Friday, September 6, 2024

80 Years Ago, Saturday, 2 September 1944


PACIFIC—Submarine Guardfish (SS-217) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Shirakami Maru north of Chichi Jima, 29°48'E,140°20'E.

            Submarine Finback (SS-230), while lifeguarding for Chichi Jima strike, rescues Lieutenant (jg) George H.W. Bush, A-V(N), USNR, of VT 51; Bush will eventually become the 41st President of the United States.

            British submarine HMS Sirdar sinks Japanese guard boat No.5 Kaiyo Maru off northwestern Sumatra, 03°55'N,096°20'E; and submarine HMS Strongbow sinks Japanese army cargo ship No.1 Toso Maru off west coast of Siam,07°57'N, 98°49'E.

            Aircraft flying from TG 38.4’s carrier Enterprise (CV6) further damage Japanese landing ship T.4 previously damaged by aircraft off Chichi Jima.

            Aircraft sink Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser No.2 Misago Maru north of Mindanao.


EIGHTH AF—A P-47 group strafes gun positions and road and rail trafflc in Bruges-Ghent-Courtrai-Roulers area.

NINTH AF—IX TAC, moving with US First Army, transfers HQ to Versailles. On 11 September HQ follows the ground forces to Jamioulx. Weather grounds bombers. Fighters fly armed reconnaissance and area support to ground forces in Belgium and NW, NE, and E France.

TWELFTH AF—B-25’s bomb 3 bridges in Po Valley, following raid during 1/2 September by A-20’s which hit pontoon bridge and targets of opportunity in the Valley. Fighter bombers blast roads, bridges and gun emplacements in Po Valley, docks at Savona, and shipping off shore. France-based fighter bombers, hampered by poor weather, hit barracks and rail lines in Lyon area.

FIFTEENTH AF—XV FC (Prov) is activated and given control of the 306th Fighter Wing (Prov) and 306th Fighter Wing (Prov)— shortly to be organized—and their 7 fighter groups. 380-plus heavy bombers hit Kraljevo railroad bridge and marshalling yard, railroad bridge at Mitrovica, road bridge at Supovac, and 3 marshalling yards at Nish. 27 P-38’s dive-bomb Cuprija road bridge while 57 P-38’s and 112 P-51’s strafe road and railways in Nish and Belgrade areas. Other P- 51’s escort Nish and Supovac bombing missions.

TENTH AF—8 B-25’s hit targets along Burma Road S of Wanling, including the road itself and bridges at Kawnghka and Namhpakka. Another B-25 hits alternate target, an area in Indaw. 24 B-24’s haul fuel to Kunming.

FOURTEENTH AF—2 B-25’s bomb runway at Hengyang airfield. 30 P-40’s attack gun positions, troop concentrations, and sampans in Hengyang and Changning areas. 20 P-40’s hit similar targets S of Changsha, W of Pengtse, and in Siangtan area. 12 P-51’s damage bridge at Yangtien.

FEAF—B-24’s operating in strength bomb warehouses at Lasang, shipyards and personnel areas at Bunawan, and airfield at Likanan. B-25’s hit warehouses and shipyards along Lembeh Strait, while other B-26’s hit position near Pitoe airfield on S Morotai I. B-24’s bomb Koror. Fighter bombers hit Sorong area and forces at Cape Pus and Boikin.

SEVENTH AF—2 Saipan-based B-24’s hit Yap and Pagan. P-47’s hit AA positions on Pagan with rocket and strafing attacks. Marshalls-based B-25’s bomb Ponape and Nauru.



N FRANCE-BELGIUM—21 Army Group: In Canadian First Army’s British 1 Corps area, 49th Division continues along Le Havre Peninsula toward the port, reaching enemy outposts. 51st Division takes St Valery-en-Caux. In 2 Corps area, Canadian 4th Armored Division reaches the Somme E of Abbeville and Polish 1st Armored Division is rapidly approaching the river W of Abbeville.

            In British Second Army’s 12 Corps area, 7th Armored Division drives NE from the Somme to positions beyond St Pol. 30 Corps continues northward so rapidly that planned drop of airborne forces in Tournai area is not necessary. Guards Armored Division reaches Tournai. 11th Armored Division drives to Lille area.

            12th Army Group: Gen Eisenhower, at a commanders’ conference, outlines plans for Third Army and V Corps of First Army to drive to West Wall (Siegfried Line) after supply situation improves.

            In U.S. First Army area, XIX Corps gets advance elements into Belgium and drives toward Tournai. V Corps releases French 2d Armored Division, in Paris area, to First Army reserve. Corps continues steadily NE, overrunning Noyon and St Quentin, until ordered to halt on general line Landrecies–Le Cateau–Cambrai. VII Corps pursues enemy into Belgium, crossing border near Maubeuge and Hirson. 3d Armored Division drives to vicinity of Mons. 9th Division, to right, swings NE to positions near Charleroi. 1st Division moves forward to left rear of armor.

            U.S. Third Army is immobilized for lack of fuel. VIII Corps continues to batter outer defenses of Brest. 2d Division takes Hill 105, dominating E approach to the city. 8th Division is battling for Hill 80 and 29th Division for Hill 103. Elements of 83d Division invade Ile de Cézembre, which surrenders. In XX Corps area, while 3d Cavalry Group reconnoiters to the Moselle, 7th Armored Division feints to N from Verdun to confuse enemy, halting short of Sedan when fuel runs out. In XII Corps area, 80th Division ( — ) relieves Combat Command A of 4th Armored Division in Commercy bridgehead; 319th Infantry crosses the Meuse to N at St Mihiel. 2d Cavalry Group patrols to the Moselle. Combat Command B, 6th Armored Division, relieves 35th Division of task of protecting S flank between Orléans and Auxerre.

S FRANCE—In U.S. Seventh Army area, 1st ABTF regains contact with enemy and clears strongpoint at La Turbia. Provisional Flank Protection Force (TF Bibo) is relieved by 2d Morrocan Division in Briançon area. French are to protect right flank of U.S. Seventh Army and maintain contact with 1st ABTF to S. In VI Corps area, 36th Division halts just E and SE of Lyon to permit French 2d Corps to take the city, which patrol reports largely clear. 179th Infantry, 45th Division, restores positions at Meximieux. In French Army B area, Lt Gen Aim de Goislard de Monsabert takes command of 2d Corps, consisting of 1st Armored and 1st Infantry Divisions.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, TF 45, whose 100th (Nisei) Battalion patrols to the Serchio I, crosses additional elements over the Arno and clears N part of Pisa. Combat Command A, 1st Armored Division, clears most of M. Pisano. Elements of S African 6th Armored Division gain slopes of M. Albano. In II Corps area, patrols of Regimental Combat Team 442, 88th Division, make contact with elements of British 1st Division, 13 Corps, at Sesto. Later, 88th Division relieves 442d Infantry for shipment to France with 349th Infantry and is reinforced by attachment of 91st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, reinforced. British 13 Corps meets firm opposition N of Florence on hills Morello, Senario, Calvana, and Giovi.

            In British Eighth Army area, enemy withdrawal in front of 46th Division of 5 Corps, Canadian 1 Corps, and Polish 2 Corps permits these units to advance rapidly. Canadian 1 Corps, with Canadian 1st Division directed along Route 16 and Canadian 5th Armored Division on an inland route, speeds toward Rimini, forward elements reaching Conca I and establishing bridgehead. Polish 2 Corps finds Pesaro undefended and extends positions in coastal sector to Castel di Mezzo. Corps is now pinched out by rapid advance of Canadians.

MEDITERRANEAN—Gen Wilson, Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, names Lt Gen R. M. Scobie Commander of Land Forces, Greece. His hq, the reconstituted British 3 Corps hq in Middle East, is designated Force 140 and contains 2d Parachute Brigade from Italy, 23d Armored Brigade from Egypt, and certain Greek forces, such as local police. Eventually Force 140 is augmented by Greek Sacred Regiment and Greek Mountain Brigade, latter coming from Italy. Naval and air forces are allotted to Force 140, former commanded by Rear Adm J. M. Mansfield and later by Air Commodore G. Harcourt-Smith. Gen Scobie is to secure Athens area and maintain law and order in preparation for return of Greek Government. Brig Gen Percy L. Sadler, USA, will act as deputy commander of combined hq of AMLG (Allied Military Liaison Headquarters, Greece) to handle relief and rehabilitation matters.

NEW GUINEA—In Wakde-Sarmi area, Gen Krueger declares operation terminated. Brig Gen Donald J. Myers relieves Gen Persons as commander of TF TORNADO. On Noemfoor, a second 7,000- foot runway is completed at Kornasoren airdrome. In Vogelkop area, first plane, a C–47, lands at Mar airdrome.



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