Thursday, October 10, 2024

80 Years Ago, Wednesday, 11 October 1944


PACIFIC—In preparation for operations against Formosa, TG 38.1 (Vice Admiral John S. McCain) and TG 38.4 (Rear Admiral Ralph E. Davison) attack Japanese airfields and other facilities on the north coast of Luzon; task group planes damage escort destroyer Yashiro off San Vicente and cargo vessel No.6 Banei Maru off Aparri.

            Submarine Tang (SS‑306) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ships Joshu Go and Oita Maru in Formosa Strait, 25°00'N,121°00'E.

            Submarine Trepang (SS‑412) sinks Japanese landing ship T.105 off Honshu, 33°18'N, 137°42'E.

            USAAF B-24 sinks Japanese motor sail ship Hashu Maru of Tacloban, P.I.

            Japanese merchant vessel Sumiei Maru is damaged by aircraft, Takao, Formosa.

ATLANTIC—Tank landing craft LCT‑293 founders and sinks in heavy weather in English Channel.



EIGHTH AF—130 B‑17’s bomb Wesseling synthetic oil plant and Koblenz marshalling yard. 3 P‑47 groups give support.

NINTH AF—99 medium bombers and light bombers sent to bomb Camp‑de‑Bitche military camp are recalled when Pathfinder equipment malfunctions and weather prevents visual bombing. Fighters escort bombers, fly armed reconnaissance, cut rail lines in Aachen‑Rhine area, and support US VII and XIX Corps in Aachen area, and US XII, XV, and XX Corps in Metz‑Saarlautern area.

TWELFTH AF—Despite bad weather medium bombers attack bridges and supply dumps in Po Valley. Fighter bombers and fighters closely support ground forces in Apennine Mountains between Florence and Bologna where fierce fighting rages on Monte delle Formiche, Livergnano escarpment, Monte delle Tombe, Gesso ridge, and Monte Battaglia. Also hit are communications behind battle area and as far Western and Northern as Genoa, Turin, and Savona.

FIFTEENTH AF—About 180 B‑17’s and B‑24’s, with fighter escort, bomb Vienna Southern ordnance depot, Graz motor works, Southern and SW areas of Vienna, towns of Hirtenberg and Enzesfeld, marshalling yard at Zeltweg, Dravograd railroad bridge on Yugoslav-Hungarian boundary, railroad and highway bridges at Cesara, and Trieste harbor. Over 250 heavy bombers fail to complete missions because of bad weather. 18 P‑51’s strafe targets in Bratislava and Budapest areas, including supply dumps, and trains and destroy 17 airplanes at Esztergom landing ground. 37 other P‑51’s strafe Prostejov airfield and targets of opportunity in surrounding area, destroying nearly 30 aircraft and trucks, locomotives, and railroad cars.

TENTH AF—15 P‑47’s hit guns and enemy positions near Pinhe while 9 attack town of Manwein and hit targets of opportunity in the area. 8 others hit towns of Nayakaung and Nansiaung. 8 B‑25’s attack bridges at Man Pwe, Tahpalai, and Namyao damaging only Man Pwe bridge. 23 P‑47’s hit troops and stores near Tawbon and at Hkawan, knock out Kawnghka bridge and damage Wanling bridge. Transport flights continue to points throughout CBI.

FOURTEENTH AF—2 B‑25’s knock out bridge South of Mangshih. 3 P‑40’s attack sampans from Tanchuk to Tengyun while 8 hit general targets of opportunity North of Mangshih.

FEAF—B‑24’s bomb Koeandang and Langoan area. P‑38’s pound Miti airfield. A‑20’s and fighter bombers attack Liang, Kairatoe, Laha, Haroekoe, and Namlea airfield. Langgoer airfield is bombed by P‑47’s. P‑47’s hit Babo airfield while A‑20’s attack Sarmi troop concentrations. At night B‑24’s bomb Sasa Matina and Buayoan airfield.

SEVENTH AF—Saipan‑based P‑47’s hit buildings on Pagan with rockets and bombs. A Kwajalein‑based B‑24 bombs Wake during the night.

ELEVENTH AF—4 B‑25’s over Shimushiru and parachutemushiru blow up 3 buildings and damage 2 others at Cape Namikawa.



WESTERN EUROPE—12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army’s XIX Corps area, reserve battalion of 120th Infantry, 30th Division, captures Bardenberg with little difficulty, opening route to North Wuerselen. In VII Corps area, with expiration of surrender ultimatum, Aachen is subjected to heavy aerial and artillery bombardment; patrols of 1st Division probe enemy defenses. 60th Infantry, 9th Division, holds road junction in Huertgen Forest against counterattack and tries unsuccessfully to take another, between first junction and forester’s lodge of Jaegerhaus. Enemy resistance to rear is weakening. 39th Infantry tries in vain to cross open ground between Germeter and Vossenack; elements, moving along draw from Wittscheidt, gain positions North of Vossenack.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, 83d Division reverts to VIII Corps, Ninth Army, in place and XX Corps’ North boundary is moved South to Sierck-les Bains. TF Polk is given mission of defending North flank of corps West of the Moselle.

            6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, VI Corps issues instructions for drive to the Meurthe, calling for capture of Bruyères and Brouvelieures, followed by attack on St Dié. To deceive enemy, heavy program of fire is begun against approaches to Gerardmer.

            In French 1st Army area, the 2d Corps concentrates on clearing region South of the Moselotte.

EASTERN EUROPE—Soviet troops of Second Ukrainian Front force the Tisza (Tisa) River on broad front at Szeged, Hungary’s second largest city, seriously threatening Budapest; others are battering Debrecen, in region East of Budapest; still others, assisted by Rumanians, take Cluj, capital of Transylvania.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, TF 92 begins another assault on Mont Cauala in evening. Regimental Combat Team 6, BEF, takes Barga. In II Corps area, 133d Infantry of 34th Division withdraws to reserve upon relief by Combat Command A, 1st Armored Division. Further efforts to clear Monterumici hill mass accomplish little. 91st Division strengthens its assault on Livergnano escarpment, committing 363d on right, but makes slow progress; elements of 363d reach top of escarpment. 2d Battalion of 338th Infantry, 85th Division, gains crest of Mont delle Formiche in costly fighting while 3d Battalion clears East slopes; 337th Infantry inches forward toward Hill 578 of Monterenzio hill mass. 350th Infantry, 88th Division, gains foothold on Mont delle Tombe; 351st continues efforts to clear Gesso ridge. In British 13 Corps area final enemy counterattack against Mont Battaglia is repelled.

            In British Eighth Army’s 5 Corps area, 56th Division, upon relief on right flank of corps by 1st Division of Canadian 1 Corps, is withdrawn to reserve and reduced to a skeleton force. Boundary between 5 Corps and Canadian 1 Corps is altered to place Highway 9 within zone of Canadian 1 Corps. Indian 10th Division and 46th Division continue toward the Savio and Cesena, seizing Montecodruzzo, heights East of the Rubicone at Montiano, and Montenovo. In Canadian 1 Corps area, 1st Division strengthens and expands bridgehead across the Fiumicino, moving along Highway 9 almost to the Rigossa. New Zealand 2d Division establishes 2 bridgeheads across the Fiumicino North of Savignano without opposition and, during night 11–12, takes Gatteo.

CBI—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek asks that President Roosevelt recall Gen Stilwell immediately.

P.I.—Carrier aircraft of Third Fleet attack Luzon to neutralize enemy airpower there.




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