Sunday, October 6, 2024

80 Years Ago, Wednesday, 4 October 1944


PACIFIC—Minelayer Salem (CM‑11) is damaged by grounding off Tinian, Marianas.

            Mine sinks tank landing craft LCT‑579 off Palau.

            Submarine Flasher (SS‑249) sinks Japanese army cargo ship Taibin Maru in South China Sea north of Luzon,15°22'N, 119°51'E.

            British submarine HMS Rover damages Japanese auxiliary sailing vessel Mie Maru, 08°05'S, 117°00'E.

            PBYs sink Japanese cargo ship Tateishi Maru and auxiliary sailing vessels Kigen Maru and Kiku Maru, Jolo, Philippines.

            USAAF B-25s sink Japanese motor sailship Man Maru in Ambon Bay.

ATLANTIC—Two-platoon landing force from Coast Guard cutter Eastwind (WAG 279) captures German weather station at Little Koldeyey, Greenland, 76°41'N, 18°50'W.

MEDITERRANEAN—Destroyer Niblack (DD‑424) bombards MAS boat pens in San Remo, harbor and artillery positions in Cap Martin area.



NINTH AF—Bombers drop leaflets in Metz, Saint‑Die, and Saarburg areas. Fighters support US First and Third Armies in Western Germany and Eastern France, escort medium bombers, and fly armed reconnaissance in forward areas, attacking rail and military targets.

TWELFTH AF—Weather restricts medium bombers to attacks on 2 bridges at Bistagno and Villafranca d’Asti. Fighter bombers closely support ground forces fighting in Loiano‑Quinzanod’Oglio‑Sassoleone areas, and hit communications North of battle areas.

FIFTEENTH AF—327 B‑17’s and B‑24’s, with fighter escort, bomb Munich Western marshalling yard. Around 400 other heavy bombers attack rail line in Trento‑Mezzaselva area (covering over 50 mi of the Brenner route), Aviano airfield, Avisio viaduct, and railroad and road bridges at Pinzano al Tagliamento, Pordenone, Latisana, Casarsa della Delizia, Mezzocorona, Ora, and San Dona di Piave. 39 P‑51’s strafe Tatoi, Kalamaki, and Eleusis airfields. Other P‑51’s escort MATAF C‑47’s and fly reconnaissance.

TENTH AF—8 P‑47’s damage approaches to bridge between Myitkyina and Bhamo. 16 P‑47’s hit town of Palwesho. 4 others hit small towns South of Bhamo, including Man The and Hantet.

FOURTEENTH AF—5 B‑25’s hit Hsinantien and areas North of Chefang. 80‑plus P‑40’s and P‑51’s continue to attack targets of opportunity during armed reconnaissance over areas of China South of the Yangtze. More than 20 fighter bombers hit buildings, troops, and river shipping in Paoching area.

FEAF—B‑25’s bomb Sidate and and Bolaang‑oeki. P‑40’s and B‑25’s attack Galela and Kaoe airfields. B‑25’s and A‑20’s on shipping sweep bomb town and port area of Amboina, hit wharf at Halong, and attack shipping and shore targets of opportunity at various points.

SEVENTH AF—B‑24’s from Saipan attack shipping West of Iwo Jima and bomb airfields, radio station, buildings, and area targets on Marcus, Pagan, and Iwo Jima. P‑47’s hit gun positions, beach defenses, buildings, and wharf area on Pagan. B‑24’s from the Marshalls bomb airfield at Moen.

ELEVENTH AF—A B‑24 weather aborts a photo run off Matsuwa. 4 B‑25’s’s bomb a freighter and a barge off Shimushu. 15‑17 fighters intercept and the B‑25’s score one victory.


WESTERN EUROPE—Bombers widen gap in Westkapelle Dike on Walcheren Island.

21 Army Group: In Canadian First Army’s British 1 Corps area, Canadian 2d Division, continuing Win region North of Antwerp toward Zuid Beveland, has cleared Merxem–Eekeren area.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, VIII Corps assumes responsibility for sector between First and Third Armies previously held by V Corps.

            In U.S. First Army’s XIX Corps area, enemy, having massed reinforcements, counterattacks strongly, particularly against Uebach, where he is thrown back by combined efforts of 117th Infantry of 30th Division, armor, and artillery; 119th Infantry repels attack on its South flank. After considerable delay because of enemy attacks, Combat Command B of 2d Armored Division attacks from Uebach—TF Hinds (Col Sidney River. Hinds) on left, taking objective heights about Hoverhof, a mile North of Uebach, and continuing beyond there to high ground East of Zweibruggen, and TF Disney (Col Paul A. Disney) on right, gaining about 800 yards toward Geilenkirchen–Aachen highway at cost of 11 tanks and heavy casualties. 119th Infantry is unable to advance from Rimburg woods; at night moves TF Cox (Lt Col William C. Cox), northward to envelop enemy barring advance. 120th Infantry attacks West of the Wurm at Kerkrade; Germans counter strongly but withdraw during night. Continuing limited attacks, 115th Infantry of 29th Division takes Breberen, on the far side of Saeffler Creek, where it is relieved by 113th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, but is unable to clear woods near Hatterath and loses 4 Company K in Schierwaldenrath. 7th Armored Division continues to fight hard but indecisively near Overloon. 113th Cavalry Group, having suffered heavy losses, breaks off action South of Peel Marshes. V Corps changes target date for West Wall offensive to 10 October; directs 28th and 4th Divisions to reconnoiter in force to East beginning on 6 October.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, 90th Division units maintain positions on slag pile North West of Maizièreslès-Metz while plans are being made to attack the town itself. 5th Division sends Company K, 2d Infantry, to Fort Driant to assist hard-pressed elements of 11th Infantry there. Enemy positions are slowly and laboriously being cleared. Germans from tunnels again counterattack after nightfall. In XII Corps area, German predawn counterattack isolates elements of 317th Infantry, 80th Division, in Sivry. Both sides move up reinforcements. Company E attempts in vain to reach Americans within the town. Remnants of the isolated force succeed in rejoining main body.

            6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army’s XV Corps area, 315th Infantry of 79th Division reaches North–South road through Forêt de Parroy near its junction with main East–West road, but 314th, to right, is checked by enemy counterattack. In VI Corps’ area, 3d Division’s 7th Infantry begins assault on Vagney, South West of Gerardmer.

            In French 1st Army’s 2d Corps area, the French 1st Armored Division begins attack to envelop and take Le Thillot but is soon brought to a halt by determined opposition in Longegoutte and Gehan forest North of the town and in Servance–Château Lambert area to South.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s II Corps area, 168th Infantry of 34th Division holds positions on slopes of Hill 747; 133d clears M. Venere. 91st Division is halted short of Loiano by stiff opposition. 339th Infantry, 85th Division, takes Quinzano and reaches slopes of M. Bibele; 338th moves forward to relieve 339th, night 4–5; 337th gains Hill 566, far in advance of flanking forces. 88th Division gets into position to attack Hill 587, North of Sassoleone. British 13 Corps is reinforced by fresh 78th Division, whose 38th Brigade starts forward to relieve 88th Division (II Corps). 3d Brigade, 1st Division, continues futile efforts to take M. Ceco.

            In British Eighth Army area, 5 Corps orders attack across the Fiumicino to begin night 6–7. Meanwhile, Indian 10th Division struggles to advance left flank of corps to the river, crossing elements over the Uso early in day and beginning assault on heights (Sogliano al Rubicone–S. Martino ridge) intervening between there and the Fiumicino.

BURMA—11 Army Group: In British Fourteenth Army’s 33 Corps area, East African 11th Division overruns Yazagyo, in Kabaw Valley. Indian 5th Division is closing in on Tiddim.

MOROTAI—Gen Krueger declares Morotai operation at an end, although mopping up continues. Japanese dead on Morotai total 102; prisoners, 13. At least 200 are estimated killed on barges between Morotai and Halmahera. Allied casualties number about 30 killed, 85 wounded, and 1 missing. Wama field is put into use by aircraft. Permanent fighter garrison arrives and CVE’s are able to leave.

PALAUS—On Peleliu, 7th Marines continues attacks on Umurbrogol Pocket but by end of day is so depleted in strength that it is no longer an effective fighting force.




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