Friday, October 4, 2024

80 Years Ago, Sunday, 1 October 1944


UNITED STATES—Office of Deputy Commander in Chief U.S. Fleet and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Vice Admiral Richard S. Edwards) is established.

PACIFIC—Special Air Task Force (STAG 1) drone operations continue with two separate attacks on Japanese positions on Bougainville. In the first, four TDRs are launched against antiaircraft gun positions on Ballale and Poporang Islands; one lands in the midst of them, a second detonates within 100 feet of the southwest end of Ballale runway; two explode on Poporang in the general area of the target. In the second, four TDRs (two allocated to each target) are launched against antiaircraft positions on Kangu Hill, two miles south of Kahili airdrome, and the Pororeri River bridge north of Kangu Hill; the first two TDRs hit the lower slope of Kangu Hill but one does not explode; one TDR crashes (perhaps hit by antiaircraft fire) while the second cannot find the target, and explodes north of Kangu Hill.

            Destroyer Bailey (DD‑492) is damaged by strafing off Palau, 06°59'N, 134°13'E.

            During minesweeping operations in Ulithi lagoon with TU 33.13.1, motor minesweeper YMS‑385 is sunk by Japanese mine in Zowariyau Channel, 09°52'N, 139°37'E.

            Submarine Cabrilla (SS‑288) sinks Japanese tanker Kyokuho Maru, and merchant tanker Zuiyo Maru in South China Sea, west of Luzon, 16°15'N, 119°43'E.

            Submarine Hammerhead (SS‑364) sinks Japanese ore carriers Kokusei Maru and Hiyori Maru and cargo ship Higane Maru north of Borneo, 06°30'N, 116°11'E.

            Submarine Snapper (SS‑185) sinks Japanese coastal minelayer Ajiro and transport Seian Maru northwest of the Bonins, 28°11'N, 139°30'E.

            Submarine Trepang (SS‑412) sinks Japanese supply ship Takunan Maru north of Ogasawara-gunto, 25°30'N,142°30'E.

            Auxiliary minesweeper Kaiyo Maru is sunk by mine off Tsingtao, China.

MEDITERRANEAN—Destroyer Gleaves (DD‑423) shells German gun positions in Ventimiglia, Italy, area and encounters intense shore battery fire; destroyer Benson (DD‑421) shells enemy gun emplacement and then destroys two Italian motor torpedo boats (MAS).

            Destroyer Forrest (DD‑461) is damaged in collision with tank landing ship LST‑550 off Southern France, 43°20'N,05°20'E.



NINTH AF—XXIX Tactical Air Command (Provisional) locates advance HQ at Arlon. Weather prevents bomber operations. A few fighters fly armed reconnaissance over Eastern France and wide areas of Western Germany and patrol battle areas. Night patrols are flown over Eastern France and Luxembourg.

TWELFTH AF—B‑25’s and B‑26’s attack bridges, fuel dumps, factory, and barracks in Central and Western Po Valley, including 3 attacks on Piacenza while XII Fighter Command’s light bombers hit fuel dump and bivouacs and fighter bombers blast guns and communications in mountainous battle areas between Florence and Bologna.

FIFTEENTH AF—5th Photo group, reconnaissance, with component units, is assigned to Fifteenth AF, completing the full establishment of 21 heavy bomber groups, 7 fighter groups, and 1 reconnaissance group, as authorized in War Department Directive of 23 Oct 43. Weather permits only photo and weather reconnaissance missions.

TENTH AF—34 P‑47’s bomb Thetkegyin while 20 others hit railroad targets throughout Northern Burma railroad corridor and troop concentrations at Ponlon. 4 P‑47’s bomb Shwegugale while 6 others hit Lungling and sweep Burma Road in the area.

FOURTEENTH AF—18 B‑25’s bomb Tien Ho and White Cloud airfields, town of Wuchou, and targets of opportunity in Samshui and Canton areas. 100‑plus P‑40’s and P‑51’s on armed reconnaissance throughout China areas South of the Yangtze hit variety of targets of opportunity, concentrating on communications targets and troops in Mangshih and Hsinganhsien areas.

FEAF—B‑24’s bomb Langoan while B‑25’s hit Lembeh Island, Menado, and Bolaangoeki port. B‑24’s bomb Taka while P‑38’s hit Amahai, Kairatoe, and shipping off Amboina. B‑25’s and P‑38’s on shipping sweeps off Halmahera Island destroy several barges and luggers. A‑20’s and P‑38’s attack Urarom airfield and Fak Fak supply dumps, while P‑40’s hit Doom Island and targets of opportunity in Windissi, Idorra, and MacCluer Gulf. P‑47’s and A‑20’s hit Doeroa, Langgoer, and Faan airfields.

SEVENTH AF—B‑24’s from Saipan strike airfield on Iwo Jima. B‑25’s from Makin bomb Nauru while B‑24’s, staging through Eniwetok, hit Truk.



WESTERN EUROPE—21 Army Group: In Canadian First Army’s 2 Corps area, mop-up of Calais is completed during morning. In British Island Corps area, Canadian 2d Division begins drive West across Antwerp–Turnhout Canal toward Beveland Peninsula through North suburbs of Antwerp. 49th Division is engaging enemy North of St Leonard. Polish armor crosses Dutch frontier on right flank of corps.

            In British Second Army area, Germans make another strong but futile attempt to reach Nijmegen bridges, pushing South from Arnhem.

            12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, XXIX Tactical Air Command of U.S. Ninth Air Force, which is to support Ninth Army, is detached from IX Tactical Air Command and becomes an independent body. VIII Corps, consisting of 2d and 8th Divisions and supporting units, prepares to take over sector of V Corps, First Army. U.S. First Army spends most of its time during October encircling and reducing Aachen, from which drive on Cologne is to begin. In XIX Corps area, two-pronged attack to clear Peel Marshes continues to gain little ground. Main offensive of corps, attack on West Wall between Aachen and Geilenkirchen, cannot be undertaken as planned on this date because of poor weather conditions.

            In U.S. Third Army’s XX Corps area, elements of 83d Division (Company C of 329th Infantry) reach outskirts of Grevenmacher, on West bank of the Moselle North of Remich. In XII Corps area, 35th Division is clearing enemy from Forêt de Grémecey, thrusting to edge of woods at some points. Combat Command R of 6th Armored Division moves South from Pettoncourt and clears Chambrey, where it is relieved by 137th Infantry, and Combat Command A moves around West edge of the forest through Jallaucourt to seize Lemoncourt–Fresnes ridge, which it turns over to 134th Infantry. This about ends battle of Forêt de Grémecey. On North flank of corps, 80th Division begins limited attacks to improve positions West of Seille River; CO of 318th Infantry attempts unsuccessfully to take farm strongpoint that controls Pont Mousson–Nomeny road.

            6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army’s XV Corps area, 79th Division commits 314th Regiment in Forêt de Parroy: moving forward from Croismare, 314th gradually pinches out 313th and continues attack to right of 315th. Progress within the forest is still very slow. Elements of French 2d Armored Division, in conjunction with attack of 45th Division (VI Corps), cut Rambervillers–Baccarat road.

ITALY—AAI: In U.S. Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, troops of South African 6th Armored Division on M. Catarelto are forced to give ground under strong enemy counterattacks. TF 45 and Regimental Combat Team 6 of BEF are joined under operational command of Maj Gen Enrice Gaspar Dutra, Brazilian Minister of War. II Corps begins offensive toward Bologna at 0600 after artillery preparation. Enemy resists stubbornly from improvised strongpoints. On left flank of the 34th Division, 168th Infantry drive down Sambro Valley until stopped by strongpoint on Hill 789; 133d attempts to take M. del Gallete but is halted short of crest and cannot clear village of Cedrecchia. 91st Division attacks toward Loiano with 363d Infantry on left and 362d on right but is soon held up in Monghidoro area. 339th Infantry, 85th Division, heading for M. Bibele, takes La Martina and begins clearing ridge to East; on right, 337th Infantry dears the ridge as far as Spedaletto. 88th Division, although still heavily engaged on right flank at M. Battaglia, attacks with 349th Infantry to protect right flank of 85th Division in region East of Sillaro R, taking Belvedere. In British 13 Corps area, work continues on Palazzuolo–Marradi road in 1st Division zone. 19th Brigade, Indian 8th Division, begins assault on M. Cavallara.

            In British Eighth Army area, Gen McCreery, formerly 10 Corps commander, takes command of Eighth Army, relieving Gen Sir Oliver Leese, who will head Allied Land Forces in Asia. In 5 Corps area, Indian 4th Division, whose scheduled relief by Indian 10th Division must be delayed because of flooding conditions, advances left flank of corps toward the Fiumicino, pushing toward South. Martino and taking Montecchio without opposition. Activity on rest of corps front comes to a standstill along the Fiumicino. In Canadian 1 Corps area, stalemate continues along the Fiumicino. Plans to attack are made and canceled from time to time because of rain.

GREECE—From Kithira Island., British Advance Coastal Forces base and 9th Commandos move by sea to Poros Bay to reconnoiter, leaving elements of Greek Sacred Regiment on Kithira. Greek Naval Port parties land on Mytilene (Lesbos), Lemnos, and Levita.




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