Monday, October 7, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 7 October 1944


PACIFIC—Submarine Cabrilla (SS‑288) sinks Japanese transport No.8 Shin'yo Maru off Vigan, Luzon, 17°50'N, 119°37'E.

            Submarine Cod (SS‑224) damages Japanese oiler Shiretoko in South China Sea, west of Mindoro, 13°40'N, 119°25'E.

            Submarine Hawkbill (SS‑366) damages Japanese cargo ship Kinugasa Maru, 14°37'N, 115°55'E; Baya (SS‑318) then finishes off Kinugasa Maru subsequently.

            Submarine Hoe (SS‑258) sinks Japanese army transport Makassar Maru in South China Sea west of Luzon, 17°46'N,119°40'E.



EIGHTH AF—Over 1,300 heavy bombers, in 4 forces, bomb 5 synthetic oil plants, an armament, a tank, and an aero engine works in Central and North Eastern Germany, plus 16 identified and 19 other unidentified targets in the area. 19 escorting fighter groups claim 22 air victories including 4 jets. Air opposition and ground fire is heavy. 52 heavy bombers and 15 fighters are lost.

NINTH AF—HQ cancels previous instructions against bombing bridges and opens to attack all bridges on US front, except those over the Rhine River. 300‑plus medium bombers and light bombers strike bridges at Arnhem, Bullay, and Dillingen, supply depot at Euskirchen, and marshalling yard and warehouse at Hengelo and Trier. Fighters fly bomber escort, sweeps and armed reconnaissance in forward areas, hitting railroads, barges, and troop concentrations, and support ground forces in Eastern France and Western Germany.

TWELFTH AF—Weather again grounds medium bombers. Fighter bombers hit guns and troop concentrations in battle area, which extends over wide front South of Bologna in region of Monte Stanco, Monte Cauala, Monte Castellaro, and Monte Ceci, and communications to the North.

FIFTEENTH AF—350‑plus B‑17’s and B‑24’s bomb Lobau and Schwechat oil refineries and Winterhafen oil depot in Vienna area. Nearly 30 others hit targets of opportunity in Hungary including marshalling yards at Szombathely and Zalaegerszeg. 330‑plus heavy bombers, escorted by P‑38’s and P‑51’s, attack marshalling yards at Nove Zamky and Komarom and airfield at Gyor. 6 B‑17’s escorted by 54 P‑51’s, evacuate US airmen from Czechoslovakia to Italy.

TENTH AF—5 P‑47’s bomb supplies and troops at Man Hpa. Large‑scale transport operations continue to deliver men and supplies to various points in CBI.

FOURTEENTH AF—53 P‑51’s and P‑40’s on armed reconnaissance attack troop concentrations, bridges, river and rail traffic, town areas, and supply dumps around Tunghsiangchiao, Pingnam, Hsinganhsien, Chuanhsien, Lingling, Wuchou, Houmachen, Chiuchiang, and Paoching.

FEAF—B‑24’s over Mindanao bomb Zamboanga while a P‑38 cover force hits seaplanes, shipping, and other targets of opportunity in the area. B‑25’s bomb Langoan, Tompaso, and Tondegesang. P‑38’s attack Kaoe Island, and hit Boela oil tanks. B‑25’s bomb storage area on Western Amboina. P‑38’s and B‑25’s strike Doom Island and Babo airfield.

SEVENTH AF—B‑24’s from Saipan, on armed reconnaissance, attack Marcus and nearby shipping.



WESTERN EUROPE—21 Army Group: In Canadian First Army’s 2 Corps area, Canadian 2d Division, which is meeting stiff resistance in Woensdrecht region, is transferred to corps from British Island Corps. 2 Corps is now responsible for first phase of operation to open Antwerp port—clearing Zuid Beveland as well as the Breskens Pocket South of the Schelde. Canadian 3d Division gets reinforcements to North bank of Leopold Canal against strong resistance that prevents bridging.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army’s XIX Corps area, 30th Division, assisted by Combat Command A of 2d Armored, makes substantial gains and takes about 1,000 prisoners: 117th Infantry thrusts to Aldsdorf; Combat Command A reaches Baesweiler; 119th Infantry, assisted by air strike on Merkstein, reaches positions across the Wurm from Kerkrade. This puts 30th Division within about 3 miles of Wuerselen, where contact with VII Corps is expected to be made. 1st Battalion of 115th Infantry, 29th Division, makes successful retaliatory raid on Schierwaldenrath.

            In VII Corps area, 9th Division continues attack in Huertgen Forest toward Schmidt. Forward elements reach edge of woods near Aermeter and Richelskaul, but main body is held up far behind. In V Corps area, 28th and 4th Divisions advance to line of departure for West Wall offensive.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, 3d Battalion of 329th Infantry, 83d Division, takes Echternach, on West bank of the Sauer, after nearly a week of fighting. With capture of Wormeldange by 331st Infantry, region West of the Moselle in Luxembourg area is cleared. Germans strongly counterattack Company F of 357th Infantry, 90th Division, on slag pile North West of Maizières-lès-Metz. While enemy is thus engaged, Cos East and G bypass the slag pile and push into the town, clearing North half and gaining foothold in factory area. Germans move up reinforcements at night. TF Warnock, employing 1st Battalion of 10th Infantry, 5th Division, attacks to expand positions at Fort Driant, making limited progress at great cost; 2 platoons are cut off and destroyed; at night, 3d Battalion of 2d Infantry is committed.

            6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, Vagney falls to 7th Infantry of 3d Division.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, South African 6th Armored Division gets 2 companies of Frontier Force Rifles to crest of Mont Stanco, where they are out of communication with main body and are forced back to Prada. In IV Corps area, TF 92 tries in vain to reinforce troops driving on Mont Cauala with tanks and Tank Destroyer’s, but the weapons are unable to cross swollen streams. In II Corps area, 133d Infantry of 34th Division continues toward .Monterumici hill mass; 1st Battalion blocks Highway 6620 at Gardeletta; 135th Infantry relieves elements of 133d in order to maintain pressure from South while 133d makes outflanking movement to West, night 7–8. Attack by 362d Infantry, 91st Division, on Mont Castellari fails. 338th Infantry, 85th Division, takes Castelnuovo di Bisano but is still short of La Villa; 337th is unable to advance from Hill 566. 349th Infantry, 88th Division, continues to attack on Hill 587 and seizes ridge below 11 Falchetto Hill; to right, 351st is able for the first time to attack in force. In British 13 Corps area, 3d Brigade of 1st Division maintains weak hold on slopes of Mont Ceco. 19th Brigade, Indian 8th Division, clears Mont Cavallara.

            In British Eighth Army area, 5 Corps opens attack across the Fiumicino in evening with heavy volume of artillery support. Assault is preceded by light and fighter bomber strikes on enemy positions. Indian 10th Division and 46th Division make the attack while 56th Division simulates attack in Savignano area. 20th Brigade, Indian 10th Division, under heavy enemy pressure on Mont Farneto, is unable to gain the initiative, but 25th Brigade secures positions on ridge between Roncofreddo and South. Lorenzo. 128th Brigade of 46th Division seizes Montilgallo and pushes West toward Longiano and South toward South. Lorenzo.

CBI—In NCAC area, Chinese 22d Division, which has been training for fall offensive since capture of Myitkyina, begins movement to Kamaing.

MOROTAI—Fighters based on Morotai begin covering AAF bomber attacks against the Philippines.

POA—CINCPOA publishes Joint Staff Study that is based for preliminary planning for invasion of Iwo Jima, Volcano Is., in Nanpo Shoto.

PALAUS—On Peleliu, ground attacks are temporarily suspended after futile attempt by 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, assisted by tanks, to compress Umurbrogol Pocket.




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