Tuesday, October 8, 2024

80 Years Ago, Sunday, 8 October 1944


PACIFIC—Land-based aircraft from the Marianas increase tempo of air strikes on Iwo Jima.

            Submarine Becuna (SS‑319) damages Japanese seaplane carrier Kimikawa Maru in South China Sea, 14°05'N,115°38'E.

            Submarine Hoe (SS‑258) sinks Japanese army transport Kohoku Maru and damages Coast Defense Vessel No.8 in South China Sea east of Hainan, 18°32'N, 116°13'E.

MEDITERRANEAN—Destroyer Eberle (DD‑430), with spot provided by aircraft from light cruiser Brooklyn (CL‑40), bombards vessels in Maurizio harbor; enemy shore battery fire is accurate in return.

            Destroyer Jouett (DD‑396) is attacked by six small, fast craft, but suffers no damage in the encounter. The next morning Jouett will sink several floating mines.



NINTH AF—Revision and elaboration (from 28 Sep‑8 Oct) of Ninth AF interdiction program against railroads connected with Rhine River results in issue of a new interdiction program. It includes rail lines further to the East and requires attacks by all 4 Tactical Air Commands of the Ninth AF, plus aid from British Second Tactical AF. More than 300 medium bombers and light bombers hit strongpoints and bridges over wide areas of Eastern France and Western Germany. Fighters support ground forces of US VII, XV, XIX, and XX Corps in Eastern France and Western Germany, escort 9th Bomb division, and attack airfields, railroads, and numerous military targets in forward areas.

TWELFTH AF—Bad weather forces medium bombers to cancel missions. XII Fighter Command fighters are airborne to support ground forces over battle area and abort all missions.

FIFTEENTH AF—Bad weather limits operations to reconnaissance and sea‑search missions.

TENTH AF—20‑plus P‑47’s hit targets of opportunity in Mawhun and Manyut areas, knock out bridge at Seywa, and bomb railroad tracks in Northern Burma. 5 B‑26’s damage 1 bridge and score hits on the other bridge approaches at Namhkai and knock out 2 bridges at Wuntho and Kawlin.

FOURTEENTH AF—12 P‑40’s and P‑51’s hit locomotives, trucks, and river traffic at Yuncheng and North East of Pengtse.

FEAF—P‑47’s bomb Amahai and Boela. P‑38’s hit Dodinga Bay barge hideouts, supplies and targets of opportunity along Wasile and Kaoe Bays. B‑25’s, A‑20’s, and fighter bombers hit Sorong, Doom Island, runways and targets of opportunity at Efman and Samate, and gun positions, bivouacs, and supplies at Simora Point.

SEVENTH AF—3 Saipan‑based B‑24’s hit Pagan and Marcus. 24 P‑47’s hit buildings, beach defenses, and gun positions on Pagan. During the day and 8/9 Oct B‑24’s from the Marshalls bomb Wake.

ELEVENTH AF—Photo missions to Paramushiru, Matsuwa, Onnekotan and Shasukotan turn back due to weather.



WESTERN EUROPE—Boundary between 21 and 12th Army Groups is moved back to former position, giving British responsibility for Peel Marshes corridor West of the Maas.

            21 Army Group: In British Second Army Area, 8 Corps takes command of U.S. 7th Armored Division and Belgian 1st Brigade, including U.S. attachments. These units, upon relief in current positions by 11th Armored Division, start relief of British units within their zone.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army’s XIX Corps area, 30th Division’s hopes of making a speedy junction with VII Corps at Wuerselen are soon dashed by enemy opposition on East flank. 119th Infantry, following Wurm River valley southward, gets 1 1/2 miles beyond Herzogenrath; 120th Infantry, whose relief at Kerkrade has been completed by 29th Division, is committed between 119th and 117th and takes 2 hamlets; 117th Infantry, upon reaching railroad West of Mariadorf, is counterattacked strongly by fresh enemy forces from Mariadorf, part of whom push to Alsdorf, where they are halted. Both sides suffer heavy losses and 117th Infantry pulls back to edge of Alsdorf; battalion of 120th Infantry moves up to reinforce 117th Infantry. Combat Command A, 2d Armored Division, seizes Oidtweiler, North East of Alsdorf. In VII Corps area, 1st Division begins attack to encircle Aachen in conjunction with XIX Corps: while 18th Infantry pushes northward through Verlautenheide, 26th is getting into position to drive through heart of the city from East; 16th Infantry holds defensive line near Eilendorf. Tanks and Tank Destroyer’s arrive by nightfall to help assault regiments of 9th Division break out of Huertgen Forest toward Schmidt. In V Corps area, 28th Division encounters outlying positions of enemy’s West Wall defenses.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, 2d Battalion of 357th Infantry, 90th Division, fights from house to house within Maizières-lès-Metz for some time to come without clearing rest of the town. Confused and bitter fighting continues at Fort Driant without much change in positions. In XII Corps area, after an hour of preparatory bombardment, corps begins concerted drive toward Seille River at 0615. 6th Armored Division, making main effort, takes Moivron, where it is relieved by 80th Division; in conjunction with 80th Division envelops and takes Jeandelincourt, clears Bois de Chenicourt, though enemy retains town of Chenicourt, and seizes Arraye-et-Han. To left, 80th Division’s 318th Infantry takes Manoncourt; 319th seizes Lixières, Mt Toulon, and Sivry; 317th clears Mt St Jean. 35th Division closes up the Seille on its left flank, taking Ajoncourt and Fossieux. P‑47’s assist with attacks on heights between Moivron and Jeandelincourt.

            6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, 7th Infantry of 3d Division moves from Vagney North East to Sapois.

            In French 1st Army’s 2d Corps area, the 3d Algerian Division gains crest of Longegoutte heights after several days of bitter fighting.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, TF 92 reaches slopes of Mont Cauala but is forced back by enemy fire. In II Corps area, Combat Command A of 1st Armored Division is attached to 34th Division. 34th Division continues attack on Monterumici hill mass, 135th Infantry working slowly forward from South and 133d from West. 362d Infantry, 91st Division, gets elements to crest of Mont Castellari, night 8–9; 361st makes substantial progress to East, clearing villages East of Mont Castellari, cutting Highway 65 at La Fortuna, and pushing to edge of Livergnano escarpment, a feature strongly favored by nature for defense. 338th Infantry, 85th Division, forces enemy back to Mont delle Formiche; 337th is still unable to progress appreciably from Hill 566. 349th Infantry, 88th Division, upon reaching crest of Hill 587, finds it undefended; elements seize Il Falchetto Hill. In British 13 Corps area, 3d Brigade of 1st Division gains summit of Mont Ceco, but enemy retains heights nearby. On right flank of corps, 6th Armored Division thrusts along Highway 67 to edge of Portico but cannot force an entrance; elements probe toward Tredozio.

            In British Eighth Army’s 10 Corps area, hq, 1st Armored Division, arrives and takes command of corps forces. In 5 Corps area, since 20th Brigade of Indian 10th Division is still held up on Mont Farneto, 10th Brigade is committed to outflank enemy, some elements pressing toward Montecodruzzo on left and others taking South Paola on right. Indian 25th Brigade takes South. Lorenzo and drives toward Roncofreddo. 46th Division is working toward Longiano.

GREECE—British forces from Araxos have reconnoitered along North coast of the Peloponnesus to Corinth, which is free of enemy; elements of 9th Commandos are in Nauplia, on Gulf of Nauplia South of Corinth.




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