Mandrier Peninsula to 9th Colonial Div. Germans also surrender Marseille. 80th German garrison commanders are captured. During the battle for these important ports, in which FFI forces have given valuable assistance, 2 German divs have been eliminated. 9th Colonial Div is given temporary mission of guarding Toulon–Marseille area. Other elements of 2d Corps continue to cross the Rhône in Avignon– Arles area.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of Second Ukrainian Front drive into Transylvania through Oituz Pass in the Carpathian Mts.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s Br 13 Corps area, 17th Brig of 8th Ind Div, attacking night 28– 29, takes Tigliano, N of Pontassieve. 6th Armd Div, securing right flank of corps, gets column beyond Rufina, on Highway 67. Br Eighth Army continues to gain ground toward Gothic Line, Pol 2 Corps, on right, reaching Arzilla R.