Thursday, September 5, 2024

80 Years Ago, Thursday, 31 August 1944


PACIFIC–TG 38.4 (Rear Admiral Ralph E. Davison) attacks Iwo Jima and Chichi Jima (strikes will be repeated on 1 and 2September) to neutralize Japanese installations there and provide a diversion in advance of planned operations in the Palau, Morotai, and Philippine areas. Off Iwo Jima, F6Fs from Franklin (CV-13) sink auxiliary minesweeper No.8Toshi Maru, 25°00'N, 141°50'E, and merchant cargo ship Suruga Maru, 24°46'N, 141°19'E.

            U.S. submarines attack Japanese convoy bound for Manila. In Luzon Strait south of Formosa, Barb (SS-220) sinks auxiliary minesweeper No.20 Hinode Maru, 21°21'N, 121°11'E; and army cargo ship Okuni Maru, 21°14'N, 121°22'E. Queenfish (SS-393) sinks army tanker Chiyoda Maru, 21°21'N, 121°06'E, and damages army tanker Rikke Maru,21°30'N, 121°19'E. Sealion (SS-315) sinks minelayer Shirataka, 21°05'N, 121°26'E.

            Submarine Redfish (SS-272) lands supplies and evacuates people from Palawan Island.

            PBYs sink small Japanese cargo vessels No.2 Kairyu Maru and Kabuchi Maru off Ceram.

            RAAF Mitchells sink small Japanese cargo vessel No.8 Sanko Maru off north coast of Alor Island.

            Other Japanese casualties include guardboat No.2 Kyoshin Maru sunk by U.S. aircraft off Halmahera; merchant cargo ship Suruga Maru sunk by aircraft off Iwo Jima, 24°46'N, 141°19'E.; and merchant cargo ship Hoyo Maru damaged by aircraft, Tayeh, Yangtze River.



NINTH AF–99 B-26’s and A-20’s bomb ammo dump at Foret d’Arques and gun positions at Ile de Cezembre. fighters fly armed recon in Amiens, Saint-Quentin, Albert, and Arras areas, ground forces cover for 3 armd divs, battleship cover, and also dive-bomb Ile de Cezembre.

TWELFTH AF–Medium Bombers attack railroad bridges in Po Valley, cutting the bridge at Mira. A-20’s attack Targets of opportunity in Po Valley during 30/31 Aug and along with Fighter Bombers hit comm N of Arno R. Other Fighter Bombers attack comm targets in France as US Seventh Army pushes toward Lyon.

FIFTEENTH AF–45 P-51’s strafe Airfield at Reghin, while 97 others strafe Airfields at Oradea and Kecskemet. fighters claim a record number of over 150 aircraft destroyed on the ground. Starting Operation REUNION, 36 B-17’s evacuate US airmen interned in Rumania from Bucharest (which falls to the Soviet Army today) to Kari.

TENTH AF–6 B-25’s bomb Targets of opportunity at Katha and 3 hit bridges at Bawgyo and Hsenwi.

FOURTEENTH AF–12 B-24’s bomb Takao harbor, damaging dock area and claiming 2 tankers sunk. 14 B-25’s attack Tien Ho, White Cloud, Kai Tek, and Hengyang Airfields. 8 B-25’s attack numerous trucks S of Sint-siang and near Sinshih, hit roads S of Nanyo and damage a freighter near Sinshih. 60-plus Fighter Bombers attack trucks, barracks, supplies, rivercraft, bridges and troops in or near Sinshih, Changsha, Yangtien, Hengyang, Nanyo, Siangtan, Teian, and Shihhweiyao.

SEVENTH AF–Saipan-based P-47’s strafe gun positions at Airfield on Pagan. Yap and Pagan are bombed by single B- 24’s.



N FRANCE—21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 1 Corps continues to crosses the Seine on left flank of army. 2 Corps attacks eastward from Seine bridgehead with 4th Armd Div on right, 3d Div in center, and 2d Div on left. 4th Armd Div drives quickly to Forges and Buchy. 3d Div speeds along St Saens–Londinières road; 2d Div drives toward Dieppe via Tôtes.

            In Br Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div takes the lead and, together with 4th Armd Brig, speeds toward the Somme, reaching Poix– Aumale line. In 30 Corps area, 11th Armd Div reaches Amiens and seizes bridge across the Somme intact. Gds Armd and 50th Inf Divs also reach the river, former crossing E of Amiens.

            12th Army Group:

            In U.S. First Army’s ’s XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div continues NE on left flank of corps to positions W of Montdidier, well ahead of 79th and 30th Divs, which reach area between Beauvais and Creil. V Corps passes 5th Armd Div through 28th and 4th Divs and continues NE with all three. On left, 28th Div, in conjunction with CCB of 5th Armd Div, closes along Oise R in Chantilly–Compiègne area and crosses elements at Pont Ste Maxence. Among towns overrun are Chantilly, Creil, Pont Ste Maxence, Verberie, and Compiègne. CCB establishes bridgehead in vicinity of Pont Ste Maxence. On V Corps right flank, CCA drives to the Aisne W of Soissons, passing through 4th Div, which follows to Villers- Cotterêts area.

            In VII Corps area, while 1st Div consolidates in Laon and Soissons area, 3d Armd and 9th Infs Divs continue pursuit NE to general line Montcornet–Rethel.

            In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps temporarily suspends operations against Brest and regroups. In XX Corps area, CCA of 7th Armd Div, followed closely by 5th Div, establishes bridgehead across the Meuse at Verdun. 90th Div remains in Reims area. XX Corps advances then comes to a halt to await gasoline. In XII Corps area, CCA of 4th Armd Div reaches the Meuse at Commercy and Pont-sur-Meuse and establishes bridgehead. 80th Div, following on left, reaches Bar-le-Duc area.

S FRANCE—Hq, 6th Army Group, arrives. In U.S. Seventh Army area, patrols of TF Bibo find Briançon free of enemy. VI Corps speeds up the Rhône Valley toward Lyon. 45th Div is concentrating in Meximieux area to protect right flank of corps, prepared to move on Bourg-en-Bresse. 3d Div, upon relief in Rhône Valley, assembles at Voiron, pre-pared to assist either 36th or 45th Div.

EASTERN EUROPE—Troops of Second Ukrainian Front overrun Bucharest, capital of Rumania.

ITALY—AAI: Gen Clark orders U.S. Fifth Army to follow withdrawing enemy. IV Corps patrols cross the Arno, night 31 August–1 September, in preparation for crossing in force and confirm the fact that enemy is withdrawing. Br 13 Corps also confirms rumors of enemy withdrawal. One 1st Div column pushes through Fiesole to Highway 6521 (Florence–Borgo S. Lorenzo); another takes M. Muscoli and M. il Pratone with ease. Br Eighth Army penetrates Gothic Line with elements of Br 5 and Cdn 1 Corps; Pol 2 Corps continues hard battle for Pesaro.

NEW GUINEA—Gen Krueger declares Noemfoor operation at an end. TF CYCLONE has suffered 63 killed, 343 wounded, and 3 missing; has killed about 1,730 Japanese and captured 186. In Vogelkop area, CG Sixth Army, declares Sansapor operation terminated. From 30 July to date, TF TYPHOON has killed about 385 Japanese and Formosans and captured 215 as against a loss of 14 killed, 35 wounded, and 9 injured.



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