Friday, September 6, 2024

80 Years Ago, Friday, 1 September 1944


PACIFIC—Naval Operating Base, Saipan, is established.

            Heavy cruiser New Orleans (CA-32), light cruiser Biloxi (CL-80), and four destroyers drawn from TG 38.4, bombard Japanese installations at Iwo Jima and Chichi Jima (the bombardment will be repeated the following day). The ships draw no return fire and U.S. gunfire damages landing ship T.105 off the latter place.

            Submarine Narwhal (SS-167) lands men and supplies on east coast of Luzon.

            Submarine Pilotfish (SS-386) sinks Japanese auxiliary vessel Ina Maru north-northwest of Chichi Jima, 30°32'N,140°55'E.

           Submarine Tunny (SS-282): Aerial bomb damage, Luzon Strait, 21°50'N, 119°18'E, forces termination of her patrol.

            Other Japanese casualties include merchant cargo ship Sekino Maru sunk by aircraft in Celebes Sea, 01°06'N,122°21'E; and merchant cargo ship Tientsin Maru sunk by mine off Woosung, China.

ATLANTIC—Coast guard cutter Northland (WPG-49) locates German weather ship Kehdingen off Great Koldeyey Island, Greenland, and pursues her through the ice floes. Kehdingen, however, is scuttled by her crew to avoid capture. German submarine U-703's attack on Northland is thwarted by ice.

MEDITERRANEAN—Mine sinks motor minesweeper YMS-21, Toulon, 43°06'N, 05°54'E.



EIGHTH AF—950-plus heavy bombers sent against targets in E France and Germany are recalled because of bad weather. 1 heavy bomber bombs railroad at Hasloch. 11 fighter groups offer support, 1 group strafing a locomotive. A P-47 group on sweep strafes transportation targets in Brussels-Antwerp area. 7 P-47 groups bomb and strafe rail lines in N and E France and airfield W of Nancy claiming 5 combat victories and 5 destroyed on the ground.

NINTH AF—IX Troop Carrier Command comes under administrative control of USSTAF and under operational control of First Allied Airborne Army, to increase efficiency, especially for planning, training, and preparation of airborne operations. SHAEF now can deal directly with all elements of an airborne force through a single unified command instead of through various army groups and air forces (i.e. 12 and 21 Army Groups, Ninth AF, and RAF components). Medium bombers attack fortifications in Brest area which artillery fire had been unable to reduce. Escorting fighters fly sweeps and armed reconnaissance in N and E France, and fly cover for 6 divisions in Brussels, Amiens, Saint- Quentin, Cambrai, Reims, and Verdun areas.

TWELFTH AF—During 31 Aug/1 September A-20’s hit gun positions and targets of opportunity in W Po Valley. Weather grounds B-26’s during day but B-25’s score excellent results against road and railroad bridges N and NE of Venice. Fighter bomber and fighters bomb and strafe roads, troop concentrations, supply dumps, and German HQ in battle area N of Florence, and fly armed reconnaissance from Ventimiglia along coast to La Spezia.

FIFTEENTH AF—480-plus heavy bombers attack Boara Pisani, railroad bridges at Tesica/Moravac, Mitrovica, and Kraljevo, railroad bridges at Szolnok, and Mezotur, marshalling yards at Szajol, Debreczen, Berettyoujfalu, and Novi Sad, and airfield at Nish. 51 P-51’s successfully strafe Debreczen airfield. 16 B-17’s evacuate interned US airmen from Rumania. Fighters support bombing and evacuation missions.

TENTH AF—A few P-47’s attack Bhamo and strafe river boats in the area.

FOURTEENTH AF—4 B-24’s claim a small freighter sunk in Formosa Strait. 12 B-25’s bomb Kai Tek airfield and a supply depot S of Canton. B-25’s hit road S of Nanyo, runway at Hengyang, and targets of opportunity near Anjen. 61 P-40’s and P-51’s attack bridges, roads, shipping, airfields troops, and other targets of opportunity at or near Yangtien, Nanyo, Hengyang, Anjen, Changning, and Chiuchiang.

FEAF—50-plus B-24’s bomb Sasa, Matina, and Likanan airfields. Others, failing to reach Mindanao, hit Beo. Fighter bombers hit Boela and airfield at Amahai. A-20’s, P-40’s and B-25’s bomb runways at Babo and Urarom.

SEVENTH AF—Saipan-based P-47’s carry out rocket and strafing strike against Pagan. A lone B-24 on armed reconnaissance bombs Yap. Marshalls-based B-24’s bomb Truk.

ELEVENTH AF—A B-24 bombs Kashiwabara during 31 Aug/1 September. A B-25 bombs a shack on SW coast of Paramushiru and sinks a nearby ship. 5 other B-25’s on this mission turn back due to overcast.



U.K.—British Chiefs of Staff propose airborne and amphibious assault (coded DRACULA) on Rangoon.

N FRANCE—21 Army Group (Northern Group of Armies): In Canadian First Army’s British I Corps area, 49th Division, upon crossing the Seine, turns W toward Le Havre while 51st drives toward St Valery-en- Caux. In 2 Corps area, 2d Division takes Dieppe, and port is opened within a week. 3d Division thrusts to Le Trèport. 4th Armored and Polish 1st Armored Divisions are driving quickly toward the Somme, former in the lead.

            In British Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 7th Armored Division crosses the Somme near Airaines. 53d Division, echeloned to left rear, protects left flank of corps. 30 Corps drives rapidly NE with 11th Armored and Guards Armored Divisions spearheading. 11th Armored reaches St Polish – Arras road and Guards Armored bypasses Arras. 50th Division is following up. 12th Army Group (Central Group of Armies): Passes to direct command of SHAEF from command of Gen Montgomery.

            In U.S. First Army’s XIX Corps area, 2d Armored Division, followed closely by infantry, reaches positions NW of Cambrai. V Corps speeds toward St Quentin. 4th Division, motorized and reinforced by Combat Command A of 5th Armored Division, takes the lead, thrusting to vicinity of Chauny. Other elements of corps improve positions at and near Compiègne, where bridge construction is in progress. VII Corps swerves from NE to N. Combat Command B of 3d Armored Division drives quickly through Vervins to La Capelle; to right, Combat Command A, in conjunction with 9th Division, reaches Etreaupont–Aubenton area. 1st Division, on corps left flank, reaches Voyenne.

            U.S. Third Army is practically immobilized by acute shortage of gasoline. Enforced lull permits enemy to build up behind the West Wall. In XX Corps area, Combat Command R of 7th Armored Division advances to Etain along Verdun–Metz highway. 3d Cavalry Group, using captured gasoline, patrols eastward toward the Moselle. In XII Corps area, Combat Command A of 4th Armored Division expands Commercy bridgehead over the Meuse, and 80th Division crosses into it. Combat Command B crosses the Meuse S of Commercy. 35th Division protects S flank of army. VIII Corps continues preparations for renewing all-out assault on Brest when ammunition is more plentiful; makes slight gains in limited attack in conjunction with aerial bombardment. Aircraft, warships, and artillery pound Ile de Cézembre, off St Malo, in preparation for amphibious assault by 83d Division force.

S FRANCE—(Southern Group of Armies): In U.S. Seventh Army area, VI Corps is rapidly closing in on Lyon. 36th Division gets forward elements to heights commanding the city. 3d Division is moving forward behind 45th Division. 45th Division, leaving 179th Infantry to defend Meximieux, moves up E bank of the Ain without opposition. In determined attacks supported by tanks and self propelled guns, Germans isolate 179th Infantry within Meximieux at great cost; FFI forces are sent to help 179th. In French Army B area, 2d Corps continues toward Lyon in region W of the Rhône, overrunning Serrières and Firminy.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, IV Corps begins pursuit of enemy across the Arno. 1st Armored Division, spearheading, crosses Combat Command A and Combat Command B, which push toward M. Pisano and Altopascio, respectively. On coastal flank, TF 45 finishes clearing its zone S of the Arno and crosses 100th (Nisei) Battalion over the river to E of Pisa. S African 6th Armored Division, with task of taking M. Albano, begins to cross the Arno W of Empoli during afternoon. In II Corps area, 88th Division, holding narrow zone along the Arno assigned to II Corps with Regimental Combat Team 442 ( — ), also crosses the Arno in pursuit of enemy. British 13 Corps turns Florence over to Italians.

            In British Eighth Army area, British 5 Corps and Canadian 1 Corps penetrate main defenses of the Gothic Line on M. Gridolfo and Tomba di Pesaro, commanding Foglia I valley. Polish 2 Corps, employing elements of 3d Carpathian Division, crosses the Foglia for drive eastward toward the coast, but is held up by enemy on E slopes of Pozzo Alto.

BALKANS—Allied successes on other fronts, particularly those of Red Army, force German Army Group F to begin withdrawing from Greece and islands of Ionian and Aegean Seas. Main withdrawal route, rail line through Skoplje and Belgrade in Yugoslavia, is so effectively hit by U.S. Fifteenth Air Force during first half of September that air withdrawal is begun from fields in Athens area. All 3 fields are left unserviceable by Fifteenth Air Force attacks during latter half of month.

NEW GUINEA—Regimental Combat Team 123 of 33d Division, untried in combat, arrives at Maffin Bay from E New Guinea to protect 31st Division as it stages for invasion of Morotai I.






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