Wednesday, September 25, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 23 September 1944


PACIFIC—TG 33.19 (Rear Admiral William H.P. Blandy) lands 323d Army Regimental Combat Team (81st Division on undefended Ulithi Atoll, Carolines. Ulithi will supplant Eniwetok as the Pacific Fleet's foremost advanced base in the Pacific theater.

            Battleship West Virginia (BB-48) reaches Pearl Harbor and rejoins the Pacific Fleet, marking the completion of the program of salvage and reconstruction of the ships damaged at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941.

            Submarine Apogon (SS-308) sinks Japanese guard boat No.6 Choyo Maru east of Honshu, 34°57'N, 154°44'E.

            Submarine Escolar (SS-294) departs Midway for first war patrol.

            British submarine HMS Trenchant sinks German submarine U-859 off Penang, Malaya, 05°46'N, 100°04'E.

            Navy land-based aircraft sink Japanese auxiliary vessel Toshu Maru off Wowoni, Celebes, 04°23'S, 122°43'E.

            PBY sinks cargo ship Heiho Maru in Celebes Sea, 03°40'N, 122°25'E.

            Mines laid by submarine Bowfin on 29January damage Japanese gunboat Nankai and transport Hokkai off Balikpapan, Borneo, 03°37'S, 116°25'E.

            Aircraft damage Japanese army cargo ship Kurogane Maru, Manila.



EIGHTH AF—14 fighter groups bomb and strafe flak positions and other ground targets in 2 landing zones in Nijmegen area, immediately preceding the arrival of the remainder of US 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions and Polish 1st Brig, and engage over 160 fighters. US fighters claim 27 destroyed. Over 150 B-24’s fly gasoline to France.

NINTH AF—Medium bombers and light bombers sent against targets in W Germany are recalled due to weather. Fighters support US First Army in W Germany, US Third Army in Chateau-Salins area, escort bombers (recalled), and fly armed reconnaissance over wide areas of W Germany.

TWELFTH AF—Although several missions are aborted because of bad weather, medium bombers attack several railroad bridges in Po R Valley. Fighter bombers hit guns and rail and road targets in battle area as US Fifth Army pushes on through Gothic Line defenses.

FIFTEENTH AF—147 B-17’s, escorted by 290 P-38’s and P-51’s bomb Brux synthetic oil refinery and Wels marshalling yard. 229 B- 24’s attack communications targets in Italy, including viaduct at Venzone and road and railroad bridges at Casarsa della Delizia, Pinzano al Tagliamento, Ponte di Piave, Latisana, San Dona di Piave, and Susegana.

TENTH AF—19 P-47’s attack bridges along a line Wanling-Bhamo-Myitkyina destroying 1 bridge. 6 B-25’s hit bridges S of Meza, destroying 1 and extensively damaging several others. 19 B-24’s fly fuel to Liuchow while 2 deliver fuel to Kunming.

FOURTEENTH AF—15 B-24’s pound Burma Road in Chefang area. 36 B-25’s hit Chuanhsien and targets of opportunity in surrounding areas. 6 B-25’s bomb Kuanyang, 5 hit Yungming, 6 damage Dara bridge, 12 bomb Lungling, and 2 knock out bridge near Jinyang. 2 B-24’s bomb docks at Amoy. Again more than 90 P-40’s and P-51’s hit numerous targets of opportunity throughout SE China concentrating on Japanese troops in Chuanhsien area and various targets around Jungyun, Yuankiang, Yungming, Lingling, and Hsuchang.

FEAF—During night and day raids B-24’s and B-25’s concentrate on Sidate and Mapanget airfields. P-47’s pound Kaoe airfield. P-47’s and P-40’s bomb AA guns at Manokwari, Moemi, and Ransiki airfields.

THIRTEENTH AF—Thirteenth AF moves from Hollandia to Noemfoor I.

SEVENTH AF—15 B-24’s from Saipan bomb Chichi Jima, Haha Jima, and Ani Jima. 2 B-24’s on armed reconnaissance bomb Marcus while 1 on training mission hits Pagan. On 23/24 September a B-24 from Kwajalein bombs Wake.



WESTERN EUROPE—21 Army Group: In British Second Army area, clearing weather conditions permit last serials of U.S. 101st and 82d A/B Divisions and rest of Polish 1st Brigade to be brought into Holland. Polish forces are landed at Grave as reserve for 82d A/B Division. Gen Dempsey orders that fly-in of British 52d Division be held up.

            In 1 A/B Corps area, aircraft and artillery of 30 Corps help 1st A/B Division maintain bridgehead at Hartestein, near Arnhem. During night 23–24, about 250 Polish paratroopers cross with supplies for 1st A/B Division. In 30 Corps area, 43d Division continues efforts to break through to Driel and succeeds in getting additional elements there; one brigade drives into outskirts of Elst. With arrival of Polish forces at Grave, U.S. 82d A/B Division releases Coldstream Guards Group, which has been assisting it, to Guards Armored Division. 506th Parachute Infantry, U.S. 101st A/B Division, reopens Veghel–Uden highway and makes contact with British armor moving SW from Uden. Enemy continues attacks toward Veghel, although seriously threatened by advance of 8 Corps toward Helmond.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, 7th Armored Division drops plans for crossing the Seille upon receiving orders to join XIX Corps of First Army. 1st Battalion of 10th Infantry, 5th Division, relieves the weakened 2d Battalion at Pournoy-la-Chétive, night 23– 24. Combat Command R, 6th Armored Division, is attached to corps as mobile reserve and moves to Jarny area on 24th. In XII Corps area, 80th Division extends eastward in center and on right as Germans withdraw, but enemy retains hill mass E of Serrières. 35th Division clears Bois de Faulx of enemy rear guards, capturing many. 4th Armored Division rests after its lively tank battles. In XV Corps area, 79th Division clears Fort de Mondon, 3d Battalion of 314th Infantry suffering heavy casualties during frontal assaults. French patrol crosses La Vezouse R and takes Domjevin but Germans restore positions along the river. After nightfall, final enemy remnants fall back across river to organize new defense line.

            6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army’s VI Corps area, 157th Infantry of 45th Division is unable to expand bridgehead toward Girmont; 179th takes Mossoux and cuts road leading NW from there; 180th clears that part of Epinal W of the Moselle and crosses at 3 points near there. 36th Division’s 142d Infantry finishes clearing Remiremont and begins crossing the Moselle; other elements of Division are pushing northward. 7th Infantry, 3d Division, reaches the Moselle across from Rupt and about midnight begins crossing over bridge, which is found to be intact.

            In French 1st Army area, Gen de Lattre revises his plan of attack as result of Gen Truscott’s decision to make main effort with U.S. Seventh Army while French forces provide flank protection. He calls for offensive limited in strength to one combat command of French 1st Armored Division and one Regimental Combat Team of French 1st Infantry Division. The armor is to attack on axis Mélisey– Le Thillot; infantry is to conduct diversionary attacks.

ESTONIA—Red Army troops reach Gulf of Riga at Paernu.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s II Corps area, 34th Division, with capture of Montepiano by 133d Infantry, is through Gothic Line. 91st Division rests in preparation for its next task—clearing M. Oggioli, W of Radicosa Pass. 338th Infantry, 85th Division, pushes slowly northward from M. Coloreta; 337th, replacing 338th in line, takes W part of M. la Fine. 88th Division, committing 351st Infantry between 349th and 350th, reaches line. M. la Fine–M. della Croce. In British 13 Corps area, 1st Division occupies Poggio Cavalmagra and pushes on toward Palazzuolo on left and Marradi on R. Indian 8th Division occupies M. Villanova.

            In British Eighth Army area, 5 Corps is vigorously engaged with enemy N of the Marecchia on delaying line S. Arcangelo–Poggio Berni–Montebello. Canadian 1 Corps continues to pursue enemy toward Uso R. 5th Armored Division takes responsibility for left flank of corps, releasing British 4th Division for reserve.

GREECE—British Special Boat Squadron, Mediterranean, is dropped on Araxos, on NW coast of the Peloponnesus, to seize airfield from which retreating enemy can be harassed and to occupy Patras.

CBI—Gen Hurley sends report to President Roosevelt on situation and tells him of the Generalissimo’s reaction to his (Roosevelt’s) message.

            On Salween front, Japanese send rescue column to extricate garrison of Pingka.

MOROTAI—Work is begun on another airfield, called Pitoe Drome, about 1,200 yards N of Wama Drome.

PALAUS—On Peleliu, Regimental Combat Team 321 of 81st Division arrives from Angaur and is attached to 1st Marine Division. After relieving 1st Marines on left flank just N of third phase line, N of village of Ngarekeukl, Regimental Combat Team 321 reconnoiters along coast to Garekoru, near fourth phase line, without difficulty. Efforts to make general advance northward, however, fail because of intense fire from center ridges. 7th Marines has task of supporting drive of infantry. On Angaur, 322d Infantry again drives into Lake Salome bowl from S but pulls back again when forward positions become untenable.



U. S. Army troops seize Ulithi as advance naval base.


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