Monday, September 30, 2024

80 Years Ago, Wednesday, 27 September 1944


PACIFIC—Special Air Task Force (STAG 1) (Commander Robert F. Jones) commences operations with TDR-1 drones (controlled from converted TBM-1c aircraft) against Japanese targets in the southwest Pacific. Four TDRs are launched against beached Japanese freighter used as antiaircraft emplacement off Kahili airstrip, Bougainville. Two drones hit the ship, one crashes just short (bomb does not explode) and one is lost enroute.

            Submarine Apogon (SS-308) sinks Japanese cargo ship Hachirogata Maru in Sea of Okhotsk off Shimushir Island,46°32'N, 146°48'E.

            Submarine Bonefish (SS-223) damages Japanese oiler Kamoi 240 miles southwest of Manila, 13°48'N, 148°38'E.

            Submarines Flasher (SS-249) and Lapon (SS-260) attack Japanese convoy in South China Sea west of Luzon; Flasher sinks army transport Ural Maru and damages merchant tanker Tachibana Maru, 15°45'N, 117°20'E; Lapon sinks merchant tanker Hokki Maru, 15°50'N, 117°41'E.

            Submarines Narwhal (SS-167) and Stingray (SS-186) land supplies on north coast of Mindanao and east coast of Luzon, respectively.

            Submarine Plaice (SS-390) sinks Japanese Coast Defense Vessel No.10, 100 miles north-northwest of Amami-O-Shima, 29°26'N, 128°50'E.

            Submarine Searaven (SS-196) damages Japanese destroyer Momi off Etorofu, Kurils, 45°44'N, 148°41'E.

            British submarine HMS Thorough damages Japanese auxiliary sailing vessel No.9 Kashiwa Maru off north coast of Sumatra.

            PBY damages Japanese cargo ship Tateishi Maru off Jolo, 06°02'N, 121°29'E; the ship is beached to prevent sinking.

            Tank landing craft LCT-823 sinks after running aground off Palau.

CARIBBEAN—Garbage lighter YG-39 sinks off Canal Zone, 10°10'N, 79°51'W.

MEDITERRANEAN—Motor torpedo boat PT-559, with British motor torpedo boats, attack northbound convoy off Raffallo, Italy.



EIGHTH AF—Nearly 1,100 heavy bombers bomb 2 marshalling yards, 2 synthetic oil plants, 2 motor works, and a tank and armored vehicle plant, at Cologne, Ludwigshafen, Mainz, and Kassel, and targets of opportunity in W Germany. 15 escorting fighter groups claim 31 aircraft destroyed. Over 160 B-24’s carry gasoline to France.

NINTH AF—Nearly 300 medium bombers and light bombers abort due to weather. 8 manage to bomb target at Foret de Parroy. Fighters fly armed reconnaissance, cover US First and Third Army forces in W Germany and E France and later fly night patrols in Belgium, Luxembourg, and W German areas.

TWELFTH AF—During 26/27 September A-20’s bomb motor transport in Po Valley. During the day bad weather cancels medium bomber operations and restricts XII FC. Yet fighter bombers effectively support US Fifth Army, especially on Monte Oggioli, blasting defensive positions, troop concentrations, roads, and motor transport, and cutting rail lines between Parma and Piacenza.

TENTH AF—13 P-47’s bomb area near Katha. 30 P-47’s in 5 flights hit ammo stores and town area of Myothit, and attack Sinkin, Bhamo, and Ma-ubin. 7 other P-47’s damage approaches to railroad bridge at Nansiaung, 7 more hit bivouac area at Pinwe, and 7 B-25’s pound Hsenwi. 10 B-24’s fly fuel to Liuchow and Yungning. Troop carriers fly 200-plus sorties to various points in CBI.

FOURTEENTH AF—40-plus P-40’s and P-51’s on armed reconnaissance attack communications targets, river shipping, buildings, and troops in Kiyang, Lungfukwan, Sungpai, Chuanhsien, Lingling, Paishui, and Paoching areas.

FEAF—B-24’s bomb Menado personnel and supply areas. B-25’s attack oil tanks at Boela and hit Old Namba airfield. P-40’s hit Rapsiki, Kokas, and Waren airfield and shipping in Vogelkop Peninsula area.

SEVENTH AF—Saipan-based P-47’s bombs and strafes Pagan. 2 B-24’s on armed reconnaissance hit Marcus. 14 Marshallsbased B-24’s strike Truk.



WESTERN EUROPE—21 Army Group: Field Marshal Montgomery orders Gen Crerar to clear the Schelde as quickly as possible.

            In British Second Army area, enemy aircraft make large-scale but futile efforts to destroy Nijmegen bridges.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, 359th Infantry of 80th Division, after further efforts in greater strength to gain road from Gravelotte to St Hubert’s Farm, breaks off attack; 358th Infantry, having been relieved by TF Polk, moves to right of 359th, replacing 3d Cavalry Reconnaissance Sq. 5th Division begins limited attacks against Fort Driant, outer bastion of Metz barring N approach to the city; after ineffective aerial bombardment at low level, 2d Battalion of 11th Infantry attacks at 1415 but is unable to reach main works and withdraws to original positions. In XII Corps area, massed enemy tanks again attempt to drive in 4th Armored Division’s salient, making main effort on S flank where they succeed in taking Hill 318, SE of Arracourt, which commands road to Nancy; subsidiary thrusts at Bezange-la-Petite and Xanrey are largely contained. 35th Division, holding Forêt de Grémecey salient with 134th Infantry on left and 137th on right, undergoes sharp counterattacks. German columns push toward Grémecey and Pettoncourt from Chambrey, reaching latter. When reinforcements from 320th Infantry of 35th Division arrive, enemy falls back toward Chambrey. Other enemy forces make limited penetration into NE edge of the forest after infiltrating from Fort de Château- Salins, but most of lost ground is recovered. 6th Armored Division is alerted for possible action with 35th Division.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, TF 92 makes substantial progress up Serchio valley; takes responsibility for zone of 24th Guards Brigade, which is to assist in drive up Highway 6620. S African 6th Armored Division column, moving along Highway 64, reaches Collina. In II Corps area, 34th Division continues to advance slowly on left flank of corps against strong opposition. 91st Division begins assault on M. Oggioli and makes slow progress with assistance of supporting weapons and aircraft. 85th Division reaches crest of Torre Poggiolli and clears Sambuco. 88th Division takes hill dominating Highway 937 on left, Castel del Rio in center, and M. Battaglia, key feature on road to Imola, on right; 2d Battalion, 350th Infantry, establishes itself on M. Battaglia and soon undergoes the first of a series of determined enemy counterattacks. In British 13 Corps area, 1st Division seizes M. Toncone, jeopardizing enemy on M. Gamberaldi. Indian 8th Division begins flanking maneuver against M. di Castelnuovo. 1st Guards Brigade returns to 6th Armored Division from 10 Corps front.

            In British Eighth Army’s 5 Corps area, Indian 4th Division is virtually halted by enemy on ridges on left flank of corps. 46th Division expands its bridgehead slightly and holds gains against counterattacks. 56th Division, finding further progress toward Savignano barred by enemy on Castelvecchio ridge, patrols while awaiting reinforcements. Canadian 1 Corps issues instructions for future action of troops upon relief, scheduled to begin on 29th, by Polish 2 Corps. It is subsequently decided to employ Polish 2 Corps in another sector and keep Canadian 1 Corps in coastal zone. Forward elements of corps are approaching the Fiumicino. S. Mauro di Romagna and La Torre are clear of enemy.

PALAUS—On Peleliu, elements of 321st Infantry begin attack on N side of Umurbrogol Pocket, which 7th Marines is helping to contain, and meet intense enemy fire. 1st Battalion drives N, clearing Kamilianlul Mt with ease and making contact with 5th Marines at junction of East and West Roads. Some elements of 5th Marines continue clearing resistance on Amiangal Mt, while others push to end of island, Akarakaro Pt. On Angaur, 322d Infantry surrounds Lake Salome bowl and gains positions along inside of it. Methodical elimination of doomed enemy there ensues.




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