Saturday, October 19, 2024

80 Years Ago, Friday, 20 October 1944


PACIFIC—Naval Operating Base, Guam, is established.

            Under the overall command of General Douglas MacArthur, who makes good on his promise to "return" to the Philippines, and Vice Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid, Commander Seventh Fleet, TF 78 (Rear Admiral Daniel E. Barbey) and TF 79 (Vice Admiral Theodore S. Wilkinson) land four divisions of the U.S. Sixth Army (Lieutenant General Walter Krueger) on Leyte. Fast carriers and battleships of the Third Fleet provide support, as do the older battleships and escort carriers of the Seventh Fleet.

            Japanese aerial counterattacks (horizontal bombers) result in damage to escort carrier Sangamon (CVE‑26), 10°46'N,126°23'E, and salvage vessel Preserver (ARS‑8), 10°50'N, 125°25'E, and (aerial torpedo) to light cruiser Honolulu (CL‑48), 11°01'N, 125°07'E. Japanese shore batteries damage destroyer Bennion (DD662), 10°50'N, 125°25'E, and tank landing ship LST‑452, 11°01'N, 125°01'E.

            Submarine Hammerhead (SS‑364) sinks Japanese transport Oyo Maru, 04°41'N, 113°22'E, and army cargo ship Ugo Maru, 04°52'N, 113°24'E, off Borneo.

            Special Air Task Force (STAG 1) operations continue: three TDRs are launched against Japanese gun positions west of Ballale: one is lost, one makes a hit with its bomb but crashes before it can be directed into its ultimate target (the beached Japanese freighter serving as an antiaircraft gun site off the Kahili airstrip and christened the "Kahili Maru"), the last achieves a bomb hit and crashes into "Kahili Maru" as planned.



NINTH AF—9th Bomb division hits Geertruidenberg/Parenboom and Moerdijke rail bridges. Attacks on other targets are aborted because of bad weather. Fighters fly armed reconnaissance over eastern France and widespread areas of western Germany, attack railroads and various military targets, and support US Third and Seventh Armies’ elements in eastern France.

TWELFTH AF—Weather clears, permitting for the first time in several days a maximum effort by medium bombers which attack 12 bridges and railroad fills in Po Valley. Fighter bombers of XXII Tactical Air Command, operating on full scale, blast gun positions, troop concentrations, supply dumps, and communications targets in close support of US Fifth Army’s drive on Bologna from the south. The fighter bombers concentrate on approaches to Monte Grande area to prevent counterattacks.

FIFTEENTH AF—480‑plus heavy bombers attack oil refinery at Brux, oil storage at Regensburg, airfield at Bad Aibling, marshalling yards at Rosenheim and Innsbruck, motor transport, armament plants, and ordnance works at Milan, plus scattered targets of opportunity. P‑38’s and P‑51’s escort Brux and Regensburg missions.

TENTH AF—9 P‑47’s hit encampments and stores near Naba. 5 others knock out road bridge near Wanling and hit supply dump in the area, while 4 more attack troops and supplies in Nansiaung area. Transports fly over 200 sorties in the CBI.

FOURTEENTH AF—18 B‑25’s bomb docks and storage area at Samshui and town of Kweiping. 28 P‑51’s and P‑40’s join attack on Samshui area. 77 P‑40’s and P‑51’s on armed reconnaissance pound road, river, and rail traffic, town and village areas and other targets of opportunity around Kweiping, Menghsu, Shawan, Kaotienhsu, Pingnam, Hsenwi, Wuchou, Dosing, Tanchuk, and coastal areas of Indochina including Hongay.

FEAF—B‑24’s bomb Davao. B‑25’s hit Amboina town.

SEVENTH AF—6 Saipan‑based P‑47’s bomb and strafe Pagan. Later in the day 4 B‑24’s hit the island. During 20/21 Oct a B‑24 on a snooper mission bombs Iwo Jima.



WESTERN EUROPE—21 Army Group: In Canadian First Army area, British 1 Corps, protecting right flank of I Corps, opens drive toward Bergen-op-Zoom–Tilburg highway with Canadian 4th Armored Division on left, 49th Division in center, and Polish 1st Armored Division on right.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army’s VII Corps area, 26th Infantry of 1st Division, which is being assisted by elements of 110th Infantry, 28th Division, forces enemy to west and southwest suburbs of Aachen.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, enemy heavily shells 90th Division elements at Maizières-lèsMetz. In XII Corps area, P‑47’s of XIX Tactical Air Command breach dam and release waters of Etang de Lindre to forestall later flooding of Seine River by Germans.

            6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, two fresh U.S. divisions (100th and 103d) arrive at Marseille. In VI Corps area 179th Infantry of 45th Division attacks for Brouvelieures after preparatory fire and gains heights commanding the town; 180th Infantry, which has been pushing toward the Mortagne River from Fremifontaine area, tries in vain to break through enemy defenses along the river. 3d Division begins drive on St Dié, employing 7th Infantry, which heads for Vervezelle, northeast of Bruyères.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army area, South African 6th Armored Division maintains positions on Mont Salvaro under repeated enemy counterattacks and gains slopes of Mont Alcino. In II Corps area, 88th Division continues offensive on right flank of corps, 350th Infantry reaching top of Mont Cuccoli and taking Farneto. To forestall enemy counterattacks against Mont Grande hill mass, aircraft and artillery interdict all approaches. 88th Division is reinforced by 337th Infantry of 85th Division, which gradually relieves 350th Infantry of positions on ridge west of Farneto. Rest of corps front is virtually static.

            In British 13 Corps area, Germans recapture Mont Spadura from 8th Division. 21st Brigade, Indian 8th Division, begins drive on Mont Romano.

            In British Eighth Army’s 5 Corps area, Germans destroy bridge in Cesano as 4th Division reaches it, but elements of 12th Brigade wade the river near bridge site. 25th Brigade, Indian 10th Division, strengthens bridgehead in Castiglione area and takes south. Carlo; to south, elements of 20th Brigade secretly cross the Borello.

            In Canadian 1 Corps area, Canadian 1st Division attacks across the Savio with 2 companies but cannot hold bridgehead.

            In coastal sector, Cesenatico is occupied after enemy withdraws.

HUNGARY—Germans are forced from Debrecen.

YUGOSLAVIA—Belgrade falls under combined blows of Third Ukrainian Front and Marshal Tito’s Yugoslav Army. Yugoslavs announce capture of Dalmatian port of Dubrovnik.

EGYPT—Prime Minister Churchill arrives in Cairo from Moscow and discusses strategy for southeast Asia with Adm Mountbatten.

PALAUS—Gen Mueller, 81st Division commander, takes responsibility for ground operations in the Palaus from III Amphibious Corps. Elements of 81st Division seize Pulo Anna Island, in Sosoral Group, between Palaus and Morotai.

P.I.—U.S. Sixth Army invades Leyte, landing on east coast in vicinity of Tacloban, the capital, and Dulag at approximately 1000. Two firm beachheads are established, but at end of day they are nearly 10 miles apart. In a preliminary operation, 21st Infantry of 24th Division lands well to south in vicinity of Panaon Strait at 0930 and secures the strait without opposition. Before landings, naval guns pound assault zone, beginning at 0600, and lifting for a time at 0850 for air strike on Dulag area. Aircraft provide close support throughout day. Advance echelon of GHQ opens on Leyte at noon. X Corps lands 2 divisions abreast on north in vicinity of Tacloban. On north flank, 1st Cavalry Division, with 7th Cavalry of 2d Brigade and 12th and 5th Cavalry of 1st Brigade, lands and clears San Jose, Tacloban airstrip, and Cataisan Peninsula; makes contact with 24th Division to left. 24th Division, with 34th Infantry on north and 19th on south, meets heavy fire after initial waves have landed; against strong opposition seizes Hill 522, key terrain feature north of Palo commanding north entrance to Leyte Valley, and secures bridgehead averaging a mile in depth. XXIV Corps lands near Dulag with 96th Division on north and 7th on south. 96th, with 383d Infantry on north and 382d on south, is slowed by harassing fire and difficult terrain but takes San Jose, positions astride Labiranan River, and Hill 120; pushes inland about 2,500 yards on north and 1,300 on south; makes contact with 7th Division to left. 7th Division lands with 32d Infantry on north and 184th on south; gets forward elements on north across Highway 1 and on south takes Dulag and reaches edge of airstrip, where counterattacks are repelled, night 20–21. 3d Battalion, 17th Infantry, lands in afternoon and secures right flank by establishing bridgehead south of Daguitan River at Dao.



U.S. Army troops invade Leyte. U.S. Army 81st Infantry Division relieves the 1st Marine Division (Rein) on Peleliu.

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